diy solar

diy solar

Solar Risks with EMF

LOL, I don't watch left wing news/propaganda, just like I don't watch the right wing propaganda either.

You know what, I didn't know that the chemtrail conspiracy theory was a thing until 22 years ago when I was in the Air Force and my mom shared a few links about it. You see, my mom was mentally ill and tended to go down rabbit holes like this, just like you might be as well
I provided only hard facts and you likened me to being mentally ill going down rabbit holes... hah.
I provided only hard facts and you likened me to being mentally ill going down rabbit holes... hah.
Well, maybe it's true. Either way, I'm done here. No need to talk to someone who's made up their mind on something, however far from scientific truth it might be
Yes, vaxxines are safe and effective, look nothing happened to me (And then sudden death).

(And very typical AF bravado)

Carry on, guinea pigs

Maybe you should get your mind off the vaccine gutter - nobody here cares about the vaccine one way or the other - it is DIY solar.

We clearly are not gonna change your mind and you are not gonna change out mind.

All humor aside - Do you have any solar questions ? This thread has gone completly down the drain.
I've always wondered if some of these "conspiracy theories" might contain a grain of truth.

Any chance the company with aviation fuel supply contract is affiliated with one that has contaminated solvent disposal contract?
Get the mix wrong, and some seals could fail too.

How about laser readings of chemical composition?
Balloons to bring back samples for analysis?

There are atmosphere modification experiments.
Navy just acquiesced to Alameda County demands and terminated one. That was near the surface.
Cloud seeding has been going on for decades. Some people say it is poisoning plants.
I think high altitude release of chemicals for brightening is going on currently, for study purposes.

Utilizing a fleet already crisscrossing the skies would make a lot of sense, until safety aspects are considered.
Hope FAA would have something to say about blending modifiers with fuel.
Injection in exhaust would require hardware modifications but bypass those issues.

What Aenyc said ^

Some conservatives "roll coal"; what do some liberals roll?

Liberals roll:

weed? joints? over in bed?
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You think you have a gotcha here, but on our test stations, the RF pulse was terminated into a device that absorbed the RF pulse and simulated the radar pulse return, so we didn't get radiated by the RF energy in the first place. Also a standard: if a radar was active on the plane on the tarmac, nobody was allowed in the sweep area of the radar for up to 500 feet away from the radar.

Besides, you have no credibility anyway. Vaccines are necessary (it's how we pretty much stopped polio and malaria). Vaccines don't stop the infection of diseases, they mainly slow them down. If enough people are vaccinated, then that's what stops the infection.

You yelling about Vaxxes and Vaxxines (intentionally misspelling them in the process) makes you automatically have no credibility.
Vaccines are necessary, only if they have gone through a thorough trial period, which takes years, not less than a year and not being told the truth about them!
The going theory is that it was likely 5-7Hz infrasound that was being directed towards US officials in Cuba. Not microwaves or EMF. (I saw a video on this the other day)

Right, Infrasound has been one theory, EM waves another, but I don't think either has been detected during the presumed attacks.

I wouldn't think audio would be very directional, should affect over a wide angle. But maybe something phased-array could be done (would likely have a "radiation" pattern with a number of lobes.)

Have there been lab or field experiments on EM waves to affect animals?

Decades earlier:
Microwaves impacted rats ability to learn a maze. Or maybe not.
A version of the frog muscle experiments.
And others.

The mRNA covid shot isn't a vaccine. In fact there was a recent court ruling about that. Real vaccines (like the polio and malaria vaccines) prevent transmission. The covid shot does not. They claimed it did, until they couldn't deny it any more, so they tried changing the definition of the word. Fail. That's why people tend to call them "vax" because they are not a real vaccine and thus don't deserve to be called such.

Oh, and you can drop the "I'm smarter than you" attitude crap. Just because you've got some smarts in one area does not make you smarter than someone else in everything. Someone could easily say you've listened to too much left wing idiot propaganda (to use your own words).
He still wears a mask while driving in his Prius, alone, in the desert, at midnight, no gas, low battery!
Vaccines are necessary, only if they have gone through a thorough trial period, which takes years, not less than a year and not being told the truth about them!

I suggest you research this topic.
If you spend enough time on this, you will quickly realize that vaccines are inherently unsafe.

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I suggest you research this topic.
If you spend enough time on this, you will quickly realize that vaccines are inherently unsafe.
Better things to do than listen to a couple of blowhards. I have a suggestion for you. Guess?
He still wears a mask while driving in his Prius, alone, in the desert, at midnight, no gas, low battery!
Are you referring to me? I own a 2006 F-150 XLT 5.4L, that I've owned since 2009. Terrible gas mileage of 9-11 city, 15-17 highway, 141,000 miles.
My next purchase/lease will be an EV. Likely lease a Rivian R1T, but I want to buy the Rivian R3 (Its likely going to be around $35k). Might also buy a Volvo EX30 (starts just under $35k), or might lease a Ford Mustang Mach-E or F-150 Lightning (if it ever gets back below $50k)
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I am the guy under the boat squeezing the turky baster and laughing at all the idjits in the boat. And yes I have a submarine so I don't drown. I put it together with spit, chewing gum, and bailing wire in my spare time while the real boat sank.
Yep, that me. After becoming so frustrated inactivity of the boat population response I would jump in and fix the boat. My goal was purely selfish. I wanted to get away from these nematodes as fast as I can. "Unsolicited information is perceived as aggressive behavior"
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Remember a long time ago when they used Asbestos in everything? Who is that old. I bet everyone knows the dangers now.

About like first scientist playing with radiation. …making nukes and such. Everybody go out in desert where previous ppl use to sit and watch them go off not knowing the dangers.

Hmmmm school of hard knocks.


But I don't think it's granite (which is radioactive), rather marble or something like that.

Marble is pretty, but will be dissolved if a fruit is left on top and starts to spoil.

There's a story that a guy working for LLNL turned in his monitor badge, and it was exposed. No big deal, they gave him another. Checked a little while later, it was also exposed. He started to get worried. Industrial health group started tracing out his path at work carrying a Geiger counter. Nothing. Finally they went to his home, observed that he removed his badge at home and laid it on the granite kitchen counter.
radon gas comes from drywall concrete and most slabs of stone. Ppl use to worry with it. What changed?
I can't remember what we were talking about. I stopped at the boat :)
If it is about fears then BRICS, global war, and bank closing will mess my day up over most of this this crap.

It is Friday, the tropical depression has left our area, I had a great solar day, and the batteries are at 100%, I have 5 barley pops in the solar power fringe, and a half pack of cigarettes and I don't smoke.

FYI, I need to stock up for the next one on its way.

The only thing I am worried about is not to burn my steak on the barbie.

God speed everybody and may YOUR god go with YOU😎

diy solar

diy solar