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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

LOL........... I am also a lawyer.
Then you should know better.

I just googled neuroscience nurse. Diagnosis isnt even in your scope of practice.

"Neuroscience nurses play a part in assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients suffering from neurological problems. These nurses will often perform thorough physical examinations of patients and study their medical histories and discuss symptoms.

These nursing professionals are also often present during diagnostic tests as well. Some of these tests may include CT scans and MRIs. Neurological nurses should also understand how to read and interpret these tests as well."

Your a waste of skin, air and time.

Good riddance.
Now I know your full of it. It would not take a formal diagnosis to land you dumb ass in hot water. A real neuroscience nurse would know that as a healthcare provider there is an imbalance of power in your favor in this circumstance and as a claimed neuroscience nurse simply accusing anyone of having a neurological disorder puts you at risk.

Still waiting........
I am also formally legally diagnosing you with leprosy and hemorrhoids due to inadequate anal hygiene
Then you should know better.

I just googled neuroscience nurse. Diagnosis isnt even in your scope of practice.

"Neuroscience nurses play a part in assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients suffering from neurological problems. These nurses will often perform thorough physical examinations of patients and study their medical histories and discuss symptoms.

These nursing professionals are also often present during diagnostic tests as well. Some of these tests may include CT scans and MRIs. Neurological nurses should also understand how to read and interpret these tests as well."

Your a waste of skin, air and time.

Good riddance.
Right. I was pulling your chain. Neuroscience nurses do not work with psychiatric patients although we cross paths quite often since people generally get sent to the neuro floor first. I worked with stroke and epilepsy patients for the most part.
Then you should know better.

I just googled neuroscience nurse. Diagnosis isnt even in your scope of practice.

"Neuroscience nurses play a part in assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients suffering from neurological problems. These nurses will often perform thorough physical examinations of patients and study their medical histories and discuss symptoms.

These nursing professionals are also often present during diagnostic tests as well. Some of these tests may include CT scans and MRIs. Neurological nurses should also understand how to read and interpret these tests as well."

Your a waste of skin, air and time.

Good riddance.
Good night toothmaker.
Right. I was pulling your chain. Neuroscience nurses do not work with psychiatric patients although we cross paths quite often since people generally get sent to the neuro floor first. I worked with stroke and epilepsy patients for the most part.
So, finally we have an acknowledgment your full of shit and lying is not beneath you. Your pretty stupid for a lawyer and a nurse. Trust is all you have as a lawyer and almost all you have as a nurse. All credibility is gone.
So, finally we have an acknowledgment your full of shit and lying is not beneath you. Your pretty stupid for a lawyer and a nurse. Trust is all you have as a lawyer and almost all you have as a nurse. All credibility is gone.
Lol Oh no. I have been retired for 7 years. What shall I do.
Fact check: "Vaccination increases chance of contracting Omicron"; verdict: False

"The Pfizer vaccine was 55.2% effective against omicron in the first 30 days after two doses, but that dropped to -76.5% after 90 days, the study found. The Moderna vaccine also showed a steep drop in effectiveness from 36.7% to -39.3% in the same time period."

Although the negative sign does mean a higher chance of contracting Omicron than what unvaccinated experience, it can't be due to the vaccine. It can't! It has to be risky behavior of the vaccinated, because they feel invincible. Yeah, that's it!

See, I told you vaccination didn't increase chance of catching Omicron!
Fact check: "Vaccination increases chance of contracting Omicron"; verdict: False

"The Pfizer vaccine was 55.2% effective against omicron in the first 30 days after two doses, but that dropped to -76.5% after 90 days, the study found. The Moderna vaccine also showed a steep drop in effectiveness from 36.7% to -39.3% in the same time period."

Although the negative sign does mean a higher chance of contracting Omicron than what unvaccinated experience, it can't be due to the vaccine. It can't! It has to be risky behavior of the vaccinated, because they feel invincible. Yeah, that's it!

See, I told you vaccination didn't increase chance of catching Omicron!
Weird. I guess if you are looking at numbers like infection rather than hospitalization and then Omicron hits in the middle of the study you are going to get weird results. Not much gets in the way of Omicron that seems for sure. You also when the vaccination rate gets so high what the unvaccinated population looks like immune compromised etc? Being more careful?
Weird. I guess if you are looking at numbers like infection rather than hospitalization and then Omicron hits in the middle of the study you are going to get weird results. Not much gets in the way of Omicron that seems for sure. You also when the vaccination rate gets so high what the unvaccinated population looks like immune compromised etc? Being more careful?

Some speakers of the anti-vax community (people who appear to have understanding of immune system) have said that vaccine reduces some aspects of immune system response. A vaccine for "last year's virus" is relatively ineffective against the new strain, eg. Pfizer booster dipping to 35% effective after 10 weeks. If other parts of the immune system have been suppressed, this could actually increase susceptibility to the variant.

Here's one article talking about a study indicating some suppression of immune response:

Not changing my mind. I have been consistent since the start. Perhaps you are missing detail like Dhasper as well.
You were adamant you were not going to seek medical help in hospital in case you did get infected. And there is nothing wrong with changing one's mind, it wasn't meant as an attack.

Rational people will change their minds when they are presented with new evidence or have spent more time considering the facts before them.

And seeking professional help when we are infected by a deadly virus is a rational position. Forgoing hospital treatment if you are not vaccinated because you do not trust the experts, or believe you know better than the experts, is being consistent.

Whatever your personal choice, we have to look at how we deal with covid in the long run. It is clear that it is going to increase the demand for ICU beds, nurses and doctors even if we reach 100% vaccination with the current vaccines. With only 73% vaccination this demand will be even higher.

Training the people will take time as will expanding or building hospitals. Wages for nurses will go up due to staffing shortages and the level of care will go down untill capacity is back at adequate levels.

Government, when faced with these realities have no good options, denying the unvaccinated hospital treatment in the case of vaccine refusal could be a popular (but in my opinion wrong) choice. I am more for putting those people in a separate area and give them whatever medication they choose.
Uttar Pradesh is an interesting case. How did they get the case and death rate relatively low? With combination treatment kits and vaccination? Keep in mind they have a population of 200 million.
Uttar Pradesh is an interesting case. How did they get the case and death rate relatively low? With combination treatment kits and vaccination? Keep in mind they have a population of 200 million.
All of India went low.
You were adamant you were not going to seek medical help in hospital in case you did get infected. And there is nothing wrong with changing one's mind, it wasn't meant as an attack.

Rational people will change their minds when they are presented with new evidence or have spent more time considering the facts before them.

And seeking professional help when we are infected by a deadly virus is a rational position. Forgoing hospital treatment if you are not vaccinated because you do not trust the experts, or believe you know better than the experts, is being consistent.

Whatever your personal choice, we have to look at how we deal with covid in the long run. It is clear that it is going to increase the demand for ICU beds, nurses and doctors even if we reach 100% vaccination with the current vaccines. With only 73% vaccination this demand will be even higher.

Training the people will take time as will expanding or building hospitals. Wages for nurses will go up due to staffing shortages and the level of care will go down untill capacity is back at adequate levels.

Government, when faced with these realities have no good options, denying the unvaccinated hospital treatment in the case of vaccine refusal could be a popular (but in my opinion wrong) choice. I am more for putting those people in a separate area and give them whatever medication they choose.
You go back and find the post where I was "adamant you were not going to seek medical help in hospital in case you did get infected". Quote all my words, not just pick and choose what you want me to have said.
How much time have you spent learning about epigenetics? The fear of genes is completely unfounded for the most part and believing that your destiny is laid out for you is so dis-empowering. You have choices if you choose to be educated.

Lifestyle and diet are the primary drivers of what genes are expressed. In some other thread or location in this one I used the example of Angelina Jolie chopping off her breasts after having a genetic test. If she had chosen to be fully educated instead of acting in fear, she would have known that just because you have a gene for a certain trait or condition, It does not mean it will ever be expressed.

"Your Genes load the gun, Diet and lifestyle pulls the trigger."

We have far more power over our destiny than most know or are willing to acknowledge. Acknowledging this fact makes us responsible for the mess we are in and lays it at our feet. I say this after suffering for years while "doing everything right" and relying on the sickcare system. Turns out that if you take responsibility for your own health you can fix almost everything, as long as your are not too far gone.
That last statement really seems borne of youthful arrogance. I had similar beliefs around age 30, at twice that age having seen a lot more I realize thats more false than true. Too many "my body is a temple" types I have known succumbed to disease at a fairly early age. You go on and believe what you like I dont expect you to think of me or this post when fate strikes you down just as it does every other human.
Then you should know better.

I just googled neuroscience nurse. Diagnosis isnt even in your scope of practice.

"Neuroscience nurses play a part in assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients suffering from neurological problems. These nurses will often perform thorough physical examinations of patients and study their medical histories and discuss symptoms.

These nursing professionals are also often present during diagnostic tests as well. Some of these tests may include CT scans and MRIs. Neurological nurses should also understand how to read and interpret these tests as well."

Your a waste of skin, air and time.

Good riddance.
If YOU'RE going to insult someone, at least learn to spell correctly when you do it. And since I've noticed you make this grade school mistake often, this might help you.

Perhaps you should lay off the ivermectin?

If YOU'RE going to insult someone, at least learn to spell correctly when you do it. And since I've noticed you make this grade school mistake often, this might help you.

Perhaps you should lay off the ivermectin?

View attachment 79047
Lol thanks for that. The surest form of self discrediting reply is "your stupid/ignorant/an idiot." He did that over a dozen pages ago, I simply replied "LOL. ESL?".
That last statement really seems borne of youthful arrogance. I had similar beliefs around age 30, at twice that age having seen a lot more I realize thats more false than true. Too many "my body is a temple" types I have known succumbed to disease at a fairly early age. You go on and believe what you like I dont expect you to think of me or this post when fate strikes you down just as it does every other human.
Nope, Im done thinking of anyone here in the chit chat zone. You and a few of the other nearly deads desperately need to get something better to do in your lives.
Insurance industry reports 40% increase in deaths among working-age people (policies through employer)

"Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, Davison said."

Well Duh, with 40% increase in deaths, I would be looking for 29% of total being from covid. Not "Most".
Failings of our education system again?

"The state's online dashboard shows that the moving average of daily deaths from COVID-19 is less than half of what it was a year ago. At the pandemic's peak a year ago, 125 people died on one day – on Dec. 29, 2020. In the last three months, the highest number of deaths in one day was 58, on Dec. 13."

Hmm. I'd like to know if reported deaths increased the previous year or not. Could be covid was over-reported as cause that year (worth extra compensation for healthcare industry while patient being treated).

Some people of course attribute it to the vaccine

But anyway, so much for the "It's a fake! No excess deaths!" claim.

Edit: including the chart in-line

Indiana Covid.jpg
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Insurance industry reports 40% increase in deaths among working-age people (policies through employer)

"Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, Davison said."

Well Duh, with 40% increase in deaths, I would be looking for 29% of total being from covid. Not "Most".
Failings of our education system again?

"The state's online dashboard shows that the moving average of daily deaths from COVID-19 is less than half of what it was a year ago. At the pandemic's peak a year ago, 125 people died on one day – on Dec. 29, 2020. In the last three months, the highest number of deaths in one day was 58, on Dec. 13."

Hmm. I'd like to know if reported deaths increased the previous year or not. Could be covid was over-reported as cause that year (worth extra compensation for healthcare industry while patient being treated).

Some people of course attribute it to the vaccine

But anyway, so much for the "It's a fake! No excess deaths!" claim.

Covid deaths are way down?

Chart for covid deaths in Indiana:

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