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diy solar

Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

But I have to tell you since I downloaded that app there was a reset button and it just recalibrated everything dropped it from 100 to 90% with the same voltage as it was trying to get to when it was at 100 when it hit the wall, so everything looks much more accurate now.
So yesterday at this time I’ve been at 13.15 at 90% and now I’m at 13.33 which tells me there’s 10% room to reach that 14 for possibly without an issue moving forward I’ll check it tomorrow or the next day, whenever it is, I should charge up again.

Make sure you hit 14.4 while charging, then reset SOC if that function is available.
Yes, when I was trying to learn stuff online as a total newbie, five months ago, which I still am today actually messed me right up to begin with. However, that said the battery manufacture tech guy told me my battery would last many many more years he was talking ridiculous amount of years if I went between 20 and 80 with the Full charge to 100 once a month or so.
So I was reading something today online somewhere about lithium batteries needing to be sealed up and not in your living quarters first I heard that is there anything to this?
This is common knowledge for lithium cobalt. These are the cells in power tool batteries and laptops. Fires have happened, tho with how many power tool batteries are out there and the ABUSE they get it seems like its pretty unlikely beyond physical damage that they light up. They can also get really angry when they are old and recharged.

Lifepo4 are MUCH safer. Think of it like a dry log sitting in your house. It would be very rare for it to spontaneously combust but it could burn like a dry log if something ignited it, like wires or bms.

Most of us here trust lifepo4 in our houses and there is one here on the forum at least hear that sleeps well with lithium cobalt rescued cells.
Life is about risk/reward.
Im not worried about mine but I am also a freak with a thermal camera and routinely keep an eye on temps, screws, connections ect. That is what I am worried about. The constant cycling of a solar system introduces a lot of heat/cool cycles. These cycles are exactly what loosens connections. loose connections cause fires too.
Very interesting that said, is there anything inside the battery talking about connections can they get loose and you would never know it?
Very interesting that said, is there anything inside the battery talking about connections can they get loose and you would never know it?
Those connections are usually torqued to a spec that would mostly prevent that. If I was you I would certainly be curious enough to open it up and use my thermal camera. But I dont think you have much to worry about there. I wouldnt worry about that compared to PV inputs an solar charge controller outputs. If a Pv input or output gets angry, most likely I wont be home. Also with a battery, if I am using a lot of current, I would think I would be home to smell it getting warm.
Good morning everyone

Late last night or early this morning however you want to look at it, I plugged in the 60 amp charger again. After about 2 hours I reached 14.4 v, and reached this milestone in charge on this battery.

Hoping this corrected the issue of lower voltage than normal for my lifepo4, as discussed endlessly yesterday…

So at 1:30 this morning I go to bed with SOG 14.4 and hoping everything is right. I wake up six hours later and look at the app and this is what I saw.


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Then I wasn’t pleased realizing what I’m about to see and hit the reset button now for the last five or so hours the only thing that was drawing off the battery was my 60 W furnace in my RV. And I’m in Canada and it’s very cold up here lol.


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So charging this finally to 14.4 V and the green light coming on the 60 amp charger last night/early this morning didn’t reset this battery’s issues.

Is this a warranty issue that I need to deal with with Alberta lithium which are not playing ball with me on this at all no help no support just attitude is all I get from them.
And now they’re not responding to any of my emails completely ignoring me. This battery is only five months old from new with five year warranty. I don’t know how to go about this.
Or if there’s something else that I obviously don’t know a thing about any of this, but I do know that the behaviour of the bat is completely different than it was up till about two weeks ago when I started noticing this voltage drop.
Oh and the reason you’re seeing 118 W on the pics is because I forgot to plug in my 100 watt freezer after charging up last night so it was just the furnace running but then I got up and plugged in the freezer and then took the screenshots, so it’s not like that was the wattage running all night it would’ve been a maximum of 60 W only from 14 4 V till the screenshots were taken.
This was bedtime last night with just a 60 W furnace on it until you can see the screenshots previously. I went to bed at 1:30 or so so in six hours or so this is what’s happened to this 280 amp power battery.


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Hello I’d like to find out the charging parameters for a lifepo4 battery as well as information about why I am seeing a voltage drop in my new 280 ah battery recently. I bought it new 5 months ago.
I am seeing a real change in the voltage in relation to the percentage of charge…??
I am new to lifepo4 batteries…
I live off grid in Canada year round…

Hi @Echo Dawn

Isn’t this Forum Wonderful 😁.

I speed read thru your thread here & am glad you got really good help in understanding the BMS can be a liar 😁.

I went to Alberta Lithium to try to get specs & a manual for your battery;


Do you have a manual for this battery ?

IMO, if you are interested ,,, You can obtain a really decent education & understanding of your RV Electrical System & become self sufficient in maintenance, repairs, & upgrading.

Here is a good site for some basic understanding of DC electrical;

You seemingly learned so much in a very short time here, I thought you might benefit expanding out to other areas of your electrical system. For me, a huge part of Life is Learning & for some reason RVs & RV Electrical systems have worked their way into my life as a hobby.

I will start with this for you ( in case you are interested ). Your new battery terminals;


You would be better served with a “Bus” each for both your positive “red” & negative “black” for all those “lugs” connections.
I’m just noticing “Solar Wizard” stated to “hit reset soc at the point of 14.4” ‼️
I didn’t do this. Does this mean there is still hope for clairvoyance‼️
It was the beginning of winter and no time to really mess around. I just wanted to hook it up. Did all the crimp myself pretty good with basic electrical don’t know everything at all but the minimal basics I have a fairly good understanding of.
Chargers ? 🤷‍♂️

What are they ?


This is important for you & do you have a manual for them ?

Alberta Lithium AFAIK, does not manufacture chargers ,,, they are just sell them ?

IMO, it is very important to understand a battery charge profile & have chargers setup to provide that profile ,,, this is the issue you have with a lying BMS ,,, & they all lie if you let them 😜.
Hello RV8R
Thank you I can use all the help I can get here.

Well @Echo Dawn ,,, My Experience ,,, It will be like drinking from a fire hose 😳

Tons of knowledge & very experienced members here. I typically like @sunshine_eggo posts as he stands out to be very knowledgeable ,,, but there are many members here that are very experienced.

If you have an electrical schematic of your RV system & can post that here then a huge piece of the puzzle can very quickly be “on the forum” for future help or suggestions.

I typically find factory RVs substandard for construction in general but also electrical systems. The good news is they can be improved upon. I typically look at the “Marine” industry ,,, sometimes the aviation industry for “better specs”.

For DIYers, I think the typical issues are caused by “bad crimps” or “bad connections”. Sometimes from an incorrect design. Sometimes from lack of knowledge “ like BMS are liars” 😁

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diy solar