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diy solar

12v crypto mining


New Member
Jun 25, 2024
South Haven MI
I want to build a 12v system to power a GPU mining rig. I've only seen one video where the miner is power right off the battery and mppt. Always staying 12v or converting down from a higher voltage. Anybody have experience with this?
Go native 12v. Minimize the conversion losses. How many watts? I more than 3000 watts, maybe a higher voltage system (wire size issue).
Saw a video why convert to ac to convert back to DC. Trying for more efficiency might not work idk.
It all gets back to the specifications of the GPU mining rig you want to power. What are the required voltages and amperages? From your first post, it seems like it might be 12V, but is that actually confirmed? I'd also assume this miner will be left running 24/7?

In some aspects you are correct. Converting DC into AC, which then gets converted back into DC results in some inefficiencies, especially with certain brands of AiO inverters. However, considering how dirt-cheap some panels are getting now, those inefficiencies are largely overcome with just the addition of an extra panel or two. Post the power needs of your miner, and we can help you work through it.
I haven't bought nothing yet. Just throwing some ideas around. I'm new I'm a plumber. Electricity is like witch craft but I'm starting to put it together. All the sparky's I work with don't know anything about solar battery stuff. So here I am. A month ago I wanted to build a camper now I'm obsessed with never paying for Electricity.
The issue your likely going to have is the price of a 12v PSU, sub 500w is readily available and cheap (look up Pico PSU) anything bigger starts to get more specialized and far far more expensive. Alot of specialized server room stuff runs off 48v so you could try to look for 2nd hand 48v server psu`s but depending on how many miners your looking to power and the wattage draw on them It might actually be more cost effective to just go AC and buy a regular pc power supply.
Type of miner will make a difference, GPU, ASIC, Processor based, all but the ASIC will use multiple units with power requirements for each unit. This circles back to what you would be mining, as different coins/tokens require different types of mining. Start with that first, then decide on the Miner type, then get the power requirements and work from there.

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diy solar