diy solar

diy solar

ANTI post. I am not selling anything. I want to prevent the big tech hoging my concept

On the other hand, I have heard reports that he did not patent some processes that could be easily copied with slight modifications. The issue with any idea or concept is whether it has any economic viability.
and I am no longer very sure. Today I have been experimenting some more. The more experience I get the more I am starting to think this is only for the DIY'rs. Not something big tech would jump on and steal and claim it as their own.

This is not to say that I have not found something great!!! give it some time and I will present some more thought out of ideas.
But it will not be the quantum field energy device we have all been waiting for I am so sorry about that ;(
And even after all that, it's very likely that a Chinese company will rip the idea off at some level, patents or not.

Damn those Chinese ... BUT A.Justice has a point ...

I have been following this discussion - from the other thread - since the beginning ... we have tried numerous / various VAWTs and none of them can really figure out how to get better - or even close to the HAWTs ..

The most excited we came was with which was/is almost there but ran into the law of physics ...

BUT I digress....

You can/will spend 1000's on getting a patent .... it looks good on the wall but honestly - the Chinese don't give a rats ass about patents and honestly -the first 3 you sell - even with a patent - will be going to some company in China that will backward engineer it - find a cheaper (worse) way of doing what you did - and sell it for a price you couldn't even come close to making it ...

Currently in 2022 there are still over 30,000 IP and Patent theft cases before the international court against manufacturers in China .... even if you win (avg cost is about 20K), how do you plan on collecting?? You can win the case but can't force them to pay ...

Me personally - once you figure out the magic formula - which from here I sit you still have some gaps that need filling but I think that you "hope" will sort of self-fill once you get the thing up and running ... I would contact a reputable Chinese manufacturer - and just have him make the product for you and give you a slice of the profits -- /// that of course will last about a 6 month period before 100 knock-offs suddenly flood the market ...

OR you could do like HarmonyTurbines and ask the world for money to get a working prototype and then just publish the plans .... again - your literally giving away all your time and energy to a Chinese company that won't even look back ...

Sorry for the rambling ... no matter what -- you're screwed ...
But then humanity will not progress. I will dive more into the subject matter. Thank you for the input thus far
I've been in such a position in the past, in the end I decided to give it away so anyone could use it. I used to have companies that had several patents for tools/equipment used in my industry call at least every few weeks wanting my ideas. I decided to just release in industry forums for anyone to use.

If some company wants to steal it, let them but as long as you publicly released it and anyone can use the information you put out there to make what ever it is, then really there isn't much profit for the company to produce it.

If your end goal is not profit for yourself but rather advancement of alternative energy, then a patent really doesn't make sense as your satisfaction isn't monetary. In my case, enough people in the industry had helped me in the past and it was my way of paying not only them back but to also pay ahead for future generations so they too could pay back and pay ahead.
If I release something as open source, or an open design, or whatever new invention, it's open and out there. No need to patent it. Anyone can use the idea and no one can patent (except you, in certain jurisdictions like the States.) A patent serves as a tool to give an individual or company a certain amount of time to have sole proprietorship of the technology so they can use this to make money without the competition able to use the same tech. In return, once the patent expires, everyone has access to the details on how it works. This is contrary to a trade secret, which is owned by a company, never disclosed, and can get lost.

So, release something out in the open, and everyone can use the idea - no secrets, no patents.
Just like with my wind turbine, I am going with this approach.
It's only better if a company can make what ever I contribute (implicitly open source as it here for the world to see. take it, use it, sell it it's all good) to the world in such a manner it will beat the costs of DIYn it.
As long as no company can hogg my ideas and prevent others from making/selling it.

I'll make a thread here regarding my idea once I actually made a few.

Basically the idea is 3d printed modular transformer parts.
For the core using ferromagnetic filament filled with iron powder. and for the coil segments, modules that snap into place and have the coil segments electro conductivity connected.
It will enable for DIY transformers that are highly configurable and can scale to most any application one needs a transformer for.
It will also make for a great way to experiment with transformers in science classes.

Now if this idea already exists than I am both happy for the world and quite ashamed at the same time. And also sorry for wasting everyone's time.
But I think this thread will still serve a good purpose for anyone reading it.

A big thank you to everyone that contributed, also on my other threads.
Are you talking something like 3-d printed transformer? How does your perform?

A Poor man's patent may help but I'm no legal expert. Basically you detail everything about your idea, when you came up with the idea, how it works, what it does, what makes it unique and even who you've told. Pop it in an envelope then send it by recoded delivery mail addressed to yourself. When you receive it, keep it unopened in a safe place. The postal date stamp and signature etc are what counts if you ever need to take action or defend an action.

That might have once served such a purpose in the U.S., but I don't think so any longer. Nor has it in most other countries.

Are you talking something like 3-d printed transformer? How does your perform?

Actually I have seen a few videos in where they use ferromagnetic filament to see if a core can be made with it. I tend to follow the conclusion thus far regarding that.

EDIT: it really can't for anything high amps

However. I am talking about a hollow 3d printed ferro structure filled with iron powder
CUT 150um. Non electro conductive yet quite magnetically resposnsive (by lack of knowledge of a correct scientifically appropriate term)
EDIT2: and then modular in nature. Not the endless tinkering one does at the moment. I for one am the perfect example ;(

If one wants, I think one can better revive my transformer thread rather than going on regarding this topic on this thread.
hahahah look how utterly stupid I began this oddesy
i did end up nailing it. sort of...... I am now at 39% efficiency before rectification. After rectification I am still at 13%
But have no fear I am working on the issues.
Mind you that if I get close to/improve on 60% efficiency before rectification then I will claim victory
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Actually I have seen a few videos in where they use ferromagnetic filament to see if a core can be made with it. I tend to follow the conclusion thus far regarding that.

EDIT: it really can't for anything high amps

However. I am talking about a hollow 3d printed ferro structure filled with iron powder
CUT 150um. Non electro conductive yet quite magnetically resposnsive (by lack of knowledge of a correct scientifically appropriate term)
EDIT2: and then modular in nature. Not the endless tinkering one does at the moment. I for one am the perfect example ;(

If one wants, I think one can better revive my transformer thread rather than going on regarding this topic on this thread.
hahahah look how utterly stupid I began this oddesy
i did end up nailing it. sort of...... I am now at 39% efficiency before rectification. After rectification I am still at 13%
But have no fear I am working on the issues.
Mind you that if I get close to/improve on 60% efficiency before rectification then I will claim victory
3D printing technology is also one of the fastest growing industries. We can do things on basic 3D printers now that people only dreamed about 10 years ago. While the technology to print a powerful transformer might not be available right now, there's no telling what new filaments and technologies will be available tomorrow. Who knows, your idea might even be the driving force for new printable copper windings.

I think printed PCB boards will be soon to come with more conductive filaments.
If your end goal is not profit for yourself but rather advancement of alternative energy, then a patent really doesn't make sense as your satisfaction isn't monetary. In my case, enough people in the industry had helped me in the past and it was my way of paying not only them back but to also pay ahead for future generations so they too could pay back and pay ahead.
Even if I was not helped by many great minds. Then I would have still wanted to just share. Don't ask me how but I got lucky and am retired now with both means, will and time.

Truth be told though that @Hedges is one of the leading factors in my advancement of understanding things.
Sure he might be difficult to follow most of the times but I strongly suggest we keep trying ;)

But let's not forget all the brightly shining ideas by other minds that came along and hopefully will keep coming along.

I think saving humanity is a team effort
You can also take the novel path of open sourcing the software put keeping the hardware design and build. has been doing this and it seems to be working well. George Hotz has talked about why he did it and how it works several times. You have to get past George being George (he doesn't bother me, but rubs some people the wrong way) but he believes that the hardware portion is so difficult that no one wants to figure it out or keep it functional, so he can make more money on the hardware than the software.
You can also take the novel path of open sourcing the software put keeping the hardware design and build. has been doing this and it seems to be working well. George Hotz has talked about why he did it and how it works several times. You have to get past George being George (he doesn't bother me, but rubs some people the wrong way) but he believes that the hardware portion is so difficult that no one wants to figure it out or keep it functional, so he can make more money on the hardware than the software.
Yes thank you for your input. I am not sure I quite see the relationship though with the matter at hand. Sure there will be software that comes our way in the future if we also are going the DIY route on the mppt wind chargers. Which I actually think we just might.
But github then will be my weapon of choice. Sure it is Microsoft with all their nasty fangs they have created. But still I know of no better open source place than that.

Please let me know of better ones if one knows
On the other hand, I have heard reports that he did not patent some processes that could be easily copied with slight modifications. The issue with any idea or concept is whether it has any economic viability.

This is actuallly becoming more common in some fields. If you patent something, you have to tell everyone exactly how it works. If it’s not something that easily can be reversely engineered, it might be harder for others to rip it off if you don’t seek patent protection.

One big advantage with patents though is that it’s easier to finance your business.

@brandnewb Your ideas are very nobel!

However, seeking to profit from an invention is definitely not always wrong (even if you don’t seek maximum profit). It might finance your work to further develop the invention or to develop other ideas.

One thing that I love and that is not really something we saw 10-20 years ago is business that price their products very reasonably. 10 bucks is a lot, if you get millions of users. But also in smaller fields. If many share the cost, it’s relatively still large sums.

People have and spend money. It’s not wrong to provide a product that it’s worth spending the money on.

I am a big fan of taking companies public since that is what I work with. I would aim for that! :)
I am not a patent lawyer, but my understanding is that in the U.S. you get one year from public disclosure to file a patent claim.
The US changed their policy several years ago from first-to-invent to first-to-file.

You have 12 months from filing a provisional application to filing a formal patent application in order to keep the provisional application’s date as the priority date.
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When I got my patent(few years back) it was filed end of July 2012 and was granted in July of 2014. I used a patent attorney.
if I may be so blund. How much did you have to pay for the process? You can be cryptic if it is a rather uncomfortable answer
More than $5k and less than $20K. It helped that I worked with the patent attorney(actually his technical assistant) to write the technical description.
if I may be so blund. How much did you have to pay for the process?

Keep in mind it's not just the initial cost. You have yearly fees that come with it to maintain it (and it gets more expensive each year). Then, you have to be willing and able to defend it - which means more money to go to court.
in the old days, part of the proof you came up with an idea was to mail it to yourself so you have a date stamped on it without showing anyone the idea ( like on here ) . but that's just what I believed back in the 80,s doesn't mean I was right then or now LOL

diy solar

diy solar