diy solar

diy solar

Older model SolarEdge SE7600A-US still make sense?


New Member
Dec 28, 2021
Does it make any sense to install 2 SE7600A-US's in 2022? I'm looking to get everything installed by 7/1 so I can get in full net metering till 2032. When looking at costs between these from signature solar and the newer models, the price difference just doesn't seem to make much sense for my case. I'm basically looking for a set it and forget it for the next 10 years because the net metering agreement specifies that you're not allowed to make any changes to the system. After 10 years, I'll probably be looking at inverter replacements and battery storage.

Any other compelling reason to spend ~4X as much on the newer model inverters? Thanks!

diy solar

diy solar