diy solar

diy solar

Solar Panel price Soaring after June 6th?

Is it that bad for the US? most things are at least double the price.
Panel specifications are irrelevant here in asia theres no point in buying anything but the newest technology(likely they just look at raw materials cost rather than specs) a 600w bifacial works out at about $0.13 per watt then a 380w regular mono comes in at $0.20 per watt and as time goes on anything below 400w is becoming almost impossible to source likely they export the old tech to the west after testing the market here.
I just got en email from Santansolar saying that panel prices are going to go up and that I should buy more panels now before they go up.

Also saw this article :

Any thoughts? Should we listen to santansolar or are they just trying to get more money out of us?
I saw santan solar's email. They're trying to sell solar panels, no other goal. I think we'll see solar panels go up to what they were last year at the most.

News here in SEAsia this morning is many panel factories are shutting down as they forsee a lul in demand, not sure what that will do to the prices here as they are almost sickening low at €63 for a 550w bifacial.
however this will definitely increase prices. Any places shutting down = prices go up
Here's the original link if anyone is interested seems mainly in Vietnam and Malaysia but if the 271% tariff comes into place then I'm sure this is only the start.
I don't know the facts. I'm not sure if any of us actually know them especially behind closed doors.
But one can argue that the production in these secondary countries are a small percentage of total output and that it will help them save money and reduce costs and can continue to keep prices down. I'm not sure if this is a valid argument though. Just putting it out there.

Another problem I see is that California is one of the biggest demand zones for solar. There are new laws that discourage solar. And most people that wanted solar already have them. The high interest rates are keeping demand low for the average house. And people aren't buying new houses to put solar on to begin with. So I think demand will continue to be low throughout the rest of the year into next summer.
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This is nothing compared to the price increase once silver goes up.
Silver has not even kept up with inflation for past 35 years.....what makes you think things will change?
PS: There is only $15 in silver on average for each solar panel in todays inflated USD.
Trying to call a low is very hard in any market of commodity or user item …and calling a high is almost impossible unless it’s restricted by rules .

I just loaded up with more new 400 watt panels than I will foreseeable ever need for my situation for about 38 cents per watt that includes shipping & tax , with full warranty... Gona put some back as spares and extras.

Yes they could drop a bit more Or , they could go up due to many reasons. The last time I bought new panels they were 1.25 with tx and shipping.. I thought that was a steal…ha.

no one really knows where the bottom is or its duration.

If it gets ridiculously low I may stock pile some more …like one does metals , meds, food , ammo or whatever…

These events and low pricing usually dont last long…there is a finite bottom very close to where the market is now…it’s called ZERO…!
And it can’t go there …or near there actually ..otherwise they are free….+ shipping and tax.

All markets rebound at some point or they drop production which forces the price back up or they simply go out of business or stop production permanently ,as the product is no longer needed…

and if one misses the low prices ,then one wind up chasing the market up..and generally uses a lot of colorfull language as it continues up each day.

I think now is an excellent point on a panels ….

I have never seen such prices for good new stuff…

and for the first time ever I’m not trying to figure which kind and how many and at what price ….

The panel search is over for me…I like that feeling… now I can think of other stuff to go get…

Silver has not even kept up with inflation for past 35 years.....what makes you think things will change?
PS: There is only $15 in silver on average for each solar panel in todays inflated USD.
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Silver is the biggest sleeper in the markets Even at 30…….…I say 50+ before election ….
….just my guess
Silver has not even kept up with inflation for past 35 years.....what makes you think things will change?
PS: There is only $15 in silver on average for each solar panel in todays inflated USD.
We are in a deficit for physical, much higher then being reported. China used 400million oz, last year just on panels but they are reporting half that. We are going back to metals for money. Why else would the US mint ad the security feature to the newer coins? For fun?

The price being held back with a 100+ to 1 paper market is like holding the pendulum back to far for to long. The return swing past normal will be epic.
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We are in a deficit for physical, much higher then being reported. China used 400million oz, last year just on panels but they are reporting half that. We are going back to metals for money. Why else would the US mint ad the security feature to the newer coins? For fun?

The price being held back with a 100+ to 1 paper market is like holding the pendulum back to far for to long. The return swing past normal will be epic.
Silver and gold are being manipulated as always… no question…you can’t cheat with gold but you can cheat with dollars …’s been that way since we went off the gold standard and for the last 35 years of my commodity and metal dealer trading…
I stopped postion trading when computers and the lose of the floor exchange ruined the call out trading… day trading became the thing but computers will kill you with their speed .. you can’t compete with algorithms easily…they are very good at scalping points.
My first teacher of the market along time ago said somthing I have seen be true so many times…

“The further a market is manipulated either up or down determines to what level it will rebound and with what level of vengeance..” …just like a pendulum does…

Expect a extreme volatile moves once the world leaders get their hands out of the cookie jar and normal market forces return…

But that’s assuming they do…they are in total control anymore.
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We are in a deficit for physical, much higher then being reported. China used 400million oz, last year just on panels but they are reporting half that. We are going back to metals for money. Why else would the US mint ad the security feature to the newer coins? For fun?

The price being held back with a 100+ to 1 paper market is like holding the pendulum back to far for to long. The return swing past normal will be epic.
USD is on a pretty scary trajectory:
- Inflation/CPI up. US economy growth is down.
-Treasury auctions (some say money printing) at all time high, BUT FEWER BUYERS even though yields are at record highs!
-Federal reserve bank (no longer sovereigns are buying) has become one of the largest US treasury purchasers....US IS BUYING THIER OWN DEBT!
-China/Japan reducing US treasury bags.
-Sovereigns moving away from direct US Treasury ownership into treasury-backed stablecoins, PMs (China biggest gold buyer), and recently Bitcoin (Ecuador, Argentina, even US gov has a big bag).

USD will transition (some say " the great reset") eventually, but moving to a silver/gold backed standard will never happen again.
All fiats fail.....history backs this up. This is not "new" news.
Stacking PMs has it's place IMO as last-resort self preservation, but stacking "to make money" over longterm is nonsense.
And to stack US issue silver based on "security feature"??
And pay upwards of 24% premium on the ounce for US silver eagles!? No thanks.
I would go route of junk pre-64 coinage if I were a stacker!
PS: Best advice I can give: Learn about Bitcoin......but be prepared to invest a thousand hours to really understand it before you HODL a BTC bag.
I thought the idea was for the US to increase inflation to a point that it was so high that their debt to other countries would be worthless.
I thought the idea was for the US to increase inflation to a point that it was so high that their debt to other countries would be worthless.
You have to have sovereigns buying in order for this model to work, no?
There are better financial instruments becoming available for other countries than US treasuries. The only way to get buyers is to increase yields even more! Bringing inflation to unsustainable levels.
Advice: Hedge your bets into asset classes which are detached from anything having to do with failed US monetary policy.
You have to have sovereigns buying in order for this model to work, no?
There are better financial instruments becoming available for other countries than US treasuries. The only way to get buyers is to increase yields even more! Bringing inflation to unsustainable levels.
Advice: Hedge your bets into asset classes which are detached from anything having to do with failed US monetary policy.
What do you suggest? Bitcoin?
I thought the idea was for the US to increase inflation to a point that it was so high that their debt to other countries would be worthless.
I think that is everyones exit strategy.

If anyone is sitting on the fence to order panels/gear, now might be a good time to go for it.
I don't know if this applies to other panels, but the panels I purchased from SS at the start of May have went up $24 per panel.
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I don't know if this applies to other panels, but the panels I purchased from SS at the start of May has went up $24 per panel.
When I bought my panels almost three years ago, new panels were pretty expensive.
So I bought on eBay a pallet of used Trina solar farm panels instead for about 20cents on the dollar. :)
They are working fine pushing about 90% rated power.

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diy solar