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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Ive mentioned this and linked to credible references several times in this thread, I am not sure if you are trolling me now pretending to know nothing about it. Do you honestly want to know or are you just playing dumb hoping I will waste my time presenting things you have no desire to acknowledge?
I honestly want to know...
Most of you ignore it because the underlying facts arent disputed. Shale made brief replies but misportrayed/ downplayed it, the allegations are hardly limited to "getting out the vote".
Mollie Hemmingway is a credible journalist, her book was mostly ignored by mainstream media, though links I provided show it saw the light of day. Significantly, NObody came out with pointed rebuttals, I did see one article attempt to discredit all the claims by latching onto something she said in a prior book. This is not unlike saying the Zuckerbucks story means nothing because the Arizona audit didnt show fraud. One =/= the other, the argument is as patronizing as it is dishonest
Bla bla bla.. you haven't made any points, you're trying to sell me on something but not yet telling me what you're selling.

Bizarrely Time magazine published a piece which mirrored many of her claims but painted it as "saving democracy". Her partisan whitewash was thin, and those with critical thinking skills can see all the efforts from players, she goes overboard to claim were nonpartisan, were actually focused on ensuring just one outcome. One says two things were expected, that Trump would steal the election outright or lose in the electoral college and refuse to leave office.
I think we should make a new rule.. You should never use the words "critical thinking skills".. Ever.

Here's a hint for you: Each political party is ALWAYS focused on ensuring just one outcome. Holy Crap man... That's common knowledge and you want to pretend its some conspiracy theory? WTF?

This sends up red flags and shows the authors partisanship and arrogance.

The possibility that Trump might win the election legitimately, is never or imagined or allowed, by "nonpartisans" she claims "saved democracy". This proves that their efforts were to ensure a predetermined outcome.
And you think that's illegal, a conspiracy or somehow even a secret? ROFLMAO..
She admits Zuckerbergs money funded moles in the offices of election officials. She admits BLM protest organizers met with top DNC managers, how to maximize impact.
Wait.. I'm confused.. who is "she admits"?? Who is "SHE" ? A journalist? WTF? What if a journalist admitted Trump was a pedophile alien from outer space? Journalists are just that.. they write stories.. some are true, some aren't.. some are half true.. some stories are completely true but don't tell the whole story.

You should never quote a journalist in such a manner.
If you choose to believe that the only way to protect democracy was to remove Trump from office using any means necessary I am sure you will see nothing wrong with the actions the article describes.
I don't have beliefs.. But I would surmise our democracy was at serious risk because of him.. Sometimes the only way to fight a fire is to start another fire. Sometimes, but very very rarely, you have to do something wrong to make something right. And it is a slippery slope, but once in a while its needed. I don't know if that's what happened or not, but I wouldn't be upset if it was. Trump was not reasonable or rational, and he was a pathological liar. All politicians lie, but Trump took it to a whole new level, and the American people put a stop to it.

There are plenty out there who think this way, but their credibility only exists within their small political circle.
Its clear that the threat to our republic lies with those who are presented credible evidence that corruption did happen, that those who corrupted the election lead a coverup, and in the face of that tell whoever shows them, that no evidence exists at all.

So what to do with all this? Are you going to attack Time magazine and their liberal author as liars, conspiracy theorists? Dismissing the rose colored lenses she looks through, her reporting absolutely confirms the allegations made by Mollie Hemmingway. Each side can reach their own conclusions about whether to applaud or condemn Zuckerbergs actions.
However continued claims that the election was free and fair only serve to fracture the hope that left and right can productively reach middle ground to all of our benefit.
Patronizing people angers them. I believe this was the motivation of many on January 6th.
If you don't like zuckerberg injecting his money into politics, then you should probably vote for the democrats and write them to express your opinion on corporate campaign money.

It was the republicans who worked hard to get it allowed (See Citizens United Vs. FCC).. and now that it is allowed, you're crying and complaining that it isn't fair? Damn.. that's hilarious.

You want the real truth? Let me fill you in on a few things. Back in 2016, Obama had an opportunity to seat a new SCOTUS judge, the republicans created a NEW fake rule that said "No president shall be allowed to seat a new SOCTUS judge during an election year".. Then they allowed Trump to do exactly that.. The republican's cheated and showed their dishonor. NOTE: And in doing so, they lost my vote until I'm convinced they have changed. I'm almost 60, and the only democrat I have ever voted for was Obama.. the rest were republicans.. that just stopped.

Now, the democrats have learned that they aren't going to win any fights if they're pulling punches and playing fair while the other side cheats, so they took the proverbial gloves off.. and the result is that they won.. which, if you haven't been paying attention, seems to be the only thing that matters anymore.

The republicans turned a boxing match (boxing is code for politics), one with rules of conduct to ensure a fair competition (code for democracy), into a street fight without legitimate rules.. They started poking eyes, pulling hair, and taking kidney shots... and now your crying because you just got kicked in the balls...

You folks wanted a street fight, you got it.. and you lost.. and most people don't give a hoot about your whining and crying about it... Boohoo..
I honestly want to know...

Bla bla bla.. you haven't made any points, you're trying to sell me on something but not yet telling me what you're selling.

I think we should make a new rule.. You should never use the words "critical thinking skills".. Ever.

Here's a hint for you: Each political party is ALWAYS focused on ensuring just one outcome. Holy Crap man... That's common knowledge and you want to pretend its some conspiracy theory? WTF?

And you think that's illegal, a conspiracy or somehow even a secret? ROFLMAO..

Wait.. I'm confused.. who is "she admits"?? Who is "SHE" ? A journalist? WTF? What if a journalist admitted Trump was a pedophile alien from outer space? Journalists are just that.. they write stories.. some are true, some aren't.. some are half true.. some stories are completely true but don't tell the whole story.

You should never quote a journalist in such a manner.

I don't have beliefs.. But I would surmise our democracy was at serious risk because of him.. Sometimes the only way to fight a fire is to start another fire. Sometimes, but very very rarely, you have to do something wrong to make something right. And it is a slippery slope, but once in a while its needed. I don't know if that's what happened or not, but I wouldn't be upset if it was. Trump was not reasonable or rational, and he was a pathological liar. All politicians lie, but Trump took it to a whole new level, and the American people put a stop to it.

If you don't like zuckerberg injecting his money into politics, then you should probably vote for the democrats and write them to express your opinion on corporate campaign money.

It was the republicans who worked hard to get it allowed (See Citizens United Vs. FCC).. and now that it is allowed, you're crying and complaining that it isn't fair? Damn.. that's hilarious.

You want the real truth? Let me fill you in on a few things. Back in 2016, Obama had an opportunity to seat a new SCOTUS judge, the republicans created a NEW fake rule that said "No president shall be allowed to seat a new SOCTUS judge during an election year".. Then they allowed Trump to do exactly that.. The republican's cheated and showed their dishonor. NOTE: And in doing so, they lost my vote until I'm convinced they have changed. I'm almost 60, and the only democrat I have ever voted for was Obama.. the rest were republicans.. that just stopped.

Now, the democrats have learned that they aren't going to win any fights if they're pulling punches and playing fair while the other side cheats, so they took the proverbial gloves off.. and the result is that they won.. which, if you haven't been paying attention, seems to be the only thing that matters anymore.

The republicans turned a boxing match (boxing is code for politics), one with rules of conduct to ensure a fair competition (code for democracy), into a street fight without legitimate rules.. They started poking eyes, pulling hair, and taking kidney shots... and now your crying because you just got kicked in the balls...

You folks wanted a street fight, you got it.. and you lost.. and most people don't give a hoot about your whining and crying about it... Boohoo..
Im not surprised you did nothng more substantial than:

Pretend you wanted to be informed.

Attack the source, even when the article was written slanted to your side. (Whats your point, shes lying? Made it up? All the quotes are lies, all the people she names, are fictitious?)

Seem to admit wrongdoing happened, but justify it because you allege (with no evidence) Trump was doing it too.

(So whats your point there, you just implied shes just a journalist dont trust a thing she wrote. Now all the things she wrote about are okay because Trump did it? Try a coherent argument for once, the say anything in any direction if it sounds good thing just isnt competant)

Go on an irrelevant rant about Republicans and things they do that have nothing to do with 2020, or zuckerbergs shady influence on it.

What is glaringly missing, is you acknowledging, or refuting, a single claim made in the article. I doubt you even clicked on the link. In fact Im sure you didnt, not a single sentance is relevant to the TIME article.

In light of this and your failure to bother yourself by proving your claims about me promoting Ivermectin and chips in vaccines...

Thats right, you flat out lied in that post. You need me to copy and paste your lies again? I will, but first...

"I honestly want to know..."

Thats why you never read the article right?

People that lie on message boards to appear authoritative must be the stupidest lowlifes around. Not only lacking credibility by lying, but stupid for thinking lying is a path to assert their authority or dominance.

".. I just discovered someone who licks ivermectin lolipops"

"most of them are a bit like you in that they prefer to consume horse dewormers, or they think the government is out to get them by hiding secrete chips in the vaccine."

It seems you are unable to form a reply that doesnt contain lies, or changing the subject, or any number of abhorrent behaviors. You might learn someday its a lot less work to tell the truth, not put words in peoples mouths, and address the points youve lied and said you wanted to know about.
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So youre saying that touching common areas in public places, getting my hands filthy with no ability to wash them, and then repeatedly touching my face while eating, does not put ME at greater risk of contracting covid?
Easy solution is to use a hand sanitizer, I don't but you can if you are worried.

And Im supposed to endure all these increased risks to myself on the slim chance that I, who had covid already, and am fully vaxxed, might pass covid to someone else in that slim window before symptoms show?
What increased risk?

I know what masks are for you rude idiot.
You wear a mask to protect me, just like I wear one to protect you.

The paper masks suck
Invent a better mask and become a millionaire.
, are you going to claim a tattered paper mask hanging off my face is more effective than my good fitting cloth one?
I am not claiming anything, you are the one making claims, you better back them up.

Thats the situation Amtraks monitors put us in by following federal guidelines to the letter
Think Amtrak knows more about viruses than the experts? In your country people get sued for millions when companies do not follow the guidelines.

but ignoring common sense.
Common sense is to get vaccinated and wear masks.

Amtrak monitors want the mask on between actual bites.
If in between bites is in between meals, sure, wear the mask.

Not just before and after the meals.
Evidence of that policy?

Federal officials decided the poorly fitting paper masks are allowed and cloth ones are not.
Did they? The paper masks I get (for free) at my hospital fit pretty well and they are made in Canada.

I do not appreciate your tone toward me when its obvious you misunderstood almost every point I made.
You are not required to appreciate anything. But when you talk nonsense, like you have, you want me to be political correct or speak my mind and show you the contempt I have for that nonsense?
Im not surprised you did nothng more substantial than:

Pretend you wanted to be informed.
As usual, you didn't understand the objective. I wasn't asking for you to inform me about the election, I wanted to be more informed about your Batshette Crazy conspiracy thoughts.

The election doesn't interest me.. getting into the mind of psychopaths, sociopaths, and how the general conspiracy nut jobs think does.

Attack the source, even when the article was written slanted to your side. (Whats your point, shes lying? Made it up? All the quotes are lies, all the people she names, are fictitious?)

Seem to admit wrongdoing happened, but justify it because you allege (with no evidence) Trump was doing it too.

(So whats your point there, you just implied shes just a journalist dont trust a thing she wrote. Now all the things she wrote about are okay because Trump did it? Try a coherent argument for once, the say anything in any direction if it sounds good thing just isnt competant)

Go on an irrelevant rant about Republicans and things they do that have nothing to do with 2020, or zuckerbergs shady influence on it.

What is glaringly missing, is you acknowledging, or refuting, a single claim made in the article. I doubt you even clicked on the link. In fact Im sure you didnt, not a single sentance is relevant to the TIME article.

In light of this and your failure to bother yourself by proving your claims about me promoting Ivermectin and chips in vaccines...

Thats right, you flat out lied in that post. You need me to copy and paste your lies again? I will, but first...

"I honestly want to know..."

Thats why you never read the article right?

People that lie on message boards to appear authoritative must be the stupidest lowlifes around. Not only lacking credibility by lying, but stupid for thinking lying is a path to assert their authority or dominance.

".. I just discovered someone who licks ivermectin lolipops"

"most of them are a bit like you in that they prefer to consume horse dewormers, or they think the government is out to get them by hiding secrete chips in the vaccine."

It seems you are unable to form a reply that doesnt contain lies, or changing the subject, or any number of abhorrent behaviors. You might learn someday its a lot less work to tell the truth, not put words in peoples mouths, and address the points youve lied and said you wanted to know about.

Wow.. I have a young child who doesn't whine and cry as much as you do.. I will admit that it's entertaining to watch when an adult does it.


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As usual, you didn't understand the objective. I wasn't asking for you to inform me about the election, I wanted to be more informed about your Batshette Crazy conspiracy thoughts.

The election doesn't interest me.. getting into the mind of psychopaths, sociopaths, and how the general conspiracy nut jobs think does.

Wow.. I have a young child who doesn't whine and cry as much as you do.. I will admit that it's entertaining to watch when an adult does it.
Interesting.. So tell me if you think I'm a liberal or conservative in your eyes..
1) Guns - Wife carries CPL and I probably have more guns than anyone in this forum.
2) Flags - Who cares, its just human symbolism, doesn't matter either way to me if you salute it or burn it. Hang it on a pole, put it in a glass frame, or drag it through the dirt, its nothing but a piece of cloth with colored dye.
3) Football - That's a sport where morons chase a ball covered with the skin of a dead animal around a grassy field right?
4) Criticize dear leader? Huh? I don't get #4
5) Christianity - If people want to believe in Santa, super hero's, Bugs Bunny, having sex with virgins, or any of 10,000 gods throughout human history, that's fine with me, just so long as they don't try to curtail my rights based on their stupid irrational beliefs.
6) I'm an avid hunter, I also butcher my own.
7) Fox New's is an oxymoron. It should be Faux News.
8) I support the constitution, ALL OF IT.. not just the parts I agree with. I'm a strong supporter. Unfortunately, liberals and republican's are not strong supporters, they only want to support the parts they like. Liberals want to violate the 2nd and take the guns, conservatives want to violate the 13th and force women to give birth. Its the pot calling the kettle black. I support gun rights and women's rights.
9) Real patriots don't call themselves patriots. They don't run around dressed up in red white and blue costumes or wave the flag for everyone to acknowledge them. Real patriots don't attempt to make a spectacle of themselves. Patriotism and integrity are sort of the same in that respect, its what you do when no one is watching that makes for real patriotism, not what you say or do when all eyes are on you.

Am I liberal or conservative?
Interesting.. So tell me if you think I'm a liberal or conservative in your eyes..
1) Guns - Wife carries CPL and I probably have more guns than anyone in this forum.
2) Flags - Who cares, its just human symbolism, doesn't matter either way to me if you salute it or burn it. Hang it on a pole, put it in a glass frame, or drag it through the dirt, its nothing but a piece of cloth with colored dye.
3) Football - That's a sport where morons chase a ball covered with the skin of a dead animal around a grassy field right?
4) Criticize dear leader? Huh? I don't get #4
5) Christianity - If people want to believe in Santa, super hero's, Bugs Bunny, having sex with virgins, or any of 10,000 gods throughout human history, that's fine with me, just so long as they don't try to curtail my rights based on their stupid irrational beliefs.
6) I'm an avid hunter, I also butcher my own.
7) Fox New's is an oxymoron. It should be Faux News.
8) I support the constitution, ALL OF IT.. not just the parts I agree with. I'm a strong supporter. Unfortunately, liberals and republican's are not strong supporters, they only want to support the parts they like. Liberals want to violate the 2nd and take the guns, conservatives want to violate the 13th and force women to give birth. Its the pot calling the kettle black. I support gun rights and women's rights.
9) Real patriots don't call themselves patriots. They don't run around dressed up in red white and blue costumes or wave the flag for everyone to acknowledge them. Real patriots don't attempt to make a spectacle of themselves. Patriotism and integrity are sort of the same in that respect, its what you do when no one is watching that makes for real patriotism, not what you say or do when all eyes are on you.

Am I liberal or conservative?
You are probably a conservative who gets his news from the wrong places.

Try watching Brett Baier news hour once in a while and you will see that Fox isn't what the others say it is.
You are probably a conservative who gets his news from the wrong places.

Try watching Brett Baier news hour once in a while and you will see that Fox isn't what the others say it is.
One of the most important things I have ever learned in life:

NEVER EVER listen to or take serious advice from anyone who think they can talk to dead people, read the future, or who actually believes in magical invisible sky fairies.

It is a policy that has served me well.
Interesting.. So tell me if you think I'm a liberal or conservative in your eyes..
1) Guns - Wife carries CPL and I probably have more guns than anyone in this forum.
2) Flags - Who cares, its just human symbolism, doesn't matter either way to me if you salute it or burn it. Hang it on a pole, put it in a glass frame, or drag it through the dirt, its nothing but a piece of cloth with colored dye.
3) Football - That's a sport where morons chase a ball covered with the skin of a dead animal around a grassy field right?
4) Criticize dear leader? Huh? I don't get #4
5) Christianity - If people want to believe in Santa, super hero's, Bugs Bunny, having sex with virgins, or any of 10,000 gods throughout human history, that's fine with me, just so long as they don't try to curtail my rights based on their stupid irrational beliefs.
6) I'm an avid hunter, I also butcher my own.
7) Fox New's is an oxymoron. It should be Faux News.
8) I support the constitution, ALL OF IT.. not just the parts I agree with. I'm a strong supporter. Unfortunately, liberals and republican's are not strong supporters, they only want to support the parts they like. Liberals want to violate the 2nd and take the guns, conservatives want to violate the 13th and force women to give birth. Its the pot calling the kettle black. I support gun rights and women's rights.
9) Real patriots don't call themselves patriots. They don't run around dressed up in red white and blue costumes or wave the flag for everyone to acknowledge them. Real patriots don't attempt to make a spectacle of themselves. Patriotism and integrity are sort of the same in that respect, its what you do when no one is watching that makes for real patriotism, not what you say or do when all eyes are on you.

Am I liberal or conservative?
1) Would you 1/6 the government if they tried to take them away?
2) Liberal
3) Redskins = racist
4) m neither, maybe defending your president?
5) Yeah, but these bunnies tell people to murder non bunny worshippers
6) You monster, they evolved the same as you did, feel pain, feel loss, what gives you the right?
7) It isn't Faux news if they have an agenda
8) All of it might be going a bit too far, at least until it gets amended
9) Patriotism is just another way to hate people you don't live near

My guess is you are right center, but more centrist.
I am left center, but more centrist.

We don't get a political party, we get to choose the lesser of two evils.
One of the most important things I have ever learned in life:

NEVER EVER listen to or take serious advice from anyone who think they can talk to dead people, read the future, or who actually believes in magical invisible sky fairies.

It is a policy that has served me well.
God believes in you, even if you don't believe in him. You will suffer an eternity in pain and agony because he loves you so much, he created you and the world in which you live...
You guys have really gone of the deep end now .... Guess your trying to make up for Mr Kipp's absence.
He must have gotten Covid ... and wasn't prepared for early treatment.
God believes in you, even if you don't believe in him. You will suffer an eternity in pain and agony because he loves you so much, he created you and the world in which you live...
LOL.. That's a pretty typical response from folks indoctrinated into that stuff. Of course, none of it is logical or rational, but they do need your money to keep it going.

Your religious beliefs are based on your location, not any choice you made. If you were of Arab descent, born and raised in Saudi Arabia, do you think you'd be a Christian or a Muslim? And if your geographic location could have that much influence on your life philosophy and beliefs, how valid do you think that philosophy could be based on something so simple as your location?

My philosophy is rooted in science, it is not influenced by shallow and meaningless human constructs, my geographic location, or any other manipulable attribute or characteristic.
1) Would you 1/6 the government if they tried to take them away?
2) Liberal
3) Redskins = racist
4) m neither, maybe defending your president?
5) Yeah, but these bunnies tell people to murder non bunny worshippers
6) You monster, they evolved the same as you did, feel pain, feel loss, what gives you the right?
7) It isn't Faux news if they have an agenda
8) All of it might be going a bit too far, at least until it gets amended
9) Patriotism is just another way to hate people you don't live near

My guess is you are right center, but more centrist.
I am left center, but more centrist.

We don't get a political party, we get to choose the lesser of two evils.

1) I would vote, I would contact my legislators, and I would approach the problem with a rational strategy. And while it is possible that rational strategy could one day be an armed response, we're not there yet.. 1/6 wasn't based on taking anyone's rights away, it was based on a lie.. pure and simple.. It was easily manipulated ignorant people who were taken advantage of and tricked.
2) Maybe, but I don't see my attitude towards flags as liberal, I see it as rational. Symbolism comes and goes..
3) The truth is, I'm a white male.. Therefor, I lack the moral position to comment on racist issues since I'm not subjected to racist issues.
4) I will attack and defend the policy choices of any president, regardless of whether I voted for them or not. If I think their policy is a good one, I will defend it, and if I think their policy is bad, I will attack it. Makes no difference who I voted for or what side of the fence they're on. Trump did some good things and bad.. Biden has done the same, just not as much because he's only been in office for a short time so far.
5) Christian bunnies do the same.. You should read your bible and stop depending on the pastor dude to read it to you. Your bible is filled with nasty disgusting stuff, but the brochure doesn't tell you about it.
6) Your "rights" are another man-made construct, and while they are a good one, it doesn't change the fact that they are man-made. The reality is, without society and civilization, you would have no rights at all. I need to eat, animals are delicious. And the fact that humans eat animals is why our brains are big enough to argue about it.
7) They should change their name to the "Christian News Network".. ROFLMAO.. Get it? CNN! hahahaha..
8) The constitution does need to make some changes.. The founders did a good (fantastic!) job, but they had no comprehension at the time of what technology could do. The following amendments should be made: 1) Gov shall not grant tax payer money to private individuals or corporations 2) Term Limits 3) Corporations are not people and shall not have a voice 4) Lobbying is illegal 5) Privacy is a right 6) Our currency must be tied to the gold standard (or other tangible real asset)
9) I don't see it that way but I sincerely understand why you do. You see patriotism as a tribal attribute, and your view has some sold merit and truth to it.. But its more than that.
What conspiracy have I promoted here?
The conspiracy that the election was stolen....are you that dense?

Do I need to post your gangstalking direct energy weapon post again to remind everyone how crazy you are? It totally shows how easy you are manipulated. You admitted you got manipulated by the internet happened again but you are too stupid to even realize it. Did you even get a high school diploma?
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WOW ..... just looked at the Covid cases for my county for yesterday ..... There were only 30 cases .... the day before there were over 200 and during the Omicron peak there were almost 500 per day.
They even posted .... yes .. that is the correct number of cases.

It's going to be REAL interesting how it goes the next couple months.
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) Your "rights" are another man-made construct, and while they are a good one, it doesn't change the fact that they are man-made. The reality is, without society and civilization, you would have no rights at all. I need to eat, animals are delicious. And the fact that humans eat animals is why our brains are big enough to argue about it.
Just because animals don't have morality doesn't mean we shouldn't. I think animals are delicious too, but ending the existence of something for momentary and fleeting pleasure seems wrong to me. If I need to eat an animal for sustenance then of course I will, but in modern day world with even fair resources killing animals is not only wasteful but impacts the environment to a ridiculous degree vs plant based diets.

Sure, animals might have sent our evolution a certain direction but now that we are here I'm sure researching and optimizing diets would be superior.
Just because animals don't have morality doesn't mean we shouldn't. I think animals are delicious too, but ending the existence of something for momentary and fleeting pleasure seems wrong to me. If I need to eat an animal for sustenance then of course I will, but in modern day world with even fair resources killing animals is not only wasteful but impacts the environment to a ridiculous degree vs plant based diets.

Sure, animals might have sent our evolution a certain direction but now that we are here I'm sure researching and optimizing diets would be superior.
1) I don't kill for sport. Nothing goes to waste when I kill a deer. Even the guts are used to fertilize my garden.
2) If we hunters didn't hunt, you wouldn't have any food to eat because the deer population would explode and eat all the crops.
3) If we hunters didn't hunt, you wouldn't be able to drive down the road without hitting a deer.


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1) I don't kill for sport. Nothing goes to waste when I kill a deer. Even the guts are used to fertilize my garden.
2) If we hunters didn't hunt, you wouldn't have any food to eat because the deer population would explode and eat all the crops.
3) If we hunters didn't hunt, you wouldn't be able to drive down the road without hitting a deer.
That argument works if venison is the only meat you eat, and not the mass produced meat mills that feed most of our country. I won't go into how we disrupted the balance of predator and prey because I don't really care, minimizing habitat impact isn't really something we can change retroactively without massive changes to our production methods, but reducing our consumption of mass produced meat would be a start.

I actually have no problem with hunters when both the reason and the usage is justified, but pointing to everything else we've done wrong t hat led us to that point isn't necessarily justification unless there are also steps being taken to rectify the problem.
So .... There is already a new variant of the Omicron variant.

1) I don't kill for sport. Nothing goes to waste when I kill a deer. Even the guts are used to fertilize my garden.
2) If we hunters didn't hunt, you wouldn't have any food to eat because the deer population would explode and eat all the crops.
3) If we hunters didn't hunt, you wouldn't be able to drive down the road without hitting a deer.

When it comes to gun violence, we might all agree that the line can be drawn at nuclear weapons in the home. Some might draw it at automatic weapons. Or semi-automatic weapons with bump stocks. Or at mandatory background checks, or safety training or post-purchase “cooling off” periods. The question for Americans is not whether to draw the line, their Supreme Court has already answered that many times over, but where to draw the line.

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diy solar