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diy solar

Idle Consumption: Is It Standby or Overhead?


New Member
Jul 4, 2022
Simple question.

If an inverter has 100W idle consumption, and the other loads amount to 4000W during peak hours, then:

A) During peak hours, total consumption is 4000W. At night, when there are no other loads, minimum consumption is 100W. In this case, idle consumption is standby.

B) During peak hours, total consumption is 4100W. At night, when there are no other loads, minimum consumption is 100W. In this case, idle consumption is overhead.
Yes, but I would consider the consumption be turned into Efficiency once you have any loads. Technically you don't have an Idle once you have any loads. If you have an efficiency of 90% at 4000w, then you are burning 444w due to efficiency loss, but I wouldn't call this idle.

Not sure if thats what you were already getting at.
Its not that simple. There are 2 categories of loss or inefficiency. First, the electronics & microcontroller which is relatively constant. Second is the loss within the power electronics of the inversion process. This is usually expressed as percentage of the load and can vary by a few percentage points depending on the amount of load.
I would agree that at 0 load the minimum current draw is accurately called STANDBY. Once a load is attached and the inverter is working, any power not being used by the load is really all OVERHEAD.
My AIMS 12,000w inverters have a 200w idle (each) and list 88% as their peak efficiency in the specs.

In a year I get....
18,000kwh of PV power IN per my Midnite Classic charge controller metrics.
15,000kwh of consumed power OUT per cheap ebay power meters on the output of my AIMS.
This is 15,000/18,000 = 83.3% efficiency.

For the sake of discussion, let's say the battery charge/discharge + other is 1.7% loss which leaves a round number of 85% efficiency. This means that 2,700kwh of the 18,000kwh of PV were lost at the inverter / year.

Now.... In a year, the AIMS are on for 5,500hrs (1 is on 1/2 that time, both are on the other 1/2) that's 2,250hrs * 200w idle + 2,250hrs * 400w idle = 450kwh + 900kwh = 1,350kwh of idle.

This implies...
1) 1350/2700 = 50% of my losses are idle power consumption.
2) 1350/2700 = 50% of my losses are due to conversion losses.
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Yes, but I would consider the consumption be turned into Efficiency once you have any loads. Technically you don't have an Idle once you have any loads. If you have an efficiency of 90% at 4000w, then you are burning 444w due to efficiency loss, but I wouldn't call this idle.

Not sure if thats what you were already getting at.
Ultimately, the question I'm trying to answer is, do I need to add panels to account for idle consumption? I like EG4's new 6000EX AIO, but it has high idle consumption in the 130W range. If I run it 24 hours, that works out to 3120Wh. That means I'd have to dedicate 2 or 3 panels just to satisfying the idle draw, which is awful since I only have room for 16 panels total.
Ultimately, the question I'm trying to answer is, do I need to add panels to account for idle consumption? I like EG4's new 6000EX AIO, but it has high idle consumption in the 130W range. If I run it 24 hours, that works out to 3120Wh. That means I'd have to dedicate 2 or 3 panels just to satisfying the idle draw, which is awful since I only have room for 16 panels total.
Yeah, most of the systems people post about here basically need their own solar array just to power the electronics, it's pretty disgusting.
Ultimately, the question I'm trying to answer is, do I need to add panels to account for idle consumption? I like EG4's new 6000EX AIO, but it has high idle consumption in the 130W range. If I run it 24 hours, that works out to 3120Wh. That means I'd have to dedicate 2 or 3 panels just to satisfying the idle draw, which is awful since I only have room for 16 panels total.
Per my post above.... Ultimately I get 15,000kwh of useable power / year from a 12,825kw PV array. If you include wire losses from PV to charge controllers in addition to battery and inverter losses - the overall loss of the whole system is 18% or so. Idle is one component - in my case 1,350/18,000 = 7.5%.

I don't view an overall 18% loss in the whole system as abnormal, it is what it is in each case. So yes - you need to add panels and/or more efficiency and/or larger battery bank till you achieve the consumable power thru-put you want. In my case, I view the glass as 80% full rather than 20% empty :)
Per my post above.... Ultimately I get 15,000kwh of useable power / year from a 12,825kw PV array. If you include wire losses from PV to charge controllers in addition to battery and inverter losses - the overall loss of the whole system is 18% or so. Idle is one component - in my case 1,350/18,000 = 7.5%.

I don't view an overall 18% loss in the whole system as abnormal, it is what it is in each case. So yes - you need to add panels and/or more efficiency and/or larger battery bank till you achieve the consumable power thru-put you want. In my case, I view the glass as 80% full rather than 20% empty :)
Forgive me, I'm new to all this. I went through your post but didn't quite connect all your math dots. Here's what I am expecting. My array size is 7280W (16 x 455). On a good day, I get 5 solar hours, which works out to 36.4 kWh/day. I'm sort of expecting overall system loss (Sun -> PV; PV -> Charger; Charger -> Battery; Battery -> Inverter; Inverter -> Load) to be around 30%, so my usable power would be 36.4 * 0.7 = 25.48 kWh/day. If my AIO is using 3120W of idle, then it is using about 12% of my total usable power. That's ghastly.
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Forgive me, I'm new to all this. I went through your post but didn't quite connect all your math dots. Here's what I am expecting. My array size is 7280W (16 x 455). On a good day, I get 5 solar hours, which works out to 36.4 kWh/day.
Let's say you get 36kwh/day from the PV. At overall loss as in my system, that's 36kwh * .8 (e..g 80%) = 28.8kwh consumable power out of the inverter.

I'm sort of expecting overall system loss (Sun -> PV; PV -> Charger; Charger -> Battery; Battery -> Inverter; Inverter -> Load) to be around 30%,
so my usable power would be 36.4 * 0.7 = 25.48 kWh/day.
Sun -> PV - I won't put this in with other losses. Sun -> clouds/weather/(smoke from wildfires) is not the same kind of loss as inverter losses, it's weather and you have no control. I'd start with something like PVWatts - - and see what PV you are likely to get at the charge controller based on your arrays size, angles, and time of year. And then go from there as far as losses. 15% - 20% are realistic.
The one thing you can control is to use large enough wire from the Solar Panels -> Charge Controller to keep losses low as in <2%.

f my AIO is using 3120W of idle, then it is using about 12% of my total usable power. That's ghastly.
It's not 3,120w of idle, it's 120w of idle :)
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FWIW. As mentioned idle power is overhead. Some inverters have a standby/eco/pulse mode which is say down at 2W. Checks for load every 30s but the load has to be decent, normally a % of the rating. Doesn't work with most electronics as they don't present a load initially. Only works for me on an old fridge that uses timers and thermistors.

Also just did a quick test on HF & LF inverters with 2 loads;

Idle = 23W
600W load
Overall efficiency = 91%
Less idle = 94%

1300W load
Overall efficiency = 88%
Less idle = 90%

Idle = 57W
600W load
Overall efficiency = 85%
Less idle = 94%

1300W load
Overall efficiency = 85%
Less idle = 89%

The LF uses an EI transformer so poor idle. I have another with a toroid that idles at 17W but haven't tested.
Yeah, most of the systems people post about here basically need their own solar array just to power the electronics, it's pretty disgusting.

Can inverters be inverter-type or similar? Our inverter-type 8 cu. ft. AC fridge is rated at 85w; I always catch it drawing 50w max, sometimes 0w.

An 100w idle/standby draw is too much.
Call it Idle power or overhead power it’s really just operational power consumption.
I just add the idle/standby/whatever into my base load calcs.
Don't overlook the fact that inverters have a sweet spot, and are terrible when operated at low loads
Ultimately, the question I'm trying to answer is, do I need to add panels to account for idle consumption? I like EG4's new 6000EX AIO, but it has high idle consumption in the 130W range. If I run it 24 hours, that works out to 3120Wh. That means I'd have to dedicate 2 or 3 panels just to satisfying the idle draw, which is awful since I only have room for 16 panels total.
If more panels was the only sacrifice it might be an easier pill to swallow but the reality is that about 18 of those 24 hours of power consumption are being provided by the batteries.
It's not 3,120w of idle, it's 120w of idle :)
120w operating continuously for an hour yields a 120wh consumption. Over 24 hours, that would yield 2.88kwh of power consumption.

I don't think smiley faces excuse willful ignorance/similar if that was your intent. I'd never use an inverter that wastes so much power.
120w operating continuously for an hour yields a 120wh consumption. Over 24 hours, that would yield 2.88kwh of power consumption.

I don't think smiley faces excuse willful ignorance/similar if that was your intent. I'd never use an inverter that wastes so much power.
The intent was to "gently" correct the idea that a GroWatt inverter actually uses 3,120w / hour of idle power.

It's not strange that an inverter would have 120w idle power consumption. It's partly a function of how large the inverter is and price plays a role as well. My AIMs12,000w inverters idle at 200w but in return the price was OK and I get 240v@50a of power.

This forum (to me) is about sharing info to help people research/choose but also respecting what people choose.
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Imagine being a utility and having to have all those extra megawatts generated to overcome all the losses through the grid o_O

I really wonder what kind of efficiency the utility grid actually runs. Even if it was 95% (I doubt it but I could be wrong), that's still a huge amount of watts lost.
Imagine being a utility and having to have all those extra megawatts generated to overcome all the losses through the grid o_O

I really wonder what kind of efficiency the utility grid actually runs. Even if it was 95% (I doubt it but I could be wrong), that's still a huge amount of watts lost.
Interesting question! - quick google search -
According to this it's more like 68% loss overall! But of course this is just one article / viewpoint.

But it already makes me feel better about my ~20% overall system losses with my Solar.
Our utility in the capital region has 6.x% system loss, or at least that's what their press releases say. It charges it back to consumers as "system loss".

The intent was to "gently" correct the idea that a GroWatt inverter actually uses 3,120w / hour of idle power.

It's not strange that an inverter would have 120w idle power consumption. It's partly a function of how large the inverter is and price plays a role as well. My AIMs12,000w inverters idle at 200w but in return the price was OK and I get 240v@50a of power.

This forum (to me) is about sharing info to help people research/choose but also respecting what people choose.
I wasn't offended by the smiley at all. Maybe I communicated poorly. When I mentioned 3120W of idle power, I meant over 24 hrs. Per Will's review of the EG4 6000EX on YouTube, it uses 130W of idle, which works out to 3120W/day. If my daily usable daily power after losses is 25.48kWh/day, then idle would consume 12.24% of total usable power. Yikes.
I wasn't offended by the smiley at all. Maybe I communicated poorly.
When I mentioned 3120W of idle power, I meant over 24 hrs. Per Will's review of the EG4 6000EX on YouTube, it uses 130W of idle, which works out to 3120W/day. If my daily usable daily power after losses is 25.48kWh/day, then idle would consume 12.24% of total usable power. Yikes.
12.24% due to idle (alone) means the inverter is only loosing 2.8% to conversion? While idle is a metric and you can do better - the important metric is overall losses from Battery -> Inverter -> Consumption. 10-15% overall inverter losses is not uncommon in my understanding for lowe priced / commonly chosen equipment. Victron make some of the lowest loss equipment there is as far as I can tell but also cost more $.

In a solar system there are several places where $ vs efficiency come into play. For example, panels that track the sun are more efficient than fixed panels - but I don't niggle that my panels are fixed at non-optimal angles. Thicker wire (to reduce transmission losses) can sometimes be beneficial to shave losses but of course cost $. Inverters are of course a potential loss leader. @Will just did a youtube on super efficient Victron - perhaps using a small inverters for constant loads up to 1000w and then triggering a bigger inverter for high demand but shorter time periods - again $ and complexity.

Its an interesting topic and as I said above, I try to focus o 80% glass full rather than 20% glass empty. Loss is inevitable!
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12.24% due to idle (alone) means the inverter is only loosing 2.8% to conversion?
No, I'm assuming 30% system loss (difference between IN and OUT) before subtracting idle consumption. With 16 x 455W panels and 5 solar hours, theoretical IN would be 36.4kWh/day. With 30% loss that would give me (36.4 x .7) = 25.48kWh usable OUT. But then idle (overhead) would subtract another 3.12kWh of that, so my actual final usable power would be 22.36kWh. Final efficiency after considering idle consumption would be 61.4%. Ugh.

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diy solar