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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

A lot of doctors have come out questioning the risk/benefit of vaccinating young children. I mean, a LOT. Im all for following the science, whats it say for vaccinating 4 yos? Whats their fatality rate for covid?
Questioning the risk/benefit for children is a legitimate concern.. Questioning it for adults is also a legit concern.. The difference is that adults can be persuaded to volunteer for clinical trials and are informed about the risks.. vs. Children who wouldn't understand the risk even if you explained it to them.
Super capacitors are not commercialy available, does that mean that they are not necessary?
If four year old children were dying for lack of them there would be an all out effort to have them.
In other news the sky is blue and water is wet.
Oh shut up.
Weak and pathetic as usual.

Lets see if you have the balls to actually answer this:
There is NO APPROVED VACCINE FOR 4-year-olds.

IF they get one approved then we can look at those trials and safety data. You and the other conspiracy theorists constantly talk about mandates that don't exist and create every other type of logical error conceivable. I honestly have no idea how any of you even get online? Do you have home health aides?

If Covid 19 is so transmissible and we are going to keep running into it, why are we now talking about boosters, especially for kids. Every time you run into it is a booster in and of itself.
I don't think vaccine hesitancy in the population has much to do with politics. I DO think the politicians try their best to make it that way.

Sometimes it amazes me how short people's memory can be when they get blinded by ideology and are fed a steady diet of biased news. So many actually believe it is all Trumpians ... probably not a word .... and conspiracy theorists who are vaccine hesitant. Please go back and watch the presidential and vice presidential debates to see who the original antivaxxers were.
If Trump had won the election, all we would be hearing from them is how unsafe the vaccine is because Trump rushed it thru ..... I am truly amazed when people can't see the reality of these things.
I am also amazed how effective democrats are at framing this as a problem of the Trump followers.

It's the same way they have convinced so many that the republicans are the racists .... I guess those focus groups really do teach them how to create an effective lie and parse words in a way that bring the sheep along.

For me, this is not a one size fits all decision. I am 74 and my wife is 69 .... It was a no brainer for us to get vaccinated .... not so much of a no brainer to get boosted, but we did. With the vaccine efficacy waning with each new variant .... and known risks from the vaccine come more into focus each day .... it is unlikely we will go any further down that path.

I find it totally unacceptable that the vaccine is being forced on population groups who don't really need it .... with the risk vs benefit so obscured by a poor reporting system that it's nearly impossible to know the long term effects of this.
I also find it unacceptable that we are this far down stream and therapeutics and early treatments are still not in wide spread us ... even when studies prove repurposed drugs highly effective. In this case I'm talking about Fluvoxamine.... How many lives might it have saved?
I am amazed that the focus has been on only one thing ... vaccines.
I don't know what it will take for some to break free of their illogical bias and engage their brains and their memory and observe what is right in front of them .... stop being a sheep and be a sentient being.
Read up on propaganda and learn to recognize it. Maybe the people you think are conspiracy theorists are just better at recognizing propaganda.
We are totally inundated by propaganda now days .... a quick into to some of the techniques ..... and maybe will see that some on here are using some of these techniques.
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I dont think any provision of any law in any jurisdiction exists that allows a law enforcement officer to shoot and kill an unarmed trespasser who is sufficient distance away from them to preclude a threat to their person. Can you provide a precedent of this ever happening?
The only thing remotely comparable are white house intrusions, and in a number of cases secret service did shoot intruders, but in every case the individual was armed with a gun.

I was describing laws in California which allow someone to use deadly force against an intruder for simply entering his home by force.
I don't know the exact line for law enforcement. Obviously just a crowd, outdoors, can't shoot them for standing there.
Inside a locked room as a mob begins to enter by force, while people to be protected are present?
I would hope they don't have to wait until dozens are inside rushing toward the elected officials. I would hope they would be allowed to shoot all intruders as they came through the broken door.
Questioning the risk/benefit for children is a legitimate concern.. Questioning it for adults is also a legit concern.. The difference is that adults can be persuaded to volunteer for clinical trials and are informed about the risks.. vs. Children who wouldn't understand the risk even if you explained it to them.
Yes, that is a legitimate point.

Obviously, the parents are consenting for the kids right now but I would entertain as reasonable concerns about that topic. They are obviously being very cautious because the problem so far is that they give such small doses of vaccine that they provoke no immune response.

So back to the drawing board and trying a slightly higher dose.

Then as you say I expect there will be a risk-benefit in that population. There are high-risk individuals in that age group and we are better to be prepared for the future because Covid has repeatedly taught us it will do the unexpected.

Most of the talk about Covid on here is talking about what it is even though we don't even know the long-term consequences and have NO idea what the next variant will look like.

Sure. As folks like BOB B say Omicron could infect a large majority of the population and create immunity thus stopping the pandemic. BUT, the virus has repeatedly demonstrated that an intense immune response is not long lived and it will mutate. There is NO rule it needs to become less virulent. That is an urban myth. That is hopium.
It doesn't prove that at all. They have it in trials and are working on the dosing. Read a paper. It helps.

You are new on this thread. BMcl is in fact from the Tennesse hills outside of Nashville. He is a utility worker for the water company. He believes in multiple conspiracy theories and repeats them here often.
If it were REALLY necessary, to save lives, wouldnt they have rushed it out a year ago like they did for the rest of the populace, who were dying at high rates?
Explain the science behind vaccinations for young children. Their death rate from covid is extremely low, very few have even had noticeable symptoms.
I will repeat a LOT of experts have come out questioning the need to vaccinate children. Dont clown me with this conspiracy theory nonsense, Im following the science here and its not supportive.
I don't think vaccine hesitancy in the population has much to do with politics. I DO think the politicians try their best to make it that way.

Sometimes it amazes me how short people's memory can be when they get blinded by ideology and are fed a steady diet of biased news. So many actually believe it is all Trumpians ... probably not a word .... and conspiracy theorists who are vaccine hesitant. Please go back and watch the presidential and vice presidential debates to see who the original antivaxxers were.
If Trump had won the election, all we would be hearing from them is how unsafe the vaccine is because Trump rushed it thru ..... I am truly amazed when people can't see the reality of these things.
I am also amazed how effective democrats are at framing this as a problem of the Trump followers.

It's the same way they have convinced so many that the republicans are the racists .... I guess those focus groups really do teach them how to create an effective lie and parse words in a way that bring the sheep along.

For me, this is not a one size fits all decision. I am 74 and my wife is 69 .... It was a no brainer for us to get vaccinated .... not so much of a no brainer to get boosted, but we did. With the vaccine efficacy waning with each new variant .... and known risks from the vaccine come more into focus each day .... it is unlikely we will go any further down that path.

I find it totally unacceptable that the vaccine is being forced on population groups who don't really need it .... with the risk vs benefit so obscured by a poor reporting system that it's nearly impossible to know the long term effects of this.
I also find it unacceptable that we are this far down stream and therapeutics and early treatments are still not in wide spread us ... even when studies prove repurposed drugs highly effective. In this case I'm talking about Fluvoxamine.... How many lives might it have saved?
I am amazed that the focus has been on only one thing ... vaccines.
I don't know what it will take for some to break free of their illogical bias and engage their brains and their memory and observe what is right in front of them .... stop being a sheep and be a sentient being.
Read up on propaganda and learn to recognize it. Maybe the people you think are conspiracy theorists are just better at recognizing propaganda.
We are totally inundated by propaganda now days .... a quick into to some of the techniques ..... and maybe will see that some on here are using some of these techniques.
I would love to visit your planet someday. Partisanship is about twice as strong a predictor of vaccination status as any other demographic characteristic
I would love to visit your planet someday. Partisanship is about twice as strong a predictor of vaccination status as any other demographic characteristic
Just because they want to say that doesn't make it true.... I want to see the study.
Sure. As folks like BOB B say Omicron could infect a large majority of the population and create immunity thus stopping the pandemic. BUT, the virus has repeatedly demonstrated that an intense immune response is not long lived and it will mutate. There is NO rule it needs to become less virulent. That is an urban myth. That is hopium.
Nothing but a troll.
The first 2 minutes of that propaganda video lays our about 1/2 of your arguments on this forum.
If it were REALLY necessary, to save lives, wouldnt they have rushed it out a year ago like they did for the rest of the populace, who were dying at high rates?
Explain the science behind vaccinations for young children. Their death rate from covid is extremely low, very few have even had noticeable symptoms.
I will repeat a LOT of experts have come out questioning the need to vaccinate children. Dont clown me with this conspiracy theory nonsense, Im following the science here and its not supportive.
It is risk benefit. That population is being done last exactly because the risk appears lowest, it is difficult to run trials and there is always heightened concern about medications and children.

The goal of vaccinations is to prevent infections. No doubt they will someday vaccinate for the common cold.

Vaccinations have two purposes:

1. protect the individual

2. protect the population

It is on the second that the vaccination of under 4 may have the most benefit except for those at high risk.

But we don't know which is why they have trials and why vaccines need approvals.
Just because they want to say that doesn't make it true.... I want to see the study.

Nothing but a troll.
The first 2 minutes of that propaganda video lays our about 1/2 of your arguments on this forum.
Good thing I linked it then. Have you never heard of the kaiser Health Foundation? Good grief.
I would love to visit your planet someday. Partisanship is about twice as strong a predictor of vaccination status as any other demographic characteristic
Molly Hemmingway is a very informed person .... she says 61% of the vaccine hesitant are Democrats .... Democrats started the whole movement during the election.

Don't you remember Biden saying he would never get a vaccine Trump rushed to market?
Just because they want to say that doesn't make it true.... I want to see the study.

Nothing but a troll.
The first 2 minutes of that propaganda video lays our about 1/2 of your arguments on this forum.
I have no idea what video you are talking about.
I have no idea what video you are talking about.
That's obvious .... You just picked one thing out of my post and ignored the rest .... your typical tactic.

Your responses are so predictable ...I could write a program to provide responses and no one would be able to tell if it was you or the computer.
Molly Hemmingway is a very informed person .... she says 61% of the vaccine hesitant are Democrats .... Democrats started the whole movement during the election.
She is a hack from the federalist but show me the link. The statistical evidence is overwhelming Bob. Not worth talking about. You could break it down also by counties that voted for Trump and vaccination rates.
That's obvious .... You just picked one thing out of my post and ignored the rest .... your typical tactic.

Your responses are so predictable ...I could write a program to provide responses and no one would be able to tell if it was you or the computer.
Wasnt that half of your post? It was two sentences. What video?
Just because you are a felon does not mean the rest of the world is amoral.
There's entire TV segments on local news channels devoted to exposing people like that. They're everywhere.
I was describing laws in California which allow someone to use deadly force against an intruder for simply entering his home by force.
I don't know the exact line for law enforcement. Obviously just a crowd, outdoors, can't shoot them for standing there.
Inside a locked room as a mob begins to enter by force, while people to be protected are present?
I would hope they don't have to wait until dozens are inside rushing toward the elected officials. I would hope they would be allowed to shoot all intruders as they came through the broken door.
What are you talking about. None of the allegedly threatened politicians were in the room ashley was shot in. Pelosi, Pence, et al, had already been evacuated from the building, the sole representative witnessing the shooting was a republican.
The only rioters that got into the senate building floor found it empty.

All these points are true, youre just parroting sensationalized democrat partisan accounts.

Who was that girl AOC brought in crying her eyes out about how scared she was turned out she was in another state?
She is a hack from the federalist but show me the link. The statistical evidence is overwhelming Bob. Not worth talking about. You could break it down also by counties that voted for Trump and vaccination rates.
You seem to have a VERY poor memory
That's obvious .... You just picked one thing out of my post and ignored the rest .... your typical tactic.

Your responses are so predictable ...I could write a program to provide responses and no one would be able to tell if it was you or the computer.
Your entire post was three sentences. This is the second and third sentence. "
"Nothing but a troll.
The first 2 minutes of that propaganda video lays our about 1/2 of your arguments on this forum."

I mean WTF Bob!!!!!!!!
She is a hack from the federalist but show me the link. The statistical evidence is overwhelming Bob. Not worth talking about. You could break it down also by counties that voted for Trump and vaccination rates.
You seem to have a VERY poor memory
Wasnt that half of your post? It was two sentences. What video?
Read ALL of post 479
What are you talking about. None of the allegedly threatened politicians were in the room ashley was shot in. Pelosi, Pence, et al, had already been evacuated from the building, the sole representative witnessing the shooting was a republican.
The only rioters that got into the senate building floor found it empty.

All these points are true, youre just parroting sensationalized democrat partisan accounts.

Who was that girl AOC brought in crying her eyes out about how scared she was turned out she was in another state?
She was not in a room she was in a hall. They were breaking through the door into the chamber. There is video. There were still congresspeople in the chamber. You can see them in the video.
You seem to have a VERY poor memory

Read ALL of post 479
Is this that ridiculous nurse video again. I WAS NOT referring to your video. I reject every youtube video. They are nonsense.

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