diy solar

diy solar

New Ecoflow delta 2 heat


?SW sunshine =⚡️⚡️lit up thru the darkness✌️
Sep 20, 2019
1000 miles to somewhere
I just received my new delta 2 and 220w panel this weekend. I charged to 100% and did a discharge cycle test using a 1100w heat gun bring it down to 0% soc.

This was less than the draw Will did on his review on YouTube video. And he had no trouble with recharging immediately after.
@Will Prowse

At that point I began to recharge from grid power and the unit would not start charging. On the screen it showed the flashing battery failure icon and the over temp icon beside it. Tried to turn off and restart several times with no luck, would not charge. At that point I figured the battery was too hot and the over heat protection kicked on. I left it connected to the grid power and went to bed.
In the early morning I checked on it thru the app and it was taking a charge but at a greatly lower wattage than it was set for.
It got to 100% SOC I then unplugged the grid power and ate breakfast.
Checked after eating and saw the display was down to 94% SOC??
Did another discharge cycle at 200w til back to 2%SOC which I set in the app.
I then recharged at 800w til 100% SOC.
Which it remained at and didn’t drop. I
ran it again on another 200w discharge down to 45% SOC then recharged again to 100% SOC. Which it remained at over night.
Today I connected the 220w biracial panels up and ran another cycle at 200w discharge off on on clouds. Panels produced up to 215w when the clouds passed then down as low as 15w in cloud cover.
Ok at a 200w discharge I was running the delta 2 was in the shade and outside ambient temp 78deg I checked the app and the battery was at 106deg!
Called Ecoflow line and was told temps should not be that high.
200w is a relatively light load from a portable evap. Cooler box.
CS said maybe I need to unplug load and let it rest??!?
Big concern at that point!! What if it’s powering a small fridge during power outage?? Unplug the fridge because the delta is getting hot?? At 200w?? ?
This unit the delta 2 is rated to easily carry that small of a load, it’s rated to 1800w.

I’m thinking I may have a defective delta at this point. Called Ecoflow and was told they would reach out by email but I’ve heard wait time can be lengthy.

Anyone else checked and tested their Ecoflow delta 2s and experienced this hot battery issue?
Sorry for the long post but I’m trying to cover everything.
Please let me know as I’m ready ask for a replacement. It was bought on Amazon during this recent event and at $899 for the delta 2 and 220w panels as a package I figured it was time to pull the trigger.
Pic of the <200>w load
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You may have a bad cell or inverter but lets try this.

Discharge the unit to 50% and let it sit for a few hours in a cool place.

Then charge it using just solar to full and let it sit for a few hours.

This is to give the cells time to balance.

Then discharge under load to 50% and keep an eye on the battery temp.

Turn off the inverter when you reach 50% discharge.
Solar cabin,
Thanks for replying✌️
On my first call to Ecoflow CS on Friday I was told by the rep to do a full discharge and charge a couple times. One would think these should be balanced by the manufacturer and ready to use because we aren’t buying cells and building a battery ? this is a solar storage unit ready for consumer use. And highly recommended as one of the best quality as my reason for buying.
Here’s was was displayed after the first complete discharge cycle.
The icons above the input display are for
Battery failure and overheat warning.
This was at a 1200w discharge to 0% SOC
Looking for others input who have bought and used and tested a delta2 ✌️

Well, these units sit in storage for months and over time they get unbalanced.

The test I suggested would tell me if it was a battery or inverter issue.

Good luck!
Thanks for your suggestions they make good sense.
But that would mean they may go out of balance during storage in your home also.
Not good.
Delta2 is relatively new to the market so Im assuming as fast as they are selling they haven’t done much sitting. Already out of stock on Amazon as of today.
Thanks for your suggestions they make good sense.
But that would mean they may go out of balance during storage in your home also.
Not good.
Delta2 is relatively new to the market so Im assuming as fast as they are selling they haven’t done much sitting. Already out of stock on Amazon as of today.
Sure they can become unbalanced and the recommendation is to check the charge about every 4 months when in storage and do a charge and discharge to rebalance.

That is just the nature of LFP batteries that comes with using them.
? I’m familiar with the process I’ve assembled and built a few batteries in the past 4 years.
But 90% of these solar storage units are mostly stored and only used by consumers on emergencies, power outages, picnicking and dry camping if this were an issue there would have been many balance issues posted on these prefab all in one battery and solar storage units , but there isn’t any I can locate. Please if you find some please post them.

I’m thinking all the work and research and testing they’ve put into the engineering the Ecoflow design they would incorporate a BMS that handles basic balancing. My concern is mainly centered around battery charging discharging temps which look to be abnormally high.
Big concern as heat is not kind to these LFP batteries.
I reckon not many on here have tested their Ecoflow delta 2 looking for others experience with delta2 and have noticed heat issues. Unit works well otherwise but I am concerned with high temps charging and discharging.
Still waiting for Ecoflow email on this. ?
Any update on the heat issues?
My heat issues were caused by extreme usage. Top charge speed and high discharging/charging amperage on initial break-in doing full
100% > 0% SOC then 0% back to 100% SOC cycles.
Not a heathy way to operate due to this causing high heat in the batteries and other components (113deg limit) and will shorten its useful life.
Used normally I have had no issues in 10 months. I set charging at 500w/ .5c and only discharge high for short periods keeping well ventilated everything stays cool.

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diy solar