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diy solar

Emporia energy monitor is lame, can't get the data I want, ESPHome?

I heard back from Emporia. After they kept trying to tell me how to download CSV files (which I knew), they finally understood my question was how to get 3 hours of 1 second data. it is already lame that 3 hours is all you can get, but at least I wanted that.

Their answer:


The app has a time out every 20 min, which means if the app does not see any activity, it will close and average the seconds data to the minute.

If you just make sure you're not letting the app close in 20min, you will have seconds data in your CSV files.

We DO offer seconds resolution data, and it's available for 3 hours, as long as you keep the app opened!

In order to log 1 second data, you have to be constantly babysitting the app to keep that alive.

This is STUPID. Why have a data logger you have to basically monitor in real time?

In other words, if you are looking, they show you 1 second data. If you don't look, they throw it away and only save 1 minute data.

Think about the software effort it took to make this happen. Their server has to be aware if any app (mobile or web) is open, tell the sensor to send 1 second data only then, otherwise average data to 60 seconds, and store that data. This is bizarrely way more effort than simply storing the 1 second data directly.

These kinds of irrational design decisions are hugely frustrating.

Mike C.
Get an inrush clamp meter and iotawatt and ditch emporia
I do not get the answer that they are giving you and it does not seem to be how it works for me.
You're using the wrong tool for the job.
The tool vendor lied. It doesn't collect 1 second data. They went to extra lengths to make the tool defective.

I will be flashing it with ESPHome which should "fix" the tool to do what it is supposed to do.

Mike C.
I do not get the answer that they are giving you and it does not seem to be how it works for me.
Tell me exactly how you get it to work. Emporia doesn't seem to know how, so you are doing something special.

The only way I can get 3 hours of 1 second data is to have the app open and constantly keep messing with it so it doesn't go to sleep. 3 hours of that is ridiculous.

Mike C.
I'm considering purchasing an Emporia Vue Gen 3 monitor (has wired ethernet and more reliable screw terminals for CTs).

Does anyone know if the ESPHome flash code will also work on the Gen 3 hardware?
Does anyone know if the ESPHome flash code will also work on the Gen 3 hardware?
It seems like the ESPHome community is actively working on this based on this thread:

Based on the progress so far, I think they will get it to work well. The code is unlocked, so it can be changed, and the changes in configuration seems manageable. Looks like they may have a little bit of calibration and tweaking to do, but seemingly getting close.

I'd give it a little bit to see where the ESPHome progress gets to, and I suspect it will become an "officially" supported port at some point.

The changes in Vue 3 over Vue 2 are very meaningful. The use of pluggable headers helps reduce the issues with the tiny phone jacks (I've had problems with that on the Vue 2). And the presence of an Ethernet port is very helpful when Wifi issues are present (such as range and interference).

Mike C.
Hi, all, I am new. Which energy monitoring product do you recommend ? I am in the market to find something to monitor my house as in preparation to plan a solar system. I am new and never did this before.
Hi, all, I am new. Which energy monitoring product do you recommend ? I am in the market to find something to monitor my house as in preparation to plan a solar system. I am new and never did this before.
Are you an AI?
Emporia if you don't mind a cloud-based system and want to save a few bucks. Iotawatt if you're willing to spend a bit more and want to keep it local.
Mine are on esphome. The amount of data generated is enormous. I can easily grow my homeassistant db by 10gb a month if I'm storing 1s data. Expand that to thousands of users and you have several racks in a datacenter for a $100 device that has no subscription fee. That company won't last long. They are averaging the data over a defined time period to make the storage/resource usage cost effective.

If you flash esphome, you can go to town saving whatever resolution you want. It takes all of 20 minutes to do it. Mine was never setup with emporia cloud so I don't know what that service looked like. I reflashed before install
Mine are on esphome. The amount of data generated is enormous. I can easily grow my homeassistant db by 10gb a month if I'm storing 1s data. Expand that to thousands of users and you have several racks in a datacenter for a $100 device that has no subscription fee. That company won't last long. They are averaging the data over a defined time period to make the storage/resource usage cost effective.

If you flash esphome, you can go to town saving whatever resolution you want. It takes all of 20 minutes to do it. Mine was never setup with emporia cloud so I don't know what that service looked like. I reflashed before install
The biggest limitation of Emporia Vue (gen 2, no idea about others) IMO is the fact it doesn't sample the AC waveform. Consequently its data is simply wrong for any load that has varying power factor. For example my induction hob. (It reports about a kw of power while off!).

While the software issues can be resolved by the excellent OS project mentioned the hardware is simply not up to scratch unless all you monitor are simple loads.
Mine are on esphome. The amount of data generated is enormous. I can easily grow my homeassistant db by 10gb a month if I'm storing 1s data. Expand that to thousands of users and you have several racks in a datacenter for a $100 device that has no subscription fee. That company won't last long. They are averaging the data over a defined time period to make the storage/resource usage cost effective.

If you flash esphome, you can go to town saving whatever resolution you want. It takes all of 20 minutes to do it. Mine was never setup with emporia cloud so I don't know what that service looked like. I reflashed before install
Emporia only needs flashing?

What is the soldering and all those steps?
I just added emporia to my home assistant setup and have all of the data directly in it. No app to keep awake as someone mentioned in this thread.
It draws off their servers so you need decent internet to use it if you set to refresh rate high.

Works great for me.
I just added emporia to my home assistant setup and have all of the data directly in it. No app to keep awake as someone mentioned in this thread.
It draws off their servers so you need decent internet to use it if you set to refresh rate high.

Works great for me.
So are you getting 1s data samples? I built my own meters with pzem modules and esphome but I don't think I can get the data down below 20s intervals because of the amount of modbus entries on a single bus unless I split all the sensors up onto individual esp32's which might be still cheaper that going down the emporia route but I'm still curious.
We went thru the polling rate on this stuff about a year ago. The results are on the site here somewhere.

I think its 1 second per reading but I don't remember for sure.
Just curious, why do people need more than 3 hours of 1 second data? I have the gen 2 (only CTs on mains) and it is adequate for my needs. I just open the app up when I am testing something. All I need is to see what is going on at that particular moment.
We went thru the polling rate on this stuff about a year ago. The results are on the site here somewhere.

I think its 1 second per reading but I don't remember for sure.
I saw that but wasn't sure whether that applied to esphome firmware also cheers
Just curious, why do people need more than 3 hours of 1 second data? I have the gen 2 (only CTs on mains) and it is adequate for my needs. I just open the app up when I am testing something. All I need is to see what is going on at that particular moment.
For me it's about controlling loads of I know I'm pulling a low wattage from my grid input I can turn on more loads or vise versa
For one-time flashing you can get away with just pushing pins into the holes but you can also solder the pins in and put a connector on.
Yes you get one second data even with the Emporia but it then aggregates that data sometime later, but looking on their app or website you can see it in one second intervals live.
How does 1 second data help with that (hours ago)?
Quicker reaction speeds and more accuracy for automations currently I'm limited to 20 second polling so a load may take 20 seconds to switch off but during that data input there may just be a passing cloud so a load might switch off for no reason.
More data sets more accuracy better I can set limitations to my automations.
For one-time flashing you can get away with just pushing pins into the holes but you can also solder the pins in and put a connector on.
Yes you get one second data even with the Emporia but it then aggregates that data sometime later, but looking on their app or website you can see it in one second intervals live.
From what I can see from the esp code it seems to be 5s intervals which is still alot better than I'm currently getting not real time but that's still 4 data sets in the time I usually get 1

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diy solar