diy solar

diy solar

The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History

More than Mulholland. Huh.
As for lead I think its interesting that in rivers and reservoirs in America that are used for storage of our drinking water supplies, sportfishing is one of the few activities thats freely allowed. Until very recently lead was a common component in fishing tackle, you just assumed you would lose a lot of sinkers every time you went out.
How many pounds of that **** are sitting in our drinking water supplies? How much lead is in the solder of electronics in landfills?
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More than Mulholland. Huh.
As for lead I think its interesting that in rivers and reservoirs in America that are used for storage of our drinking water supplies, sportfishing is one of the few activities thats freely allowed. Until very recently lead was a common component in fishing tackle, you just assumed you would lose a lot of sinkers every time you went out.
How many pounds of that **** are sitting in our drinking water supplies? How much lead is in the solder of electronics in landfills?
lead in it's metallic form is pretty harmless.
Until you got something added to the water which starts dissolving it like Flint Michigan.
(wash you hands after handling, don't eat)

So I'm not worried about the lead from fishing, but definitely that in landfills - because that stuff is brewing in a soup of all sorts of random chemicals.

The whole issue is reactive law making, I used to work in lab safety, and we are always telling our students:
Every regulation/procedure we are going to teach you is because someone died or got injured, so that it made it to paper. (had a zero accidents lab)

European law slowly is getting more pro-active, but is seen as overburden regulation by industry.

Industry is claiming it's slowing innovation, (which it does) when you run a pilot for 10 years, to see what the long term effects are.

I'm not sure if there is a good answer, don't think innovators are out to kill as much people as possible. They want so solve a problem and can not imagine all the unintended consequences.
And to this day the almighty dollar reins high above ensuring the safety of our planet and it's inhabitants.

I remember my father saying "Get the lead out" when I was young. I wonder if he knew about this issue way back when.

Anyone have brake shoes or pads containing asbestos on their vehicle?

This was interesting, wonder if they teach ethics in chemistry now?
I like your happy posts much more than this one. :cry:

diy solar

diy solar