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Preparing for WW3

I've been to Moscow and Kiev a few times. What you say is true.. but I didn't say it was a prosperous country, I said they've come a long way, and they have.
My wife is from Kiev (married for 22 years), her mother is currently in the middle of all the bombs.

Corruption is most certainly routine.. almost an official function of their government. Its basically a giant mob rule environment like what used to be Chicago back in the 30s with organized crime.
My daughter is in Khmelnytskyi now. She evacuated Kyiv last weeks. The hate for Russia will last for generations
My daughter is in Khmelnytskyi now. She evacuated Kyiv last weeks. The hate for Russia will last for generations

Maybe.. But unlike most wars, this isn't a war over culture, or religion.. its just one greedy man. If you go to any 10 random Ukrainian people, you will probably find that 7 or 8 of them have relatives in Russia. My wife has relatives in Russia.. A lot of American's think the Russian-Ukraine relationship is similar to the USA and Mexico.. or something along those lines.. but its not, its more like Michigan and Ohio. The cultures and people are intertwined, separated only by a boarder line and a government.

You might be right, but I'm not so sure.. It really depends on how Putin's propaganda plays out. If he's successful with his PR campaign, then I think I probably lean to your thinking.. but if the Russian people can cobble together some unfiltered internet, then I think Putin is going to be ruined by his own greed and the Ukrainians are going to understand it wasn't a people-vs-people thing.

I can't imagine any way for Putin to filter the country's internet and still give Russians the illusion of the freedoms they have enjoyed for the past 30 years. They're going to know something is rotten and they're not going to take it sitting down.

I suspect the war is going to drag on for years in some sort of slow motion horror film. The USA keeps shipping in stingers and Javelins, which restricts Russia to mostly using long range artillery.. and now we're shipping in these switch-blade Kamakazi drones to hunt down and take out the artillery positions.

I suspect that will limit Russia to cruise missiles, which will cost them a damn fortune.. Doesn't make much sense to use a 10 million dollar missile to take out $500,000 target.

I also suspect that the USA is quietly entering the war in drips and dribbles. If we rushed in, Putin would see it as an act of war with the USA and he would probably react violently towards us, but if we pull the camel and tent routine, his reaction will be far less intense.. When it started, it was guns and ammo.. after a couple weeks, stingers and Javelins, and now armed drones.. In a couple more weeks, it might be something a bit more on the offensive side.

My worry is that Putin is going to play it cool until he decides to not play it cool.. and goes full retard..
Nothing gets done without a “gift”
Not a comment about corruption nor a warped anti-capitalism statement, but what strikes me reading that comment is that they- a communist country- apparently understand profit. Not that corruption and bribes are proper or acceptable.
A lot of American's think the Russian-Ukraine relationship is similar to the USA and Mexico
I don’t know anybody that thinks that I guess?
Maybe.. But unlike most wars, this isn't a war over culture, or religion.. its just one greedy man. If you go to any 10 random Ukrainian people, you will probably find that 7 or 8 of them have relatives in Russia. My wife has relatives in Russia.. A lot of American's think the Russian-Ukraine relationship is similar to the USA and Mexico.. or something along those lines.. but its not, its more like Michigan and Ohio. The cultures and people are intertwined, separated only by a boarder line and a government.

You might be right, but I'm not so sure.. It really depends on how Putin's propaganda plays out. If he's successful with his PR campaign, then I think I probably lean to your thinking.. but if the Russian people can cobble together some unfiltered internet, then I think Putin is going to be ruined by his own greed and the Ukrainians are going to understand it wasn't a people-vs-people thing.

I can't imagine any way for Putin to filter the country's internet and still give Russians the illusion of the freedoms they have enjoyed for the past 30 years. They're going to know something is rotten and they're not going to take it sitting down.

I suspect the war is going to drag on for years in some sort of slow motion horror film. The USA keeps shipping in stingers and Javelins, which restricts Russia to mostly using long range artillery.. and now we're shipping in these switch-blade Kamakazi drones to hunt down and take out the artillery positions.

I suspect that will limit Russia to cruise missiles, which will cost them a damn fortune.. Doesn't make much sense to use a 10 million dollar missile to take out $500,000 target.

I also suspect that the USA is quietly entering the war in drips and dribbles. If we rushed in, Putin would see it as an act of war with the USA and he would probably react violently towards us, but if we pull the camel and tent routine, his reaction will be far less intense.. When it started, it was guns and ammo.. after a couple weeks, stingers and Javelins, and now armed drones.. In a couple more weeks, it might be something a bit more on the offensive side.

My worry is that Putin is going to play it cool until he decides to not play it cool.. and goes full retard..
Yes, it’s about Putin’s ambitions/derangement, but a large percentage of the Russian people support him, especially the older generation. I have many close friends there and the sanctions are working, but for many it just provokes nationalistic defensiveness. Nationalism, like here, can be a good thing, but if taken to the extreme becomes a pathology. Time will tell. I don’t see this ending well.
Not a comment about corruption nor a warped anti-capitalism statement, but what strikes me reading that comment is that they- a communist country- apparently understand profit. Not that corruption and bribes are proper or acceptable.

I don’t know anybody that thinks that I guess?
No supposedly communist country I can think of has actually been communist. At least the people who were running it.
Yes, it’s about Putin’s ambitions/derangement, but a large percentage of the Russian people support him, especially the older generation. I have many close friends there and the sanctions are working, but for many it just provokes nationalistic defensiveness. Nationalism, like here, can be a good thing, but if taken to the extreme becomes a pathology. Time will tell. I don’t see this ending well.
The older ones have probably spent so many years being oppressed by authoritarian governments they dont know any other way. Kind of like a guy spending 50 years in prison and at age 70 shoving him out the door. Ive heard most just want to go back.
The older ones have probably spent so many years being oppressed by authoritarian governments they dont know any other way. Kind of like a guy spending 50 years in prison and at age 70 shoving him out the door. Ive heard most just want to go back.
It is simply about greed. Don't over complicate it.
Someone posted this to twitter saying it was fake, made up by russia. I think they are right.


It was pointed out how good the storefronts, trees, buildings looked while vehicles were destroyed.... The woman is crying but no tears... Someone also said the "dead" were breathing and moved their hands? Dont know about all that but the guy seems overdramatic and the whole thing just doesnt seem right. A lack of background noise?
Well, since anything that's powered on will potentially get fried, the easy way is to build your own solar generator for the loads you want, then disconnect the batteries so nothing is charged. For extra safety enclose in a metal box that is well grounded.

When things light off, raid the local WalMart/AutoStore/Etc for some FLA batteries, plug them in and everything should fire right up.

Lithium will probably be toast when the BMS's get fried, so stick with good old lead acid.
"Raid" man this is so goofy, just move to a remote wilderness if y'all this paranoid (God knows I am)
There is an excellent blog from an American Journalist who used to live in Russia. I think he sums it all up very well. Be warned, lots of sarcasm in his blog.

On Ukraine War

On whats happening in Russia and why the entire global geopolitics is theater designed to distract you from what is really going on

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"Raid" man this is so goofy, just move to a remote wilderness if y'all this paranoid (God knows I am)
A discussion does not specifically indicate the position one proffered is qualitative for a diagnosis of paranoia. Besides, if one moves to someplace remote there won’t be any Walmart nearby to raid :)
Irony is that my family is all hardcore Trumpers and I am by far the most liberal person. I also own 20 acres and a cabin and am the most likely to become that hermit in the woods. ?
I don’t see my grandkids often enough and they’re only a half hour away.
12 soldiers with traumatic brain injuries due to rocket attacks in the middle east. More injured. All due to the war in Israel and our government retaliates and claims that it has nothing to do with that war???
12 soldiers with traumatic brain injuries due to rocket attacks in the middle east. More injured. All due to the war in Israel and our government retaliates and claims that it has nothing to do with that war???
Nothing is what it seems. Truth is obscured by double speak. AKA new speak.
Our US government has become what Jefferson, Washington, Adams et al wrote about trying to avoid. We have certain amendments to the constitution reinforcing this in language versus assumptions.
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Nothing is what it seems. Truth is obscured by double speak.
Our US government has become what Jefferson, Washington, Adams et al wrote about trying to avoid. We have certain amendments to the constitution reinforcing this in language versus assumptions.
It is now reported that 20 have been brain damaged. Yes distrust is a tool that is being used.
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It is now reported that 20 have been brain damaged. Yes distrust is a tool that is being used.
Well they can join the (alleged) 79 million voters who put Biden/Harris in the White House. They were clearly in Gary Busey Beast mode of TBI to select those bumbling fools over the greatest president in modern history.
Thats right. DJT- the greatest president in modern history. Not just for America, but the world, and all humanity, now, and in the future. No war in Ukraine, millions not dying from starvation in the resulting food shortages.Thousands not killed in Israel and the Gaza. Lasting peace in the middle east.The greatest hpresident in modern history was DJT.
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they can join the (alleged) 79 million voters who put Biden/Harris in the White House
I get the point you were attempting to make BUT a TBI is a terrible thing; regardless of one’s position on Palestine, I am not comfortable using these soldier/seaman injuries in analogies.
For some this could be worse than a fatal injury, a tragedy beyond comprehension for their families and themselves.

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