diy solar

diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Says the poster who cannot figure out how to use the reply button to address other users. Since you also didnt copy and paste any alleged "lies" we will have to wait for you to actually prove something that someone said is a lie to take you seriously.
Don't know about other, but I showed that BMcL lied, first he claimed that he was given a suspension because he insulted people, a few weeks later, he claimed he did not know why he had been suspended.

I showed that Bob lied, he claimed Trump had massively reduced unemployment during his time in office, the fact is that Trump left office with higher unemployment then when he entered and despite showing numerous sources and asking him to admit that, he simply refused.

Clearly some anti vaxxers have lied, but the question is, how come you didn't know that?
Utterly false stats. The official case numbers do not at all reflect actual numbers of people that had the virus with minimal symptoms. In the first months of the pandemic you couldnt even get a test with symptoms. But do continue your scare tactics in your effort to make a mockery of the pandemic. That IS what youre trying to do by spreading such obvious lies right? The actual cases could be twice or three times that.
You guys are looking at just over 1 million excess deaths.

Another bunch of babtists that live in lala land, that same site calls the January 6 Insurrection a hoax.

Their article on critical race theory is just nonsense. "In explaining critical race theory, it helps to begin with a brief history of Marxism."

If you want to know what it is, try wikipedia, so we are all talking about the same thing.

You guys sure know how to pick the lunatics in society to follow.

The Oxford dictionary defines liberal as follows; "A liberal is some one who is willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own, they are open to new ideas and they are favourable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms. In a political context liberals favour individual liberty, free trade, and moderate political and social reform."

You calling liberalism "despicable" says more about you than the people you hate.
Amusing you chose to comment on other articles besides the one I linked to, and merely.attacked the source. If there is something within the great reset article youd like to ridicule please, dont hold back. Just because I present a piece from a certain source, does not require me to defend everything ever that source.
As for january 6 insurrection, yes I think calling it a hoax. This was not an attempt to overthrow the government and dems are making mountains from molehills for political capital. Feel free to disagree.
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Don't know about other, but I showed that BMcL lied, first he claimed that he was given a suspension because he insulted people, a few weeks later, he claimed he did not know why he had been suspended.

I showed that Bob lied, he claimed Trump had massively reduced unemployment during his time in office, the fact is that Trump left office with higher unemployment then when he entered and despite showing numerous sources and asking him to admit that, he simply refused.

Clearly some anti vaxxers have lied, but the question is, how come you didn't know that?
This is why I criticized his failure to use the reply button. Since he replied right after I had posted, I (perhaps wrongly) assumed he might be referring to something I posted.
I have not kept up with everything posted by everyone here and I dont think its my duty to defend everything posted by people on my side of the political divide. I may even disagree with things they post but it has to be pretty over the top for me to call them on it.
I did have a problem with that users vague claims about right wing lies, its just lazy to declare someones posts are lies without expending at least some effort in identifying them, much less proving them so.
Since you replied with specifics about another user, you dont seem to display this shortcoming so dont feel you have to defend yourself.
I dont ever feel the need to use falsehoods to support an argument. If Im wrong about a factual assertion I invite to be proven wrong, so I might learn something I did not know before, and strengthen my position by my talking points being free from error.
Being wrong is quite different from being a liar, I guess the difference is conceding the error and not repeating it.
Amusing you chose to comment on other articles besides the one I linked to, and merely.attacked the source. If there is something within the great reset article youd like to ridicule please, dont hold back. Just because I present a piece from a certain source, does not require me to defend everything ever that source.
Showing you how "reliable" your source is. You know why I don't go to "questionable" sources? Because I don't have the time and energy to check all the nonsense they post. Why do you read their nonsense?
It's pretty evident from what's going on that Johnson is not representative of the good people of Canada ..... Wish there were more like the guy in this video on this thread.

It's pretty evident from what's going on that Johnson is not representative of the good people of Canada ..... Wish there were more like the guy in this video on this thread.

I am not representing Canada, it would be presumptuous to think that any one but our elected officials do. But I am proud to say that I am nothing like your source.

Overall, we rate Rumble Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories and false information, use of poor sources, and a lack of transparency.

I am not representing Canada, it would be presumptuous to think that any one but our elected officials do. But I am proud to say that I am nothing like your source.

Overall, we rate Rumble Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories and false information, use of poor sources, and a lack of transparency.

I saw that. He gets his news from Rumble.
I am not representing Canada, it would be presumptuous to think that any one but our elected officials do. But I am proud to say that I am nothing like your source.
That is glaringly obvious.
Overall, we rate Rumble Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories and false information, use of poor sources, and a lack of transparency.

Rumble is becoming the home of free speech .... I realize you don't like that.
You just want these fact blockers to do the thinking for you so you don't have to sort it all out for yourself.
That is glaringly obvious.
I am glad that it is, thanks for the compliment.

Rumble is becoming the home of free speech .... I realize you don't like that.
Rumble is the home of conspiracy theories. I don't like conspiracy theories. But I think keeping them in one place, makes it easier to avoid them. However some of them, like drinking cow urine, or your own urine, are quite funny. Surely even you cab see the humour in that.

You just want these fact blockers to do the thinking for you so you don't have to sort it all out for yourself.
We have already established you do not accept facts. The funniest part is that you are not even a free thinker, you follow the conspiracy theories. Conspiracy belief is a self-defeating form of motivated social cognition, snap out of it.
However some of them, like drinking cow urine, or your own urine, are quite funny.

You seem to be REALLY fixated on drinking urine ... maybe that explains a few things.

Can you show me even one video on Rumble where they promote drinking urine? ... Seems like most of those must be on the sites you frequent
You seem to be REALLY fixated on drinking urine ... maybe that explains a few things.
I think it is hilarious, don't you?

Can you show me even one video on Rumble where they promote drinking urine? ... Seems like most of those must be on the sites you frequent
I never heard of rumble before this. IF I watch video's the video's I watch tend to be music, instructional and comedy and I tend to watch them mostely on youtube, which has plenty of fruitcakes, I hope those fruitcakes move to rumble.

And I don't have to go to rumble to show an anti vaxxer promote drinking urine, the sad part is that you can't agree that it is funny.

And how about Trump suggesting to inject disinfectant into the body, or shine a powerful light, surely that was equally hilarious?

You want a more serious debate? Lets have a look at the "truckers" protesting here in Canada.

First question is this, can a country mandate that people entering it are not bringing in diseases?
1) If they can't Trump banning flights from certain countries would have been wrong.
2) If they can, than mandating that people are vaccinated and tested negative is less restrictive than banning all people entering.

I recently had to get tested in order to travel, it is a pain, getting the test was 2 minutes, but one hour travel. I had to spend another 20 minutes at the airport going through the paper work and wear a mask during the flight.

So what is it, was Trump wrong or right? Should I have been allowed to travel into Canada since I came from a country that has covid?

Want to take it a step further? How about if the predominant religion of the country of departure was the "wrong" religion? What if people came to the country in search of a better life? How do we deal with borders in a humane and fair way, considering our countries are both created by and for immigrants?

You want freedom? So do I and billions of other humans on this planet, trying to make laws that are both fair and humane is not an easy thing to do, I would say it is impossible when there are so many disparities in this world.
I think it is hilarious, don't you?

I never heard of rumble before this. IF I watch video's the video's I watch tend to be music, instructional and comedy and I tend to watch them mostely on youtube, which has plenty of fruitcakes, I hope those fruitcakes move to rumble.

And I don't have to go to rumble to show an anti vaxxer promote drinking urine, the sad part is that you can't agree that it is funny.

And how about Trump suggesting to inject disinfectant into the body, or shine a powerful light, surely that was equally hilarious?

You want a more serious debate? Lets have a look at the "truckers" protesting here in Canada.

First question is this, can a country mandate that people entering it are not bringing in diseases?
1) If they can't Trump banning flights from certain countries would have been wrong.
2) If they can, than mandating that people are vaccinated and tested negative is less restrictive than banning all people entering.

I recently had to get tested in order to travel, it is a pain, getting the test was 2 minutes, but one hour travel. I had to spend another 20 minutes at the airport going through the paper work and wear a mask during the flight.

So what is it, was Trump wrong or right? Should I have been allowed to travel into Canada since I came from a country that has covid?

Want to take it a step further? How about if the predominant religion of the country of departure was the "wrong" religion? What if people came to the country in search of a better life? How do we deal with borders in a humane and fair way, considering our countries are both created by and for immigrants?

You want freedom? So do I and billions of other humans on this planet, trying to make laws that are both fair and humane is not an easy thing to do, I would say it is impossible when there are so many disparities in this world.
You are so off base it's hard to know where to start. .... What you don't seem to realize is that the government(s) are trying to mandate things that have no scientific basis.
They want to mandate that people be vaccinated with a vaccine that has VERY poor efficacy for the variants we now have.
They want to mandate masks ... that never were effective.
They want to mandate kids wear mask all day in school and that kids be vaccinated when there is no scientific basis for it.
Hospitalizations and deaths from the current variants are WAY down .... to levels lower than the Flu on an average year. Do they mandate FLU vaccines or everyone wear masks to protect from the Flu?
They want to force people to get a vaccine that may cause permanent side effects or death without fully informing people of the actual risks .... so much for informed consent.

In the US, we are allowing unvaccinated, untested people to illegally enter our country and then fly and bus them all over the country ..... In Canada, your prime minister wants to take a knee for protesters that tear down monuments and burn down neighborhoods and try to burn down federal buildings with people inside .... but declares non violent citizen protestors as terrorists.

As things are right now, the pandemic is over .... Covid is now endemic, like the Flu. Governments(s) need to dismantle these pandemic measures ... but ones like Trudeau and others are much happier pretending they are dictators.
There is no longer ANY justification for trying to take away citizens freedoms .... and it is questionable if there ever was.
You are so off base it's hard to know where to start. .... What you don't seem to realize is that the government(s) are trying to mandate things that have no scientific basis.
Vaccines work.

They want to mandate that people be vaccinated with a vaccine that has VERY poor efficacy for the variants we now have.
For argument sake, lets pretend you are right (you are not) So you want government to get better vaccines for each variant?

They want to mandate masks ... that never were effective.
They are effective, else nurses and doctors in hospitals wouldn't be wearing them.

They want to mandate kids wear mask all day in school and that kids be vaccinated when there is no scientific basis for it.
The kids are able to wear masks, most would be happy to know that they do so in order to protect giving it to other kids, who can spread it to their parents and grandparents.

Hospitalizations and deaths from the current variants are WAY down .... to levels lower than the Flu on an average year.
That is another lie, in the worst year in recent history, about 52,000 people died from influenza, yesterday nearly as many Americans died from covid as on 9/11, (which was the excuse for invading two nations.)

Do they mandate FLU vaccines or everyone wear masks to protect from the Flu?
In Canada they don't, but this is nothing like the flu. In Asia, wearing a mask when you are sick is normal If you have a mask on, and if you have the flu, you could cut the chain off where you are. That could save a lot of people.

They want to force people to get a vaccine that may cause permanent side effects or death without fully informing people of the actual risks .... so much for informed consent.
Vaccines are forced on people, measels is a deadly illness that we hardly ever heard about untill it popped up again in your country because anti vaxxers thought it was a good idea not to vaccinate their kids. The vaccines cause death? How many were killed by the vaccines and did they kill 1 million Americans? Because covid did. You conspiracy theorist are nuts.

In the US, we are allowing unvaccinated, untested people to illegally enter our country and then fly and bus them all over the country
You are allowing people to enter the country illegally? Really?

..... In Canada, your prime minister wants to take a knee for protesters that tear down monuments and burn down neighborhoods and try to burn down federal buildings with people inside .... but declares non violent citizen protestors as terrorists.
Well weapons and body armour was found at one of the protests. You bring weapons to a protest, you are preparing for a fight. Fast majority of Canadians wants this to end, I am surprised it was allowed to go on this long.

As for the statues of the Queen that were torn down... More than 150,000 indigenous Canadian children were taken from their families and forced to attend the schools during the 19th and 20th Centuries with the aim of forcibly assimilating them into society. An estimated 6,000 children died while attending these schools. The Queen is the head of state, so yeah, I can't blame them for toppling the statutes.

As things are right now, the pandemic is over
No it isn't, nearly 3000 people in your country died yesterday. Are you saying 3000 is worth going to war over, but not worth wearing a mask?

.... Covid is now endemic, like the Flu.
I am afraid you are right, we will have to get vaccinated once or twice a year and hope for effective medication.

Governments(s) need to dismantle these pandemic measures
Governments will, the measures are/were in place to prevent hospitals getting overwhelmed. And once hospitals can't cope, the measures will be back again. Which is what the conservative premier of this province will surely do again. It takes 5 years to train nurses and even longer to train doctors, I wonder if they will start adding beds again and have the staff. The other option is of course to deny people access to hospital unless they have been vaccinated. Which I do not support.

... but ones like Trudeau and others are much happier pretending they are dictators.
Trudeau is a strong? Are you drunk? Most Canadians think he was to soft on the protesters. The protesters urinated on the National War Memorial and danced on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

There is no longer ANY justification for trying to take away citizens freedoms .... and it is questionable if there ever was.
What freedoms? You still are not allowed to drive without written permission from the government, or even when you have the right papers, when you are drunk. The "truckers" took it upon themselves, to take away the freedom of peaceful, law abiding citizens to drive where we want on publicly owned roads.

You guys remind me of house cats, convinced of your fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system you don't appreciate nor understand.

But lets try that try it again...

You want a more serious debate? Lets have a look at the "truckers" protesting here in Canada.

First question is this, can a country mandate that people entering it are not bringing in diseases?
1) If they can't, Trump banning flights from certain countries would have been wrong.
2) If they can, than mandating that people are vaccinated and tested negative is less restrictive than banning all people entering.

I recently had to get tested in order to travel, it is a pain, getting the test was 2 minutes, but one hour travel. I had to spend another 20 minutes at the airport going through the paper work and wear a mask during the flight.

So what is it, was Trump wrong or right? Should I have been allowed to travel into Canada since I came from a country that has covid?

Want to take it a step further? How about if the predominant religion of the country of departure was the "wrong" religion? What if people came to the country in search of a better life? How do we deal with borders in a humane and fair way, considering our countries are both created by and for immigrants?

You want freedom? So do I and billions of other humans on this planet, trying to make laws that are both fair and humane is not an easy thing to do, I would say it is impossible when there are so many disparities in this world.
You are so off base it's hard to know where to start. .... What you don't seem to realize is that the government(s) are trying to mandate things that have no scientific basis.
They want to mandate that people be vaccinated with a vaccine that has VERY poor efficacy for the variants we now have.
They want to mandate masks ... that never were effective.
They want to mandate kids wear mask all day in school and that kids be vaccinated when there is no scientific basis for it.
Hospitalizations and deaths from the current variants are WAY down .... to levels lower than the Flu on an average year. Do they mandate FLU vaccines or everyone wear masks to protect from the Flu?
They want to force people to get a vaccine that may cause permanent side effects or death without fully informing people of the actual risks .... so much for informed consent.

In the US, we are allowing unvaccinated, untested people to illegally enter our country and then fly and bus them all over the country ..... In Canada, your prime minister wants to take a knee for protesters that tear down monuments and burn down neighborhoods and try to burn down federal buildings with people inside .... but declares non violent citizen protestors as terrorists.

As things are right now, the pandemic is over .... Covid is now endemic, like the Flu. Governments(s) need to dismantle these pandemic measures ... but ones like Trudeau and others are much happier pretending they are dictators.
There is no longer ANY justification for trying to take away citizens freedoms .... and it is questionable if there ever was.
Boom. Bob. Here is that Ivermectin Randomized Controlled Trial you have been looking for;

Question Does adding ivermectin, an inexpensive and widely available antiparasitic drug, to the standard of care reduce the risk of severe disease in patients with COVID-19 and comorbidities?

Findings In this open-label randomized clinical trial of high-risk patients with COVID-19 in Malaysia, a 5-day course of oral ivermectin administered during the first week of illness did not reduce the risk of developing severe disease compared with standard of care alone.

Meaning The study findings do not support the use of ivermectin for patients with COVID-19.

By the way, there is virtually nothing true in the post you made above and all of those talking points have been debunked with cites previously. You are simply spouting misinformation.
By the way, there is virtually nothing true in the post you made above and all of those talking points have been debunked with cites previously. You are simply spouting misinformation.
History shows he does not let facts get in the way of his conspiracy theories..
Vaccines work.
Not very well on the current variants. Probably couldn't show enough efficacy to get approved if they had to do their testing now.
For argument sake, lets pretend you are right (you are not) So you want government to get better vaccines for each variant?
I want the cheap available treatments to be allowed instead of suppressing life saving treatments.
They are effective, else nurses and doctors in hospitals wouldn't be wearing them.
They wear them because they have to. Give everybody a false sense of security. Omicron doesn't care if you have a mask on or not.
The kids are able to wear masks, most would be happy to know that they do so in order to protect giving it to other kids, who can spread it to their parents and grandparents.
Masks won't prevent kids from giving their grandparents Omicron ... Wake up.
That is another lie, in the worst year in recent history, about 52,000 people died from influenza, yesterday nearly as many Americans died from covid as on 9/11, (which was the excuse for invading two nations.)
Cases and hospitalizations in my area are down to almost nothing.
In Canada they don't, but this is nothing like the flu. In Asia, wearing a mask when you are sick is normal If you have a mask on, and if you have the flu, you could cut the chain off where you are. That could save a lot of people.

Vaccines are forced on people, measels is a deadly illness that we hardly ever heard about untill it popped up again in your country because anti vaxxers thought it was a good idea not to vaccinate their kids. The vaccines cause death? How many were killed by the vaccines and did they kill 1 million Americans? Because covid did. You conspiracy theorist are nuts.
The measles vaccine is a one and done ... it actually works.
You are allowing people to enter the country illegally? Really?

Well weapons and body armour was found at one of the protests. You bring weapons to a protest, you are preparing for a fight. Fast majority of Canadians wants this to end, I am surprised it was allowed to go on this long.
.... and you know for sure it was the truckers who put it there? Probably just like the guy carrying around the confederate flag with a full ski mask covering his identity while the actual protesters all had no masks ... and ran him off.
Has there been any violence from the protesters?
As for the statues of the Queen that were torn down... More than 150,000 indigenous Canadian children were taken from their families and forced to attend the schools during the 19th and 20th Centuries with the aim of forcibly assimilating them into society. An estimated 6,000 children died while attending these schools. The Queen is the head of state, so yeah, I can't blame them for toppling the statutes.

No it isn't, nearly 3000 people in your country died yesterday. Are you saying 3000 is worth going to war over, but not worth wearing a mask?

I am afraid you are right, we will have to get vaccinated once or twice a year and hope for effective medication.

Governments will, the measures are/were in place to prevent hospitals getting overwhelmed. And once hospitals can't cope, the measures will be back again. Which is what the conservative premier of this province will surely do again. It takes 5 years to train nurses and even longer to train doctors, I wonder if they will start adding beds again and have the staff. The other option is of course to deny people access to hospital unless they have been vaccinated. Which I do not support.

Trudeau is a strong? Are you drunk? Most Canadians think he was to soft on the protesters. The protesters urinated on the National War Memorial and danced on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Do you think plans to take over the bank accounts of protesters and those who contribute to them is a measure that should be considered in a free society for peaceful protesters?
What freedoms? You still are not allowed to drive without written permission from the government, or even when you have the right papers, when you are drunk. The "truckers" took it upon themselves, to take away the freedom of peaceful, law abiding citizens to drive where we want on publicly owned roads.
These truckers are considered hero's to most of the world. You have no concept of what freedom is.
You guys remind me of house cats, convinced of your fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system you don't appreciate nor understand.

But lets try that try it again...

You want a more serious debate? Lets have a look at the "truckers" protesting here in Canada.

First question is this, can a country mandate that people entering it are not bringing in diseases?
1) If they can't, Trump banning flights from certain countries would have been wrong.
2) If they can, than mandating that people are vaccinated and tested negative is less restrictive than banning all people entering.

I recently had to get tested in order to travel, it is a pain, getting the test was 2 minutes, but one hour travel. I had to spend another 20 minutes at the airport going through the paper work and wear a mask during the flight.

So what is it, was Trump wrong or right? Should I have been allowed to travel into Canada since I came from a country that has covid?

Want to take it a step further? How about if the predominant religion of the country of departure was the "wrong" religion? What if people came to the country in search of a better life? How do we deal with borders in a humane and fair way, considering our countries are both created by and for immigrants?

You want freedom? So do I and billions of other humans on this planet, trying to make laws that are both fair and humane is not an easy thing to do, I would say it is impossible when there are so many disparities in this world.
I'm not even going to bother to responding to most of your BS ....

There is a system for humane immigration .... It's called legal immigration. All these people .... millions of them .... are just flipping the bird and jumping the line. There are a large percentage of them who are single males .... probably gang members.
The democrats like it because they see these people as future democrats. The cartels have another big cash influx from human traffic.

You don't seem to realize that the original Covid isn't the Covid we have now.
When decisions were being made in the early going, we didn't know how deadly the virus was and everyone thought it might actually be possible to stop the spread .... Actually, we still don't know how deadly it is because the hospitalization and death numbers aren't anywhere near accurate .... but we do know that the death rate isn't as bad as the numbers show.
The official HHS spokes person here has admitted that if a person tested positive for Covid and died ... that was listed as the cause of death .. even if you died in an auto accident or other cause totally unrelated to Covid.

You don't seem to have any real understanding of the concept of freedom and also seem to have very little interest in it.
Not very well on the current variants. Probably couldn't show enough efficacy to get approved if they had to do their testing now.
They work very well, much better than anything you have proposed.

I want the cheap available treatments to be allowed instead of suppressing life saving treatments.
We all want that.

They wear them because they have to. Give everybody a false sense of security. Omicron doesn't care if you have a mask on or not.
I don't know about kids in your country, but the kids here care for their grandparents.

Masks won't prevent kids from giving their grandparents Omicron ... Wake up.
Masks reduce the risks of spreading it, wake up.

Cases and hospitalizations in my area are down to almost nothing.

The measles vaccine is a one and done ... it actually works.
The covid vaccines work.

.... and you know for sure it was the truckers who put it there? Probably just like the guy carrying around the confederate flag with a full ski mask covering his identity while the actual protesters all had no masks ... and ran him off.
I almost forgot you are a conspiracy theorist.

Has there been any violence from the protesters?
No idea, like I said, I am not following it that closely. They are just a bunch of idiots.

Do you think plans to take over the bank accounts of protesters and those who contribute to them is a measure that should be considered in a free society for peaceful protesters?
For peaceful protestors who follow the law, no. For the guys that brought weapons, absolutely, lock them up and throw away the key.

These truckers are considered hero's to most of the world.
Not in Canada, most people here think they are dickheads and ignore them when they can.

You have no concept of what freedom is.
I disagree with you on the definition of freedom, because I also recognize I have a social responsibility and can't do as I please. Republicans in your country don't for example should people be allowed to transition to another sex and use the bathroom that represents their identity as a make or female? Should people be free to marry the person of their chosing, even if it is people from the same sex? Why have rules on marriage anyway? Don't they restrict freedoms? Why give married people privileges that you won't give to people who live together?

When you start thinking about freedom, the answers are not that simple. The "freedom" protestors restrict my freedom to go where I please and I don't even have the ability to vote against their oppression.

I'm not even going to bother to responding to most of your BS ....
Because you were presented with a problem that you can not overcome through logic because you are a Trump fan, that does not make it BS. Either Trump was right of banning flights from certain countries or he was wrong. (BTW International borders in our countries are a restriction on the free movement of people and trade by design)

There is a system for humane immigration .... It's called legal immigration.
Have you ever tried to go through the process of legal migration? I have had an American border agent yell at me that I was insulting his country and his flag, when I told him that passports represent bureaucracy (Long story but the guy, obviously a dumb right winger from the way he was addressing me, was being a dick and I felt he deserved to make a fool of himself) Some of the people working at the border are professional, others not so much.

All these people .... millions of them .... are just flipping the bird and jumping the line. There are a large percentage of them who are single males .... probably gang members.
There we go again, scare tactics. Fix your migration problem already, it costs money to do it right.

The democrats like it because they see these people as future democrats. The cartels have another big cash influx from human traffic.
Illegals can not vote.

You don't seem to realize that the original Covid isn't the Covid we have now.
I have never denied evolution, I have spoken with too many Americans who have.

When decisions were being made in the early going, we didn't know how deadly the virus was and everyone thought it might actually be possible to stop the spread
Absolutely. So was Trump wrong in hindsight?

Actually, we still don't know how deadly it is because the hospitalization and death numbers aren't anywhere near accurate .... but we do know that the death rate isn't as bad as the numbers show.
BS the number of excess deaths show it is actually higher.

The official HHS spokes person here has admitted that if a person tested positive for Covid and died ... that was listed as the cause of death .. even if you died in an auto accident or other cause totally unrelated to Covid.

You don't seem to have any real understanding of the concept of freedom and also seem to have very little interest in it.
BS, I have a very keen understanding of freedom, with freedom comes a whole host of responsibilities and at times that means I have to do what is best for all, not just what is best for me. That includes paying taxes and wearing masks. Choices of what is best are not always easy to make, those choices differ from person to person, and people can also change their minds, even multiple times.

You claim citizens should be allowed to cross borders back into their own countries, I totally agree with that. Can those countries demand that people returning home go into quarantine or be tested negative for a deadly disease upon entering? You claim that covid is not deadly enough.

Yesterday 136 Canadians died of covid. How many (innocent) deaths are acceptable to you before you say enough is enough?
They work very well, much better than anything you have proposed.
How would you know? Why are there so many people fully vaccinated and boosted that still get Covid and die?
Have you seen anyone who has been vaccinated for measles get measles? or Polio ... What other vaccines have such massive failure but are still mandated?
Why are countries like Israel where many have gotten 4 vaccines ... and over 80% of the country been fully vaccinated ... but they have been decimated by Omicron?
We all want that.

I don't know about kids in your country, but the kids here care for their grandparents.
So .... why is there so much Covid ... especially Omicron ... where masks are mandated?
No idea, like I said, I am not following it that closely. They are just a bunch of idiots.

For peaceful protestors who follow the law, no. For the guys that brought weapons, absolutely, lock them up and throw away the key.
You have no idea who put those weapons there .... must be a conspiracy trying to blame it on the protesters.
Peaceful protesters aren't terrorists .... they are exposing the useless mandates that need to be pulled back. Many areas are actually doing that as are states in the US who don't want the protests to come their way.
Not in Canada, most people here think they are dickheads and ignore them when they can.

I disagree with you on the definition of freedom, because I also recognize I have a social responsibility and can't do as I please. Republicans in your country don't for example should people be allowed to transition to another sex and use the bathroom that represents their identity as a make or female? Should people be free to marry the person of their chosing, even if it is people from the same sex? Why have rules on marriage anyway? Don't they restrict freedoms? Why give married people privileges that you won't give to people who live together?

When you start thinking about freedom, the answers are not that simple. The "freedom" protestors restrict my freedom to go where I please and I don't even have the ability to vote against their oppression.

Because you were presented with a problem that you can not overcome through logic because you are a Trump fan, that does not make it BS. Either Trump was right of banning flights from certain countries or he was wrong. (BTW International borders in our countries are a restriction on the free movement of people and trade by design)

Have you ever tried to go through the process of legal migration? I have had an American border agent yell at me that I was insulting his country and his flag, when I told him that passports represent bureaucracy (Long story but the guy, obviously a dumb right winger from the way he was addressing me, was being a dick and I felt he deserved to make a fool of himself) Some of the people working at the border are professional, others not so much.

There we go again, scare tactics. Fix your migration problem already, it costs money to do it right.
Do you understand the difference between migration and immigration?
Illegals can not vote.
They can in New York .... and if they could get away with it, the Democrats would have them voting everywhere.
Yesterday 136 Canadians died of covid. How many (innocent) deaths are acceptable to you before you say enough is enough?
Exactly .... According to the "experts" this was supposed to be over about a year ago ... the vaccine will give herd immunity they said .... that was all wrong, the vaccine is incapable of providing herd immunity because the variants happen to frequently.
With Omicron, the vaccine is almost useless ... with the next variant ... they will be totally useless ... We need to be using effective protocols like the one from the FLCCC which keeps changing as they learn more ... and those that Dr Chetty brought to Honduras and South Africa.
How would you know? Why are there so many people fully vaccinated and boosted that still get Covid and die?
Have you seen anyone who has been vaccinated for measles get measles? or Polio ... What other vaccines have such massive failure but are still mandated?
Why are countries like Israel where many have gotten 4 vaccines ... and over 80% of the country been fully vaccinated ... but they have been decimated by Omicron?

So .... why is there so much Covid ... especially Omicron ... where masks are mandated?

You have no idea who put those weapons there .... must be a conspiracy trying to blame it on the protesters.
Peaceful protesters aren't terrorists .... they are exposing the useless mandates that need to be pulled back. Many areas are actually doing that as are states in the US who don't want the protests to come their way.

Do you understand the difference between migration and immigration?

They can in New York .... and if they could get away with it, the Democrats would have them voting everywhere.

Exactly .... According to the "experts" this was supposed to be over about a year ago ... the vaccine will give herd immunity they said .... that was all wrong, the vaccine is incapable of providing herd immunity because the variants happen to frequently.
With Omicron, the vaccine is almost useless ... with the next variant ... they will be totally useless ... We need to be using effective protocols like the one from the FLCCC which keeps changing as they learn more ... and those that Dr Chetty brought to Honduras and South Africa.
I didn't read it all. I am not going to respond to it all. Hard to argue with Bob about numbers when he insists all CDC numbers are wrong and that the hospitals are lying about the number of vaccination and unvaccinated hospitalized.

Anyway, to answer his questions:
Two doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) are 90% effective or more against polio; three doses are 99% to 100% effective. It is not 100% effective.

One dose of MMR vaccine is 93% effective against measles, 78% effective against mumps, and 97% effective against rubella. Two doses of MMR vaccine are 97% effective against measles and 88% effective against mumps.

Of course, vaccines that Bob wants to ignore like the influenza vaccines have significantly lower rates of effectiveness against infection.

Bob is playing games about the vaccine effectiveness numbers since their effectiveness against infection is reduced but their effectiveness against hospitalization and especially death remain quite high.

Since all US numbers are fake (according to BOB) look at England's numbers below. You can see that even against Omicron the vaccines reduce your chance of infection quite a bit. Very much so against hospitalization and death.


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How would you know? Why are there so many people fully vaccinated and boosted that still get Covid and die?
Because the vaccines are not 100% effective.

Have you seen anyone who has been vaccinated for measles get measles?

... What other vaccines have such massive failure but are still mandated?
I don't think saving a single live is a failure, let alone hundreds of thousands.
During October–November, unvaccinated persons had 13.9 and 53.2 times the risks for infection and COVID-19–associated death, respectively, compared with fully vaccinated persons who received booster doses, and 4.0 and 12.7 times the risks compared with fully vaccinated persons without booster doses. When the Omicron variant emerged during December 2021, case IRRs decreased to 4.9 for fully vaccinated persons with booster doses and 2.8 for those without booster doses, relative to October–November 2021. The highest impact of booster doses against infection and death compared with full vaccination without booster doses was recorded among persons aged 50–64 and ≥65 years. Eligible persons should stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations.

Why are countries like Israel where many have gotten 4 vaccines ... and over 80% of the country been fully vaccinated ... but they have been decimated by Omicron?
US has double the death rate compared with Israel

Israel is providing boosters.

So .... why is there so much Covid ... especially Omicron ... where masks are mandated?
Mask are not foolproof I wish it was that simple, they are meant to reduce the risk of spreading an airborne virus and come on now, it is no hardship you snowflake.

You have no idea who put those weapons there
I do have an idea, or should I not believe law enforcement?

.... must be a conspiracy trying to blame it on the protesters.
Lol, you been drinking again? You are the one who is claiming they were planted, pay attention to the nonsense you spout.

Peaceful protesters aren't terrorists
Very true.

.... they are exposing the useless mandates that need to be pulled back.
No, they believe testing at the border is wrong, they are entitled to that belief.

Many areas are actually doing that as are states in the US who don't want the protests to come their way.
You want the protests to come your way?

Do you understand the difference between migration and immigration?
I do, you wanted to talk about freedom, so answer the question I asked.

I disagree with you on the definition of freedom, because I also recognize I have a social responsibility and can't do as I please. Republicans in your country don't for example should people be allowed to transition to another sex and use the bathroom that represents their identity as a make or female? Should people be free to marry the person of their chosing, even if it is people from the same sex? Why have rules on marriage anyway? Don't they restrict freedoms? Why give married people privileges that you won't give to people who live together?

When you start thinking about freedom, the answers are not that simple. The "freedom" protestors restrict my freedom to go where I please and I don't even have the ability to vote against their oppression.

Because you were presented with a problem that you can not overcome through logic because you are a Trump fan, that does not make it BS. Either Trump was right of banning flights from certain countries or he was wrong. (BTW International borders in our countries are a restriction on the free movement of people and trade by design)

They can in New York .... and if they could get away with it, the Democrats would have them voting everywhere.
Yes, most people are quite surprised to learn that it was common practice in the United States for immigrants to be able to vote. Folks might remember that the criteria for voting historically was not citizenship per se, but it was whether one was white, male and a property owner. So it was race, gender and class that mattered in terms of who is a member of the political community and had voting rights formally.

Exactly .... According to the "experts" this was supposed to be over about a year ago ... the vaccine will give herd immunity they said .... that was all wrong, the vaccine is incapable of providing herd immunity because the variants happen to frequently.
And we will have to adjust the vaccines.

With Omicron, the vaccine is almost useless
It isn't.

... with the next variant ... they will be totally useless ...
No it won't.

We need to be using effective protocols like the one from the FLCCC which keeps changing as they learn more
The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance is a group of physicians and former journalists formed in April 2020 that has advocated for various treatments for COVID-19, most of them ineffective and some other drugs and vitamins of dubious efficacy. The group is led by Paul E. Marik and Pierre Kory.

... and those that Dr Chetty brought to Honduras and South Africa.
Cant find anything on him, who is he?

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