diy solar

diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Trump said many dumb things. His speeches were often cringe-worthy and I couldn't stand to watch them especially towards the end of his term. [I am already to that point with Biden, and he has a long way to go yet].

Biden is not the same, his mistakes appear to me to be coming from a state of confusion.
Well, I haven't seem Biden do anything wrong yet.. At least he's shipping weapons to Ukraine, and told China to sit on their hands or else.

I guarantee you Trump would not have helped Ukraine.. He would have cheered for Putin..
They are actual randomized double-blind controlled trials which you said do not exist and yes obviously they have more merit than an observational study. Moron.
I didn't say they didn't exist .... go ahead and make up some more stuff.

So ... You just go to Twitter and find a discussion there .... come here and regurgitate the garbage from people who are like minded.

It's pretty clear that the tiny study you posted was designed to try to prove that a dose of Ivermectin large enough to be effective would be toxic ..... when they failed to prove their desired outcome, they did a sour grapes conclusion.

Ivermectin could have been approved for use treating Covid in Jan 2021 when studies at that time showed to be VERY effective at preventing hospitalization and death .... it was blocked by Dr Hill ... and some ghost editors .... with the conclusion that even though it showed to be effective it needed more study .... Dr Hill said that they should have enough data within a month to recommend the approval ... that never happened. How many people have died since then who didn't have to die?

There have been large studies showing Fluvoxamine was VERY effective also... what happened with it? The same thing.

These 2 studies in the video are just more data showing that the proof that existed in Jan 21 was valid.
I didn't say they didn't exist .... go ahead and make up some more stuff.
Here is exactly what you said above.
"There is a BIG difference between not being a double blind placebo study that no-one will do because there is no money in it."

Those are your words from earlier today. Just as with black unemployment you never acknowledge your lies you just pretend you never said them.
Here is exactly what you said above.
"There is a BIG difference between not being a double blind placebo study that no-one will do because there is no money in it."

Those are your words from earlier today. Just as with black unemployment you never acknowledge your lies you just pretend you never said them.
They didn't do the study to try to find out if Ivermectin was effective at preventing hospitalization and death .... it is as I described above .... Show me one of those studies .... They have had plenty of time to properly design one but haven't.
Ivermectin could have been approved for use treating Covid in Jan 2021 when studies at that time showed to be VERY effective at preventing hospitalization and death .... it was blocked by Dr Hill ... and some ghost editors .... with the conclusion that even though it showed to be effective it needed more study .... Dr Hill said that they should have enough data within a month to recommend the approval ... that never happened. How many people have died since then who didn't have to die?
Could have yes because it was already a prescription medicine. But then there you go on another conspiracy theory from your wacko sites. Did Dr Hill also cause the WHO and every other western country and mosy Asian countries to disallow ivermectin? Are you really going to go down that road???? Kook!!!!!!!1
Could have yes because it was already a prescription medicine. But then there you go on another conspiracy theory from your wacko sites. Did Dr Hill also cause the WHO and every other western country and mosy Asian countries to disallow ivermectin? Are you really going to go down that road???? Kook!!!!!!!1
Was Dr Hill the one who wrote the conclusion as I described? Nothing crazy about that ... it is a fact.

Before I answer ... know that there is a taped phone conversation recorded by a person that was incredulous that he wasn't going to recommend the approval .... that proves what I said.
They didn't do the study to try to find out if Ivermectin was effective at preventing hospitalization and death .... it is as I described above .... Show me one of those studies .... They have had plenty of time to properly design one but haven't.
I see you are changing the goal posts again. You are the one that needs to come up with the study--not me. First, you deny a study exists and now you say you meant one on hospitalization and death. What a liar.

Additionally, contrary to what you asserted the study actually proved higher doses could be given. They just did not reduce the viral load so they could not work against Covid.
I see you are changing the goal posts again. You are the one that needs to come up with the study--not me. First, you deny a study exists and now you say you meant one on hospitalization and death. What a liar.

Additionally, contrary to what you asserted the study actually proved higher doses could be given. They just did not reduce the viral load so they could not work against Covid.
Where is the evidence that there is a direct correlation between viral load and serious Covid cases?

The study you reported was ONLY to determine safe dosages. They tried and failed to prove high does of Ivermectin were harmful .... that's all.
Was Dr Hill the one who wrote the conclusion as I described? Nothing crazy about that ... it is a fact.

Before I answer ... know that there is a taped phone conversation recorded by a person that was incredulous that he wasn't going to recommend the approval .... that proves what I said.
So you believe Dr Andrew Hill, someone with no approval authority, stopped ivermectin worldwide. Dr Hill with the University of Liverpool controls the approval process of US NIH, CDC and FDA???????? You think this research doctor controlled the decision for all the western countries and a multitude of Asian countries. That is INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!11
So you believe Dr Andrew Hill, someone with no approval authority, stopped ivermectin worldwide. Dr Hill with the University of Liverpool controls the approval process of US NIH, CDC and FDA???????? You think this research doctor controlled the decision for all the western countries and a multitude of Asian countries. That is INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!11
I think Dr Hill's recommendation that more study was needed was the reason the FDA didn't approve Ivermectin for treatment of Covid.

...... and .... I'm done with your meandering BS trying to discredit 2 perfectly valid studies ... That's what this is about remember.

You are back on ignore
Where is the evidence that there is a direct correlation between viral load and serious Covid cases?

The study you reported was ONLY to determine safe dosages. They tried and failed to prove high does of Ivermectin were harmful .... that's all.
No, it was not. Only an idiot thinks viral load is not related to the disease. hEre is exactly what the endpoints of the study were.
Primary outcomes were: (i) number of SADRs; and (ii) change in viral load at Day 7 with respect to baseline.

Secondary outcomes were: (i) trend over time in quantitative viral load at Days 7, 14 and 30; (ii) time to clinical resolution (TCR) (if symptomatic); (iii) proportion of participants with virological clearance at Days 14 and 30; (iv) hospitalisation rate; and (v) COVID-19 severity score at Days 14 and 30."

The people with ivermectin did worse symptomatically than those not using treatment. As they say more randomized controlled trials are necessary but I posted two when you said there were none, both of these done after the decision not to use ivermectin.
I think Dr Hill's recommendation that more study was needed was the reason the FDA didn't approve Ivermectin for treatment of Covid.

...... and .... I'm done with your meandering BS trying to discredit 2 perfectly valid studies ... That's what this is about remember.

You are back on ignore
You think! How the hell would you know!!!!!! It was the NIH not the FDA moron plus this went far far beyond the US.
There's a big difference between incompetence and the good-ole-boy network. There's also a difference between people who don't get along with their boss, and ALL the people who don't get along with the boss. Not to mention the scattering of lawyers, family, wives, etc.

People leaving presidential administrations is a big deal.. Not so much when its for health reasons or something like that, but its a big deal when its for political ideological reasons..
Why would someone choose to give up one of the most powerful positions in the most powerful country voluntarily? And when you think you have to correct answer, can you reasonably apply it to an entire administration turned over twice? Three times? Then throw in the lawyers and accountants as well?

Con-artists and criminals meaning to do you harm will never tell you such.. Trump didn't drain the swamp, he was the swamp.. We have a lot of problems with our current political system, but none of them relate to anything concerning Trump.. Its like a bank robber breaking into a bank vault and stealing money, then the idiots crawl out of the wood work and start complaining that the bank was corrupt because it charged to high interest rates.. WTF?

Would you like to really know what's going on in this country? I just learned about it myself to be honest..

What's really going on is the White Christian Male, feels threatened that their historical positions of privilege, power and control, is going to be taken away.
They studied 200+ years of civil wars, and its always the same story.. In the USA, its the White Christian Male, in other countries, its some other ethnic or culture. The term to describe them is "The Son's of the Soil".. The historically indigenous cultural, political, ethnic, or religious demographic population feels their position is society is threatened.
Time after time, in almost all civil wars, the tipping point of change that threatens the "Son's of the soil", frequently results in a civil war.

You're being manipulated by those who will fight for their historical positions, but not actually be part of the battle.. they'll manipulate you and others to die for them.

You should read the book "Why Civil Wars happen and how to stop them" Interesting stuff.
These "sons of the soil" as you call them are currently alarmed by a wave of illegal immigration from latin america. Why shouldnt they oppose this?
I would not consider any president to be competent in his job or responsibilities if he demonstrates cognitive issues such as being barely aware of what he is saying most of the time and/or who is around him - his staff is so fearful of what he might say next that they rarely allow him to speak off the cuff.

Or a guy who has been in politics for 45 years and has nothing notable to show for it.
Incompetance defined in 23 seconds:

And people wonder why Putin went into Ukraine.
Why don't you go up in front of millions people and try to give a speech.. when you get back, lets see if your perspective has changed.

Every president's staff is fearful of a flubber.. I can't imagine what Trump's staff was going through.

Name any congressional politician who has something notable to show for their service.. Democratic governments don't work that way.. not if things are going normally anyhow.

I do find it a bit perplexing that all your statements are coming straight from the propaganda campaigns.. that's interesting. I just read a book on how this works.. The book is called "How civil wars start and how to stop them". Best book I've read all year, and probably the last two or three years.

The "biden has cognitive disability" comes from the propaganda.. Where did you get that from? Do you have access to a cognitive test Biden took? Or are you just going to claim you saw him on television and he stuttered a few times? Or do you just repeat the propaganda like the rest of the farm animals? Did you make such statements about the stupid stuff Trump said as well? Or Obama? Bush? Reagan? They all do it dude..

Like I said, go stand up in front of the cameras and give it a try..

Can you name a congress person who has something notable or extraordinary to show for their service? I'm not sure what your statement means here.. Are you expecting some congress person to have saved the White House from a terrorist attack by crawling through duct work clenching a glock between his teeth or defusing a nuclear weapon?

The only notable work that comes from congress people are the laws they vote for or against.. and that's not really notable, its their damn job.

If you're going to debate something with me, you better have your ducks lined up.. I don't act like a farm animal or rationalize things with a grade school mentality.


The media has worked overtime to NOT report this stuff. This is why Joes workdays are so short and nearly every weekend is 3 days at home.
Whatevers going on with him he probably has just a few hours of lucidity a day.
That video isnt made up, edited, or CGI. They show a guy whose brain has left the building.


The media has worked overtime to NOT report this stuff. This is why Joes workdays are so short and nearly every weekend is 3 days at home.
Whatevers going on with him he probably has just a few hours of lucidity a day.
That video isnt made up, edited, or CGI. They show a guy whose brain has left the building.
He was purposefully not answering. He later referred to the question when talking with others. This was not an ongoing press conference. Peter Doocy has asked him the exact same question before and received a thorough response. Google it. This is deceptive footage.


The media has worked overtime to NOT report this stuff. This is why Joes workdays are so short and nearly every weekend is 3 days at home.
Whatevers going on with him he probably has just a few hours of lucidity a day.
That video isnt made up, edited, or CGI. They show a guy whose brain has left the building.
The look on his face said it all.. "That's a dumb ass question but I'm too politically correct to tell you that so I don't know what to say"..

Kind of how I feel with some of the garbage posted here sometimes.
Compared to what? Trump would go on about some other random subject or attack the reporter when he did not like the question.
At least Biden has the poise and brain power to know when to hold back.

Saying something stupid or attacking the reporter is not a sign of emotional intelligence.
So ... those of you who actually believe that only 1 narrative should be allowed .... that it is perfectly OK for the media, Facebook, Twitter and other social media censor any opinion that doesn't fit the desired narrative.

Watch this video of a captured Russian soldier describe how they .... the soldiers ... have been told by their commanders that a Nazi fascist regime has taken over Ukraine and they are there to libertate Ukraine. Think about the implications of how dangerous it is for a political party to be trying to totally control the narrative.

Compared to what? Trump would go on about some other random subject or attack the reporter when he did not like the question.
At least Biden has the poise and brain power to know when to hold back.

Saying something stupid or attacking the reporter is not a sign of emotional intelligence.
Biden doesnt attack reporters?

Here he attacks a reporter calling him a "stupid son of a b****".

He was purposefully not answering. He later referred to the question when talking with others. This was not an ongoing press conference. Peter Doocy has asked him the exact same question before and received a thorough response. Google it. This is deceptive footage.
Why would he purposefully not answer it then but answer it later?
So ... those of you who actually believe that only 1 narrative should be allowed .... that it is perfectly OK for the media, Facebook, Twitter and other social media censor any opinion that doesn't fit the desired narrative.

Watch this video of a captured Russian soldier describe how they .... the soldiers ... have been told by their commanders that a Nazi fascist regime has taken over Ukraine and they are there to libertate Ukraine. Think about the implications of how dangerous it is for a political party to be trying to totally control the narrative.

You're throwing out strawman arguments..

Having a free press to convey information about events is an important fundamental aspect
So ... those of you who actually believe that only 1 narrative should be allowed .... that it is perfectly OK for the media, Facebook, Twitter and other social media censor any opinion that doesn't fit the desired narrative.

Watch this video of a captured Russian soldier describe how they .... the soldiers ... have been told by their commanders that a Nazi fascist regime has taken over Ukraine and they are there to libertate Ukraine. Think about the implications of how dangerous it is for a political party to be trying to totally control the narrative.

I watched that whole video when it was first posted, and it reminded me that it is a mistake to hate all Russians over this. The speaker seems like an honorable man.
At the same time there were videos being posted describing captured Russian soldiers, mostly younger ones, saying they werent told by their superiors they were going into Ukraine, didnt know they werent still in Russia, or were conducting training exercises.
While its different from what the soldier in this video is claiming, some commenters did point out that such claims may be fabricated by the soldiers to get favorable treatment by the Ukrainians.
It is just as likely the young Russians are telling the truth. Apparently most of the Russian fighting vehicles have been found to have no maps at all, or those that did were very crudely drawn. (Russian troops have no GPS equipment. The US does, Im not sure about Ukraine. On another tangent GPS systems, civilians use, had been mostly inop throughout eastern europe last week. Solar activity? Or maybe the Russians were using jammers similar to the ones they sold Saddam prior to OIF?)

Putin has very closely controlled the narrative his people see, and while some say our media is pushing pro Ukraine propaganda, its a stretch to say both sides should be viewed with equal skepticism. If Putin was in the right and Ukraine really full of Nazis, he wouldnt have to censor the media.
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diy solar

diy solar