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diy solar

problems with recommended system

texas Red

New Member
Dec 22, 2020
I'M extremely unhappy with the system you recommened a couple of years ago. You stated that one of these systems could power a house and 2 "could power a village". My MPPsolar 5 K inverter, 12volt, 100 watt rich solar panels and 2 Battleborn 2450 batteries are not sufficent to power my off grid cabin (refridge, satalite phone/internet and a small fan will not function more than 12 hours. Recently that dropped to 5 hours. I hope i haven't wasted my money!!
Not sure who is being referred to as "You" in your post. It sounds like your facts are not accurate, its not the entire system at fault, it sounds like it's only the battery capacity and/or insufficient solar panels to charge them fully. Run time decreased from 12 hours to 5, sure seems like there have been extra appliances added but the system was not expanded to handle them.
So are you serious or are we being Punked here on the forum? To use an analogy did you purchase an econobox vehicle and now wonder why it doesn't turn good times on the drag strip??
Recently that dropped to 5 hours. I hope i haven't wasted my money!!
You may have if you have *never* charged each of those BB's individually before placing into service. You'll want to be buying the appropriate charger for this purpose.

I'm assuming you are the first-purchaser. If not, this is even more important than before, and to keep your expectations of prior-owner abuse high.

If you have never performed maintenance, like keeping your interconnects clean and tight, that can do it too.

So you haven't wasted your money! You'll be gaining hands-on expertise that go beyond plug-n-play!
I'M extremely unhappy with the system you recommened a couple of years ago. You stated that one of these systems could power a house and 2 "could power a village". My MPPsolar 5 K inverter, 12volt, 100 watt rich solar panels and 2 Battleborn 2450 batteries are not sufficent to power my off grid cabin (refridge, satalite phone/internet and a small fan will not function more than 12 hours. Recently that dropped to 5 hours. I hope i haven't wasted my money!!
Who is 'you'?
How many panels? How many hours of sun per day?
How many watts does your "small fan" use?
You have satellite internet, are you powering a computer?
Need a lot more details before you can make assumptions...
Um, this is your second post. First was to ask about a beep, about a year ago.

There are plenty idiots wherever you go, including here. If you bought 100W panels after reading a couple posts (no idea how that happened?), I guess maybe go to a professional next time and pay accordingly?
I'M extremely unhappy with the system you recommened a couple of years ago. You stated that one of these systems could power a house and 2 "could power a village". My MPPsolar 5 K inverter, 12volt, 100 watt rich solar panels and 2 Battleborn 2450 batteries are not sufficent to power my off grid cabin (refridge, satalite phone/internet and a small fan will not function more than 12 hours. Recently that dropped to 5 hours. I hope i haven't wasted my money!!

Ok… I am unaware of any MPPsolar 5kW inverter that operates on 12V panels. I guess you are using a pair of 50Ah 24V batteries with a 48V 5000W inverter? Standby consumption would eat that setup fairly quickly, not to mention any loads.
Let’s start by determining your load needs, then recommending changes to your setup to handle it.
I'm ready for any help. I was told by Prowse to hook up 4 12 volt panels in series to get the 48 volts. Again, I'm a complete novice at this and relied upon the info I was given.
I'm ready for any help. I was told by Prowse to hook up 4 12 volt panels in series to get the 48 volts. Again, I'm a complete novice at this and relied upon the info I was given.

Well you've come to the right place! It might take a bit of back and forth so be patient.

@Supervstech spelled it out well in post #9.
Let’s start by determining your load needs, then recommending changes to your setup to handle it.

Just guessing but It sounds like you bought a "recommended material list" but may have not understood what you were getting and perhaps didn't compare the energy it could produce to the energy you needed. Unfortunately there is no such thing as one size fits all system for a house or cabin, etc.

A system must be carefully designed to produce more energy than the total of your loads plus losses.
How about we get back to 12 hours at least instead of only the 5 you are experiencing now.

Have you inspected the BB's? Like have you tried individually charging them before placing them into their final configuration? Did you do that at the start of the project, or were they just slapped together?

Let's try that now. Disconnect your BB's, and individually charge them. Other simple culprits are loose wiring that works loose with thermal expansion / contraction.

In fact, this might be seen as a good preventative maintenance thing to do once in awhile whether one is using BB's or something else. At the very least, it forces one to keep their terminals and wiring clean and tight.
I'M extremely unhappy with the system you recommened a couple of years ago. You stated that one of these systems could power a house and 2 "could power a village". My MPPsolar 5 K inverter, 12volt, 100 watt rich solar panels and 2 Battleborn 2450 batteries are not sufficent to power my off grid cabin (refridge, satalite phone/internet and a small fan will not function more than 12 hours. Recently that dropped to 5 hours. I hope i haven't wasted my money!!
"2 Battleborn 2450 batteries"

This is the problem.

Try to make a DIY battery, you can get 5x more storage for the same price.

Who is 'you'?
The forum, in other words we are the culprits of his bad decision on the storage capacity, what a mature guy.
My thought is to maybe move beyond the drama, and try to restore the original operating conditions - whether that is sufficient in the end or not.

The goal being getting 12 hours operation, whereas now he's only getting 5. It could be a good learning experience to help him better setup and maintain a future bank that needs more storage.
How about we get back to 12 hours at least instead of only the 5 you are experiencing now.

Have you inspected the BB's? Like have you tried individually charging them before placing them into their final configuration? Did you do that at the start of the project, or were they just slapped together?

Let's try that now. Disconnect your BB's, and individually charge them. Other simple culprits are loose wiring that works loose with thermal expansion / contraction.

In fact, this might be seen as a good preventative maintenance thing to do once in awhile whether one is using BB's or something else. At the very least, it forces one to keep their terminals and wiring clean and tight.
If he has adequate solar every day he should be hitting 100% SOC. I’d first verify peak voltage and voltage settings of the SCC such that the BB batteries hit 100%. If there isn’t enough solar to hit 100% by noon, no point in needing to charge individual batteries.
I'll jump the gun...
Do you have a shunt based battery monitor?
I'll jump the gun...
Do you have a shunt based battery monitor?
I purchased a 24v Lith battery charger. When it arrived, I was able to bring both batteries to full charge. The rep forSolarMPP had me adjut the Low DC cutoff to 48. The low voltage alarm sounded two different times, but failed a third time and the inverter shut down. I charged one of the batteries to full charge, but the second battery would not take a charge. Battleborn is not honoring the warranty and said I failed to "mai
ntain" the batteries. Not sure what to do. Living off grid and have trouble finding teck support.
I purchased a 24v Lith battery charger. When it arrived, I was able to bring both batteries to full charge. The rep forSolarMPP had me adjut the Low DC cutoff to 48. The low voltage alarm sounded two different times, but failed a third time and the inverter shut down. I charged one of the batteries to full charge, but the second battery would not take a charge. Battleborn is not honoring the warranty and said I failed to "mai
ntain" the batteries. Not sure what to do. Living off grid and have trouble finding teck support.
Can't reconcile your response to my question.
Will wait for pictures.

This is an example of a shunt based battery monitor.
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Emphasis mine, but do you see the problem here?
He's likely charging his 24v batteries individually then wiring them in series to connect to the inverter.
Seeing he only has around ~2.4 kwhs of battery I'd bet he's way underpowered, especially if he's trying to run a fan.
@texas Red please post photos of your wiring and setup, it will allow people to help you much easier.
What 24v charger? What voltages are you seeing on the bad battery?

Did you try and jump start the low battery?
purchased this system on the recommendation from Will Prowse about two years ago. He stated that one of these systems would power a house and two would power a village!! I bought a MPP solar inverter hybrid LV5048, 4 Rich Solar 12v 100 watt panels and two Battleborn 5048 lithium batteries.The system has been in use for a little over two years.Since then, I've added 8 12v 100 watt panels. I live off grid with the closest town is 13 miles away. I know the system is undersized, but was normally getting 12-14 hrs of service. On cloudy days, I would charge the batteries with a generator. I believe one of the batteries has a problem. I now only get 4 hours at best. I contacted BB and was basically told they would not honor the "industry leading" 10 year warranty unless I paid shipping and handling both ways, plus the cost of the repair. I'm very disappointed with Will Prowse and BB.
Do I have any recourse??
Thanks for any help you can give me!!

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diy solar