diy solar

diy solar

Solar pump controllers


New Member
Jul 20, 2024
Queensland, Australia
After some basic information on how solar pump controllers work. I have a couple operating from complete kits, but wish to set up another pump with a generic controller for pond filtration and wish to know if they are compatible
I have two used 10yo, 230w, 8A, 36VOC panels in parallel, still producing 29v, 16A together when required. The pump I have is a 12v, 180w, 3000l/h screw pump, but the required head is less than 0.5m. The controller I am looking at is 24/48v, 450w 16A max input, 63v max input. [.]
Will the controller have this 16A input from the panels constantly supplied at its max, or does it just draw what is required?
Current 24v pump [running off a 36v controller], only draws 1 amp at start-up and 2.8A/84w when running at full capacity of 1200l/hr. However, this controller's Pmax is 17A, so here a constant 16A input is not a concern.
Will I need a stepdown for the 12v pump, or do these type controllers only put out what is required? This question is related to the current set-up being a 24v pump running off a 36v controller.
Hope that inserted link is done ok.
I've got some solar pumps directly from China via Alibaba. Side Note: I've been quite impressed with them, particularly since they are a fraction the price of the ones from RPS or Grundfos.

I know it's not your pump or your controller but it does illustrate how wide a range they operate at. I would suspect that many of the solar direct controllers behave similarly.


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