diy solar

diy solar

Beginner tip for building a battery pack...


Solar Enthusiast
Dec 10, 2022
When you are putting on the busbars, don't tighten the bolts with just one bolt in the bus bar. If you do, the busbar will swivel and short off the adjacent cell. I learned this when it happened to me the first time, which of course was when tightening down the main positive, which swiveled into the main negative 😂.

Got some nice sparks and a little molten metal flying. I always heard not to drop the wrench/socket, but didn't even think about this route to cause sparks!
When you are putting on the busbars, don't tighten the bolts with just one bolt in the bus bar. If you do, the busbar will swivel and short off the adjacent cell. I learned this when it happened to me the first time, which of course was when tightening down the main positive, which swiveled into the main negative 😂.

Got some nice sparks and a little molten metal flying. I always heard not to drop the wrench/socket, but didn't even think about this route to cause sparks!

When you get done changing your shorts and crying like a little girl in pigtails you will realize it isn't that bad.
Did something similar. Placed the buss bars in position over the studs and the balance harness snagged one, lifted off one end than rotated right in to trouble. 💥 That freaking woke me up. New rule; at least one nut spun down so it doesn’t go anywhere before I let go of a placed buss.
This is one bonus of threaded studs/nuts, soon as you drop the bus bar on the studs she won’t rotate at all.
so what you are saying is you've never used a wrench or socket to tighten something with a free end before or never bolted down a wire with a ring terminal?
so what you are saying is you've never used a wrench or socket to tighten something with a free end before or never bolted down a wire with a ring terminal?
Actually learned in the automotive world to thread all fasteners on the part before any are snugged up. I think that applies here also.
Actually learned in the automotive world to thread all fasteners on the part before any are snugged up. I think that applies here also.
definitely applies, started both ends of EVERY bus bar before even going hand tight let alone snugged up (which will be my last step before I put the lid on the case in a few minutes, just finalizing everything now).

diy solar

diy solar