diy solar

diy solar

Solar independents


Solar Wizard
Nov 18, 2019
I’m finding some interesting independent solar stuff businesses. “Pre Midnite Solar“ type companies. Garage and workshop businesses.

They range from reselling stuff from China/having their own stuff manufactured in China to modding or creating their own stuff.

Seems to me this is a fairly large step up from ordering stuff from Ali.

In some respects, I’d rather deal with these guys than being a one off customer for a bigger company where customer service seems pretty sketchy. With a sole proprietor, it is possible to build a relationship and work out issues.

Genetry Solar seems to be modding/hardening inverters and getting custom stuff built. I’m pretty interested in their inverters.

Current Connected. Getting custom (?) 48 volt rack batteries by the container full. And it looks like becoming a dealer and providing buildout support.

Make Sky Blue
Not sure what to make of them. Seems to be a reseller but has a forum and looks like they provide support.

This is all the sort of stuff I’d put in a shipping container power house. That is, not safe enough for the house but might work great.

Any others?
For some of this stuff, being located in the same town would give me a higher level of "warm, fuzzy" feeling. When I step up to a home level battery bank, it's likely to be located outside the house or at the very least in a very secure enclosure inside the house.
In some respects, I’d rather deal with these guys than being a one off customer for a bigger company where customer service seems pretty sketchy. With a sole proprietor, it is possible to build a relationship and work out issues.

Genetry Solar seems to be modding/hardening inverters and getting custom stuff built. I’m pretty interested in their inverters.

Checked the genetry site, no thanks.

"The Genetry Solar 6000 watt inverter is the most feature rich and capable inverter ever produced."

Red flag that they're idiots and really don't know what they're talking about. Rebranding, modding, or hardening somebody else's low quality gear doesn't result in what they're claiming.
Checked the genetry site, no thanks.

"The Genetry Solar 6000 watt inverter is the most feature rich and capable inverter ever produced."

Red flag that they're idiots and really don't know what they're talking about. Rebranding, modding, or hardening somebody else's low quality gear doesn't result in what they're claiming.
Yeah. I watched his video. He comes across to me as an engineering type. Not great on the communication skills. I think he is hardening for reliability. But marketing features. The latter seems like a mistake.

I would like to hook him up with current connected to see if his stuff passes muster.

diy solar

diy solar