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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

"No actual history"? Of course youre asking to see a unicorn. Medical records are private information.

So you think that like you, I should just accept what the media is saying. No evidence, nothing. They are saying it so it must be true!

The article isnt "op-ed". It states "She knew her husband was sick, but how was it possible that a young, healthy 30-year-old with no pre-existing conditions declined so swiftly"
Excess weight and obesity are pre-existing conditions so unless you can explain the fat face and neck wrinkles in the picture in post #261 I suggest you drop the whole "healthy 30 year old" narrative.


I like how you used the wedding picture in which he is probably 30-50 lbs lighter when trying to push the idea that he was some how healthy.

^^^^fat as hell.
Not as fat as hell: 200404115933-01-ben-brandy-luderer-large-169.jpg

Youre a conspiracy theorist, who believes the CDC, NIH and even CNN are all making this up?

Prove the CNN article is false. Prove theyre lying. Prove the CDC is lying when they say that healthy young people with no pre existing conditions have died.
Yet again, another weak pathetic fall in line dont make waves sis gender loser resorting to name calling instead of stepping up and proving their argument.

I dont have to prove sh*t. The burden of proof is on you. You claim healthy people are dying from covid 19. You prove it with actual evidence, not op-ed opinion piece feel so sorry for me stories.
"No actual history"? Of course youre asking to see a unicorn. Medical records are private information.
I think that's just as big of a smoking gun for either side of the argument. Talking about what medically happened to other people (generally) needs to be taken with a grain of salt. People don't usually disclose their full and private medical records to anybody, much less the media. On top of that, even if they do, everybody wants to try to make themselves look better, and of course, every news station has some sort of agenda, so the information will be presented through their glasses.

If you looked at my medical "record" now, I would appear to be a very healthy young adult male. That record wouldn't include almost a decade of substance abuse, smoking, partying, and reckless behavior though.
So you think that like you, I should just accept what the media is saying. No evidence, nothing. They are saying it so it must be true!

Excess weight and obesity are pre-existing conditions so unless you can explain the fat face and neck wrinkles in the picture in post #261 I suggest you drop the whole "healthy 30 year old" narrative.

View attachment 77909

I like how you used the wedding picture in which he is probably 30-50 lbs lighter when trying to push the idea that he was some how healthy.

^^^^fat as hell.
Not as fat as hell: View attachment 77911

Yet again, another weak pathetic fall in line dont make waves sis gender loser resorting to name calling instead of stepping up and proving their argument.

I dont have to prove sh*t. The burden of proof is on you. You claim healthy people are dying from covid 19. You prove it with actual evidence, not op-ed opinion piece feel so sorry for me stories.
Where is the CNN story labelled op-ed? Youre portraying it as such merely because it disagrees with you, yet op-ed pieces are clearly labelled as such. Calling it that is a lie on your part.

Why are you pretending that multiple govt agencies, and credible health care organizations havent published this?
I think that's just as big of a smoking gun for either side of the argument. Talking about what medically happened to other people (generally) needs to be taken with a grain of salt. People don't usually disclose their full and private medical records to anybody, much less the media. On top of that, even if they do, everybody wants to try to make themselves look better, and of course, every news station has some sort of agenda, so the information will be presented through their glasses.

If you looked at my medical "record" now, I would appear to be a very healthy young adult male. That record wouldn't include almost a decade of substance abuse, smoking, partying, and reckless behavior though.
The fact that he and his wife are both school teachers tends to make speculations about a hard partying life style hard to believe. Who knows though.
Where is the CNN story labelled op-ed? Youre portraying it as such merely because it disagrees with you, yet op-ed pieces are clearly labelled as such. Calling it that is a lie on your part.

Why are you pretending that multiple govt agencies, and credible health care organizations havent published this?
I never said it was an op-ed. I said:

Its basically an op-ed piece.

Your strawman attempt to discredit while ignoring everything else I have written is typical
So you think that like you, I should just accept what the media is saying. No evidence, nothing. They are saying it so it must be true!

Excess weight and obesity are pre-existing conditions so unless you can explain the fat face and neck wrinkles in the picture in post #261 I suggest you drop the whole "healthy 30 year old" narrative.

View attachment 77909

I like how you used the wedding picture in which he is probably 30-50 lbs lighter when trying to push the idea that he was some how healthy.

^^^^fat as hell.
Not as fat as hell: View attachment 77911

Yet again, another weak pathetic fall in line dont make waves sis gender loser resorting to name calling instead of stepping up and proving their argument.

I dont have to prove sh*t. The burden of proof is on you. You claim healthy people are dying from covid 19. You prove it with actual evidence, not op-ed opinion piece feel so sorry for me stories.
You dont know that he hadnt lost weight after that picture was taken.
The fact that he and his wife are both school teachers tends to make speculations about a hard partying life style hard to believe. Who knows though.
I met a couple of guys in Narcotics Anonymous who were teachers. Like you said, you can't REALLY ever know someone's history.
I never said it was an op-ed. I said:

Your strawman attempt to discredit while ignoring everything else I have written is typical
Ummm... Yeah. In the post I replied to you said it again:

"prove it with actual evidence, not op-ed opinion piece feel so sorry for me stories."

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You dont know that he hadnt lost weight after that picture was taken.
Really!? that is where your going to go now!? Maybe he lost weight? Sure, maybe he lost weight using amphetamines and steroids. Now you are just being pathetic.

Ummm... Yeah. In the post I replied to you said it again:

"prove it with actual evidence, not op-ed opinion piece feel so sorry for me stories."

Like Reply

You know you have nothing left when this is what your coming with. OK, I found it. I said it once like that. Corrected below.

I dont have to prove sh*t. The burden of proof is on you. You claim healthy people are dying from covid 19. You prove it with actual evidence, not what basically amounts to an op-ed opinion piece feel so sorry for me stories.

Now, I hope you can get a little better control of your emotions and get back to trying to provide some actual substantive evidence that healthy people die from covid 19.
Really!? that is where your going to go now!? Maybe he lost weight? Sure, maybe he lost weight using amphetamines and steroids. Now you are just being pathetic.

You know you have nothing left when this is what your coming with. OK, I found it. I said it once like that. Corrected below.

Now, I hope you can get a little better control of your emotions and get back to trying to provide some actual substantive evidence that healthy people die from covid 19.
Thats exactly what the references I provided stated, word for word. Healthy people with no preexisting conditions died from covid. Youve offered nothing to refute reuters and CNN other than sheer speculation that they had pre existing conditions.
You think its up to me to prove a well documented fact with thousands of known cases to your satisfaction.
Get over yourself I could care less what you believe.

I guess the governments of scotland, england and wales are with CNN and reuters on this conspiracy too.

They made all that up and those 5,000 people never existed.
"(91.1%) had at least one pre-existing condition, while 4,476 (8.9%) had none."

Next question: What percentage of the population has no pre-existing conditions?
Maybe people who are not healthy should be mandated to get vaccinated and everyone else should make the choice they want to.
LOL...talking out both sides of your ass. What if people don't know they have an underlying codition?
Thats exactly what the references I provided stated, word for word. Healthy people with no preexisting conditions died from covid. Youve offered nothing to refute reuters and CNN other than sheer speculation that they had pre existing conditions.
You do realize that they are called news stories for a reason. There is no evidence, legitimate references, or anything other than them telling you what to think, and you are sucking it all up like a mindless wind up doll.

There is nothing to refute other than hearsay.

You think its up to me to prove a well documented fact with thousands of known cases to your satisfaction.
Get over yourself I could care less what you believe.

I guess the governments of scotland, england and wales are with CNN and reuters on this conspiracy too.

They made all that up and those 5,000 people never existed.
Not saying they made up 5000 people that died. There you go again with the pathetic strawman attempts. So weak. I have not doubt they had no documented pre-existing conditions. I also have no doubt that if an actual autopsy was done on all of them the vast majority of them would have had an issue.

Do you know what definition of Pre-existing condition they are using? Is it:

Preexisting condition is a term that refers to a known illness, injury, or health condition that existed before someone enrolls in or begins receiving health or life insurance.

This definition requires that the condition is documented and known.

or is it:

A preexisting condition is a health problem, injury, or illness that an individual has before they sign up for or receive health insurance coverage.

This definition allows an insurer to dig in and look for something that was there but was not known, and call it a preexisting condition and refuse funds.

You dont know sh*t and you completely failed at the attempt to show your indifference to my beliefs.

Get over yourself I could care less what you believe.
"I could care less" means that you do care, at least a little. ;)

Get out of the Gene pool!
I'll start posting them as I see them, but I'm not going to waste hours proving a point to some random dunce on the internet. I think we've made it abundantly clear that you have no idea what you're talking about, you literally don't even know what the theories are that you're shitting on.

Edit: While I work on getting those together. Why don't you start trying to explain to me in your own words what you think "Q" is. You've also completely dodged a question.
You mean you can't remember what I posted before? That the group believes there is a deep state that somehow runs a satanic pedophile ring? That Trump is somehow trying to fix that in-between rounds of golf and eating McDonald's hamburgers?

Out of curiosity, what do you think of Trump touting the vaccines and telling people they should be getting them? Should he be spending more time finding the pedophiles?
LOL...talking out both sides of your ass. What if people don't know they have an underlying codition?
Maybe they should be paying a little more attention and putting a little more effort into it then. As far as Im concerned the people who have and underlying health condition, (even if they dont know it) and dont get vaccinated are stupid and can go right ahead and die.
Maybe they should be paying a little more attention and putting a little more effort into it then. As far as Im concerned the people who have and underlying health condition, (even if they dont know it) and dont get vaccinated are stupid and can go right ahead and die.
Well...we are on the same page there. Next question...if you are person who doesn't know if they have an underlying condition or not, doesn't that mean everyone?
You mean you can't remember what I posted before? That the group believes there is a deep state that somehow runs a satanic pedophile ring? That Trump is somehow trying to fix that in-between rounds of golf and eating McDonald's hamburgers?

Out of curiosity, what do you think of Trump touting the vaccines and telling people they should be getting them? Should he be spending more time finding the pedophiles?
I'm not a Trump supporter, nor do I support Biden. I really don't care what Trump says, I'm a firm believer that to be in a political position of power you by definition have to be a piece of shit.

I also said I never believe "Q", maybe pieces, but I'm not a "Qultist" by any stretch of the imagination.

Like I said before, I'll post those as I see them, but I don't have a Facebook, so I'm limited to what's reposted by others.

I'm going to go spend my time talking about sunny days and solar panels, later guys.

Well...we are on the same page there. Next question...if you are person who doesn't know if they have an underlying condition or not, doesn't that mean everyone?
No, a large number of them, but not everyone. If you dont know if you are healthy, I strongly suggest you get vaccinated. If you put as much work into being healthy as I do and have annual lab tests that verify it, I am not going to urge anyone to take on the risks associated with the vaccine.
Wild speculation is not a credible position.
You can call it wild speculation if you want to, I couldnt care less (see how I used it properly).

Parroting what ever you have been spoon fed isnt a credible position either.
@Batvette Will you please provide what your definition of "Health" is. Maybe that is why we seem to not find any common ground on this issue.
No, a large number of them, but not everyone. If you dont know if you are healthy, I strongly suggest you get vaccinated. If you put as much work into being healthy as I do and have annual lab tests that verify it, I am not going to urge anyone to take on the risks associated with the vaccine.
The healthiest person I know was a marathoner and had a heart defect that he found out about later in life. A person like that is very susceptible to having a bad result from Covid.

I ride my bike 100 to 150 miles per week. I still got the vaccine as did my friend who is a doctor who swam the english channel.
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The healthiest person I know was a marathoner
This is a common misconception. Marathoners are not healthy. Running marathons and the training required to be able to do the marathon puts the body in a state of chronic stress. The only people that extol the virtues of long distance running are long distance runners and the people that admire them.
Please resist the urge to strawman this. I did not say that running a 5k once a week was bad for you. What I am saying is that pounding out a 50-100k every week is not good for you.

A "heart defect" is not a risk factor for poor outcomes with covid 19. Heart disease certainly is. Those are two very different conditions.
A "heart defect" is not a risk factor for poor outcomes with covid 19. Heart disease certainly is. Those are two very different conditions.
Covid can damage the heart. If the heart already has some sort of weakness that you were born with, you could be adversely affected.

Personally, I like outdoor activity too much like biking, hiking and swimming. The chance that I couldn't do those things anymore due to having my lungs or heart affected is not worth the risk of getting covid and having them damaged. Totally worth any miniscule risk of a vaccine. Likewise, please resist the urge to strawman this like you seem to like to do.

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