diy solar

diy solar

DC Breaker combiner box confusion


New Member
Apr 5, 2022
Hello there,

I need a bit of help to understand the schematics of the following from an official manual:

What does Midpoint earth mean? It is first time I see this term...
I've got the iC60H, which was confirmed by Schneider to be the same with regards to specs and requirements with iC60N. I'm using it in my combiner box as follows:

Wondering if I'd need to change anything based on the manual with regards to midpoint earthed...

Thank you kindly,
As you can see in the schematics posted initially regarding the combiner box.
Then no, you have it correct.
And as far as "midpoint earthed" is referred to in this diagram. It's just the ground.
Thank you sir, glad to hear this .

And to double-check that I understood everything right (I'm a DIY-er learning every day), in the breaker, the positive has to come in in the up right hand side and negative up left hand side? Load (i.e.: MPPT) comes at the bottom of it.

Thank you sir, glad to hear this .

And to double-check that I understood everything right (I'm a DIY-er learning every day), in the breaker, the positive has to come in in the up right hand side and negative up left hand side? Load (i.e.: MPPT) comes at the bottom of it.

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diy solar