diy solar

diy solar

A different way to think about climate change

Bad influence of fluor gases is long since known. NF3 was, among others, classified at latest in the Kyoto protocol 25 years ago because of its anthropogenic climate forcing potential. How much it is still used and when and where, I do not know. And I am not going to fact check a non reviewed news outlet, my available time forbids. As far as a superficial search tells me there are only news articles about, no hard data published.

Someone with more time at hand (the one who started the claim) could set out on a search and interrogate the main manufacturers of solar panels if they use the agent in their production. And anyway seek sources and sinks of NF3 (where does it come from, where is it used and eventually released or captured).

Apart from that, including NF3 production and use in the monitoring is certainly a good idea. If that doesn't already happen.
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"yes it is true NF3 was used in some thin film production"

And it isnt now? You have proof of that, or even evidence of its decline?
"But they are being monitored"

China is being monitored, thats amusing. We cant get them to stop stealing our patents and selling copies of our movies and software. China does what it wants and there isnt a thing we can do to stop them especially when the presidents son is in their pocket.

"and any products made with them should be banned."

But theyre not, and the NF3 industry is exploding. Use is on the rise, and there is no evidence that thin film solar production is curtailing its use.
CFC sources are being monitored, yes. I believe the Montreal protocol is responsible. Because of this, a release of CFCs in the late 2010s was attributed to a chinese plant. I believe China has pledged to correct this, but haven't followed this further (pop science link). As a European I am equally concerned about many other countries doing bad things to the environment as well as spying on their allies. But that's a pandora's box that maybe should be kept closeshut. Suffice to say that the world isn't simply limited to a dichotomy of good and evil.

Anyway, China is the world leading economy by now. The biggest producers of solar panels are there, they are good quality at reasonable price.

They also have managed to become a major player in natural sciences, producing a lot of knowledge.
...and the NF3 industry is exploding..... You have proof of that, or even evidence of its decline?
Do you have proof it is? As to evidence of the decline, see the cited referenced in the prior posts.

> "and any products made with them should be banned."

But theyre not,
Well, let's cry out for that rather than saying all solar is evil.

diy solar

diy solar