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diy solar

The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

If we didnt have arms then we wouldnt have voting. Citizen vs subject.
I had a bumpersticker on my pickup that read "if it werent for guns youd be a british subject"
The 1st was meant to warn ppl the 2nd was about to be used. That can get you locked up now. 🤣
If we didnt have arms then we wouldnt have voting. Citizen vs subject.
I had a bumpersticker on my pickup that read "if it werent for guns youd be a british subject"

I'm just trying to make the point that a LOT of lives have been lost to secure our right to vote and keep it ..... It makes me angry when I see people willing to just give it away.

I'm also all in on gun rights ...... screw the people who twist it around and say we have the right so we can hunt ..... We need that right to protect ourselves from the government and other scumbags ..... the founding fathers knew that all too well.
The only thing worse than willingly giving up your voting rights is trying to convince others to give up theirs.

In my mind, when your conclusion is that the best thing is give up your voting rights ..... there has to either be some really serious flaws in your way of thinking or you have an different motive all together.
While all of you are talking about voting yourselves out of this, the clouds are thickening (Also dont forget the power structure picture i posted and remember where BIS is)

Unification Of CBDCs? Global Banks Are Telling Us The End Of The Dollar System Is Near​

World reserve status allows for amazing latitude in terms of monetary policy. The Federal Reserve understands that there is constant demand for dollars overseas as a means to more easily import and export goods. The dollar’s petro-status also makes it essential for trading oil globally. This means that the central bank of the US has been able to create fiat currency from thin air to a far higher degree than any other central bank on the planet while avoiding the immediate effects of hyperinflation.

Much of that cash as well as dollar denominated debt (physical and digital) ends up in the coffers of foreign central banks, international banks and investment firms where it is held as a hedge or used to adjust the exchange rates of other currencies for trade advantage. As much as one-half of the value of all U.S. currency is estimated to be circulating abroad.

World reserve status along with various debt instruments allowed the US government and the Fed to create tens of trillions of dollars in new currency after the 2008 credit crash, all while keeping inflation under control (sort of). The problem is that this system of stowing dollars overseas only lasts so long and eventually the consequences of overprinting come home to roost.

The Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 established the framework for the rise of the US dollar and while the benefits are obvious, especially for the banks, there are numerous costs involved. Think of world reserve status as a “deal with the devil” – You get the fame, you get the fortune, you get the hot girlfriend and the sweet car, but one day the devil is coming to collect and when he does he’s going to take EVERYTHING, including your soul.

Unfortunately, I suspect the time is coming soon for the US and it may be in the form of a brand new Bretton Woods-like system that removes the dollar as world reserve and replaces it with a new digital basket structure. Global banks are essentially admitting to the plan for a complete overhaul of the dollar-based financial world and the creation of a CBDC-centric system built on “unified ledgers.”

There have been three recent developments all announced in succession that suggest the dollar’s replacement is imminent (before this decade is over).

The IMF’s XC Model – A Centralized Policy For CBDCs

The IMF’s XC platform was released as a theoretical model in November of 2022 and matches closely with their long discussed concept of a global Special Drawing Rights basket, only in this case it would tie together all CBDCs under one umbrella along with “legacy currencies.”

It’s promoted as a policy structure to make cross-border payments in CBDCs “easier” and this model is focused primarily on currency exchanges between governments and central banks. Of course, it places the IMF as the middle-man in terms of controlling the flow of digital transactions. The IMF suggests that the XC platform would make the transition from legacy currencies to CBDCs less complicated for the various nations involved.

As the IMF noted in a discussion on centralized ledgers in 2023:

We could end up in a world where we have connected entities to some degree, but some entities and some countries that are excluded. And as a global and multilateral institution, we’re sort of aiming to, you know, provide a basic connectivity, a basic set of rules and governance that is truly multilateral and inclusive. So, I think that is—the ambition is to aim for innovation that is compatible with policy goals and that is inclusive relative to the broad membership of, say, the IMF.”

To translate, decentralized systems are bad. “Inclusivity” (collectivism) is good. And the IMF wants to work in tandem with other globalist institutions to be the facilitators (controllers) of that economic collectivism.

Bank For International Settlements Unified Ledger

Not more than a day after the IMF announced their XC platform goals, the BIS announced their plans for a unified ledger for all CBDCs called the ‘BIS Universal Ledger.’ The BIS specifically notes that the project is meant to “inspire trust in central bank digital currencies” while “overcoming the fragmentation of current tokenization efforts.”

While the IMF is focused on international policy control, the BIS is pursuing the technical aspects for the globalization of CBDCs. They make it clear in their white papers that a cashless society is in fact the end game and that digital transactions need to be monitored by a centralized entity in order to keep money “secure.” As the BIS argues in their extensive overview of Unified Ledgers:

Today, the monetary system stands at the cusp of another major leap. Following dematerialisation and digitalisation, the key development is tokenisation – the process of representing claims digitally on a programmable platform. This can be seen as the next logical step in digital recordkeeping and asset transfer.”

…The blueprint envisages these elements being brought together in a new type of financial market infrastructure (FMI) – a “unified ledger”. The full benefits of tokenisation could be harnessed in a unified ledger due to the settlement finality that comes from central bank money residing in the same venue as other claims. Leveraging trust in the central bank, a shared venue of this kind has great potential to enhance the monetary and financial system.

There are three major assertions made by the BIS in their program – First, the digitization of money is unavoidable and cash is going to disappear primarily because it makes moving money easier. Second, decentralized payment methods are unacceptable because they are “risky” and only central banks are qualified and “trustworthy” enough to mediate the exchange of money. Third, the use of Unified Ledgers is largely designed to track and trace and even investigate all CBDC transactions, for the public good, of course.

The BIS system deals far more in the realm of private transactions than the IMF example. It is the technical foundation for the centralization of all CBDCs, governed in part by the BIS and the IMF, and it is scheduled to go into wider use in the next two years. There are already multiple nations testing the BIS ledger today. It’s important to understand that whoever acts as the middle-man in the process of the global exchange of money is going to have all the power, over governments and over the populace.

If every movement of wealth is monitored, from the shift of billions between governments to the payment of a few dollars from an individual to a retailer, then every aspect of trade can be throttled on the whims of the observer.

SWIFT Cross Border Project – Another Way To Control The Behavior Of Countries

As we’ve seen with the attempt to use the SWIFT payment network as a bludgeon against Russia, there is an ulterior motive for globalists to have a high speed large scale monetary transaction hub. Again, this is all about centralization, and whoever controls the hub has the means to control trade…to a point.

Locking Russia out of SWIFT has done minimal damage to their economy exactly because there are alternative methods for transferring money to keep the flow of trade running. However, under a CBDC based global monetary umbrella, it would be impossible for any country to work outside the boundaries. It’s not only about the ease of shutting a nation out of the network, it’s also about having the power to immediately block the transfer of funds on the receiving end of the exchange.

Meaning, any funds from any Russian source could be tracked and cut off before they are allowed to get into the hands of, say, a recipient in China or India. Once all governments are completely under the thumb of a centralized monetary system, a centralized ledger and a centralized exchange hub, they will never be able to rebel and this control will trickle down to the general population.

I would also remind readers that the majority of nations are going right along with this program. China is most eager to join the global currency scheme. Russia is still part of the BIS, but their involvement in CBDCs is still unclear. The point is, don’t expect the BRICS to counteract the new monetary order, it’s not going to happen.
CBDCs Automatically Require The End Of The Dollar As World Reserve

So what do all these globalist projects with CBDCs have to do with the dollar and its venerated position as the world reserve currency? The bottom line is this: A unified CBDC system completely excludes the need or use-case for a world reserve currency. The Unified Ledger model takes all CBDCs and homogenizes them into a puddle of liquidity, each CBDC growing similar in characteristics over a short period of time.

The advantages of using the dollar disappear in this scenario and the value of currencies becomes relative to the middle-man. In other words, the IMF, BIS and other related institutions dictate the properties of CBDCs and thus there is no distinguishing aspect of any CBDC that makes one more valuable than the others.

Sure, some countries might be able to separate their currency to a point with superior production or superior technology, but the old model of having a big military as a way to ensure Forex and trade favors is dead. Eventually the globalists will make two predictable arguments:

1) “A world reserve currency under the control of one nation is unfair and we as global bankers need to make the system “more equal.””

2) “Why have a reserve currency at all when all transactions are moderated under our ledger anyway? The dollar is no longer any more easy to use for international trade than any other CBDC, right?”

Finally, the dollar has to die because it’s an integral part of the “old world” of material exchange. The globalists desire a cashless society because it is an easily controlled society. Think of the covid lockdowns and the attempts at vaccine passports – If they had a cashless system in place at that time, they would have gotten everything they wanted. Refuse to take the experimental vaccine? We’ll just shut off your digital accounts and you will starve.

This was even partially attempted (think Canadian trucker protests), but with physical cash there’s always a way around a digital embargo. Without physical cash you have no other options unless you plan to live completely off the land and barter goods and services (a way of life most people in the first world need a lot of time to get used to).

I believe that a sizable percentage of the American populace will go to war before they accept a cashless society, but in the meantime, there is still the inevitability of a dollar crash to deal with. Globalist organizations are pushing CBDCs to go active VERY quickly, and as this happens along with the centralized ledgers the traditional dollar will swiftly lose favor. This means that those trillions in greenbacks held overseas will start flooding back into America all at once causing an inflationary disaster well beyond what we are witnessing today.

As much as the economy has benefited from world reserve status in the past it will suffer equally as the dollar fades, only to be replaced by a framework even worse than fiat. That is, unless there’s a dramatic upheaval that removes the globalist order from the equation entirely…
The only thing worse than willingly giving up your voting rights is trying to convince others to give up theirs.

In my mind, when your conclusion is that the best thing is give up your voting rights ..... there has to either be some really serious flaws in your way of thinking or you have an different motive all together.

Pen and Teller said it real well.

There is some language at the end of this clip, it seems to me I have seen an F-bomb on here before, if that is not allowed please don't ban me.

If the founding fathers had written it right then it would say “ppl have to shoot bad govt. and anyone else attempting to murder you” so then anytime someone got upset we’d need a new election after a gun battle and a funeral. Or have no govt. However without a figure head that truly represents them ….. we have no voice in a big sea of ppl. Ever been in crowd where everyone is shouting? Why we have elections to get ppl in we want to represent us - not rule over. Problem is all govt want guns removed but they want their real weapons of war that we bought them aimed at us. Big Govt also wants to capture govt and continue rule over everyone. Police and Military are govt enforcers.

The left have guns too. 🤡 ever once in while see them shoot up a school or a church…places like Chicago - each other.. The biggest gun purchasers have been from left lately. Then the left agenda comes out to say see we need you to turn guns in…after mass shootings They will keep their guns. All communist want opposition unarmed so can rob-murder them more easily. As it is now the communist govt allow them to poison us slowly.

Ever notice: After a mass shooting - Each time both sides are scrambling to prove it wasn’t someone with agenda tied to them - from their group. For the Left they just bury the transgenders’ manifesto. If it had been right wing crazy then news been on 24/7 and still going.

Way back machine
When the British tried to disarm ppl they got the business end instead. An empty weapon is then nothing but a club so had reload. Unless have bayonet. Most ppl are more afraid of run through then being shot. England banned guns and now have banned knives. Modern: Imagine wearing chain mail to keep from being stabbed. 🤡
I kinda think O’Keefe is CIA or some shit.

So, we are supposed to believe that a high ranking CIA operative got fooled by an undercover O'Keefe associate ..... He was tricked into spilling his guts ... and freely admit to illegal activities .... all because Trump is colluding with Russia ..... They just had to withhold information because ... human intelligence. :ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:

We knew it was going to get strange ..... Everything else is failing, so they are actually going to try to circle back to Russia, Russia, Russia.

It's going to be real hard to believe anything from O'keefe is legit after this ..... Seems he's too desperate to make himself relevant again.
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If the good guys can't resolve their petty differences, how will we ever defeat the bad guys?​

Surely we can have a discussion among ourselves about certain things?​

The world-class psychological warfare purveyors managed to turn the world into two camps that hated each other.

One group didn’t take a vaccine. The other group took the vaccine, convinced they were being experimental subjects for the good of society, and hated those who refused to take the same risk for their selfishness. They obeyed the command to hate that was promulgated by the media. Just like the population obeyed the identical command in the book and movie 1984 by George Orwell. In the 75 years since the book was written, and so many of us have read it, we have apparently learned nothing about good and evil, love and hate.

After all, the population must have it heard it at least 100 times, and really, how many people can withstand that kind of onslaught? “Nobody is safe until everyone is safe.” What a brilliant slogan! My vaccine won’t work until everyone gets a vaccine that won’t work, and then magically they will all start working together, in perfect harmony. George Orwell could not have done better.

The camp I was in hated the vaccinated camp because the other guys wanted to put us into concentration camps, force vaccinate us, and throw us out of polite society.

And now it is 4 years later and what have we learned? Not much.

They still kinda hate us because we dodged a bullet and they didn’t. How dare we? And the other guys can’t admit they were snookered, badly, and they encouraged those they most loved to get the poison shot.

We still kinda hate them because they won’t admit they made a mistake. They took our jobs, our reputations, our businesses and they have no intention of trying to make things right for us.

What an impasse! Ego, ignorance, fear and the impossibility of facing up to the mistakes one made have taken a heavy toll on all of us.

But now the so-called good guys are spending way too much time carping and sniping at each other.

The “No Virus” crowd demand the rest of us admit there was no COVID. Some in this crowd demand we admit there are no viruses. Some have questioned the presence of bacteria as well. There are plenty of good people in this crowd. There are plenty of charlatans too. Have any of them actually grappled with the consequences of their theory?

If there was no COVID, the indisputable corollaries are:

  1. That there is no long covid. Buck up sick people, as you are in fact well. Or some of you have some other undiagnosed condition.
  2. There is no treatment or preventive for covid since there was no covid. None of those remedies you took had any effect. Your apparent benefit was solely due to the power of suggestion.
  3. Those of us who insist we treated covid are moronic doctors. Both sets of doctors are morons: those who used remdesivir and ventilators and those who used Vitamin D, HCQ and IVM. Most (99% plus) primary care docs and intensivists fit in one of those categories.
  4. Fauci, Baric, Daszac, Zhengli-Shi etc. are guilty of nothing, since they failed to create a pandemic virus, because there was no virus. There will be no trials. There are no guilty parties. The entire pandemic and all its follow-on effects were due to collective psychosis, nothing more.
  5. No one died from COVID. Either they died from something else or they are still alive, somewhere.
  6. What were people dying from in Lombardy, Wuhan and NYC and later everywhere else? Or was that faked? My son and his wife were caring for people who they knew (doctors and nurses) at NY Presbyterian Hospital and they thought they died from COVID in March 2020. The hospital was overrun with such patients for a period of weeks. By the time traveling nurses were hired to deal with the high volume, the rush of cases had dissipated. If everyone (both patients and professionals) was wrapped up in a mass psychosis, why did the episode stop so quickly?
  7. Had doctors begun a killing spree even at the very start of the pandemic, putting perfectly healthy people on ventilators, and giving them boluses of midazolam and morphine to ease their iatrogenic deaths, all over the world? Or was that practice limited to certain locations, like the UK?
  8. Where is the evidence that people with normal oxygen levels were being placed on ventilators? (There is no such evidence.)
  9. If there was no COVID, then it did not spread. Family members and associates did not get it from index cases—yet the evidence says it spread within close associates.
  10. If there was no covid, then Governor Cuomo and other Governors sending sick patients back to nursing homes to spread it to the elderly and infirm never actually happened. Then how do you explain that over 80% of deaths in many locations occurred in nursing homes?
Here is what I think. People have lost the ability to distinguish between a bad argument and the person promoting that argument. We don’t discuss the pros and cons. Instead we dismiss the person making the argument and call them “controlled opposition” or “chaos agent” or “friend of chaos agent” or something similar.

I doctor I respect recently wrote that he ghosted me, despite my obvious sincerity, because I had given support to a third doctor. Guys, this type of thinking fractures our movement.

Obviously sincere Michael Yeadon challenged obviously sincere Tess Lawrie because she pushed for early treatment. His feeling was that since there is no virus, those calling for treatment need to be called out.

If there is much more of this, I may have to call it a day and give up on the human race. Why are we falling into the traps of the hate-mongers? Why can’t we put some of our truly unimportant differences aside in order to save the species and avoid becoming many fewer chipped robots?

Can we get back to arguing about arguments and stop attacking people for holding those positions? Can’t we become as smart as high school debate team members?
Anybody listen to Levin?

Levin is type person that tries to light his own farts. Gas lighter. Money grabber Merchant Patriot.

Blah blah blah




Whoops… don’t notice who is running these LIBERAL colleges. Rut ro. Let’s see Palestine ppl forced to move here what could go wrong. Btw if you don’t like way colleges have been run you are antisemitic. 🤣🤡 Just listen to Levin blame colleges…nasal voice like most of popular money grabbing merchant FAKE PATRIOTS. Ooooo ooooo ohohhoh zowie. Gas lighter - Levin.

Why you will be a bitch until die. Cracked me up listening to him say it was Romans killed Jesus….he didn’t lie but wasn’t honest either. Nero in Rome was convert. 🤣 would not amaze me if Trump wasn’t a convert too.

Levin was Dept of Education….. 🤡 Why you can’t win. Why you will be replaced. Sorry. That is the breaks. Ppl just can’t figure it out. So They must like it ….I just wish they would stfu complaining about our poor college education system. 🤡🤣 Snicker.

Listen to Levin some more. Israel Israel Israel. 2% of the population are running the shit show you are pissed about.

If you tie rope to tree limb, let it hang down - touch ground, then lay under it, and piss straight up at the rope just might do better then listening to Levin. Piss up a rope. Try it. That is also form of gas lighting. You really need to look at the Ruling 2%

Blow this up:


Rut ro

I’ll let you figure out why NYPD wanted offices around the country. Why they were at Epsteins Island with FBI and so on. Hmmm I wonder did - do they work with the Chinese Police Dept that was - is in NYC? Hmmm Israel. At some point ppl have to go hmmm maybe we should look at this… but wait …. 🤣🤡 Snicker….. some ppl never get it…. You better Figure it out before it is to late 2% control rule.



There’s a big push on the biometric payment issue at the moment, with numerous platforms and outlets talking them up as the next big thing.

This piece in TechRadar from April 29th is the best example, claiming that PayPal is “battling the beast” of online fraud, and that biometric payment systems using fingerprints and face scans will help keep us all safe from hucksters, charlatans and Nigerian Princes:

The biometric verification system not only enhances security but also makes it user friendly. The traditional approaches to authentication, with their repeated entering of passwords, attempts to remember some kind of passwords, or secret questions, are rather cumbersome and slow. Biometrics suggest a seamless alternative. A quick touch of a glance at a camera secures access to your account—this adds up to great convenience in login time with high efficiency customers prefer, without compromising security.
So, go ahead and let Google/PayPal/whoever scan your face and retinas and fingerprints and record your voice patterns.

After all, it’s not like there’s advanced AI technology out there that could use your face and voice scans to create fake videos of you.


Florida Governor Ron De Santis signed a ban on lab-grown meat in his state this week, claiming it will protect the beef industry.

The real reason is to steer the conversation. By associating reluctance to eat “cell cultivated meat” products with prominent right-wingers they turn it into a partisan issue.

This way they are encouraging the young liberal set to embrace the “food transition” as a way of “owning and trolling right-wing chuds”, while simultaneously making left-leaning types who are reticent to “eat ze bugs” afraid of speaking up for fear of being associated with MAGA hats.

(Just wait for the “I ate lab-grown meat and it was better than the real thing” reviews to appear in Vox or the HuffPo and the like.)

Then, sometime down the line, a prominent right-winger will claim “lab-grown meat causes AIDs” or something equally asinine, and totally discredit any-and-all resistance to the fake food revolution.


Student protests against the ongoing bombing of Gaza by the IDF have been raging across US college campuses for weeks now, with increasing ferocity. They have inevitably been accused of anti-Semitism.

At the same time, counter-protests from dude bro types made the news as well, this time for being potentially racist towards black people,

It’s all so wonderfully divisive. And has allowed the US Senate to further criminalize free speech by “expanding the definition of anti-Semitism”.

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was arrested at one such protest, this was totally an organic thing that happened, and not even slightly a contrived event to increase her pro-peace bona fides before the election in November.
Scott Adams gets it. Dilbert on the war path

Sooner then later before this shit gets passed would be nice. Ppl need to stand up. You are losing your damn country. Inch by inch.

Why are you guys not upset with them taking over this country?

Beacause for every one of "them" there are at least 20 "not them".
Are you not upset at "not them"?

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diy solar