diy solar

diy solar

Automated solar permitting

Well that's interesting. Unfortunately its just more "Smoke and Mirrors". Ultimately it means nothing. Before anyone accuses me of being a too negative, here are some facts that most people don't know, even Californians. This subject has already been discussed here on the forum under the heading of "NEC is making DIY Solar Impossible." Not sure if this is just beating a dead horse or filling in the blanks but here is what I found out after doing some research if anyone is interested.

We have had plenty of legislation, AB2180, AB2188, AB634, that was supposed to be a kind of "Solar Bill of Rights" that would reduce obstacles to installing solar and encourage its usage. For example, mandating building departments institute a "streamlined permitting" process with fee limits and prohibiting HOA's from denying roof top solar installations. I've gone online and browsed through the so called streamlined permitting process for a few different Cities over the past couple of years and its anything but simple or streamlined. Even worse, somehow the "spirit" of the legislation was totally lost within the process. Most Cities have interpreted the "qualified installer" language in the legislation to mean ONLY licensed Solar Contractors. The long standing, and very well known CA Owner/Contractor exemption is nowhere to be found. Interestingly, the Owner/Contractor exemption is still technically available and is outlined on the Contractors State License Board website.

We also had the CA solar initiative back in 2006 that gave financial incentives and set solar build out goals. At the time it was actually fairly well thought out. It was divided into 10 levels with the 1st level having the highest rebates, going down in steps from there. Seems to have worked fairly well as each level was completed more companies got into the business and prices started to come down so the lower incentive level was was still effective because of other price reductions keeping the overall cost low enough to attract new customers. In fact, the program was so successful that now CA actually has TOO MUCH solar generation from about 9 am to 1 pm leading to what the Independent System Operator (CAISO) calls the "Duck" curve which graphically shows the mismatch between generation and demad during that time. Realistically if CA reinvented the solar initiative but with emphasis on battery storage and peak load shaving rebates that would be a big help.
Instead what we have now is the utility companies literally fighting the PUC and its customers. The proposals for the new NEM 3.0 plan are stunningly anti solar in entirety. For example, the utility companies have proposed monthly interconnect fees for solar customers of over $50 as well as severely discounted NEM credits for excess production.

Finally, what the politicians do not control, or so far have not tried to control, is the National Electric Code or the way Building Departments can use it against people at will. In fact, all the Solar legislation in CA has specifically noted that Solar Installations must meet all applicable building codes and there is no language to indicate that said building codes need to be reasonable or cost effective. This one clause has basically invalidated all other intents and provisions of such legislation that purports to reduce barriers to Solar Installations.

So here we are, already having grid emergencies, rolling black outs, flex alerts etc. Yet the obstacles and incentives to installing new grid tie solar are becoming much less favorable while at the same time politicians are busy outlawing internal combustion engines and natural gas water and space heating. I understand this is not a political platform, but seriously, could Sacramento be any more incompetent?

I took the time to send letters to my State Representatives, as expected they absolutely do not give a S*?&T. As Rush Limbaugh used to say. "Politics is show business for unattractive people." All they want is splashy headlines when they sponsor some kind of "feel good" bill that never fixes a problem anyway.
Its actually how they see US. Remember "we will own nothing and be happy".

I almost think its a case of unhappy people intentionally going out of there way to ruin things and bring down happy people.

For one example why would those city hall personality defectives make rules like you can't park a boat in your driveway?

They call our system a democracy. Majority rule.

There is no possible way 50+% of people don't want boats parked in driveways because it destroys their happiness and the "ordnance" against boats parked in driveways restored their happiness.

People with boats in driveway or up on roof playing solar electric are fun people they can have it.
Unfortunately its just more "Smoke and Mirrors".
While CA loves to pretend to be green, many jurisdictions still consider solar panels an eyesore and prohibit them being visible from the street, while all new homes are required to have them. I laugh when I see the huge tracts of new homes in Fontana with north facing panels for these reasons.
While CA loves to pretend to be green, many jurisdictions still consider solar panels an eyesore and prohibit them being visible from the street, while all new homes are required to have them. I laugh when I see the huge tracts of new homes in Fontana with north facing panels for these reasons.

Wow all new homes required to have them. I wonder if they are designing the rooflines for optimum sun.


I post so many pictures but they are worth a thousand or more words.
While CA loves to pretend to be green, many jurisdictions still consider solar panels an eyesore and prohibit them being visible from the street, while all new homes are required to have them. I laugh when I see the huge tracts of new homes in Fontana with north facing panels for these reasons.
That seems insane, however, America often seems to do some really weird stuff, so rather than dismiss it outright I checked on google maps. Maybe the map is outdated, because I was surprised to see only a few homes with solar but those that do have solar, the majority is facing South even when they face the street.

Do you have a link where it shows they are not allowed to install solar facing the street? Because the only link I found seemed to suggest the opposite. Don't know if it is a valid site as it is a dot org.



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CA has legislation that limits City Planning Departments and HOA's from interfering with roof top solar installations. Its something like "The homeowner can be asked to make minor asthetic modifications but only if it costs less than a $1,000 or reduces the efficiency of the array by less than 10%." Certainly a North or East facing array would violate the 10% rule so I'm not sure where this information came from.
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diy solar

diy solar