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EG4 PowerPro cycle count question


New Member
Feb 8, 2024

I've been using my EG4 PowerPro regularly since it was installed 3 weeks ago. I've recently updated it to the latest firmware and I can now see the battery parameters online. One parameter, cycle count, seems to be increasing faster than I anticipated because I intended to discharge to 30% on a daily basis.

I thought the cycle count was one full use of 100% capacity. However, I'm seeing instances of the cycle count increasing twice over a two hour span.

Has anyone else seen this or can explain what I'm missing?

Thanks in advance.
It could just be reporting the wrong information, but I will get with our battery technician about this. Which inverter do you have it connected to?
It could just be reporting the wrong information, but I will get with our battery technician about this. Which inverter do you have it connected to?
I'm seeing the same behavior. It seems to count a "cycle" each time it hits 100% regardless of the starting capacity. It reports at least one cycle every day and more if it drops during the day and gets recharged. My system was commissioned in mid March and one of my power pros is reporting 152 cycles over 106 days and with 3 total units we typically only drawdown to 50-60% overnight.

This is moderately concerning in the event a warranty claim is needed several years down the line as it could be claimed the cycle count is outside of what is covered.
@Rumast21 @Thunderproof
Where are you getting this information from?
Have you tried using the BMS Tool to read the cycles?

I'm getting the information from the cycle count shown on the EG4 monitoring website. After updating to the last firmware, I thought we were supposed to be seeing the same parameters as to what the BMS tool would provide.
My EG4 app says 224.5 kwh discharged on my PowerPro, so that should be approximately 16 cycles of 14.3 kwh instead of the 40+ showing on the monitor website.
@Rumast21 @Thunderproof
Where are you getting this information from?
Have you tried using the BMS Tool to read the cycles?

I am just using the monitoring website which shows all the battery information. I have not used the BMS tool but like @Rumast21 assumed that the dashboard is reading directly from the battery itself and would match.

I need to comb through the data to figure out what is actually happening but looking at the data log, it doesn't appear to be triggering when it hits 100% like I initially suspected. It might be combining charge AND discharge power and dividing by the total capacity even though 1 cycle is fully discharging and then fully charging. Effectively double counting.

What's also kind of strange and doesn't support any of my hypotheses is the 2 batteries that I originally purchased (I now have 3) were installed at the same time but differ by 13 cycles which is substantial considering that when I check their SOC individually they are always all within 1-2% of each other.
@EG4_Eric Any update? Another thing I noticed this evening is the battery parameters showing 91% SOC and the actual monitoring website showing 94%. I'm not sure if the 94% on the monitoring website is SOC or not, but I though it was supposed to be SOC.
6000xp here and on EG4 monitoring site it seems to adds a cycle every day which is SOC 85% in morning to 100% by about 9:30am. 33 cycles so far which is about everyday plus some more since I connected it to internet. PowerPro wall mount battery. Shows 58kwh total discharged, 89.9kwh total charged on monitor app.
My dual 18Kpv with (6) PPWM batteries has been up a week and shows 11 cycles. All the latest firmware, min SOC around 40 percent. Some calculation is off somewhere
Looked at my EG4 Monitor Data history, My Cycle count goes up +1 every single night when the battery SOC% transitions from 95% to 94%.
Check your data history for the same thing! So 94% is a cycle?
Looked at my EG4 Monitor Data history, My Cycle count goes up +1 every single night when the battery SOC% transitions from 95% to 94%.
Check your data history for the same thing! So 94% is a cycle?
Hmm, mine seems to rack up counts at 'falling through 94%' as well. That's bizarre!
I apologize for the delayed response. Although it was mentioned that the latest firmware update was installed, please ensure that the firmware version is S02T11. This firmware will fix the issues with the monitoring website cycle count. You can check the firmware version by using the BMS tools.
The indoor PowerPro wall battery has differnt instructions on the EG4 site. So exactly what cable is needed to do the upgrade for PowerPro indoor?
Im assuming this can be updated thru the inverter and the connect CAN RJ45 cable?
I apologize for the delayed response. Although it was mentioned that the latest firmware update was installed, please ensure that the firmware version is S02T11. This firmware will fix the issues with the monitoring website cycle count. You can check the firmware version by using the BMS tools.
My PowerPro OutDoor WallMount batteries are all at Z02T17 and my 18Kpv inverters are at FAAB-1A1A
It will be the RJ45 cable connected to the Battery-Comm port and then connecting the UBS-A to your computer/laptop
You can find this and the instruction in the link below.

Download the firmware on the website and you will have a folder with these instructions.

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@EG4_Eric were there any other noteworthy changes/improvements that would warrant the firmware upgrade process? If all it changes is the cycle count, I'm not in a big rush to get it done.
I apologize for the delayed response. Although it was mentioned that the latest firmware update was installed, please ensure that the firmware version is S02T11. This firmware will fix the issues with the monitoring website cycle count. You can check the firmware version by using the BMS tools.
Just to clarify, the BMS tools is correctly tracking cycle count and the firmware update just fixes an issue with the web monitoring cycle count? So not a warranty concern?
None of the cables on Sig Solar or Current connect match this description above. Wrong pin out or LL or RS485 instead of RS232. So need link to the correct PowerPro upgrade cable.....

These are incorrect but all they have.
None of the cables on Sig Solar or Current connect match this description above. Wrong pin out or LL or RS485 instead of RS232. So need link to the correct PowerPro upgrade cable.....

View attachment 225135
It’s the one on the left, SS part number 1511221. If you bought your battery from Signature Solar, they’ll send you one for free

Yeah, the description needs an update, should read "EG4 RS232 Firmware Update Cable - LL Plus PowerPro OutDoor, also PowerPro Indoor and probably some future products"
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I apologize for the delayed response. Although it was mentioned that the latest firmware update was installed, please ensure that the firmware version is S02T11. This firmware will fix the issues with the monitoring website cycle count. You can check the firmware version by using the BMS tools.
Isn't T17 the latest? That's what I'm on.

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