diy solar

diy solar

Climate change, COVID, and other things...

I will stick to things like record snow in California & massive fire in TX.

These are just adjectives. How about you tell us what you think is record-breaking about the snow in California and why fires in Texas wouldn't happen without humans emitting C02 and didn't happen in the past.

If you are unable to explain, as I know you will not be able to, then seriously, shut up and learn to get your emotions in check and quit being a gullible fool.
There is climate change, no matter how hard you try to say it is nothing.

More broad, ill-defined terms. "There is climate change".

Yes. 12,000 years ago we would have been under 1.5 miles of ice here in the northern states.

Ya know, until Grog invented the F350 Powerstroke and burning all that fuel made the ice melt away.
Look at what these nutcases are doing!
Another conspiracy theory becomes fact (Chemtrails aka Stratospheric Aerosole Injection)

I'm a little lost on this one. My elementary school textbooks from the 80's talked about using dry-ice to seed clouds to make it rain.

Planes jettison fuel sometimes which can make funky clouds

The problem arises when conspiracy theorists say natural and normal phenoms like contrails are "chemtrails"
While we are here discussing Covid and Climate Change, here is what will really cause a lot of shenanigans to go into overdrive.
Economy ran into the crapper by the oligarchy gave us "Covid", and with CRE things are going to get a lot worse.
I think their favorite trump card "WAR" will be pulled out soon.

Liberal democrat global warming enthusiasts are effete males who have shit for brains.

Just look at the level of mountain snow vis-a-vis as documented by the Donner Party or Great Wellington Train disaster.

You're talking over a foot of snow an hour for several hours at a time over a period of days.
I'm a little lost on this one. My elementary school textbooks from the 80's talked about using dry-ice to seed clouds to make it rain.

Planes jettison fuel sometimes which can make funky clouds

The problem arises when conspiracy theorists say natural and normal phenoms like contrails are "chemtrails"

You dont need to believe any conspiracy theorists.
You just need to call them by their proper name and then do internet search

You dont need to believe any conspiracy theoritsts.
You just need to call them by their proper name and then do internet search

My point is that you have to differentiate between contrails, experimental cloud seeding and what conspiracy theorists believe are clouds of poison/obscurants intended to harm the population.

Ya dig?
"They do their business everywhere"

-Adolph Hitler~
Henry Ford talked about banksters and such

My point is that you have to differentiate between contrails, experimental cloud seeding and what conspiracy theorists believe are clouds of poison/obscurants intended to harm the population.

Ya dig?
The problem is we are not allowed to walk in round them up and smash their fingers and toes with a hammer until they admit all.
My point is that you have to differentiate between contrails, experimental cloud seeding and what conspiracy theorists believe are clouds of poison/obscurants intended to harm the population.

Ya dig?

Its fairly easy.
What you call "contrails" or engine inversion trail are very easy to spot, and they leave a very distinct, short and thin trail.
And then you get weird shit (thick foamy "trail" that slowly dissipates into thick cloud that stays in the area for a fairly long time), and especially weird when only some of the airplanes of the same altitude leave it.
The bottom line is that they have been spraying shit for years and now they are reframing the narrative that it is somehow "good".
Its fairly easy.
What you call "contrails" or engine inversion trail are very easy to spot, and they leave a very distinct, short and thin trail.

Gliders can leave contrails.

This is what I'm talking about. There are many different types of contrails but you only know of one kind and that is is the one produced by the engines under certain conditions. Contrails can get extremely wide, especially those produced by the engines.

And then you get weird shit (thick foamy "trail" that slowly dissipates into thick cloud that stays in the area for a fairly long time), and especially weird when only some of the airplanes of the same altitude leave it.

You would understand why the same plane at the same altitude can have one and another may not if you understood the different reasons they form. I would also suspect that you don't understand that even a few hundred foot difference in altitude can mean a contrail will not form because that is how weather works.

Certainly you have looked at the side of a mountain where you can see the "snow line". Solid white deep snow while just a couple hundred feet below there is nothing.
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Ted Gunderson (Chief of the FBI) talks about Chemtrails​

There are very few birds in my area now Where did they go? Pesticides? Remember when chickens stopped laying. Conspiracy. Ppl that switch feeds - chickens started producing eggs. Was it conspiracy or just contaminated feed? Can only assume.

What now? He was in a place to know.

The former CIA also said something but who knows what? The CIA = Criminals - In - America do control the news media. This was decided and allowed for even more around 9-11 …. Era. Back when they took away more of Our Rights by our own Govt = allowing Terrorist the Big Reward of a major win. Now granny in wheel chair gets anal probe by tsa. Can you imagine that job. I - you could legally rub down whom ever we wanted in public view. Look at this hot chick big tits gonna rub them and get paid to do it Legal.

Henry Ford was more in line calling them “Internationals.” “ He also was referenced to bought his favorite candy bar took a bite and immediate announced this candy bar has been cheapened and made International”. True or not I don’t know.
Other reports for testing ppl was either henry ford or howard hughes was to watch if ppl salted - seasoned food before tasting it. He which ever did not like dealing with ppl that salted before tasting. So….. quirky
Internationals look at us as serfs..since they have command and control no one is brought to justice on their team …Epstein was big deal and the recent Bitcoin type bust was another. Fry or fried whatever. Don’t care. 🤡

Ted Gunderson (Chief of the FBI) talks about Chemtrails​

There are very few birds in my area now Where did they go? Pesticides? Remember when chickens stopped laying. Conspiracy. Ppl that switch feeds - chickens started producing eggs. Was it conspiracy or just contaminated feed? Can only assume.

Regular development, cutting down trees, letting fields overgrow etc can modify local populations of birds.

Worst thing to happen here are these damn pine bark beetles. They stink like hell and did not exist in this area when I was a kid.
I will stick to things like record snow in California & massive fire in TX.
There is climate change, no matter how hard you try to say it is nothing.

The "climate" has been changing on the earth for 5 billion years. That does not mean I need to radically alter my lifestyle or give someone a platform to tell me what I can and cannot do while they pretend they can do something to prevent the inevitable changes that will occur. Based on historical records we are fairly certain that the much of the area around Egypt / N Africa was lush and fertile only a few thousand years ago. In other words the "climate" in that area was radically different. We've seen evidence of mass-migrations of humans across great distances across the planet due to changing climates and conditions. When some of the glaciers melted and we find remains of animals and people in caves underneath, I think that's a pretty good indication that at one time not that long ago, geologically, that area was not frozen over. Maybe it was planted under the ice.

Somehow we (humans) managed to adapt, without the stunning technology capability we have today. Nothing we do is going to have a significant impact on the climate anywhere on the planet in my grandchild's lifetime. The earth will still be here, and there will still be trees and forests and rivers, and people 200 years from now.

If one is simply looking for something to worry over, I'd look at volcano's. There seems to be a lot of geological shifting going on, if a coupla three volcano's start spewing one after the other, that's going to slam the weather for a bit. If the Yellowstone caldera decides to blow, it will be cataclysmic, probably creating 10-20 years of havoc across the earth. Worrying over CO2 is plain silly, but if you think everything is going to warm 10 degrees, maybe you should move farther north and buy some property. The impact of a declining population globally is going to be interesting as well. I'll might be dead before we turn the corner, completely but birthrates have plumeted across the world. Interesting, but supposedly 20 years ago we were going to run out of food. So if the global population drops to say 50% of current how does that affect the 'climate'? I know, declining birthrates are due to climate change, silly me.

The sky is not falling, and the more I hear about the next thing that will destroy the planet the less I believe the "science" has not been corrupted by the purse and the notoriety. I really struggle with people who simply read the propaganda and run with it. So much of this doesn't pass the smell test. I hope it does not lead to a civil war.
Regular development, cutting down trees, letting fields overgrow etc can modify local populations of birds.

Worst thing to happen here are these damn pine bark beetles. They stink like hell and did not exist in this area when I was a kid.

Similar problems when I lived in NC. The east coast forests were getting overrun with Kudzu I think it was. Also a number of issues with Hog lagoons polluting the local waterways. These are the types of environmental issues we should be looking at for longer term (human term, not geological) effect and perhaps some mitigation with an eye on unintended consequences. We don't need to trash our nests like we did during the first half of the 20th century. That cleanup was long and necessary, but was resolved with technology, and a bit of elbow grease.
Regular development, cutting down trees, letting fields overgrow etc can modify local populations of birds.

Worst thing to happen here are these damn pine bark beetles. They stink like hell and did not exist in this area when I was a kid.
We have plenty of trees here we have natures over growth what we are missing is the migrant birds. Maybe the illegal immigrants are eating bird soup.
We have plenty of trees here we have natures over growth what we are missing is the migrant birds. Maybe the illegal immigrants are eating bird soup.
They moved here. $#!@@$! birds. And we don't have any trees to speak of.

If there is a food supply around long enough with minimal predatory activity they will come back. I'm struggling that you would have minimal number of birds in your forest because of 'contrails'. There might be an outside cause, or it could be cyclical. There are many things in nature that have long multi-year cycles.
They moved here. $#!@@$! birds. And we don't have any trees to speak of.

If there is a food supply around long enough with minimal predatory activity they will come back. I'm struggling that you would have minimal number of birds in your forest because of 'contrails'. There might be an outside cause, or it could be cyclical. There are many things in nature that have long multi-year cycles.
I do protest never said it was chemtrails …. stated “it is something.” Finished “ can only assume” 🤣 The FBI and CIA said it was something.

I did notice this observation when my family died of covid which was really: kidney failure, - sepsis, and johnson johnson blood clots for 1 = the sky was filled with chemtrails or something. Not sure why was looking up to notice … there is no God. Or he would strike down the evil doers. No? Notice referred to God as he. Pronoun.

The illegals when paroled are often loaded in planes and flown around the country. If they walked here why not let them walk some more?
Serious question save on the co2 and chemtrails. Let them walk. Nope all aboard for the Free Express. Yippie. 🤡😀🤣

Btw if they keep seeding the clouds how will that work for ppl only just solar? Will it effect solar power production. Sometimes have to f around to find out. Lot of ppl don’t like me. It is okay. 😀
I do protest never said it was chemtrails …. stated “it is something.” Finished “ can only assume” 🤣 The FBI and CIA said it was something.

I did notice this observation when my family died of covid which was really: kidney failure, - sepsis, and johnson johnson blood clots for 1 = the sky was filled with chemtrails or something. Not sure why was looking up to notice … there is no God. Or he would strike down the evil doers. No? Notice referred to God as he. Pronoun.

The illegals when paroled are often loaded in planes and flown around the country. If they walked here why not let them walk some more?
Serious question save on the co2 and chemtrails. Let them walk. Nope all aboard for the Free Express. Yippie. 🤡😀🤣

Btw if they keep seeding the clouds how will that work for ppl only just solar? Will it effect solar power production. Sometimes have to f around to find out. Lot of ppl don’t like me. It is okay. 😀

Yeah. Ice Age frightens me.

That would be bad the bad kind of climate change.

It starts snowing and never stops.
Yeah. Ice Age frightens me.

That would be bad the bad kind of climate change.

It starts snowing and never stops.
They prove over and over they don’t know what they are doing with their Science Religion for most things. Then when called they throw up hands act innocent say they didn’t know or resign…..both
@Checkthisout "Chemtrails" as geoengineering are no longer a secret, they are talking about it openly. The only thing that has changed is that now they flip-flopped on the narrative - they are no longer saying "its a crazy conspiracy theory" instead they are saying "look we are doing it to fight cLIEmate change, see how cool that is"
I think what most ppl miss is that ppl that often say “Trust the Science” have given up on traditional religions. Being humans in our current society means if they don’t worship God then they will most likely worship something. Golden Calf. So ppl often worship things like Science without realizing they are worshipping science. Climaxer are the worst next to Covid Vaxxers… “Trust the science.” They are the ones in a CULT but accuse everyone that disagrees with them of Cult Status.

I respected this guy in meme once… not anymore account he just kept putting himself on cancel. He spoke of vaccines as if in worship for a video release he was in. Now he is just a bs’er in my book. Vaccines are man made medical bs and are loaded with known flaws like rest of listed side effects for treatments vs cures. History has proven it… and what was once called conspiracy is revealed in time. Problem is they time and control the release of evidence to have it released like a silent fart with minimum stink. Some additional 9-11 documents were recently released most were insignificant same for John F Kennedy MURDER investigations ,,,,…. Trump and Biden have both done this. Remember or know Biden as Senator or VP was not allowed classified documents at his home. Not being authorized meant they were stolen documents but why would they not just destroy them.? I dunno. Why FOIA always amazes me why tape record message or retain evidence of your crimes.
Fact the Govt can not be trusted in a shit house with a muzzle on if they were told documents of their wrong doing were at the bottom of the shit pile. No dropped turd would survive. No need to move the outhouse because it was full - will be empty when govt has their fill. Our current Govt is best sewer living creatures - we can buy..

Basically am just bitching. F this guy….too. F’ing disappointment. Bill Cosby would tell you here drink this take this pill and I will f you.
So anything afterwords was willful and agreed upon.

I disagree and and am against pro climax Science Religion. I am against man made vaccines Science Religion over natural immunities. Bible says Noah was around 600 years old at time of floods. What happened to us. My family use to live be 90-100 before modern medicines. Best seen or know of since is 84. Modern medicine is great….treats but does not cure watch those side effects.

Of course the climate changes. It always has and always will. It is the fear modeling that is nonsense.
The holy roller snake charmers of other religions converted to Pro Climate Vaccine Science religion.

Snake venom medicines … reputation since days of old when it was called “snake oil”.
For that to happen the average temp of all oceans would be around 90f. Then mild winters and cool summers. For that to happen there needs to be plenty of volcanic aerosols present worldwide. Dont worry.
Remember carl sagan and others talked about nuclear winter.

Then look how many elite are building under ground shelters to maintain themselves and their private armies.

These ppl are crazy.
Other things in California it is turning brown. Are they legal or illegals?

Since the white Race is no longer dominate in California…. Who keeps electing Gavin Newsom the privileged white boy….. come on say it isn’t rigged.
Is that why the California Govt wants to allow illegals to vote?

Mexico always said they’s get California and Texas back someday. So how many of those Hispanic Latino being counted are illegals?
Why are they voting for all the white ppl?


diy solar

diy solar