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diy solar

Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

I'm not sure of your system topology.
permitted solar with Net Metering Credit.
Put in the grids as much as I can.
I think you have a grid panel to run part of your home that the MR would supplement by monitoring CTs to prevent sending extra to utility.
No limitation needed/wanted.
I have 17x enphase (ML & IQ) micro inverters, a 3.8kW fronius string inverter, 2 sunny boy (7.7TL & 2kW HF) string inverters _and_ my MR
I can only find 1 CT at the moment, it clearly came with 2 ;-)
My MR is mounted about 45 '/15 meter cable length away from my main breaker panel.

Then you have a CLP that the MR feeds from LOAD1.
With main grid panel breaker flipped off, the MR is NOT enabling EPS from battery/PV alone?
It is, but the AFCI breaker trips because it detects "an arc" of some kind, maybe because the MR has to invert and has to find the neutral level to between L1 & L2 ?
I have Neutral of the CLP connected to the neutral of the MR *AND* #4 wire (95 amps rated) to the main breaker panel neutral.
Just to make sure the neutral is not "floating"
I think I will replace the breakers with "old school" non-arch breakers.

Currently, I have NO grid connection. My breaker panel is hooked to LOAD1. I'm using DIY lithium but with LEAD-ACID selected. I'm using SELF-CONSUM mode.

With main grid breaker off, MR powered off, If you unplug the two CTs, then connect batt, then PV, will the MR run the EPS off batt/PV?
can you define "run the EPS off batt/pv"?
I have not had a chance to load the new firmware. Received it hot off the Megarevo oven last night. From Megarevo's Troy & Company.
Anyone if tested, please post the details here. Thanks.
My latest firmware had this content:

The one you just posted:

So indeed newer versions. I am going out there now to upgrade. will report later
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The one you just posted:

So indeed newer versions. I am going out there now to upgrade. will report later

ARM: V1.03.12
DSP: V2.04.12

For me the ARM version hasn't changed, the DSP increased 1 number

Wish they would publish a changelog
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Thanks for the ARM & DSP Version info. You're right, MR firmware developer could easily keep a log for each version of binary they released, listing bugs fix and new features.
That would be great. Seems like updates, while adding great features, also introduce bugs. Hard to update when the unit is purring like a kitten unless there is something major. Seems like the MR is finicky when it comes to rebooting and getting everything to sync and operating normal. For example the Parallel Demo update took me a couple days to get the MR stable. Once accomplished though it has been working great.

To take it a step further, to bad there is not a thread or way to communicate with Mr Firmware to privide feed back, bug fixes, or future functions like smart load. Even beta testers could help him out in the real world where everyone has a different setup.
I can only find 1 CT at the moment, it clearly came with 2 ;-)

can you define "run the EPS off batt/pv"?

I can send you a spare CT if needed.

I was wondering with no grid and CTs disabled if MR would turn on the EPS after the reboot.
So today I had my planned/announced power outage.
I had replaced the GFCI/AFCI breakers with regular breakers so when the guys in the street killed the power (disconnect the high voltage from the transformer) nothing happened at my end. No breakers that flipped etc (I thought)
I remotely see one of the 3 connected PV inputs is being used to power all loads.

I am out working and at some point I get a call from my wife the power is back on. Good thing because she missed the AC ( she has a pulmonary condition so breathing nice is essential for her). I look at my solarman app remotely and see the inverter is not putting anything back into the grid.
I instruct my wife to flip the grid breaker to the MR and also disconnect the PV switch on the side of the unit. At that point still connected to batteries. Instructed to wait 20 seconds and put everything back on. Luckily the export to the grid picked up as expected.

Later in the afternoon i get a message from my wife that the freezer we have was beeping, like it does when you plug it in.
When I got home I see these graphs:
Screenshot from 2022-08-26 18-19-36.png
So when power returned , for just a very short while it started producing power and then tapered down to only provide the loads I assume.
When I had my wife do what I call a soft reset, it started backfeeding into the grid again.
And why did it shutdown roughly from 5pm to 5:22pm and do a restart without any action from the humans?
This is from the Sense unit I have, luckily I have more PV inverters hooked up:
Screenshot from 2022-08-26 18-30-58.png
I hate to say it, but I am loosing my confidence in this inverter/setup.
I thought I had found _a_ alternative for all the people who want a T PowerWall.
But this is clearly not a viable alternative.
Not in this state at least.
Good morning, could anyone please post a working programming of the inverter with lithium batteries? I have the very strange behavior, that the inverter starts using solar to charge the batteries only, once the batteries reach 25% SOC - in case that the programmed 20% Grid DoD has been reached the night before. Until then, the solar is only used to cover the loads. The inverter only reaches 25% at some point because it charges the batteries very slowly using grid energy. I am using ARM V1.03.12 and DSP V2.04.13. Attached the programming as I have it with zero grid feed-in and some screenshots showing the strange behavior.


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I am not sure i follow what you posted. But, assuming you run you battery down to 80% DOD at night, and the MR basically goes into bypass mode until the sun comes up and you have PV. Then you want the MR to start charging the battery after your loads are met and there is excess PV. Well I can tell you that there is a bug with the firmware. My MR will not always start charging the battery in this case. Matter of fact it will not apply full PV to cover the loads. I have to manually change the SOC on the BMS, it starts to charge and then change it back to what is was. In your case you would have to change BMS so it reads 80% SOC or higher before this will happen.
Yes, but I can not do this every day! ;-) I will talk with Megarevo to try to fix the bug. I see that the solar covers the loads, but only starts putting energy into the batteries once 25% SOC is reached. So, it must be either something wrong with my programming, or indeed a bug.
@Manyaka what is your battery setup? (how many units, capacity, etc).

Have you tried running completely off grid? My unit is very buggy when grid is enabled.
This system has 3x6.4kWh lithium batteries. For full off-grid the capacity is not enough. We have to get it working with grid connected :)
This system has 3x6.4kWh lithium batteries. For full off-grid the capacity is not enough. We have to get it working with grid connected :)
It may be worth your time to see if the issues go away off grid (even a half-day test). This will give you more info for the "support team"
Earlier in this thread there was directions on making setting in lead acid, then switch back to lithium. I have not tried it, even though I think the bug might be related. So go back a page or two and follow the recommendations and see if you get better results.
Earlier in this thread there was directions on making setting in lead acid, then switch back to lithium. I have not tried it, even though I think the bug might be related. So go back a page or two and follow the recommendations and see if you get better results.
Please help me find it! :)
I haven't read further down to see if you solved this, but I have had this situation until two days ago. I'm offgrid with lithium batteries. And, I've done the firmware update. Still, I couldn't pull more than 80amp from my batteries and sometimes they were not charging when they should have been. I contacted the GSL engineers who said to switch over to Lead Acid and set the charge and discharge limits as well as charging amps, for the lithium batteries. Then, go back and set the battery type back to Lithium and restart the inverter. This solved my problem. Evidently another software/firmware bug where it's NOT getting the BMS data and only reads from the Lead Acid settings :-(

There is a bug that doesn't allow it to work as described (getting data from BMS) at least with some batteries. So, if you encounter this problem, try settings the Lead Acid settings according to your lithium battery manufacturer, then switch it back to Lithium and restart the inverter. This is what the GSL engineers told me two days ago.
Is there a way this is defined ? what to switch off in what sequence and switching it back on ?
There is nothing written in stone I know of.

For me I seem to have best luck
1. Battery
2. Grid
3. PV

But even at that it is hit and miss. The reason I hate to even touch the thing if it's working, LOL.
If anyone needs 24mm CTs for their mains (required for 200a aluminum feed), I will have 2 extras in about 2 weeks. They are 100A:100mA which matches the ratio of the included 16mm CTs.

If you're not selling back to the grid I highly recommend adding the CTs which will allow you to backfeed to your main panel (make sure you enable anti-reverse)

DM me if interested
There is nothing written in stone I know of.

For me I seem to have best luck
1. Battery
2. Grid
3. PV

But even at that it is hit and miss. The reason I hate to even touch the thing if it's working, LOL.
So far i have done it like this: switch off loads, switch off grid, switch off PV, switch off battery.
switching on: battery, PV, grid, loads
But you are right. the fact that you have to power things down isn't good in the first place.
Plus the fact we sometimes see different behavior after reboot is very discouraging.
I still haven't been able to get my 20kWh batteries online.
Support (bluesun) wants me to install wechat but i refuse to do that on my phone.
It won't work on a virtual android machine I setup on my desktop.
And we are now ping-ponging with email with 2-3 working days delays.
What a mess.
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I finally got to the point where everything is working well, and consistently off-grid. I have the 24mm CTs now, but I'm reluctant to connect to the grid after reading about these issues...


I didn't realize the battery charge voltage was as high as it was, and I turned it down this evening (to 55.2v) when I worked in the garage for a bit. The battery fully saturated at 56v and it ramped down the PV. The increased battery consumption after 6pm is me using the lights and the fan when I was out there.
I just got my Jakiper batteries finally hooked up. Working so far so good on the lithium setting and BMS communication is working well. I will update you all when I do more tests.

diy solar

diy solar