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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

The Social Justice Worrier has spoken. Live in the past if you must. I prefer the present and future. Anyone that calls another a racist is the true racist. Thank you Dhasper for showing your true self to every one.
Quite a comeback for someone who claims to have studied it and knows nothing. Not what ingredients to look back is also the response of the wife beater and rapist. Of course you don’t want to look back you benefit from the oppression.What does not looking back even mean? You simply don’t want history taught.
The Social Justice Worrier has spoken. Live in the past if you must. I prefer the present and future. Anyone that calls another a racist is the true racist. Thank you Dhasper for showing your true self to every one.

Is that your version of "Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you" ?


Dude, come up with a better and more legitimate response.
The Social Justice Worrier has spoken.
What is wrong with social justice?

Live in the past if you must. I prefer the present and future.
Most people want a better future for all, that doesn't mean we can or should forget the past.

Anyone that calls another a racist is the true racist. Thank you Dhasper for showing your true self to every one.
That is just nonsense, calling Hitler a racist would not make any one a racist nor would calling Hitler a racist mean that you are not a racist, it is simply a statement of fact.. Likewise you implying that Cdkipp is a racist doesn't necessarily make you a racist. I understand your frustration, but did you think this through?

A better approach would be to (at least temporarily) ignore all the media and read up on CRT in education and law.

A better approach would be to (at least temporarily) ignore all the media and read up on CRT in education and law.
I honestly tried reading about CRT, and after about 5 minutes, I decided I'd rather have a colonoscopy...

I have no position about whether it should be taught in schools or not, only that if I was being taught it, I would be asleep pretty fast.
Such hate in this room. The implications that I'm a rapist and wife beater. Thanks MurpbyGuy, I chuckled at the "I know you are but what am i" comment it was a bit silly of me wasn't it? And of course Hitler tossed in to good measure.
Such hate in this room. The implications that I'm a rapist and wife beater. Thanks MurpbyGuy, I chuckled at the "I know you are but what am i" comment it was a bit silly of me wasn't it?
Some of what you have been saying has been a bit silly. Try to step back and take a look at it with an objective 3rd person view and you will see that your position is not reasonable.

Like I said, I have no opinion on the CRT being taught in schools. and when I queried you to give me an example to support your position, I didn't get a reply. Giving you the green light to influence my opinion from one that doesn't exist to a tentative position leaning in your favor, you passed on the opportunity.

What would an objective 3rd party think of that?

And of course Hitler tossed in to good measure.
That would be Godwin's Law..
Such hate in this room.
What hate, people asking questions is not hate.

The implications that I'm a rapist and wife beater.
Using your logic, if you accuse some one of being a rapist and a wife beater, that would imply that you are a rapist and a wife beater, and that is unreasonable.

And of course Hitler tossed in to good measure.
As long as we can agree that Hitler was a racist, it would be a valid example of how silly your argument is.
I honestly tried reading about CRT, and after about 5 minutes, I decided I'd rather have a colonoscopy...

I have no position about whether it should be taught in schools or not, only that if I was being taught it, I would be asleep pretty fast.
From the little of what I understand, the basics seems fine, I was quite surprised to see how racism or any bias in general is enshrined in law, including the US where despite the constitution, atheists are not allowed to run for office in some states. I think being aware of our biases and a genuine desire to end racism, which most people claim they want, would be helpful. However the right wing media has been promoting the idea that equality is making white males less... I remember seeing one member on this forum (not naming names) state that it made him feel less.

Not all biases are bad, women wanting guys who are over 6 feet tall is perfectly acceptable, same for guys who would only date blondes, so the whole thing is quite confusing and seem on the face of it quite contradictory. I had to go on a course regarding biases in the work place, instructor asked who was biased and I raised my hand. The look on my bosses was horrified thinking that she hired a racist, when I explained that I would not want to sleep with a guy, she still didn't get it, the lady teaching did. Was we were asked if we could show an example of sexism in the work place, every one was quiet, I explained that we had a separate male and female washrooms. Again my boss was horrified when I raised my hand. Turned out to be quite interesting couple of hours, at least for me, I think most people, including my boss, did not get much out of it. Understanding that separate washrooms is a form of sexism, silly, but not necessarily bad, might prevent for the most part unenforceable laws, like preventing transgenders using the bathroom associated with their new gender.

I also think it is pointless for any one not directly involved with treating people poorly in the past to apologize, while it is of course perfectly acceptable to acknowledge the wrongs in the past and trying to help people out of poverty and associated crime, regardless of their religion, skin colour, gender, or even the place in the world where their mother gave birth.

But I do agree, it is a field of study that is only interesting to people going into politics, who should at least get the basics, some lawyers who want to specialize in that field. And a deeper understanding of our biases should be a requirement for judges. Most people don't need to know more than the basics.
From the little of what I understand, the basics seems fine, I was quite surprised to see how racism or any bias in general is enshrined in law, including the US where despite the constitution, atheists are not allowed to run for office in some states. I think being aware of our biases and a genuine desire to end racism, which most people claim they want, would be helpful. However the right wing media has been promoting the idea that equality is making white males less... I remember seeing one member on this forum (not naming names) state that it made him feel less.

Not all biases are bad, women wanting guys who are over 6 feet tall is perfectly acceptable, same for guys who would only date blondes, so the whole thing is quite confusing and seem on the face of it quite contradictory. I had to go on a course regarding biases in the work place, instructor asked who was biased and I raised my hand. The look on my bosses was horrified thinking that she hired a racist, when I explained that I would not want to sleep with a guy, she still didn't get it, the lady teaching did. Was we were asked if we could show an example of sexism in the work place, every one was quiet, I explained that we had a separate male and female washrooms. Again my boss was horrified when I raised my hand. Turned out to be quite interesting couple of hours, at least for me, I think most people, including my boss, did not get much out of it. Understanding that separate washrooms is a form of sexism, silly, but not necessarily bad, might prevent for the most part unenforceable laws, like preventing transgenders using the bathroom associated with their new gender.

I also think it is pointless for any one not directly involved with treating people poorly in the past to apologize, while it is of course perfectly acceptable to acknowledge the wrongs in the past and trying to help people out of poverty and associated crime, regardless of their religion, skin colour, gender, or even the place in the world where their mother gave birth.

But I do agree, it is a field of study that is only interesting to people going into politics, who should at least get the basics, some lawyers who want to specialize in that field. And a deeper understanding of our biases should be a requirement for judges. Most people don't need to know more than the basics.
I've been wondering how, in this day and age, women are still required by law to cover their upper bodies, while men can go shirtless anytime they want.

I did know about the "No atheist can run for public office" laws.. of course they're not enforceable, but the fact that they're still on the books isn't surprising.

Its all based on religious ideology, I'm getting a better idea why the conservatives want to avoid teaching such knowledge, and now I'm thinking we should start teaching it.

Can you imagine women going shirtless everywhere like men? We'd have to employ special crews to go around mopping up the mess conservatives make from their heads exploding.. They'd have to string up the felt covered ropes to control the long lines in front of the confessionals! ROFLMAO

Yeah.. I'm all for teaching that in schools now..
I've been wondering how, in this day and age, women are still required by law to cover their upper bodies, while men can go shirtless anytime they want.
Here in Canada, women are allowed to go shirtless wherever men can go shirtless although it rarely happens.

I did know about the "No atheist can run for public office" laws.. of course they're not enforceable, but the fact that they're still on the books isn't surprising.
It surprised me, one of those moments where I had to check multiple sources because I didn't expect it to be true.

Its all based on religious ideology, I'm getting a better idea why the conservatives want to avoid teaching such knowledge, and now I'm thinking we should start teaching it.
That would be the worst reason to teach it. Teach it because we need to understand that we all have biases, but in schools, I don't think many kids would get it.

Can you imagine women going shirtless everywhere like men?
Sure, I had a friend who preferred to go to nudist beaches, I would go with him a few times because I like going to the beach and body surf. It is no big deal when you are used to it.

We'd have to employ special crews to go around mopping up the mess conservatives make from their heads exploding..
They also get used to it pretty quickly. A bigger problem is that conservatives need to learn that women who show more than what is culturally "normal" are not asking to be raped.

They'd have to string up the felt covered ropes to control the long lines in front of the confessionals! ROFLMAO
Most of the US is protestant, as far as I am aware, they don't go to confessional, but I could be wrong.

Yeah.. I'm all for teaching that in schools now..
Just a basic awareness is enough, the subject is too difficult as there are not always absolutes.

I would like to see the teaching of comparative religion in school. Teach the similarities and differences between the major religions, atheism could be handled with "there is no evidence for any of the gods"
Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups. Project Veritas also uses entrapment to generate bad publicity for its targets, and has propagated disinformation and conspiracy theories in its videos and operations, which led the Brookings Institute to describe them as damaging to democracy.

In review, videos are difficult to fact-check based on the way they are edited. Sometimes his information is debunked, but it is too late as the information has already been watched by thousands or more. In general, O’Keefe’s videos more often than not target those with a liberal perspective. However, Project Vertias does target conservatives such as this NEW VIDEO: James O’Keefe Ambushes Republican Congressman Over Racist Bill and Faces Of Voter Fraud #1: NY Republican Votes Twice in 2018 Elections, Casts Mail Ballot in Florida.

Our review of numerous articles reveals that many more target Democrats, such as HIDDEN CAMERA: NYC Democratic Election Commissioner “I Think There Is A lot of Voter Fraud.” Project Veritas counters this argument in the article Lie #9: James O’Keefe and Project Veritas only go after Democrats and individuals and organizations on the left, where Mr. O’Keefe states, “It is true that because America’s mainstream media is overwhelmingly leftist and in favor of centralized federal power in Washington, their best opportunities for Project Veritas are in the institutions dominated by allies of the mainstream media, such as colleges and universities, state and federal bureaucracies and the media itself.”

Further, former President Trump often sourced Project Veritas, such as this: President Trump Thanks Project Veritas Tech Investigations at White House Social Media Summit. The fact that the former president endorses them can mean different things to different people; we just share that he does endorse them and nothing more.

Finally, during the 2020 election, Project Veritas promoted misleading and false information (See fact checks below). While Project Veritas claims not to be intentionally biased in whom they target, it is clear through counting the number of stories targeting the left that they favor the right, whether on purpose or not.

And just what is your point? That the footage linked to is all CGI? Its made up, the guy never said it?
Its a lazy and fallacious argument to attack the source but avoid the evidence produced.
Never mind thinking you can just label something right wing and that alone dismisses it. Both sides can play that. Youre a leftist so everything you say is a lie. How about that.
When youre ready to prove that journalist didnt sag the things he did on camera get back to us.
Its clear that democrats have used january 6th to try and remove the rights of republicans to protest, scare them from ever speakingo out again, and double down on their own big lie that the election was fair in the face of growing evidence it wasnt.
No, you have shown you live in your own fantasy world.

Well heres something your TDS fact checker tried to minimize.
" A year into the pandemic, up to 46.2 million people had received at least one week of (federal)benefits, amounting to about 1 in 4 workers, according to an estimate from The Century Foundation."

See title:

Pandemic's $794 billion unemployment benefits were historic.​

If Trumps job losses were historic, why withhold the fact about what caused it?

This is just more proof of how the left has sought to politicize this pandemic since day 1. They used scare and hype tactics and outright lies to oust a sitting president. You people arent about science at all.
And just what is your point? That the footage linked to is all CGI? Its made up, the guy never said it?
Its a lazy and fallacious argument to attack the source but avoid the evidence produced.
Never mind thinking you can just label something right wing and that alone dismisses it. Both sides can play that. Youre a leftist so everything you say is a lie. How about that.
When youre ready to prove that journalist didnt sag the things he did on camera get back to us.
Its clear that democrats have used january 6th to try and remove the rights of republicans to protest, scare them from ever speakingo out again, and double down on their own big lie that the election was fair in the face of growing evidence it wasnt.
Ahhhhh....the conspiracy theorist is back!
AIts clear that democrats have used january 6th to try and remove the rights of republicans to protest, scare them from ever speakingo out again, and double down on their own big lie that the election was fair in the face of growing evidence it wasnt.
LOL...the conspiracy theorist has spoken. Too much DEW to the head I see.
LOL...the conspiracy theorist has spoken. Too much DEW to the head I see.
I think he actually meant remove the rights for RepubliKlans to interrupt government again...maybe they shouldn't start insurrections next time.
And just what is your point? That the footage linked to is all CGI? Its made up, the guy never said it?
The point is that the guy is willing to lie repeatedly and therefore unreliable. I do not bother visiting outlets that lie deliberately because I would have to verify their stories elsewhere and I might as will skip them.

Its a lazy and fallacious argument to attack the source but avoid the evidence produced.
You cal it lazy, I call it efficient.

Never mind thinking you can just label something right wing
I did not call the right wing, they are far right, there is a difference.

and that alone dismisses it.

Both sides can play that.
Sure and both side do, that does not make it right.

Youre a leftist so everything you say is a lie. How about that.
I have note voted in decades.

When youre ready to prove that journalist didnt sag the things he did on camera get back to us.
I don't have to, I just ignore them. Why would you want me to listen to people who repeatedly lie?

Its clear that democrats have used january 6th to try and remove the rights of republicans to protest, scare them from ever speakingo out again, and double down on their own big lie that the election was fair in the face of growing evidence it wasnt.
So you are claiming republicans are no longer protesting? The facts show otherwise.
Well heres something your TDS fact checker tried to minimize.
" A year into the pandemic, up to 46.2 million people had received at least one week of (federal)benefits, amounting to about 1 in 4 workers, according to an estimate from The Century Foundation."

See title:

Pandemic's $794 billion unemployment benefits were historic.​

If Trumps job losses were historic, why withhold the fact about what caused it?
No one is withoding the facts that caused it, Bob claimed Trump created jobs, the facts show that he left office with higher unemployment then when he started. Refusing to admit that shows he lives in lala land.

This is just more proof of how the left has sought to politicize this pandemic since day 1. They used scare and hype tactics and outright lies to oust a sitting president. You people arent about science at all.
What politics? Bob Made the claim about a politician creating jobs and I pointed it out he was wrong. The sad part is that Bob refuses to acknowledge the facts, so it is obvious he lives in lala land. I don't care about the reasons for the higher/lower unemployment numbers in this context, my aim was to show Bob was and still is, divorced from reality.
Trump's coronavirus statements.. for those of you who are.. umm.. lets say "intellectually challenged"
No one is withoding the facts that caused it, Bob claimed Trump created jobs, the facts show that he left office with higher unemployment then when he started. Refusing to admit that shows he lives in lala land.

What politics? Bob Made the claim about a politician creating jobs and I pointed it out he was wrong. The sad part is that Bob refuses to acknowledge the facts, so it is obvious he lives in lala land. I don't care about the reasons for the higher/lower unemployment numbers in this context, my aim was to show Bob was and still is, divorced from reality.
I said your fact checker minimized the impact of the pandemic in his analysis, and I stand by that 100%.
Your obsession with proving bob wrong about this one issue has reached a point where its less about his error and more revealing of your own pettiness and immaturity.

Youre still logging on to the internet for how long now, 2 months? And mentioning it for dozens of posts? Just to prove a stranger from another country wrong on a message board? Attacking a president you cant even vote for!

Holy crap Ive seen 8 year olds with a better sense of how to productively spend time. So you proved him wrong, you want a cookie?

In the end Trumps unemployment figures have nothing to do with his economic policies and everything to do with the pandemic. All youre proving is your own ability to manipulate statistics and take them out of context to misrepresent an issue, which is the only thing you can do given the absolute disaster unfolding in front of us called the Biden administration.

Trump's coronavirus statements.. for those of you who are.. umm.. lets say "intellectually challenged"
No surprise you want to talk about Trump when the jackass you voted for is running the country into the ground as we speak.
Despite the slanted portrayal of Trump and his coronavirus position, far more deaths have happened under Biden than under Trump.

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