diy solar

diy solar

Solar Risks with EMF

You clearly have not done research.
Plugging your ears and screaming "la la la , i cant hear you" is not going to help (maybe it will make you feel good, but it wont change the reality or the truth).
This is similar to all the vaxx idiots screaming safe and effective and dying and having issues hand over fist, where even the official narrative is starting to admit that the vaxxes were anything but

Perhaps you should buy a block of land 50 miles from nowhere (make sure to check the cell towers and power line location and be 50 miles from them too.

Now dig a bunker 40ft below ground. Make sure to line the walls with 4ft of lead.

Make sure the steel is all pre-1945 - everything since is contaminated with radiation from the various bomb tests. They salvage WWII sunken ships to get this steel to use in medical equipment - it is very very expensive.

Move into it except you will have to use just oil lamps and such for your light and cooking

Make sure the air vents are baffled to keep the RF from traveling down it and put the fans on the surface.

Put your computer in a shack on the surface

Now you should at least be safe from RF... well except for ground waves.

You know the US government is constantly selling decommisioned missle silos - you could get one for yourself or just buy a condo in one.

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Perhaps you should buy a block of land 50 miles from nowhere (make sure to check the cell towers and power line location and be 50 miles from them too.

Now dig a bunker 40ft below ground. Make sure to line the walls with 4ft of lead.

Make sure the steel is all pre-1945 - everything since is contaminated with radiation from the various bomb tests. They salvage WWII sunken ships to get this steel to use in medical equipment - it is very very expensive.

Move into it except you will have to use just oil lamps and such for your light and cooking

Make sure the air vents are baffled to keep the RF from traveling down it and put the fans on the surface.

Put your computer in a shack on the surface

Now you should at least be safe from RF... well except for ground waves.

You know the US government is constantly selling decommisioned missle silos - you could get one for yourself or just buy a condo in one.

This, I like this. That person should do this. Only, he might have to worry about Radon.

However, the only proper way to isolate yourself from the imaginary problems of EMF is to go live on an isolated and abandoned island in the middle of the ocean.
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Perhaps you should buy a block of land 50 miles from nowhere (make sure to check the cell towers and power line location and be 50 miles from them too.

Now dig a bunker 40ft below ground. Make sure to line the walls with 4ft of lead.

Make sure the steel is all pre-1945 - everything since is contaminated with radiation from the various bomb tests. They salvage WWII sunken ships to get this steel to use in medical equipment - it is very very expensive.

Move into it except you will have to use just oil lamps and such for your light and cooking

Make sure the air vents are baffled to keep the RF from traveling down it and put the fans on the surface.

Put your computer in a shack on the surface

Now you should at least be safe from RF... well except for ground waves.

You know the US government is constantly selling decommisioned missle silos - you could get one for yourself or just buy a condo in one.

I was in the Air Force. My first block tech school was electronic principles. My main job was backshop and we worked on the B-52 radar systems as well as the radio systems. I know far more than you do, with your brain damage from right wing and crazy idiot propaganda over multiple decades. You are unable to think clearly and logically.

Yes, vaxxines are safe and effective, look nothing happened to me (And then sudden death).

(And very typical AF bravado)

Carry on, guinea pigs
Life is hazardous. Shit happens. Death occurs.

I have always thought that the stress created by worrying overmuch about it chops more off how long you live than the alleged things that might or might not actually do so.
Yes, vaxxines are safe and effective, look nothing happened to me (And then sudden death).

(And very typical AF bravado)

Carry on, guinea pigs
You think you have a gotcha here, but on our test stations, the RF pulse was terminated into a device that absorbed the RF pulse and simulated the radar pulse return, so we didn't get radiated by the RF energy in the first place. Also a standard: if a radar was active on the plane on the tarmac, nobody was allowed in the sweep area of the radar for up to 500 feet away from the radar.

Besides, you have no credibility anyway. Vaccines are necessary (it's how we pretty much stopped polio and malaria). Vaccines don't stop the infection of diseases, they mainly slow them down. If enough people are vaccinated, then that's what stops the infection.

You yelling about Vaxxes and Vaxxines (intentionally misspelling them in the process) makes you automatically have no credibility.
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Vastly simplified explanation - MRI works by using strong magnetic fields that are alternating to align the water molecules then shifting them in unison - the different density of the tissue causes that to react faster/slower/etc... so you get a picture.

The waves used in a MRI are radio waves at varying strength to cause the water molecules to dance around.

I've had more than a few of them (hip/back/both shoulder, knee) and I much prefer them to a CAT scan that uses X-rays. But I am not going to get one every day too.

Technically radiation is waves of energy - gamma rays are short wave lengths. The visible light spectrum is also made of waves and you have it on your skin all the time.

The difference is that gamma waves are ionizing and cause physical changes to the cells in your body - mostly bad changes.

Of course there is UV radiation that you get in abundance in sunlight - it gives you a sunburn and it causes you to produce more of the melanin that protects you from sunburn and gives you a tan.

And - if you are worried about the EMF you should be off grid living like Amish from a hundred years ago with no power. And you need to live at least few hundred miles from anyone or you will be hit with waves from radio/tv/cell phones/any wire with current through it.
The Amish are using solar for lights! They also take advantage of modern vehicles if a non Amish drives them. Once saw an Amish man with a team of horses pulling an 8 row John deere planter. How did they raise and lower the planter? You guessed it, a small gas powered hydraulic pump. Hypocrites! :ROFLMAO:
The Amish are using solar for lights! They also take advantage of modern vehicles if a non Amish drives them. Once saw an Amish man with a team of horses pulling an 8 row John deere planter. How did they raise and lower the planter? You guessed it, a small gas powered hydraulic pump. Hypocrites! :ROFLMAO:
The Amish even use cell phones and landlines. The thing is, technology isn't allowed inside the house, but it can be used if it's kept in the barn. Not all Amish are like this, certain reformed sects allow technology in the barn.
You think you have a gotcha here, but on our test stations, the RF pulse was terminated into a device that absorbed the RF pulse and simulated the radar pulse return, so we didn't get radiated by the RF energy in the first place. Also a standard: if a radar was active on the plane on the tarmac, nobody was allowed in the sweep area of the radar for up to 500 feet away from the radar.

Besides, you have no credibility anyway. Vaccines are necessary (it's how we pretty much stopped polio and malaria). Vaccines don't stop the infection of diseases, they mainly slow them down. If enough people are vaccinated, then that's what stops the infection.

You telling about Vaxxes and Vaxxines (intentionally misspelling them in the process) makes you automatically have no credibility.
The mRNA covid shot isn't a vaccine. In fact there was a recent court ruling about that. Real vaccines (like the polio and malaria vaccines) prevent transmission. The covid shot does not. They claimed it did, until they couldn't deny it any more, so they tried changing the definition of the word. Fail. That's why people tend to call them "vax" because they are not a real vaccine and thus don't deserve to be called such.

Oh, and you can drop the "I'm smarter than you" attitude crap. Just because you've got some smarts in one area does not make you smarter than someone else in everything. Someone could easily say you've listened to too much left wing idiot propaganda (to use your own words).
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I was in the Air Force. My first block tech school was electronic principles. My main job was backshop and we worked on the B-52 radar systems as well as the radio systems. I know far more than you do, with your brain damage from right wing and crazy idiot propaganda over multiple decades. You are unable to think clearly and logically.
Thank you for your service.
You think you have a gotcha here, but on our test stations, the RF pulse was terminated into a device that absorbed the RF pulse and simulated the radar pulse return, so we didn't get radiated by the RF energy in the first place. Also a standard: if a radar was active on the plane on the tarmac, nobody was allowed in the sweep area of the radar for up to 500 feet away from the radar.

Besides, you have no credibility anyway. Vaccines are necessary (it's how we pretty much stopped polio and malaria). Vaccines don't stop the infection of diseases, they mainly slow them down. If enough people are vaccinated, then that's what stops the infection.

You yelling about Vaxxes and Vaxxines (intentionally misspelling them in the process) makes you automatically have no credibility.

You keep believing whatever you want to believe. Whatever makes you feel nice and cozy.
Others can do research and make up their own conclusions.
The mRNA covid shot isn't a vaccine. In fact there was a recent court ruling about that. Real vaccines (like the polio and malaria vaccines) prevent transmission. The covid shot does not. They claimed it did, until they couldn't deny it any more, so they tried changing the definition of the word. Fail. That's why people tend to call them "vax" because they are not a real vaccine and thus don't deserve to be called such.

Oh, and you can drop the "I'm smarter than you" attitude crap. Just because you've got some smarts in one area does not make you smarter than someone else in everything. Someone could easily say you've listened to too much left wing idiot propaganda (to use your own words).
LOL, I don't watch left wing news/propaganda, just like I don't watch the right wing propaganda either.

You know what, I didn't know that the chemtrail conspiracy theory was a thing until 22 years ago when I was in the Air Force and my mom shared a few links about it. You see, my mom was mentally ill and tended to go down rabbit holes like this, just like you might be as well
LOL, I don't watch left wing news/propaganda, just like I don't watch the right wing propaganda either.

You know what, I didn't know that the chemtrail conspiracy theory was a thing until 22 years ago when I was in the Air Force and my mom shared a few links about it. You see, my mom was mentally ill and tended to go down rabbit holes like this, just like you might be as well

You just have to use the proper name.
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection

You surely are an educated wizard /s
I've always wondered if some of these "conspiracy theories" might contain a grain of truth.

Any chance the company with aviation fuel supply contract is affiliated with one that has contaminated solvent disposal contract?
Get the mix wrong, and some seals could fail too.

How about laser readings of chemical composition?
Balloons to bring back samples for analysis?

There are atmosphere modification experiments.
Navy just acquiesced to Alameda County demands and terminated one. That was near the surface.
Cloud seeding has been going on for decades. Some people say it is poisoning plants.
I think high altitude release of chemicals for brightening is going on currently, for study purposes.

Utilizing a fleet already crisscrossing the skies would make a lot of sense, until safety aspects are considered.
Hope FAA would have something to say about blending modifiers with fuel.
Injection in exhaust would require hardware modifications but bypass those issues.

You just have to use the proper name.
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection

You surely are an educated wizard /s

What Aenyc said ^

Some conservatives "roll coal"; what do some liberals roll?
You just have to use the proper name.
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection

You surely are an educated wizard /s
For what it's worth, what it really is, is just water vapor in the exhaust condensing in the cold air.

Jet fuel, gasoline, natural gas all are hydrocarbons. They contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. When you burn them, you get a lot of water vapor along with carbon dioxide and other compounds.

I don't know how you and the other guy function in modern society believing in the crap that you do.

diy solar

diy solar