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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

I was watching that press conference. How many people did face palms that day?
Why would you be watching when you ridicule everything he says? Most of us have the sense to get our covid updates from experts.
Why would you be watching when you ridicule everything he says? Most of us have the sense to get our covid updates from experts.
I always watched the covid conferences. Thankfully, trump decided they were a waste of time but unfortunately, he decided to go to that one.

This clearly shows Gavin Newsome lifted the regional stay at home orders on Jan 25, 2021- the week of Bidens inauguration..

EVERYTHING was locked down.

Thats two lies in a row for you "Brad". Doubt youll concede them.

This clearly shows Gavin Newsome lifted the regional stay at home orders on Jan 25, 2021- the week of Bidens inauguration..

EVERYTHING was locked down.

Thats two lies in a row for you "Brad". Doubt youll concede them.
Sorry is not Brad.

Come some businesses. We ate at restaurants all the time all through Covid although we sat outside. I even got haircuts all through Covid.

I do not know a single person who didn't work throughout Covid. If that were the case, how did they work if their business was shut down?
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Sorry is not Brad.

Come some businesses. We ate at restaurants all the time all through Covid although we sat outside. I even got haircuts all through Covid.

I do not know a single person who didn't work throughout Covid. If that were the case, how did they work if their business was shut down?
In California most every business that involved personal contact were shut down, why would you deny this obvious reality?
Bars nightclubs gyms shopping malls movie theatres pet grooming hair salons yes barbers even churches were closed down.
About the only thing allowed to remain open was "essential retail" grocery stores drug stores restaurants for outside dining.
1/4 of Americas workforce received federal pandemic unemployment assistance. 25 million jobs were lost in the first two months of the pandemic. If businesses werent closed by executive order, how did that happen? How does your anectdotal experience counter that? YOU dont know anybody who didnt work throughout? You must not know many people. You realize schools were closed for in person learning a minimum of 9 months in most area longer in others?
Come on were claiming that California was completely locked down until Jan 25th 2021. You are a complete idiot!
Did I say he didnt? I explained my point in detail, simplifying the issue as you are and resting on intentional ignorance is just more dishonesty on your part. Californias economy was shut down completely during the last 10 months of Trumps administration and opened up completely by its democratic governor the week of Bidens inauguration.
Now youre here trying to tout Bidens pandemic jobs recovery when that idiot has done nothing right.
I consider you a complete ****head for making me post this fact again, it just shows youre here to waste peoples time and stroke your ego.
You said "Who could maintain the best unemployment numbers ever in the face of a pandemic" I replied that under Biden unemployment numbers lowered during the same pandemic. Try to pay attention...

Why do I have to keep explaining that I am NOT interested in the politics, my point was that Bob made a false statement and it took him 2 months and numerous reputable sources to begrudgingly acknowledge that he could have been wrong. It shows that Bob lives in lala land. What is wrong with you?
This LA Times article:

completely documents every claim I have made about pandemic business closures and openings, and the date Newsome finally lifted emergency executive orders.

Please find something else to argue about besides something thats obviously true.
This LA Times article:

completely documents every claim I have made about pandemic business closures and openings, and the date Newsome finally lifted emergency executive orders.

Please find something else to argue about besides something thats obviously true.
I don't deny Newsom lifted stay at home orders on Jan 25th, 2021. If that's what your little pea sized DEW effected brain is stuck on...fine with me.
I don't deny Newsom lifted stay at home orders on Jan 25th, 2021. If that's what your little pea sized DEW effected brain is stuck on...fine with me.
I give you direct proof and in return you give me personal attacks and a completely dishonest portrayal of the proof I provided.
For January 26 2021 the article described:

Late January brought a new president to the White House and a new round of reopenings. As ICU numbers improved, the governor lifted his emergency orders. Across much of the state, people were able to dine outside again, get manicures and go shopping at the mall. More kids were back in school, more families returned to their houses of worship and people could work out in their gyms again.

I dont believe I have hurled unecessary personal insults at you or others here with the frequency you seem to make a part of every one of your posts. I hope you dont think such boorish behavior supports your position as superior.

Back on topic, even the liberal LA Times seems to connect these reopenings to Joe Biden taking office. A rare slip of candor, or as with the TIME article (proudly detailing Zuckerbucks and other DNC cronies' influence on the election, guaranteeing only one outcome but whitewashed as saving democracy) have they been getting away with their dishonesty and partisanship so long they think they dont have to hide it?

That certainly sounds like batvette... Google his email and you get his street address..
LOL...amazing really...or not amazing considering what he posts on here. Somebody must have put a microwave oven on the curb near is house.

Easier than to prove there were people chasing you with direct energy weapons!

Name all the business that were locked down.
That bloomberg piece is labelled OPINION which allows the author to make out of context claims like that of its sole mention of covid:

"If anything, Covid-19 accelerated California’s record productivity. Quarterly revenue per employee of the publicly traded companies based in the state climbed to an all-time high of $1.5 million in May, 63% greater than its similar milestone a decade ago, according to data compiled by Bloomberg"

How does "revenue PER EMPLOYEE" prove that businesses werent closed and people didnt lose jobs? I guess you just figured youd post that and I wouldnt read it?
But thanks for the laughs, that article was a real suck up piece for Givin' Nuisance.
It mainly cites the huge budget surplus as his success.
Ya that happens when you have the highest taxes, business fees, and useless but expensive layers of regulations in the country. This hardly makes our state a success for its citizens and its current path as a sanctuary welfare state for illegals, ever increasing homeless, and only the elite can afford to buy property is really a bad one.

I thought it was troubling that LA Sheriff Villawhatever his name is, upon taking office made LA county a sanctuary for illegals and banned ICE from entering county courts and facilities to arrest even dangerous felons- but 3 years later was applauded for his crackdown on local homeless citizens at venice beach. I watched as he proudly talked of his efforts to TV cameras with deputies destroying and discarding possessions of his countys poorest residents, offering token assistance in the form of crowded shelters where homeless live like prisoners.
So he coddles illegal border crossers and punishes those displaced by them, assisted by his policies.
Mayor Todd Gloria of San Diego seems to have a similar agenda, ejecting local homeless from the unused convention center he then offered to ICE for housing for illegal minors Biden had invited in. Amazingly they sent SDUSD teachers in for in person learning of those illegals while the schools were still closed for our childrens in person learning. Gloria is now cracking down on tent cities and with city council is considering having private security man gates at mission bay parking lots to enforce overnight parking rules- for the sole reason of denying facilities and services to those homeless living in their vehicles. They cited "crime problems" that were statistically insignificant.

America last.
LOL...amazing really...or not amazing considering what he posts on here. Somebody must have put a microwave oven on the curb near is house.
Isnt this special. Gets caught lying, twice- now hes doxing me.
Yeah really boosting your standing in the forum.

Ignored. Spend all the time you like scouring the internet for things about me, while I could care less who you are and now what you have to say. Youre a proven liar, nothing to see here.

That certainly sounds like batvette... Google his email and you get his street address..
And what would you do with my street address, keyboard warrior? Park around the corner and gawk at me while you touch yourself?

Go ahead and do it and post it. If Will runs this like 90% of the forums on the internet, your account and any trying to register from your IP will be banned forever by morning.
Isnt this special. Gets caught lying, twice- now hes doxing me.
Yeah really boosting your standing in the forum.

Ignored. Spend all the time you like scouring the internet for things about me, while I could care less who you are and now what you have to say. Youre a proven liar, nothing to see here.
You have to agree that your post about joining you in a "civil" war is extreme, quite sad really. Why don't you calm down a little and try to make the country you live in a more hospitable place for all?
And what would you do with my street address, keyboard warrior? Park around the corner and gawk at me while you touch yourself?

Go ahead and do it and post it. If Will runs this like 90% of the forums on the internet, your account and any trying to register from your IP will be banned forever by morning.
No one here is going to harm you.
Are you serious? WTF alternate reality do you live in? Go look at any chart detailing the numbers for the stock market, unemployment, GDP etc..

Up until Trump, Obama had borrowed more money than any other president in history, and put this nation further into debt more than any other president in history..... and Trump exceeded Obama by borrowing even more money.

Its easy to create a good fake economy when you run up the credit card bill.. Obama handed Trump a country that was borrowing too much money but doing relatively fine.. Trump borrowed even more money, then let the country crash because he didn't take the virus seriously.

Dude, you can't be that dumb.. seriously.. Unless you were a dumb teenager during the Obama years, you can seriously be that ignorant. Oh ya, Bush (Republican) left Obama a serious mess too..

Isn't that interesting? The last two republicans have crashed the country.. Go ahead, elect another one, watch what happens.

Mishandled in what way? The video was stupid? ROFLMAO. The video is the answer to your question genius, the fact you want to dismiss it is a mental issue. "The virus is a democrat hoax" "Its going to magically go away on its own" "We have it under control" .. so many stupid messages to the public I could write a book...

Smarten up.
At what point did the response by the Trump administration deviate from the guidelines and advice coming from the CDC, WHO, and Fauci?
How much more "seriously" would you like his response to be when he closed the country for travel from China at a time when we had detected just one case? And the current.president called that policy xenophobic and racist!
How was his response worse than democrats including kamala harris instructing americans to NOT take the vaccines he expedited?
There is zero merit or facts behind your claims and its just more liberal exploitation of tragedy wielded as a political weapon against opponents. While Trump made flippant statements at press conferences he always handed the podium over to experts and govt agencies implemented longstanding written protocols.
If you drank bleach because of something you imagine Trump said I really do not care.
So you want political appointments instead of experts?
I don't consider Fauci expert at anything except how to enrich drug companies, his cronies, and himself while using a multi-billion dollar budget to consolidate power that he uses to attack anyone who gets on the wrong side of him.

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