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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

So instead of addressing the reply to you, in which you got your ass handed to you, you pivot away, ignore it and start building more strawmen so you can attempt to feed your ego some more.
With every post he gets more charming.
Seek help. They have meds for this stuff now.
The pandemic is over, but the FEAR PORN will continue on as long as left-wingers are running the show........

The pandemic is over, but the FEAR PORN will continue on as long as left-wingers are running the show........

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BMcl does not understand that death is a lagging indicator, our hospitals are overwhelmed already in many parts of the country, that long covid appears to be much worse and more extensive than believed, nor that other variants are almost a certainty.
BMcl does not understand that death is a lagging indicator, our hospitals are overwhelmed already in many parts of the country, that long covid appears to be much worse and more extensive than believed, nor that other variants are almost a certainty.
Don't worry, he will attribute excess deaths due to overstrained health care system to being caused by the vaccines like Bob was anyway. Pop quiz hotshot! You have 10 ambulances, 15 calls for respiratory distress, and 3 calls for car accidents. All 10 are already en route to the respiratory distress cases... was covid responsible for you bleeding out at the car accident scene?
BMcl does not understand that death is a lagging indicator, our hospitals are overwhelmed already in many parts of the country, that long covid appears to be much worse and more extensive than believed, nor that other variants are almost a certainty.
Theyre overwhelmed in my area right now big time.
I think its a matter of omichrom cases picking up from family holiday gatherings and people coming down with that arent taking chances on dying because they put off seeing a doctor, not taking it seriously, like they saw happen to so many people with the original strain.
The message Im seeing from hospital officials is theyre triaging ER patients by seriousness of condition not by order of arrival so maybe youd be better off going to urgent care to avoid very long waits...
Which kind of confirms whats going on. People going to the ER over an abundance of caution rather than actual need.
I am 63. Yesterday I had a sharp pain in my left arm ( I had been moving propane tanks). It occurred to me that I could be having a heart attack. I have never had heart problems but I was concerned. I am a retired nurse but I did not go in because I knew it would be a mess, long waits, the likelihood it was muscular was high, and I could quite likely get Covid.

I am fine but how many others have done something similar? That is a broken system.
I am 63. Yesterday I had a sharp pain in my left arm ( I had been moving propane tanks). It occurred to me that I could be having a heart attack. I have never had heart problems but I was concerned. I am a retired nurse but I did not go in because I knew it would be a mess, long waits, the likelihood it was muscular was high, and I could quite likely get Covid.

I am fine but how many others have done something similar? That is a broken system.
A friend has had a list she clipped on her fridge of all the signs of the onset of a stroke. Last year she had one. Her roommate was in the kitchen making lunch, reviewed the list and called paramedics. They arrived in minutes.
She lost the use of most of her right side and had to retire from her career as a dialysis nurse but it didnt affect her speech.
Its been about 6 months now, shes walking fine most effects are gone.

A guy I know my age (59) had a stroke about 15 years ago worst case was in a coma for 2 months, spent years in therapy like a child had to learn how to tie his shoes etc.

I know his brother and still see him once in awhile, he doesnt remember me at all even though we were neighbors and drinkin/fightin buddies for a few years and spends all day in front of the TV watching ball games in silence.

If youre showing any symptoms call paramedics. Often health care professionals are the worst when it comes to their own care. (No offense)

Of course I know how it is as we age so many new pains and maladies its easy to ignore real issues. In the last 5 yesrs Ive been.hospitalized for anemia, a staph infection, sepsis, AKI (kidney failure) and cellulitis several times. Each time I didnt feel that bad and even enjoyed the buzz I felt from a 105.5 degree fever. They said the sepsis was hours away from septic shock with 50% fatality. I didnt want to go to the hospital.
The pandemic is over, but the FEAR PORN will continue on as long as left-wingers are running the show........

View attachment 78454
Theyre walking a fine line with Sleepy Joe trying to feign an economic recovery so dont assume theyre trying to wreak irreversible havoc on this one issue. That stage passed at the end of 2020.
Its hard to say what dog every faction has in this fight but theres certainly a lot of them. The average citizen simply doesnt want to get sick and die but wants to still earn a living.
I was most suspicious about government workers who drew full pay while getting (often absurdly) long vacations or low workloads.
Remote work haha. I was dating a schoolteacher when the pandemic hit, she got a full month off, the next month and a half she had zoom classes for 10 hrs a week with district techs handling all the tests and material then summer vacation. From september till january again remote learning for a few hours a day
Her $7600 a month pay + benefits never affected.
Im not complaining, federal and state pandemic unemployment was generous to me.
But it did remind me she had a lot of motivation to support stay at home orders, before all this she really was in need of a break.

My sister who works for the FAA and I believe is a great expert in her field, nonetheless was working remotely for well over a year.

I can tell you that change of duties for me would involve mostly analyzing important data like internet porn.
BMcl does not understand that death is a lagging indicator, our hospitals are overwhelmed already in many parts of the country, that long covid appears to be much worse and more extensive than believed, nor that other variants are almost a certainty.
More thinning of the herd coming

Red voting counties especially hard hit.
There has been an influx of articles basically saying very little to nothing about this new variant.

Did the same thing happen with Delta or is this being pushed in a weirdly aggressive and premature way?

So far the general reporting is that it has a ton of mutations, but we don't know what they do. It may or may not be more transmissible. It may or may not cause vaccination and natural immunity to be effective. It may or may not be more deadly. It may or may not have milder symptoms.

They've managed to trigger the worst day this year for the stock market indices, on Black Friday of all days. Is this all to explain why we are about to start locking down international flights and pave the way for new lockdowns and mandates or is it just an abundance of caution?

It is the holidays, people are going to travel and visit whether or not this variant spreads. I guess I am just trying to figure out the motivation or why things are being handled this way this time.
It’s called Double , Triple down.
It’s all about control for the 2022 midterms.
Can’t have mail in voting if no reason you can’t go vote in person.
Theyre walking a fine line with Sleepy Joe trying to feign an economic recovery so dont assume theyre trying to wreak irreversible havoc on this one issue. That stage passed at the end of 2020.
Its hard to say what dog every faction has in this fight but theres certainly a lot of them. The average citizen simply doesnt want to get sick and die but wants to still earn a living.
I was most suspicious about government workers who drew full pay while getting (often absurdly) long vacations or low workloads.
Remote work haha. I was dating a schoolteacher when the pandemic hit, she got a full month off, the next month and a half she had zoom classes for 10 hrs a week with district techs handling all the tests and material then summer vacation. From september till january again remote learning for a few hours a day
Her $7600 a month pay + benefits never affected.
Im not complaining, federal and state pandemic unemployment was generous to me.
But it did remind me she had a lot of motivation to support stay at home orders, before all this she really was in need of a break.

My sister who works for the FAA and I believe is a great expert in her field, nonetheless was working remotely for well over a year.

I can tell you that change of duties for me would involve mostly analyzing important data like internet porn.
Funny I thought teachers were underpaid.
She makes as much as me being a network engineer after 30+ years of working.
It’s called Double , Triple down.
It’s all about control for the 2022 midterms.
Can’t have mail in voting if no reason you can’t go vote in person.
*pounds the right wing conspiracy drum* left, right, left, right, about face! Regurgitate talking points! I guess fraud can happen anywhere, be it election stealing or embezzlement.
*pounds the right wing conspiracy drum* left, right, left, right, about face! Regurgitate talking points! I guess fraud can happen anywhere, be it election stealing or embezzlement.
If there were no mail in voting how many Democrats would be elected?

Very few.

81,000,000 Biden votes.
More than the first Black President but less than a year later has the lowest approval rating in history.
If there were no mail in voting how many Democrats would be elected?

Very few.

81,000,000 Biden votes.
More than the first Black President but less than a year later has the lowest approval rating in history.
That's pretty funny. Before this last election, the mail in votes were predominantly Republican. Never heard a peep until they thought it was hurting them. All of a sudden Republicans don't like it when everyone has an easier time voting. BTW, pretty much the only fraudulent mail in votes were Republicans voting twice.

I have voted Republican for President my entire life until tRump came along. I can't even count how many of my Republican friends didn't vote for him this last time and many more won't ever vote for him again after his Jan 6th stunt.
That's pretty funny. Before this last election, the mail in votes were predominantly Republican. Never heard a peep until they thought it was hurting them. All of a sudden Republicans don't like it when everyone has an easier time voting. BTW, pretty much the only fraudulent mail in votes were Republicans voting twice.

I have voted Republican for President my entire life until tRump came along. I can't even count how many of my Republican friends didn't vote for him this last time and many more won't ever vote for him again after his Jan 6th stunt.
So you voted for this disaster Biden because you didn’t like Trump?

That’s just brilliant.
Funny I thought teachers were underpaid.
She makes as much as me being a network engineer after 30+ years of working.

Hope you live in a low-cost region.

Silicon valley engineers, average pay around $120k ($10k/month)
"Network" "engineer" may or may not be at that level, depending on what it entails.

"According to SalaryExpert, an entry-level software engineer salary in Silicon Valley starts with $87,896"
That's $7300/month

Often, people can get higher pay by moving around, but someone who remains with same employer for years makes less than new hires for same position.
Nothing new here. Repackaged lies from snake oil peddling quacks.
The nurse says we shouldn't believe multiple world-famous Critical Care Doctors who have no financial interest in what they are saying.
Many have lost fortunes defending themselves from bureaucrats trying to shut them up.
The nurse says we shouldn't believe multiple world-famous Critical Care Doctors who have no financial interest in what they are saying.
Many have lost fortunes defending themselves from bureaucrats trying to shut them up.
"world-famous Critical Care Doctors " LOL......
*pounds the right wing conspiracy drum* left, right, left, right, about face! Regurgitate talking points! I guess fraud can happen anywhere, be it election stealing or embezzlement.
Maybe you can explain to me how voter ID is a bad thing?

The way I see it ..... the most likely reason for those who don't want voter ID .... is probably the most obvious.
So you voted for this disaster Biden because you didn’t like Trump?

That’s just brilliant.
I voted for Biden because he was the best choice. Actually, anyone with a pulse was better than tRump. He definitely proved it one year ago today.

I voted for Gary Johnson in '16, Mitt Romney in '12 and John McCain in '08. Too bad he picked Palin for is VP running mate. That wack job doomed him.
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McCain said he wanted the US to go to war against Syria. That is why I voted for Obama.
Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Price. For being elected. He later ordered an act of war against Libya (which only Congress had authority to do).
I was expecting to say that Trump's greatest accomplishment was getting a woman elected to the White House. Instead, Hillary's greatest accomplishment was getting Trump elected.
Trump ordered an act of war against Syria (which only Congress had authority to do.)
Biden did withdraw the US. from a 20 year long stalemate war. I think Americans there should have taken a "vacation" elsewhere to see how things went.
It is not at all clear to me that Biden is actually behind anything the administration does.

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