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diy solar

New Lux Power LXP-LB-US 12k / GSL-H-12KLV-US with 200A AC Passthrough Current (US Market)

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I got internal information, LUX and Huayu agreed to jointly develop the US version of the hybrid inverter 8-10kW, but LXP privately upgraded 12kW on the basis of 10kW and sold it as its own hybrid inverter. If you have violated business ethics, you will be investigated for legal responsibility.

So, not developed by GSL at all, they are just trading companies.

GSL also sells Megarevo hybrid inverters, only now that Megarevo hybrid inverters function badly, they are pissed.

In order to sell more lithium batteries, GSL had to find more hybrid inverters to sell together, so that they could sell more GSL batteries.
I have a Megarevo from GSL since June. It is a piece of junk. GSL has worked many hours to understand why it isn't working at my house. Yesterday they messaged me to tell me the GSL 12kw US Hybrid Inverter is ready to sell in the US and I bought one.
I don't know what kind of business ethics you think I violated, but I was not requested to keep anything secret. I noticed that the LUX and the GSL are identical, as well as the Huayu. I told GSL that I was going to get rid of the Megarevo and get the Huayu. They responded back that their own 12kw inverter is ready to market in Oct, but they do have a shipment of them now that they are sending out to some VIP distributors. They said they would let me buy one. I asked if they manufactured it, they said yes. Later I stated it was identical to the LUX 12kw Hybrid Inverter and they said that LUX and GSL developed it together. Why do you think I have violated business ethics?
What did the GSL 12kw cost?
I can't say because they are taking into consideration that the Megarevo they sold me isn't satisfactory. My guess is that it will be around the same price as the Huayu, which is $4500 + shipping.
I think time will prove this will likely be a decent inverter (possibly after the bugs are worked out).

I thought about going this direction myself, but after watching all the MR issues, I didn't want to be a first adopter, especially with another 100% Chinese company. By the time shipping and fees were added in, it was within $2,000 of what I could buy the SA 15k for (less if cash back on my cc was included). Spending the extra money for the SA seemed like a no-brainer given their historic reliability, amazing customer and technical service, US based parts and service, and the inverter being more capable overall. Not to mention the SA was already in use in the field and could be delivered from the US shipper in less than a week. The final nail in the coffin was watching a fellow forum member get jerked around for months trying to buy the 10k from Huayu, and another having major issues replacing a bad inverter from another Chinese based company. I just didn't want to risk dealing with any of these things to save 25% and still have to worry about potential service issues in the future.

I don't regret this decision at all as I feel the extra money was well spent for piece of mind, but I suspect this new 12k from Lux will be a decent inverter for the price-point.
GSL is the manufacturer on the GSL branded 12kw Hybrid inverter. I have their documentation and I've confirmed with their CEO that they have manufactured this and are selling directly.
Edited: Later in my conversation with them, they said they developed it jointly with LUX.
Glad to see another voice supporting this inverter. I think it is wonderful that there is an alternative developing as a competitor to SolArk. If it turns out to be as good as they say, it will be a great inverter hopefully at a better price point. As I said before, I am waiting for more information to be provided by GSL. They currently have the inverter displayed as part of their splash screen now, but the webpage for the inverter still hasn't been published, and their older 12k and 15k inverters are still on their website. They sent me an unpublished webpage link that doesn't really provide any new information. They say that the inverter will be published on their website sometime in October.

Now to clarify some things again. It is clear to me that GSL is not the manufacturer of this inverter no matter what they say. I was told the same things a couple of months ago when I talked with their CEO. The word manufacturer could be interpreted several ways. LuxPower is the engineering organization behind this inverter. GSL is the reseller. I have no idea and don't care who the actual fabricator is. What I know is that the only way to buy this inverter currently is through GSL. Think about it though. What kind of electrical engineering depth does GSL have? How many inverters have they designed before? How many electrical engineers do they employ that can engineer a complex hybrid inverter if they have never done it before? What kind of manufacturing facilities are required to fabricate the motherboard? Why would an inverter engineering company who already has electrical engineers and the expertise designing inverters need GSL's help? Does anyone really believe GSL and LuxPower sat in a room designing the schematics together?

What I think has happened is that GSL contacted LuxPower to develop them a new inverter. They probably worked with LuxPower to define the functional requirements and assisted in testing early development samples. They probably have an exclusive agreement in some form to sell the product. That is their contribution, and in that sense they are a co-developer, but they didn't do all the hard design work. Proof of this is the many references to LuxPower in the draft GSL user's manual that I pointed out before. If GSL is the manufacturer would they have written the manual with LuxPower all over the inside? Would there be two manuals - one from LuxPower that has no reference to GSL in it, and another nearly identical manual from GSL, that still references LuxPower and hasn't been released? I hope now we can stop debating who the designer of this inverter is. Its not Deye, Huayu, Megarevo or GSL. But from what I have been able to gather, GSL is the exclusive distributor of this model. Its basically the same relationship between SolArk and Deye.

Now for an update, I have been told by GSL that the UL certificate has been issued at this point. They reference this on an unlinked webpage they sent to me, but the text of the certificates they mention is too small to read. There is a visible reference to an ACM certificate though. I don't know if this is a certificate for their battery systems or for this inverter. The certificate number is 22ACM16040Q if anyone wants to investigate it. I have requested information from the ACM but haven't received anything back yet. You can request information about it at I am trying to get an image of the UL certificate as well like I did for their other models. They have been selling the inverter in limited quantities, and as I explained before are ramping up production each month. The models they are selling are currently in the LuxPower color scheme without the LuxPower logo. This will probably change to match their screen shots before they do a public announcement. I am guessing that is in October. They have sold several hundred units at this point.

I will be very interested to hear how @Hrschk purchase goes. It will be good to get real hands on the inverter and perspective on its features. By the way, how did you get it shipped in a week?
I will be very interested to hear how @Hrschk purchase goes. It will be good to get real hands on the inverter and perspective on its features. By the way, how did you get it shipped in a week?
I won't be able to use all of the functionality because currently I'm offgrid (can't find a licensed electrician to grid-tie me). They are shipping it air this evening (their Friday). So, it should be here probably Tues/Wed.

Info from GSL says the first real production run will be end of October.


  • GSL-H-12KLV-US.jpeg
    82.2 KB · Views: 45
I won't be able to use all of the functionality because currently I'm offgrid (can't find a licensed electrician to grid-tie me). They are shipping it air this evening (their Friday). So, it should be here probably Tues/Wed.

Info from GSL says the first real production run will be end of October.
Yea I have images of the same. That's the LuxPower color scheme I mentioned rather than the GSL color scheme they have been putting in the materials. I don't know why they have the hinges on the access panel. Only recently have I seen that. The LuxPower model doesn't have that and none of their images show hinges. The panel is just supposed to detach. They have sent me images with hinges and without hinges in the brown colors. Please post an image of yours when you get it next week.
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GSL GROUP Limited ("GSL") is an integrated energy group that specializes in producing lithium-ion battery products and takes the lead in the industry of new and clean energy. Since our foundation, GSL has been dedicated to "bringing green power to the world" by providing outstanding energy and services
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Luxpower violated business ethics, because the US version of the hybrid inverter 7.6kW-12kW belongs to the same series and was jointly developed by Huayu New Energy and Luxpower, not by GSL at all. GSL is just a trading company.
What point are you trying to make? We know that GSL didn't make the inverter so they didn't violate any business ethics, and if LuxPower jointly developed a previous inverter with Huayu, they own the rights to that inverter technology. Companies don't get into relationships to jointly develop something to then give away the technology they develop to the other company. How do you know what their relationship was, and why do you care?
I just want a UL listed inverter with the features of a Sol-Ark or better for less money. I don't care about the other nonsense.
? yeah, that what we want
There is another reason you should care about the relationships: customer support.

If your only interest is to purchase and install a listed inverter and you are prepared to be left holding the bag and support it yourself (or more likely trash it) if there is ever any problem, then by all means, who you are purchasing from is pretty much irrelevant.

I have 2 GTIL inverters I purchased from ‘Y&H’ in exactly this situation. I paid $275 for each one and when they give out on me, I’m perfectly prepared to junk them and step up to something better (so far flawless for over one year of continuous use).

But ‘trading companies’ or more generally, marketing companies that rebrand products engineered by other companies are very high-risk when it comes to the question of long-term technical support.

Solark seems to have a deep and long-lasting relationship with Deye. The risk that one year they suddenly decide that they can get a better deal from another manufacturer such as Huayu is small. They also appear to have invested in their own engineering team that understands and can provide first-line technical support for the Deye inverters they sell.

They have far more invested in Deye technology than merely ponying up for UL certification.

GSL? It’s Deye last year then Huayu this year and who knows who it will be next year. At best, they may be assembling cells into completed batteries but they al it’s certain it have little or no technical capability in the inverter space.

Huayu is one of the worlds largest manufacturers of Microinverters. That is their starting point and their sweetspot.

They appear to be now trying to leverage that capability into AC-coupled battery inverters (like Enphase) and also apparently hybrid inverters (shadowing Deye).

Whether Huayu will ever focus on providing Solark-class customer support in the US is a huge question mark, but at least with Huayu you can rest assured that they will continue to offer a related product lineup delivering similar specifications year after year after year.

I don’t yet have a read on Luxpower. They appear to be making a much stronger commitment to Huayu than GSL. They may be attempting to position themselves as a Solark-like international brand able to sell and support the Huayu products they are branding in the various markets they have decided to serve ;which seems yo include the US).

They may even have the relationship with Huayu to request features and customizations from Huayu (similar to Solark’s relationship with Deye).

For a few hundred dollars or even 1-2 thousand, I’m ready to take a flyer like you guys and will accept whatever performance and longevity I get, but before spending even half of what Solark is charging to put a piece of equipment in my home that I expect to be relying on for at least 5 years if not 20, the longevity of the company selling those products and the longevity of the relationship they have with whatever nanufacturer they are working with will be critical factors in my decision to purchase…
I found this on LuxPowerTek:

Personally, I have no interest at all in GSL, but I’m interested enough in LuxPowerTek to want to suss-out the relationship between them and Huayu.

All of the products pictured in this presentation are rebadged versions of the products Huayu has had in their catelog for about 2 years now, so my suspicion is that Huayu is the manufacturer for most of the inverters LuxPowerTek s promoting.

On the other hand, LuxPowerTek also offers this new DC-DC converter:

I can’t find any indication of a similar product on Huayu’s website so this is almost certainly a product that LuxPowerTek is having manufactured by someone else.

Here are more details on Huayu’s history:

If you scroll down to the ‘Milestones’ slide, you can see how Huayu started in 2012 with a focus on Microinverters and only branched out to hybrid inverters in 2021 with an ambition to be also be the world’s leading energy storage inverter brand by 2023.

The LuxPowerTek ‘Team apparently started in 2005 developing the first Chinese String Inverter resulting in ‘one of the most famous Chinese Inverter Brands’ by 2010 with sales of more than 10GW.

This is followed by a ‘Nee Beginning’ in 2017 when LuxPowerTek was founded to focus on a ‘New Product’: energy storage products which resulted in a first Hybrid Inverter released in 2018.

They claimed that they released a ‘high quality inverter’ in Japan (notably not call a Hybrid Inverter) in 3018 as well as ‘Sales’ of more than 300 pieces per month to Asia and Europe (of this same inverter released into Japan or something else) in 2018.

Then in 2020 they planned to release a new ‘Off Grid Inverter’ expected to ‘get bigger market.’

So if we take all of these representations at face value, the core team at LuxPowerTek likely started at one of the earliest Chinese string inverter companies 18 years ago which they left in 2017 to start LuxPowerTek with a plan to developers storage and hybrid inverters.

I’m guessing LuxPowerTek is a string engineering and product development team that needs to rely on manufacturing partners to actually produce their products.

The timing of when Huayu makes first mention of a new focus on ‘Hybrid Inverters’ in 2021 fits well with that initiative being catalyzed by a relationship with Luxpower (who brings most of the know-how Huayu lacks).

So the idea that the Huayu battery inverters and hybrid inverters were truly co-developed with LuxPowerTek passes my smell test.

Huayu is almost certainly the manufacturer of these products but LuxPowerTek likely has at least equal if not deeper technical understanding to support them.

GSL is just a reseller/channel that was probably approached by LuxPowerTek to resell their products and then decided they could get GSL-branded versions of those same products at lower cost by approaching Huayu directly.

If the relationship between Huayu and LuxpoweTek blows up, LuxPowerTek could be vulnerable, but as long as they establish enough sales volume to represent a sizable % of Huayu’s sales volume of this new class of products, they are probably the best option for technical support and warranty of the product.

If we see LuxPoweeTek either set up a credible US marketing and sales organization or at least choose a Solark-level parter for US sales (would love to see Midnight Solar expand their new ‘DIY Inverter’ lineup with rebadged versions of these LuxPowerTek products), that will likely be the channel I focus on.

Signature Solar could be another attractive alternative.
Sol-Ark 15k is 19,500W PV and 15,000W to Batteries & Grid.

Max AC Coupled input is 19,200W.

What is pure inverter output from battery only? That's the only metric that is honest. Anything else is just fancy telling of fibs.
Now to clarify some things again. It is clear to me that GSL is not the manufacturer of this inverter no matter what they say. I was told the same things a couple of months ago when I talked with their CEO. The word manufacturer could be interpreted several ways. LuxPower is the engineering organization behind this inverter. GSL is the reseller. I have no idea and don't care who the actual fabricator is. What I know is that the only way to buy this inverter currently is through GSL. Think about it though. What kind of electrical engineering depth does GSL have? How many inverters have they designed before? How many electrical engineers do they employ that can engineer a complex hybrid inverter if they have never done it before? What kind of manufacturing facilities are required to fabricate the motherboard? Why would an inverter engineering company who already has electrical engineers and the expertise designing inverters need GSL's help? Does anyone really believe GSL and LuxPower sat in a room designing the schematics together?
So, what I can say, after working with GSL for MONTHS to get my Megarevo working properly, is that their Customer Service is dedicated to making sure the customer is satisfied. On my situation, they were going to overnight ship me a replacement inverter when we couldn't get the firmware upgraded on mine for weeks. I am very happy with their efforts. Twice they did have to go back to Megarevo for support. They gave me access, through chat, to everyone in the company (CEO down) to solve issues. They have recently hired more people to support the new inverter.
What I think has happened is that GSL contacted LuxPower to develop them a new inverter. They probably worked with LuxPower to define the functional requirements and assisted in testing early development samples. They probably have an exclusive agreement in some form to sell the product. That is their contribution, and in that sense they are a co-developer, but they didn't do all the hard design work. Proof of this is the many references to LuxPower in the draft GSL user's manual that I pointed out before. If GSL is the manufacturer would they have written the manual with LuxPower all over the inside? Would there be two manuals - one from LuxPower that has no reference to GSL in it, and another nearly identical manual from GSL, that still references LuxPower and hasn't been released? I hope now we can stop debating who the designer of this inverter is. Its not Deye, Huayu, Megarevo or GSL. But from what I have been able to gather, GSL is the exclusive distributor of this model. Its basically the same relationship between SolArk and Deye.
I don't believe GSL is the exclusive distributor. I had also been in contact with Huayu and they had committed to selling me an inverter next month. And, I believe that inverter will be labeled for Huayu, not LuxPowerTek
I will be very interested to hear how @Hrschk purchase goes. It will be good to get real hands on the inverter and perspective on its features. By the way, how did you get it shipped in a week?
I got my inverter yesterday. I'm heading to Utah this Friday, so it will be a couple weeks before I can get it installed. Luckily it will fit well where the Megarevo sits now.
So, what I can say, after working with GSL for MONTHS to get my Megarevo working properly, is that their Customer Service is dedicated to making sure the customer is satisfied. On my situation, they were going to overnight ship me a replacement inverter when we couldn't get the firmware upgraded on mine for weeks. I am very happy with their efforts. Twice they did have to go back to Megarevo for support. They gave me access, through chat, to everyone in the company (CEO down) to solve issues. They have recently hired more people to support the new inverter.

I don't believe GSL is the exclusive distributor. I had also been in contact with Huayu and they had committed to selling me an inverter next month. And, I believe that inverter will be labeled for Huayu, not LuxPowerTek

I got my inverter yesterday. I'm heading to Utah this Friday, so it will be a couple weeks before I can get it installed. Luckily it will fit well where the Megarevo sits now.

Since you have the inside connections, have you considered advising them to contact @Will Prowse and give him one for testing?
I think that would be up to LuxPower, right? Since they engineered the inverter. And, I have zero connections there.

Whomever has a financial interest in people buying them, doesn't matter who engineered it.
with my research GSL hybrid inverter is
Made by LuxPower… GSL use luxPower Inverter manual and App… I ordered GSL-H-12KLV-US. from GSL two nights ago and it look very promising functionality is same like SOL-ARK &DEYE and they told me it will get here in a week. I paid about $3900w/fee/tax shipped to Hawaii. Inverter by itself was $3200…
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