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Solar Sovereign/EG4 18k


New Member
Nov 16, 2023
Long story short. My EG4 18k had a short and batteries no longer would charge/discharge so it had to be returned. A day or so after I found this out the entire unit made a loud sound and completely stopped working. No lights or anything. Solar Sovereign said they were waiting for approval for return. It’s been about a week and I got approval today for return. However, I told them I do not have the box. Obviously I didn’t foresee such a problem(my fault for not reading other issues people had with these). They told me I’d get a return label. So after spending money and time getting a box, retrofitting box to work, packing and lots of tape, I get email instructions for return. Lol
Now I have to search out a pallet somewhere. I guess bring it home in my car somehow, and then strap it to the pallet with ratchet straps (that I have to buy) or something else. Then go fill out a request for a pickup.

So they send me a $5000 piece of equipment that breaks and now I have to spend hours of my time, money, and work to just return the damn thing. Let alone the time in installing and uninstalling. What a joke. I understand some inconvenience but this is rediculous. Like a lot of people I have better shit to do then find a pallet then find a way to get it to my home. And everything else. I’ve attached email with instructions. Just a reminded to anyone considering buying on of these.


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Rule of thumb when buying expensive equipment is that you should keep the boxes for at least six months.
If it has not died in six months then it will probably be fine for many years.
Are you a heavy inverter packing and shipping expert? I know I'm not and I would not be willing to accept the liability involved if something I strapped to a pallet came loose in transit and potentially injured someone. So, understanding what I just said, demand that they send you the replacement inverter first and by doing so, you'll have the correct packaging and pallet with which to return the defective unit.
Well today marks the 4 week and 1 day mark since I shipped the inverter back. So over 6 weeks I believe since the issues. 10 days ago I emailed them inquiring about the status. Got response email back 6 days after that email:

We wanted to follow up and let you know that the returned inverter was received and is currently awaiting testing by EG4.

What a rediculous process both in the shipping and time. Typical shit company. They make it as onerous as possible to return faulty equipment. Sucks I bought 2 eg4 power pros to. Pray nothing goes wrong. Glad I didn’t invest in taking my cabin off grid with eg4 inverter and batteries.

I told them via email originally when they told me about this bs process that since I paid via PayPal I have 180 days to dispute the payment. They have until next Friday and I’m going through with a dispute. I’ve never used it before in the 20 years or whatever I’ve had PayPal but this is a instance that definitely qualifies for that remedy.
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I've used the PayPal dispute option several times. As long as you account is good standing, and your claim is legit, PayPal will take care of it. That's probably the one, good thing about it.
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Hi Bricktop, If you ever go a completely different route, I can tell you the service I got from Sol-Ark so far has been great. There are times they have to call back if busy, but I emailed yesterday and got a response in 2 and 1/2 minutes. When I read stories of a defective unit, then a multi month struggle to return it, I feel like I dodged a bullet.
Hi Bricktop, If you ever go a completely different route, I can tell you the service I got from Sol-Ark so far has been great. There are times they have to call back if busy, but I emailed yesterday and got a response in 2 and 1/2 minutes. When I read stories of a defective unit, then a multi month struggle to return it, I feel like I dodged a bullet.
I planned on this first but after I decided on the 2 power pro batteries, I figured I’d go with 18k. It sucks because when I actually got it dialed in, before it stopped working, I like it. I don’t get it. Like they told me the problem, why now that they received the unit, does it take a month for them to test it and figure out my refund/exchange. Especially when they could see my system on their end and it wasn’t operating correctly. Only reason I can tell is just shitty business practices. Everyday since it quit working my 56 panels system is useless and instead of no power bill, their bs is costing me money.
I've used the PayPal dispute option several times. As long as you account is good standing, and your claim is legit, PayPal will take care of it. That's probably the one, good thing about it.

Yes that is why I use PayPal for this reason. They have an exceptionally long claim policy. The company didn’t respond back so I filed my claim. It’s so crazy that they can determine a product has a defect, issue a return, then claim some open ended timeframe for testing, after they received the return, is needed before any refund or replacement is issued. And just expect people to be ok or think that’s acceptable. I mean it’s bad enough you sent me a defective product I spend time installing and going though diagnosis and then having to ship back. All that time and hassle I had to do and they still want to give me the run around.

Especially for my situation where the battery short was the problem diagnosed which others have also had. The unit continued to operate just without batteries. A week or two later, the the unit makes a loud sound and then completely stopped operating and won’t even turn on. It’s like stop giving me the run around and rectify the issue. You have my money and the equipment. Beyond frustrating and a total waste of my time.

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