diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

When I was a kid - our library at school had new carpet. I use to scrub my feet to build up static electricity then use it to shock ppl. Ppl were not suppose to talk in library. So made them scream. Tattle tales.

I read static electricity can be 10,000 volts per inch. Why not harness it. Ever grab 40,000 volt high energy ignition coil wire on car. Almost as bad as pee’ing on electric fence while barefoot. I did that more then once. 😳😁
There is always the butter bread tied to a back of the cat.
Perpetual Motion, perpetual electricity. Yours for only $5 per day.
Just remember near Crotia there was a city - roads 7000 years ago. Under water 13-16 feet now ….Global warming? Plate shifting?
Atlantis - still in search of it. Sank.

So was there to much co2 back 7000 years ago.




Now imagine we want to explore outer space and other planets that we know can’t be inhabited. Yet we have not explored discovered what is going on for this planet. The retard level is strong with that thinking.

Noah’s flood is talked about around the World in different religions and ppl. Hmmmm …. Plate shift. ?????? You guys are worrying about wrong things. Look out to outer space too. 😁

Ever notice no matter what doom and gloom some ppl are grabbing and making money from it. Hm…mmmmm… Al Gore made a lot of money. $40 vhs tape…. I know several ppl that bought that video. I told them should bought porn vhs and passed it around. Al Gore fear porn was bad joke. Like ppl buying Y2K end of World. 👀 I laughed at those ppl.
When I was a kid - our library at school had new carpet. I use to scrub my feet to build up static electricity then use it to shock ppl. Ppl were not suppose to talk in library. So made them scream. Tattle tales.

I read static electricity can be 10,000 volts per inch. Why not harness it. Ever grab 40,000 volt high energy ignition coil wire on car. Almost as bad as pee’ing on electric fence while barefoot. I did that more then once. 😳😁
:unsure: I think they are looking at this cow flatulence all wrong .... instead of trying to eliminate it, they need to capture it ..... It could be huge renewable energy source.
According to the article below, they have already devised a method for doing it ..... Apparently each cow can produce 800 to 1000 liters of methane per day ..... How many BTU is that? Run that methane thru a fuel cell ... problem solved ... Adapt a hydrogen car to run on it ..... new energy source.
Instead of installing a bunch of solar panels, each household just needs to have a couple of cows ..... Free energy and grow your own steaks at the same time. 😜

I volunteer Svetz to live of electricity out of thin air.
aenyc, doesn't nature do that already by just bouncing water molecules off each other?
that's not the most intuitive theory, in my head I would think the added moisture in the clouds
turn it into a conductor, then as the clouds moves through the earth's magnetic field it creates electricity.
the same way we do it with generators.

I once thought it was gods bowling.
aenyc, doesn't nature do that already by just bouncing water molecules off each other?
that's not the most intuitive theory, in my head I would think the added moisture in the clouds
turn it into a conductor, then as the clouds moves through the earth's magnetic field it creates electricity.
the same way we do it with generators.

I once thought it was gods bowling.

We have our second volunteer. More grid power for others when they start rationing (see my next link)
Rationing is coming. This is why i personally got solar. Precicely this.

EPA's Clean Power Plan Rule Prioritizes Net-Zero Over Grid Reliability​

Coal and natural gas plants provide 60% of the U.S.’ affordable, reliable, and baseload power. In a time of increased electricity demand, America needs to double down on harnessing these sources—not abandon them.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s recently finalized Clean Power Plan 2.0 (CPP) rule, however, takes the country in the wrong direction. Under this regulation, one that is arguably illegal, existing coal and new natural gas power plants will be mandated to install emissions control technologies that aren’t yet commercially viable. Plants that don’t comply risk permanent closure. This unrealistic mandate is advanced under the guise of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 90% by 2032.

The Biden administration should nix this rule altogether given its many drawbacks to the American economy, all of which come with no environmental gain and are based on dubious authority. If it doesn’t reverse course, a forthcoming Congressional resolution of disapproval and newly-filed lawsuits could stop overreach here.

The EPA’s limited authority over-regulating greenhouse gas emissions was affirmed in the landmark June 2022 West Virginia vs. EPA decision. That case challenged the original Obama-era Clean Power Plan, and the Supreme Court ruled the EPA lacked the statutory authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. No change has been made to grant the EPA more authority over greenhouse gasses.

Moreover, the Clean Air Act says the EPA must craft achievable emission limitations standards that have been “adequately demonstrated.” Yet, the Carbon Capture technology that would be relied upon under this rule has never been “adequately demonstrated” on the scale that EPA is attempting to require.

The EPA rule would lead to grid instability because operators will be forced to adopt intermittent, unreliable, and costly sources like wind and solar. According to the Department of Energy, wind is only reliable 33.5% of the year while solar is dependable for just 24.9% of the time. Wind energy generation decreased for the first time last year. The federal government reports wind generation hit maturity with slower recorded wind speeds, despite adding 6.2 gigawatts of new wind capacity. Solar energy also had a bad 2023 with over 100 companies going bankrupt and expensive electricity rates. Many planned solar plants, including those receiving Inflation Reduction Act subsidies, are predicted to be canceled this year due to price collapse and waning demand.

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) warned in its December 2023 Long-Term Assessment report that rigid policies like CPP 2.0 “have the potential to influence generators” to close down their plants. The risk of massive electric reliability issues across the country is by no means a political talking point. In 2023, FERC Commissioner Danly stated in a hearing to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee that “there is a looming reliability crisis in our electricity markets.” In that same hearing, Commissioner Christie said “The United States is heading for a very catastrophic situation in terms of reliability.” These are the experts sounding the alarm that we need more grid capacity from baseload sources, not intermittent ones, or we could face not just loss of commerce but a loss of human life.

CPP 2.0 promises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2032 by mandating coal and natural gas plants install carbon capture and storage (CCS) or face closure. But the EPA is downplaying the nascent technology’s shortcomings.

CCS, as it stands, is expensive and will diminish coal and natural gas plant efficiency by at least 14%. Moreover, natural gas and coal plants retrofitted with first-generation carbon capture technology reportedly can expect a 50% and 70 to 80% increase in electricity costs, respectively.

In the U.S., we already have highly effective emissions technology that enables coal plants to run in an incredibly environmental way. For example, just look at how states that rely heavily on coal have almost none of the air quality issues of China or India. That’s because of our emissions control technologies.

Let’s call this rule out for what it really is: It’s a vehicle to punish coal country which has left the president’s party in droves over the last 20 years, in favor of radical environmental non-governmental organization (NGO) donors who are a major constituency of this administration.

The finalized Clean Power Plan 2.0 rule is a bad deal for American energy producers and consumers. Congress should immediately pull the plug on this rule.
Coal and natural gas plants provide 60% of the U.S.’ affordable, reliable, and baseload power.
aenyc, coal? :oops: using 1800's tech? to power the future :unsure:
sulfur, mercury, ash, and particulates that are harmful to human health, right lets do more of that. 🤪
at least natural gas puts out half as much co2 as coal, also produces very little sulfur, mercury or particulate matter
and natural gas is 1940's tech at least.
♥ It. I offset my usage as much as possible because I generate my own electricity but when solar production is shitty the coal stove burns hotter and mini split works less.
using 1800's tech?
It's tried and true.
Maybe we should stop exporting so much of the USAs coal to china, who knows it might drop EV fast charging prices.
TommySr, most of the electricity that people to use to charge their EVs come from Coal and Natural Gas (And Nuclear)
Solar and Wind are at 14% combined, and we are ALREADY experiencing MAJOR ISSUES with Grid Stability.

The more I see your posts, the more i am convinced that you are shilling.
You are clearly not stupid, but your humble agenda push is suspicious.

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that parroting you mention can be heard in billions of voices, and 100's of languages all
over the world
Most of the population thought and believed that the world was flat and if you sailed too far you'd fall off the edge.... they also said the moon was made of cheese... and that was the scientist of the day.
It's tried and true.
42OhmsPA, coal puts a bad taste in my mouth, could have something to do with me at 8 standing outside
our burning house in my long johns in the middle of winter because of a potbelly stove fire.

IMO there is a difference between what a private person does and what a commercial organization can do.
the more i am convinced that you are shilling.
aenyc, it's worse then that, I'm a warmonger, I've started a personal war on co2.
while it could be said I've always been one, I've done worked at most of the big war profiteering companies
over the years from Avondale Shipyards, Northrop Grumman, honeywell, Raytheon and Ladish just to name a few .
with that experience I've learned never go to war if you can't win, but for this one I have weapons I need, wind, solar
and 2000's tech batteries, I tried using 1900's tech batteries that was a losing battle for me.

I love me some LiFePO4 :love:
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42OhmsPA, coal puts a bad taste in my mouth, could have something to do with me at 8 standing outside
our burning house in my long johns in the middle of winter because of a potbelly stove fire.
Tommy, I would say that has everything to do with it... That had to be traumatic at a young age, sorry.
Just imagine if you had an EV that caught fire, how would feel about them then? What if you eliminated so much CO2 plants couldn't grow....
and that was the scientist of the day.
RussNM, Aristotle (384-322 BC) was one of the first to recognize that the Earth is a round sphere
that was the scientist of the day.

I personally know a family today that still thinks it's flat.(home schooled)
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What if you eliminated so much CO2 plants couldn't grow...
42OhmsPA, IMO that's what makes it a bigger deal now as we lose permafrost that releases even
more trapped co2.

Just imagine if you had an EV that caught fire
all my personal transportation is now EV, the battle plan is for personal net 0 by end of next year.
after I get my house off grid, mowers(3 ZRT) are going EV, thinking swapping battery packs to start with.
company supplied truck is ICE :(
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42OhmsPA, what's your best guess?
Maybe something to do with climate cycles...
How was most of NA under ice?
How was most of NA under ice?
42OhmsPA, glacial ice mass made lake Michigan, and glacial ice runoff made the grad canyon
I would say it's possible, but I see glacial ice mass as carving out more then lifting up.

The Brooks Range in Alaska is a 700-mile mountain range that was formed by plate tectonics. The Pacific Plate moved over the North American Plate, causing layers of limestone, sandstone, and other rocks to fold and stack. Over the next 30 million years, the limestone was forced upwards, creating mountains. The Brooks Range is a continuation of the Rocky Mountains into Alaska.

I have personal seen Portage Glacier back in 1977. seen the ice bergs floating in front of it (a sight to see)
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How was most of NA under ice?

To answer that, let's look at Venus
Venus sits in the "goldilocks zone" (ref), where the orbital mechanics and amount of sunshine suggest that the planet could support life. Three million years ago, it was very probably Earth-like with oceans.

Yet today, the planet is so hot that lead melts on it's surface. So, like North America being under ice, what the heck happened? Why did Venus get hotter while Earth cycled back and forth? Turns out that planets in the Goldilocks zone frequently turn out like Venus (ref). We're in the Goldilocks zone... can it happen to us?

A planet's temperature is an energy balance. If there's more energy
retained than emitted it gets hotter. If it emits more than it receives
it get's colder. When we get cold ice forms.

If nothing ever changed, Earth would be at some equilibrium temperature.

But Earth has gone through many natural cycles of climate change base on
orbital mechanics and atmospheric composition that vary the energy balance.

There are only 3 known types of heat transfer: conduction convection and
radiation. As space is a vacuum, the most prevalent way for energy to get
in or out is radiation.

Energy Input = Sun + Milankovitch cycle (Natural Climate Change)
While the sun's output does vary a little, the big driver is the Milankovitch
cycle, which are three orbital mechanics (obliquity, precession, and
eccentricity) with periods of around 100,000 years, 41,000 years, and 26,000
years. We know warming isn't caused by the Milankovitch cycle as we're
currently in a cooling phase (despite temperature going up), this is why some
scientists in the 1950's / 60s predicted an upcoming ice age in the next 20,000

The three effects aren't synchronized, so each cycle is different.

Energy Output
Both Venus and the Earth emit energy back out into space via black-body radiation (e.g., primarily infrared energy).

So, back to what happened to Venus? We know it's temperature went up which we know means more energy was retained than emitted by the planet. We know the sun's output didn't increase and the the planet is still inside the goldilocks zone. So, what else changed?

The atmospheric composition changed. Volcanoes erupted spewing tons of CO2 in the air over the millennia. CO2 is stable, it doesn't break down, so there was nowhere for the CO2 to go and the level built up and up to where it is now 30,000 ppm. Via the greenhouse effect the planet couldn't emit as much energy as it was gaining, so the temperature of the planet increased until it was once again in energy balance and that's pretty hot. (Every so often you see posted that CO2 over 300 ppm can't add to global warming, just laugh when they say that and point to Venus. The greenhouse effect in a layered atmosphere isn't the same as a coat of paint on a barn. How it really works is interesting though, I recommend this video if you want to know more.)

Why didn't what happen to Venus happen to Earth?
Life on Earth happened.

Organic life forms sucked the CO2 out of the atmosphere and sequestered it as coal and oil as fast as Earth could belch it out (e.g., volcanoes). So, CO2 didn't build up like it did on Venus. (This also shoots-down the theory that humans are to insignificant to make a change since life forms have already made a huge change.) Hope that helps!

diy solar

diy solar