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diy solar

Chargery instant shut off and heatup


Watts are Watts!
Staff member
Sep 20, 2019
Hollister CA and off the grid in Idaho
So today i was testing my Chargery BMS. all the readouts seem to be working fine. I had 1 relay connected to the low voltage shut off side of the BMS output. And it was working as expected.

However low voltage shut off is not necessarily a problem for me right now but overvoltage is. So i decided yo move the relay from the low voltage side to the high voltage side. The first thing I did was disconnect the battery from the SCC when I did this the Chargery instantly turned off and started heating up. I mean too hot to touch and I think it may be blown.

Anybody have any ideas what happened. What I did should of been no different than what the chargery does when it shuts off charging.
The first thing I did was disconnect the battery from the SCC
Most SCC's have warnings about having an array connected (and powered) without a battery attached. All of my SCC's do. This has been bandied about on quite a few threads. There are some disbelievers in these warnings so please keep us posted on your results (fingers crossed for you).
Most SCC's have warnings about having an array connected (and powered) without a battery attached. All of my SCC's do. This has been bandied about on quite a few threads. There are some disbelievers in these warnings so please keep us posted on your results (fingers crossed for you).
The SCC is fine thats not the issue. The BMS a what fried
Not sure why taking out the solar charge controller would do that? I always just shut the chargery off with the external power switch. But I dont think I would have turned it off just to remove an external device such as a SCC.

I have a victron SCC connected with 2 BYD packs and 2 chargery BMS8T for testing and I take stuff on and off the DC side all the time and my 2 still live.

Was this on a BYD pack? If so did you use the PCB for chargery?
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1) are you using the Battery as the power source for the BMS ?
2) did you turn off the BMS (power selector on side on main control unit) before furtling with it ?
3) did you mod any of the leads for the BMS harness ? and if so, did you test the entire line from connector to terminal end ? to verify that each wire was good. Even applies if you crimped / soldered end on
4) which part exactly got hot ?
I am using battery as power source.

Bms was on mine does not have on off switch version 1

Yes I tested every lead and they were working when I unhooked SCC

The box that connects to leads got hit not the remote display.

What I did was disconnect the positive lead from SCC I had 2 ring terminals attached together. I had set it up for the second relay to be connected to ring terminals but only had 1 relay plan was to insert it on SCC side of battery instead of Load side.

I don't understand how what I did is any different than the SCC shutting down or the BMS opening charge relay
The main BMS Control does not have an external power port with a switch next to it ? Hmmm

As I understand it, an SCC must have somewhere to dump it's juice at all times IF there is power coming into it from panels. Every doc I have read clearly says to shut off panels first so there is no input before messing with the wires. Panels off 1st, battery source off 2nd to complete power down SCC. If the SCC get's power from panels or ? nd it has nowhere to go, the SCC will cook itself, even the expensive Midnites. Magic Smoke = Lot's of Blue Air ! (in my case that's 5 languages of Blue Air, too colourful for most) ;)

As a rule, I always triple check every wire, connection, terminal, everything I make any changes to before using it. With the BMS, the batt harness wires once the ends are put on as well as everything else. Dbl fun for me, as I had to extend all the wiring in the harness by 4cm. and 35cm for the shunt.

bms8t-main module.JPG
The main BMS Control does not have an external power port with a switch next to it ? Hmmm

As I understand it, an SCC must have somewhere to dump it's juice at all times IF there is power coming into it from panels. Every doc I have read clearly says to shut off panels first so there is no input before messing with the wires. Panels off 1st, battery source off 2nd to complete power down SCC. If the SCC get's power from panels or ? nd it has nowhere to go, the SCC will cook itself, even the expensive Midnites. Magic Smoke = Lot's of Blue Air ! (in my case that's 5 languages of Blue Air, too colourful for most) ;)

As a rule, I always triple check every wire, connection, terminal, everything I make any changes to before using it. With the BMS, the batt harness wires once the ends are put on as well as everything else. Dbl fun for me, as I had to extend all the wiring in the harness by 4cm. and 35cm for the shunt.

View attachment 5357
My model is the 16t

I think it's a bit different.
The main BMS Control does not have an external power port with a switch next to it ? Hmmm

As I understand it, an SCC must have somewhere to dump it's juice at all times IF there is power coming into it from panels. Every doc I have read clearly says to shut off panels first so there is no input before messing with the wires. Panels off 1st, battery source off 2nd to complete power down SCC. If the SCC get's power from panels or ? nd it has nowhere to go, the SCC will cook itself, even the expensive Midnites. Magic Smoke = Lot's of Blue Air ! (in my case that's 5 languages of Blue Air, too colourful for most) ;)

As a rule, I always triple check every wire, connection, terminal, everything I make any changes to before using it. With the BMS, the batt harness wires once the ends are put on as well as everything else. Dbl fun for me, as I had to extend all the wiring in the harness by 4cm. and 35cm for the shunt.

View attachment 5357
Well it does have a selector switch going from battery power to external power. That switch is set to battery.
Well it does have a selector switch going from battery power to external power. That switch is set to battery.
Just double checked. ALL the "T" types have said switch, non T ones are different but now discontinued too, that's the older stuff.

If you flip that switch to external, it affectively shuts off the whole BMS, unless you have external power attached to it, obviously.
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So they have discontinued the BMS16 :-(
Was looking at using an independant active balancer and was hoping to avoid any possible interference between the 1.2A passive balancing of the T model and the active balancer.....hope that is still possible.
So they have discontinued the BMS16 :-(
Was looking at using an independant active balancer and was hoping to avoid any possible interference between the 1.2A passive balancing of the T model and the active balancer.....hope that is still possible.

What do you mean "discontinued"?? Its still listed as a Product on their website ..
MY BAD SORRY ! I was thinking of other models, things are changing and tbh I don't / can't keep up with everything all the time.
IE: Only spending much time on here today & tomorrow because I am literally snowed in for at least the next 24-36 hours, so catchup time & reading time after which my todo list will keep me busy for days during the daytime.
MY BAD SORRY ! I was thinking of other models, things are changing and tbh I don't / can't keep up with everything all the time.
IE: Only spending much time on here today & tomorrow because I am literally snowed in for at least the next 24-36 hours, so catchup time & reading time after which my todo list will keep me busy for days during the daytime.
Dont sweat it have put many onto the chargery should be on a
Either way switch no switch disconnecting input power should not fry the unit should it?
One more thing about disconnecting battery from SCC with an array and BMS attached...

I once bumped an alligator clip off from my battery while the SCC was powered by my array. My SCC (12/24 auto sensing unit) decided on its own to switch to 24v mode. When i reconnected to the battery, fortunately i was watching the voltage and it started climbing towards 24v.

Maybe your SCC switched to maximum voltage too? Could that be an SCC "feature" (bug) or maybe a last ditch attempt at survival?

Not sure I'd recommend testing this but if your voltage rose above your BMS comfort zone, it'd probably get hot and look at releasing some magic smoke.

Just a thought.
So I ordered a BMS16T 24V today to play with here at work to see if i could get the factory Smoke to stay in it ...

With that said - we have a system here that is a straight 800aH 12.8 (4*3.2) LiFePO4 system with a 3000 watt 12V inverter ... I have looked everywhere on the CHARGERY page and cannot find any BMS systems they have that does 12V's -- am i missing it somewhere ??? Everything i see says 15-50V
So I ordered a BMS16T 24V today to play with here at work to see if i could get the factory Smoke to stay in it ...

With that said - we have a system here that is a straight 800aH 12.8 (4*3.2) LiFePO4 system with a 3000 watt 12V inverter ... I have looked everywhere on the CHARGERY page and cannot find any BMS systems they have that does 12V's -- am i missing it somewhere ??? Everything i see says 15-50V
I was looking at the same thing. I think for a 12V system an external power supply is needed ..... maybe a 12-24V converter.

I'd like to hear from someone who knows for sure.
I was looking at the same thing. I think for a 12V system an external power supply is needed ..... maybe a 12-24V converter.

I'd like to hear from someone who knows for sure.

There's got to be allot more to it then just running an external power supply cord from a 24V source to it ... or at least i would think there is ... if so -- WHY wouldn't they have just made a 12-50 input? Heck i could design one of those in a few seconds .. there has to be a reason they are do 24V and higher and not messing with 12V .. I dropped them a note but of course they are on Lunar New Years until 01 Feb ..
There's got to be allot more to it then just running an external power supply cord from a 24V source to it ... or at least i would think there is ... if so -- WHY wouldn't they have just made a 12-50 input? Heck i could design one of those in a few seconds .. there has to be a reason they are do 24V and higher and not messing with 12V .. I dropped them a note but of course they are on Lunar New Years until 01 Feb ..

I think I saw it mentioned in one of their manuals that a 4S setup would require an external supply .... will try to find where I saw it.

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diy solar