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diy solar

Seplos Solar

Can you provide a source or direct quote for this info? To the best of my (limited) knowledge, Seplos does not manufacture any raw cells, and does not claim to, but they do sell cells under their brand name. Maybe this has changed, I have been out of the loop.

There are two basic types of current (ampere) rating a fuse has. The nominal current rating it is designed for (i.e. a "125A" fuse), and the AIC (or "Ampere Interrupt Capacity") which is the current that the fuse is rated to safely break.

Why the MIDI fuse is a problem is that the AIC of 1000 is extremely low for main battery protection. Best practice with lithium batteries seems to be an AIC of 20,000A or greater. In practice this means a class T fuse or high AIC breaker, but even a moderately higher rating would be better than the 1000A midi fuse rating.

Seplos is not the only rackmount battery that fails to meet this best practice, to my knowledge, every single rackmount battery comes without proper main battery overcurrent protection. Some of the others come with breakers that are only rated for AC and are not even DC rated at all.
as with other, seplos doesnt use the breaker as a overvoltage protection, rather as a simple way to disconnect power, they rely on the bms mosfetts
Yeah, the only certifications seem to be available for their 100ah Pusung batteries, which are twice the price. Since I am doing DIY, I dont really care about certs. The Masons, with the sale price of $1000 per 6.9KW 16S battery, had a better value at 14.4 cents per watt hour ( plus shipping though, but that would be the same for the Pusung) than the Pusung.
The ability of the BMS's to monitor across banks in parallel, in an awesome metal enclosure is what sold me. Once they communicate with my inverters, it will be a perfect solution for me. I just wish I had bought more of them, since the price is now $600-$800 more each.

Any thoughts about using these 135AH banks in parallel with 280ah banks? I know Andy at off-grid-garage did some tests, but has anyone tried that for real?
I have the two other Seplos 200AH BMS's, so they should work with the same software on the 280AH banks.
as with other, seplos doesnt use the breaker as a overvoltage protection, rather as a simple way to disconnect power, they rely on the bms mosfetts
My opinion is just a layman's opinion, but I recently shared my perspective towards that approach here if you are interested.

However, in the case of Seplos, I thought it was a fuse not a breaker? @tigerwillow1 mentioned a MIDI fuse.
My opinion is just a layman's opinion, but I recently shared my perspective towards that approach here if you are interested.

However, in the case of Seplos, I thought it was a fuse not a breaker? @tigerwillow1 mentioned a MIDI fuse.
Yup. Its a small 150amp fuse in a plastic case with tiny connectors. Its the only real subpar component of the battery that should be replaced with a class-T fuse and better connection points.
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Yup. Its a small 150amp fuse in a plastic case with tiny connectors. Its the only real subpar component of the battery that should be replaced with a class-T fuse and better connection points.
If they replaced that fuse with something more robust (high AIC), that would give them a leg up on the competition in terms of safety. Maybe something for Seplos to consider with the next iteration of this battery.

Not having proper main battery overcurrent protection internally isn't a dealbreaker considering that virtually no batteries on the market have it, and that the norm is external overcurrent protection. But if a fuse or breaker is included internally, it seems like a missed opportunity and a missed selling point not to include a properly rated fuse/breaker.
I can add a little more info about the Mason battery. I'm pleased with the robustness of the steel case, which weighs ~25 lbs. empty. The thickness of the steel is about 0.05", putting it somewhere between 16 and 18 gauge. The sixteen 135 AH cells weigh in at about 96 lbs., so the assembled battery will be about 125 lbs. The built in MIDI fuse has a 1,000 AIC rating, which I'd expect to be a huge obstacle to any kind of certification.
Do you know if seplos requires a rs486 or canbus connection to an inverter to work properly
Do you know if seplos requires a rs486 or canbus connection to an inverter to work properly
they do not require it, but of course it makes thing better, both in monitoring straight from you inverter, as you balancing will be better
Hello all, I have ordered 2 of these Mason batteries as well and as I read in this topic there are a lot of strange things in their shipping procedures.

This is what happened so far:

Paid the order sept 10th 2021 to (hopefully their) German bankaccount
Confirmed by Adam same day
On the 25th sept he asked for my EROI number (that is a kind of taxnr in the EU)
The 4th of Nov I received tracing info. It is this: Chinese website , tracing number 8070938923

Chinese website but in google chrome translated to English. Last message on that site is from 21st Jan and it says: "Waiting to pay DHL in overseas warehouse" whatever that means. I tried to contact Adam several times now but the email address that I used all the time bounces.

Are there other Europeans that have ordered stuff from Seplos? Getting a little worried now...
Hello all, I have ordered 2 of these Mason batteries as well and as I read in this topic there are a lot of strange things in their shipping procedures.

This is what happened so far:

Paid the order sept 10th 2021 to (hopefully their) German bankaccount
Confirmed by Adam same day
On the 25th sept he asked for my EROI number (that is a kind of taxnr in the EU)
The 4th of Nov I received tracing info. It is this: Chinese website , tracing number 8070938923

Chinese website but in google chrome translated to English. Last message on that site is from 21st Jan and it says: "Waiting to pay DHL in overseas warehouse" whatever that means. I tried to contact Adam several times now but the email address that I used all the time bounces.

Are there other Europeans that have ordered stuff from Seplos? Getting a little worried now...
have done so, but only their BMS'es.
I also know there have been issues with adamś account/mail..

you could try emailing Aaron, however be aware , the chinese new year/spring break is going on, there for it will take some time to get a response.

PM me, and iĺl provide you with his email adress..
make sure you include every thing in the email you send to him ( order nr. , payment proof, tracking nr etc etc etc)
have done so, but only their BMS'es.
I also know there have been issues with adamś account/mail..

you could try emailing Aaron, however be aware , the chinese new year/spring break is going on, there for it will take some time to get a response.

PM me, and iĺl provide you with his email adress..
make sure you include every thing in the email you send to him ( order nr. , payment proof, tracking nr etc etc etc)
I believe Adams new email is, but the BEST way is to use Alibaba chat. Go to the seplos store on Alibaba, and use chat to communicate. It will be difficult until after Chinese new year festivities.
Update; still no response from Seplos. Tracking site is updated to "Waiting for DHL truck to pick up the goods" though so there is still hope.
Update; still no response from Seplos. Tracking site is updated to "Waiting for DHL truck to pick up the goods" though so there is still hope.
it is a national holiday in China until feb 10th , where just about nobody is working there.
Patients is a virtue
My order from Seplos took maybe 10 days Fed-x. I communicated off their web site with Henry. The order did get lost in accounting after I paid. Henry got right on it and solved the problem. Very good communication.
according to seplos they manufacture the cells they use so im not sure if theirs are UL or not
Can you provide a source or direct quote for this info? To the best of my (limited) knowledge, Seplos does not manufacture any raw cells, and does not claim to, but they do sell cells under their brand name. Maybe this has changed
The response I got from seplos when I asked for the cell manufacturer was that they produce the cells and I was send a data sheet with cell info and all it has is their name on it

I believe you may have been mislead or misunderstood the person you bought the cells from. Sometimes there is something lost in translation/misunderstood with the meaning of "manufacturer."

When we originall had this conversation in January I reached out to Chris Ren at Seplos, They just got back to me and confirmed they are not a manufacturer of prismatic cells:

DZL (private message) said:
Hello Chris,

In the datasheet for the 100Ah SEPLOS C32100A Cell, it is written that:

This specification describes the physical, functional, and electrical characteristics of
the 3.2V 100Ah rechargeable lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) prismatic battery cell
manufactured by SEPLOS Technology.

Can you please clarify what is meant by manufactured by SEPLOS Technology?
I did not think SEPLOS is a manufacturer of prismatic cells. Am I mistaken?
It is not a problem if SEPLOS is not a manufacturer, I just want a correct understanding.

Thank you,
Seplos Chris Ren (private message) said:
Yes, we're not a manufacturer of prismatic cells.
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just posted the manual for the seplos bms that supports rs485 coms to voltronics/mpp inverters in the resources section
Outstanding! Thank you very much. Cannot wait to get to work on it.
be warned, i understood from seplos it requires either their latest firmware or a hardware swap out.
also , the inverter should be connected to the port labeled as CANBUS.
unfortunatly i have not been able to test today, but this specific paragraph in the manual stems me very hopeful :

2.11 RM485andRS485 communication RM485 could realize communication between battery and inverter. And RM485 communication has different protocol according to different inverters. (Seplos RM485 protocol is compatible with Pylontech and voltronic protocol.) RS485 communication could realize data monitoring, operation controlling and parameter setting through computer or other devices via telemetering, telesignalization, remote regulating and remote control commands.
Hello all, I have ordered 2 of these Mason batteries as well and as I read in this topic there are a lot of strange things in their shipping procedures.

This is what happened so far:

Paid the order sept 10th 2021 to (hopefully their) German bankaccount
Confirmed by Adam same day
On the 25th sept he asked for my EROI number (that is a kind of taxnr in the EU)
The 4th of Nov I received tracing info. It is this: Chinese website , tracing number 8070938923

Chinese website but in google chrome translated to English. Last message on that site is from 21st Jan and it says: "Waiting to pay DHL in overseas warehouse" whatever that means. I tried to contact Adam several times now but the email address that I used all the time bounces.

Are there other Europeans that have ordered stuff from Seplos? Getting a little worried now...
Hi RikH,

i orderd to Germany and have the same problem. My contact is Jerry and we write via WhatsApp. he responds quite fast.
Problem seams to be the company handling the customs part.
He told me, that I could get a refund or they would send a second battery/package.

I chose the second delivery and hope for the best now.

If you wish, I can PM you the mobile number for contacting him directly?

Best regards and hpoing for the best too,

PS: Does sombody know where the original thread with the 1000$ offer went? It seams to be deleted.:unsure:
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PS: Does sombody know where the original thread with the 1000$ offer went? It seams to be deleted.:unsure:

Up at the top of every page "new rules for vendors". Apparently the section that vendors should use was deleted, along with all the vendor accounts (except a few, not sure how that works)..

One of the worst unintended side effects is the removal of contact information that formerly was readily available.

I must admit, when I saw what was going on with Michael Caro, I figured this would happen sooner or later.
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Hi RikH,

i orderd to Germany and have the same problem. My contact is Jerry and we write via WhatsApp. he responds quite fast.
Problem seams to be the company handling the customs part.
He told me, that I could get a refund or they would second a second package.

I chose the second delivery and hope for the best now.

If you wish, I can PM you the mobile number for contacting him directly?

Best regards and hpoing for the best too,

PS: Does sombody know where the original thread with the 1000$ offer went? It seams to be deleted.:unsure:
Try better yet, start a chat on their Alibaba site.
My order took a LONG time to get to my house in New York.
I do not believe they are still honoring the $1000 initial sale.

diy solar

diy solar