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diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

You are not missing anything except climate changer blaming the Euphrates drying up ….the video blogger states it is biblical and end times….then states the seals are about to be broken in revelations….angels are restrained sent to destroy us….then states aliens were sealed away under the river in caves - tombs. We will discover them and unleash.
Then around the 10:00-10:30 mark mentions it is Turkey controlling the water. Typical. Also Joe Rogan Joe rogan

The video came up on youtube as it was doing random play. Click bait.

Svetz way back in this thread talked how water was drying up….because of climate change. It is not drying up because of that. More and more water is required for things so it is being used. Not climate change.

Example of the water ways being used up for resources and Climate change will be blamed

6.6 millions gallons of water a day to Hyundai new plant and Army Corp of Engineers sued. Meh climate change making water go away. Building EV and Hybrid….. Climate Changers are Bongo types.
Muh technology using up water sources Climate Change made the water go away…..sounds good.

I am tired of their faggot bs.

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I'm not very well versed on the subtlties of automobile manufacturing -ICE, Electric, Hybrid, or otherwise- but what in the hell do they use 6.6 million gallons of water a day for? Running the water wheel to power the whole place? That's enough water to fill 10 Olympic sized swimming pools....every day!
I'm not very well versed on the subtlties of automobile manufacturing -ICE, Electric, Hybrid, or otherwise- but what in the hell do they use 6.6 million gallons of water a day for? Running the water wheel to power the whole place? That's enough water to fill 10 Olympic sized swimming pools....every day!
The place is the size of Tybee Island 2400+ acres in the story….so who knows. Going Green cost a lot of resources. When ppl don’t have enough water then we know Climate Change will be blamed while EV production is the real cause.

I am tired of their bs.
EV production does impact water. Quite significantly actually

Approximately 2.2 million litres of water is needed to produce one ton of lithium.

The production of lithium through evaporation ponds uses a lot of water - around 21 million litres per day. Approximately 2.2 million litres of water is needed to produce one ton of lithium.

“The extraction of lithium has caused water-related conflicts with different communities, such as the community of Toconao in the north of Chile,” the FoE report specifies.
EV production does impact water. Quite significantly actually

The production of lithium through evaporation ponds uses a lot of water - around 21 million litres per day. Approximately 2.2 million litres of water is needed to produce one ton of lithium.

“The extraction of lithium has caused water-related conflicts with different communities, such as the community of Toconao in the north of Chile,” the FoE report specifies.
Whom and what will be blamed for the loss of h2o? Say “Climate change”
EV production does impact water. Quite significantly actually

The production of lithium through evaporation ponds uses a lot of water - around 21 million litres per day. Approximately 2.2 million litres of water is needed to produce one ton of lithium.

“The extraction of lithium has caused water-related conflicts with different communities, such as the community of Toconao in the north of Chile,” the FoE report specifies.
Wow! I had no idea!

Well, I think Biden's debate performance is a shining example of the kinds of people who are the driving force behind all of this "green" nonsense, global warming, etc. Every time you hear of "Global Warming", "Climate Change", or "Green" this is the image that should pop into your head...the posterchild of your movement.

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I'm not very well versed on the subtlties of automobile manufacturing -ICE, Electric, Hybrid, or otherwise- but what in the hell do they use 6.6 million gallons of water a day for? Running the water wheel to power the whole place? That's enough water to fill 10 Olympic sized swimming pools....every day!

Flushing toilets, watering the landscaping

That's probably what they had to buy water rights to, not what they are going to actually use.

You would be surprised at the amount of water even a small building with 50 employees uses per day flushing toilets and watering flowers.
And then there is this:

It takes as much water to take out an EV fire as a household uses over 2 years.
And then they tell you to buy an EV to fight cLIEmate change.

Firefighters Issue Warning: EV Fires Require 10x More Water to Put Out, Up to 10,000 Gallons of Water

There are many pitfalls when buying an electric vehicle, but I'll bet greenies never expected wasting water to be one of them.

Up to 150 000 liters of water needed to put out a fire in an electric car

Due to the construction and placement of the battery pack, it is difficult to reach the the fire in many types of EVs/

Electric Vehicles Catch Fire Less Frequently But Require 60,000 Gallons Of Water To Put Out

Lithium-ion batteries, especially large ones found in electric vehicles, have a number of safety features to prevent fires under normal operations. But theres not a lot that can be done to stop a damaged battery from catching fire.
I found this video interesting ..... this physicist says the climate models are subject to GIGO ..... The starting point in the measurements are at the coldest point in the last 10,000 years ..... and that "we are now 1 degree warmer than the coldest temperature in the last 10,000 years." That's not such a scary thing if that perspective is accurate.

The climate activists hate this guy .... so, it's not going to be very difficult to find a bunch of negative things written about him.
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The climate activists hate this guy .... so, it's not going to be very difficult to find a bunch of negative things written about him.
I don't care about him, I care about the facts. Although.... why do deniers/skeptics go for non-climate scientists to challenge the science?
Well, I suspect these have all been talked about... but I'll watch the video and we'll test if a little fact checking could have prevented dangerous misinformation continuing to be spread:
  • 0:04 We're living in a period of climate warming ✔️
  • 0:10 Climate change is Natural ✔️ ❌
    It is natural, the climate of the earth has always been changing. Mostly the Malkovitch cycles (see post #6,100), but also solar winds, galactic inputs, volcanoes, etc.). Except for nuclear winter type scenarios (e.g., caused by meteor impacts), those changes take 1000s of years. But the climate change we're seeing now is way beyond natural. See for more.
  • 1:26 = Presumptions into models are wrong ❌
    • He claims it's Garbage in, garbage out, but the fact is the models have NEVER been wrong, they are highly accurate. So, if it's not garbage out, possibly it's not garbage in. See How reliable are climate models? Also, there's a graph of predicted data versus actual data in #4,545.
  • 1:35 The "Bad" Assumption is that there is no "natural change". ❌
    • Well, sorry... but (barring asteroid strikes) there just isn't much "Natural change" in a couple of decades.
  • 1:41 The change is carbon dioxide which is natural. ✔️ ❌
    • Carbon dioxide is natural, and GHGs are are reason the rate of change. But... he's ignoring that mankind is dumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere far faster that mother nature can scrub it out (the effective half-life for CO2 is over a century). See How we know Climate Change is Man-Made for more.
  • 2:00 The Sun's output is a bigger impact than CO2 ❌
    • That is technically true. But given the Sun's output has just started to tick up this year, previously (during the increase in temperature) the Sun's output has been low (see graph below) we can rule out the sun as the source of our current climate change. The only factor that cleanly predicts the increased temperature is the increase in man-made GHGs.
  • 2:34 the clouds are the control for Earth's climate stability. ✔️
  • 2:36 The IPCC starts at 1850 because it was the coldest period. We're 1 degree warmer than we have been in the last 10,000 years. ❌
    • According the IPCC, they picked the average between 1850 and 1900 because that's when they had good scientific data to start from. But if you look at the temperatures for the last 2,000 years, you can see we are beyond any extraordinary natural event.
  • 2:54 and it's currently two degrees cooler than the Egyptian period. ❌
    • Give that was ~2,000 years ago the graph above shows he was wrong. You have to go back to the prior ice age (~12,000 years ago - ref) to see that level of cooling.
  • 3:24 Last interglacial 130k years ago it was 6 degrees warmer and hippos were in the Thymes ❌
    • In the Pleistocene it was +3 degrees warmer, not +6 (ref). Crocodiles lived about the artic circle so hippos in the river sounds about right. Sure, people can live in that, but think about all the migration and crop failures we'll go through in decades. It took the Pleistocene era centuries to change to those temperatures allowing time for adaptation. But even with that time there were mass die-offs that occurred then.
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Illegal ESG Collusion Behind Decarbonization Efforts​

In mid-June, the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee released an interim report describing collusion between radical environmental groups, progressive activists, and corporate interests, especially in the financial sector, to impose Environment, Social, and Governance goals on the American people. The Judiciary committee is, in part, charged with the “[p]rotection of trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies.” This includes protecting against collusion which reduces competition, limits consumer choice, and increases prices, in the case at hand, through efforts to decarbonize the economy, in pursuit of environmental and environmental justice demands.

Doctrinaire, elitist adherents of ESG goals view capitalism is a sin against the environment that must be restrained through social engineering to ensure that the social, environmental, and ethical ends they believe are required by a social justice, are adopted and enforced across society. Evidence shows that there is no climate crisis, but ESG pushers use the alleged threat of catastrophic climate change to push progressive ends.

The Heartland Institute was well ahead of the curve in exposing the dangers ESG poses to freedom and economic progress, with our April 2023 study exploring the ways different special interests are colluding to universalize ESG standards – Congress is finally catching up.

Congress used the power of the subpoena to force recalcitrant ESG proponents (which it labels the “climate cartel”) to give up documents detailing their collaborations to promote ESG, and concluded based on the documentation that the various groups are illegally colluding against the interest of the American people by, for example, “forcing companies to slash output of products and services that are critical to Americans’ daily lives.”

The groups colluding, include (not an exhaustive list), per the report:

  • Climate Action 100+, the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, and the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ);
  • blue state pension funds like the California Public Employees’ Retirement System
  • (CalPERS);
  • radical environmental non-profit organizations like Ceres;
  • stockholder engagement service providers like As You Sow;
  • activist investors like Arjuna Capital, LLC (Arjuna), Trillium Asset Management,
  • LLC, Engine No. 1 LP, and Aviva Investors Americas, LLC, which “acquire a minimal ownership stake . . . to stop climate change, not to make a financial profit;”
  • the “Big Three” asset managers BlackRock, Inc. (BlackRock), State Street Global Advisors (State Street), and The Vanguard Group, Inc. (Vanguard), who together own 21.9% and vote 24.9% of the shares of the Standard and Poor’s (S&P) 500;
  • and the foreign-owned proxy advisory duopoly of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS) and Glass, Lewis & Co. (Glass Lewis), which have a combined 90% market share and advise mutual funds controlling more than $27 trillion in assets.
The report says the climate cartel has, among other things:

  • [D]eclared war on the American way of life [by] … waging “a Global World War” for net zero against disfavored American companies, including those in the fossil fuel, aviation, and farming industries that allow Americans to drive, fly, and eat. It has described Climate Action 100+ as “the global Navy,” and compared Ceres’s efforts to “the Army ground troops” and “an ‘air cover’ strategic and silent bombing campaign by a newly funded division of the Air Force.”
  • The climate cartel has agreed to force corporations to “decarbonize.” Members of groups like Climate Action 100+ expressly commit to engage “with the companies in which [they] invest” to make them reach “net zero [greenhouse gas (GHG)] emissions by 2050” by disclosing their carbon emissions, reducing their carbon emissions, and adopting enforcement mechanisms to strengthen these commitments.
  • The climate cartel “[r]amp up” and “[e]scalate” pressure against corporations on the “wrong side of climate history.” The climate cartel is “willing to go to the top rung” by filing shareholder resolutions, voting against management, and “replac[ing] board members” with those of its own choosing.
  • The climate cartel seeks to “keep fossil fuels in the ground,” raising prices and reducing output for American consumers.

In short, this exhaustively referenced report uses the climate cartel’s own documents and independent research to expose how these groups are colluding through pressure tactics and political influence (politicians and bureaucrats), to force companies to adopt ESG goals that further their social and political aims, to the detriment of many of the companies themselves, consumers, and the general public.

The report concludes:

The Committee’s ongoing investigation into collusion between left-wing activists and major financial institutions has revealed that a climate cartel is working to decarbonize the U.S. economy—with disastrous implications for American consumers. The climate cartel has declared war on our way of life, escalating its attacks on free markets and demanding that companies slash output of the critical products and services that allow Americans to drive, fly, and eat.

The Biden Administration has failed to act upon the climate cartel’s apparent violations of longstanding U.S. antitrust law.

For a government report, it is relatively short, and like The Heartland Institute’s report before it, well worth reading in full. As grim a picture as the Judiciary Committee paints of the collusion to decarbonize the world in pursuit of ESG, I think it actually understates the danger to humanity’s short-term and long-term well-being. ESG is a recipe for equality in squalor—with the exception of the elites in charge of the climate cartel—with poverty and premature death being the end result.

Sources: U.S. House Judiciary Committee; Greenie Watch

Watch: 1982 Dan Rather’s CBS News report warning of ‘the so called greenhouse effect’ causing Florida to be flooded & a ‘widespread disruption of agriculture’​

42 Years Ago CBS Told The World Earth’s Temperature Was Rising Out Of Control Due To Burning Coal & Oil

25% of Florida is about to be flooded and a “widespread disruption of agriculture” is coming

It’s been 42 years and literally nothing has changed.

“Concerned about rising…
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) July 2, 2024
CBS Evening News – March 25, 1982

“Concerned about rising temperatures on planet Earth heated up a hearing here in Washington today. For years, scientists have theorized about the dangers of the so called greenhouse effect, the warming of the Earth’s atmosphere due to the burning of coal and oil. And in recent months, as David Culhane reports, research has uncovered facts to support that theory.

Many scientists claim that the temperature of the atmosphere has been rising over the past 100 years, that the great sheets of pack ice in Antarctica are melting at a much more rapid rate than previously. Finally, that the sea level has been rising with increasing swiftness over the past 40 years. If these scientists are correct, about 25% of Florida would be flooded along with low lying areas all over the world.

Climate changes could produce widespread disruption of agriculture. The American farm belt might be too dry and the wheat and corn crops would have to move to Canada.

Scientists blame the odorless, colorless carbon dioxide gas for these potentially dangerous changes around the planet. It is the greenhouse effect. The gas allows sunlight to filter down and warm the Earth, but like the glass of a greenhouse, the carbon dioxide tends to trap heat so that it cannot rise into space.

The scientists maintain that the coal, oil, and gas we’ve been burning for a 100 years have produced more and more carbon dioxide and helped overheat the Earth.

Now some political leaders endorse the demands for more C02 monitoring stations like this one in Hawaii, and they share the anger of the scientists at Reagan administration budget cuts at a time when they feel closer to getting definitive answers.

We are not doing the kind of research that we should be doing to determine whether or not these scientists who are so alarmed are correct in their assessment.

And what they find out will affect the lives and fortunes of millions of people, the very survival of cities like this one (See video), David Culhane, CBS News, New York.

Darn! If not for Reagan's budget cuts in the early 1980's, we could have had "definitive answers' on 'global warming'!

1982 CBS News report: "Now some political leaders endorse the demands for more C02 monitoring stations like this one in Hawaii, and they share the anger of the…
— Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) July 4, 2024
You can check out more failed climate predictions of doom at our Failed Predictions Timeline
But, but, but .... He's NOT a climate scientist.
Well, would you go to a plumber for a heart surgery? Everyone has an opinion on this stuff, obviously not everyone is correct.

But let's not talk about the guy... let's talk about the facts he used to justify his opinion.

I'm not an expert but think I did a good job in #6,660 listing what he used as evidence and then explaining where he went wrong.

So, if you still disagree, what did I get wrong in those facts?
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That's why it was such aa apt comparison. Plus the bill is about the same too. ; -)


Svetz thinks the people that buy government power in order that government levy taxes and then give tax money to those people are actually "truth tellers" and "good guys"

Svetz thinks phizer is good and noble and has no ill intent when it's bought and paid for politicians and cabinet members gave it 100's of billions of dollars for the covid vaccine and tried to make a law that you couldn't work unless you took their product.

Svetz thinks actually thinks that and will run propaganda for them for free.
Svetz thinks the people that buy government power in order that government levy taxes and then give tax money to those people are actually "truth tellers" and "good guys"

Svetz thinks phizer is good and noble and has no ill intent when it's bought and paid for politicians and cabinet members gave it 100's of billions of dollars for the covid vaccine and tried to make a law that you couldn't work unless you took their product.

Svetz thinks actually thinks that and will run propaganda for them for free.

I think he is just a shill employing gasliting technique
"A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get."


And now back to reality:

"A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get."

The production of lithium through evaporation ponds uses a lot of water - around 21 million litres per day. Approximately 2.2 million litres of water is needed to produce one ton of lithium.
Very true. However, keep in mind that that is water that's evaporated from brines, leaving the salts (including lithium salts) behind. It's not potable water. It's like saying that the Mediterranean evaporates 5 billion tons of water a day, so we have to drain it or people will run out of water.

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diy solar