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diy solar

Illegal Immigrants just ffs

D71, it may seen counterintuitive but I get your first MEME

where is best place to understand flat earthers, or MAGA thinker
IMO in a flat earther/MAGA topic.
Equating Flat Earthers with people who voted for Trump is just a stupid fucking asshole thing to do.
Is that your position? Really? I wont stop you from being a stupid fucking asshole if you want to, but there are good and valid reasons tens of millions voted for Trump. You dont have to agree with them.
D71, if I put a swimming pool in my back yard, and god forbid one of my young kids drown in it
while I was sleeping, who's fault would it be?

if I build a chicken cop out back and a fox eats all my chickens, who's at fault

if a immigrate kills someone here, who's at fault?
The immigrant as well as the authorities who saw his record and let him stay.

Lets face it these countries are not sending their best citizens. In fact lets say youre the town dickhead, owe everyone money. Always drunk, stealing stuff, wrecking cars, foul mouth, whats a good way to seek redemption? Leave the country. Go find work in America, send part of your pay home to pay your debts.

The real solid citizens stay there.
Equating Flat Earthers with people who voted for Trump is just a stupid fucking asshole thing to do.
batvette, IMO it's not the messenger that is the problem, if MAGA declares war on information,
facts and DOJ, and embraces Q type thinking (birther/pizzagate) I'm not sure I'd be that surprised
when my group makeup became very eclectic.

I get it, a vote is a vote, you have to increase your base if you want to win elections

but there are good and valid reasons tens of millions voted for Trump.
very true statement, but it's also true his actions, and words attract Flat Earther's, IMO

while trump and MAGA are chanting "LOCK THEM UP" they are thinking "EARTH IS FLAT" could be next.

bible thumpers also got his message.

Lets face it these countries are not sending their best citizens.
Batvette, that's assuming all these people are sent. (does Q fit here?) IMO they are fleeing not being sent.

I said: "if I build a chicken cop out back and a fox eats all my chickens, who's at fault"
this analogy fits here, but the chicken cop is the land of the free, home of the brave(USA)
if we don't have the system in place to deal with brave people getting on car tire innertubes
crossing oceans to get to that place, who's at fault?

say you have a law that everyone gets there day in court, even people that climb under your fence,
but you only have 600 judges when you have 10000 people climb under your fence a month. and you
have no way of holding onto them while waiting for their a day in court. who is at fault?

by the way these same judges have to deal with the 20000 people with the cash to go through
entry points each month also.

The real solid citizens stay there.
if I was walking my grandkids to school and along the way we past human bodies hanging
from trees, I would flee also. that has happened even here in the USA in my life time, lots
of people fled the south because of it.
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In fact lets say youre the town dickhead, owe everyone money. Always drunk, stealing stuff, wrecking cars.

Aka the fucktard coalition.

Tampax, Depends, Ryutard and a new edition Tommy...aka Huggies Mcfuckface.

Amongst the fucktard coalition, does a single one of them even own a solar panel? They all seem to lack vitamin D yet they all clearly love the D.

Make it make sense.😟
In fact lets say youre the town dickhead, owe everyone money. Always drunk, stealing stuff, wrecking cars.
while I may be known around my town, it's not because of drunk or stealing. I'd be most likely called
that crazy old fool the rides around town on a homemade E-bike, builds robotic snow plows and lawnmower.

but I do love my bike.

new edition Tommy...aka Huggies Mcfuckface.

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Aka the fucktard coalition.

Tampax, Depends, Ryutard and a new edition Tommy...aka Huggies Mcfuckface.

Amongst the fucktard coalition, does a single one of them even own a solar panel? They all seem to lack vitamin D yet they all clearly love the D.

Make it make sense.😟
offer them some vagisil or preparation H depending upon which one of their holes has sand in it...
Amongst the fucktard coalition, does a single one of them even own a solar panel?
carp! hoped that topic wouldn't be broached, I only have 10 230W panels, and only 5 of them pointed at the sun so far. :sleep::sick::poop:

I'll be lucky to get 100Amps(in the winter) charging current with all them facing the sun. :(

but I can dream that I could have a setup like this, someday.
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I said: "if I build a chicken cop out back and a fox eats all my chickens, who's at fault"
this analogy fits here, but the chicken cop is the land of the free, home of the brave(USA)
if we don't have the system in place to deal with brave people getting on car tire innertubes
crossing oceans to get to that place, who's at fault?
I'm thinking the reason this question doesn't get answered, is because of the direction the finger points.

taking responsibility for one's actions or inactions is not high on a lot of people's minds these days.

IMO the reason a system is not in place is because some benefit from the drama it causes.(enemy to point at)

grievance based politics requires lots of enemies.
I'm thinking the reason this question doesn't get answered, is because of the direction the finger points.

taking responsibility for one's actions or inactions is not high on a lot of people's minds these days.

IMO the reason a system is not in place is because some benefit from the drama it causes.(enemy to point at)

grievance based politics requires lots of enemies.
Tommy the problem is these ppl will sooner or later take food and resources from you.

The native americans were often depicted as gentle and such harmony with nature bs. The fact is they fought over resources and made slaves.

When they allowed enough of the settlers in they lost their country. Freedoms to fight and live as they pleased.

Guess what is going on with illegal immigration. The same called replacement. It is being pushed to those pplto come here. Mayorkas worked for an agency doing just that now he continues to do it still. Replacement …. They are going tobreak the system. Your grand kids will do as they are told in the future if allowed to live at all.
They are being told to come here. It is our fault and biden is allowing it
D71, they have been invited here for 200 years, they have been climbing under our fences just
as long, yet here we are with a five year backlog of court cases just for the ones that come through
points of entry, in the current political climate republican's have the house, democrat's have the
senate and us telling our representatives if they work with the other side to get things done we'll
call them RINOs and vote them out of a job. IMO we are the problem.

in a perfect world, anyone ticketed for illegal enter, would be taken to a holding location, see
a judge then sent back where they came from. if you need 5000 judges to get the job done, get them.
if you need a place to hold them, get it. I'm sure FEMA has some mobile temporary housing options.
once the immigration issues is dealt with, them housing options could help NY, Chicago, Miami and LA
with their homeless issue.

IMO we don't want to fix the problem, we want outrage.

the reason I think this is because a Mcfuckface like me can see how easy it is to fix the
problem, yet it's still not fixed.
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D71, they have been invited here for 200 years, they have been climbing under our fences just
as long, yet here we are with a five year backlog of court cases just for the ones that come through
points of entry, in the current political climate republican's have the house, democrat's have the
senate and us telling our representatives if they work with the other side to get things done we'll
call them RINOs and vote them out of a job. IMO we are the problem.

in a perfect world, anyone ticketed for illegal enter, would be taken to a holding location, see
a judge then sent back where they came from. if you need 5000 judges to get the job done, get them.
if you need a place to hold them, get it. I'm sure FEMA has some mobile temporary housing options.
once the immigration issues is dealt with, them housing options could help NY, Chicago, Miami and LA
with their homeless issue.

IMO we don't want to fix the problem, we want outrage.

the reason I think this is because a Mcfuckface like me can see how easy it is to fix the
problem, yet it's still not fixed.
Johnson is a Rino. He gave in vs making Biden close the border.

Nancy Pelosi has a bigger set of nuts then Johnson. She would have made Trump toe the line.

We have finite resources. At rate we are paying will soon have to cut it off. The ppl brought here will then go beserk
Johnson is a Rino. He gave in vs making Biden close the border.

Nancy Pelosi has a bigger set of nuts then Johnson. She would have made Trump toe the line.

We have finite resources. At rate we are paying will soon have to cut it off. The ppl brought here will then go beserk
and in the cities it will be a shit show... in the rural areas, there will be a lot of new fertilizer in some fields.

Cross posting these from another forum.
... Alarming!


Cross posting these from another forum.
... Alarming!

time for the actual US citizens to start shooting illegals. i proposed this on another forum about a18 months ago and got kicked off for it... well where is the consensus now? they are an illegal army of invaders and all need to be shot. every man, women and child.
time for the actual US citizens to start shooting illegals. i proposed this on another forum about a18 months ago and got kicked off for it... well where is the consensus now? they are an illegal army of invaders and all need to be shot. every man, women and child.
Nobody is going to be first but if they start something it will be put down quickly.
Unless it happens in big cities then we will just watch.
its already started in big cities the raping drugs theft... we have enough of our own turds....we don't need any other countries.
I’m sorry but I don’t have much sympathy for Democrat run cities.
They brought this on themselves.
They are going to have to feel the pain and deal with it.

Having said that if any weirdo’s venture out to our neck of the woods and get froggy…. We’ll that’s a different story all together.
I’m sorry but I don’t have much sympathy for Democrat run cities.
They brought this on themselves.
They are going to have to feel the pain and deal with it.

Having said that if any weirdo’s venture out to our neck of the woods and get froggy…. We’ll that’s a different story all together.
they already have over the last 15 years... they brought a bunch of Haitians into Washington, Indiana specifically to work at the tyson turkey plant that was nearby. the Democrat mayor was like its good for the community... blah blah blah. since then crime and drug use have skyrocketed primarily sold by a Haitian gang to locals who no longer have any jobs as they were soaked up at half the pay by the few Haitians that will actually work.

my brother sold his house of 30 years and moved about 20 miles away to get out of the crime spree they have started.
they already have over the last 15 years... they brought a bunch of Haitians into Washington, Indiana specifically to work at the tyson turkey plant that was nearby. the Democrat mayor was like its good for the community... blah blah blah. since then crime and drug use have skyrocketed primarily sold by a Haitian gang to locals who no longer have any jobs as they were soaked up at half the pay by the few Haitians that will actually work.

my brother sold his house of 30 years and moved about 20 miles away to get out of the crime spree they have started.
Yup. Democrat mayor.
Maybe one day they will make the connection.

Sucks your brother had to move though.

If anything kicks off there is going to be a lot of retribution and vigilantes.

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