diy solar

diy solar

Renogy MPPT with DC-DC Charger


New Member
Sep 14, 2022
Do you think the Renogy MPPT with Dc DC Charger will work with Wills 400-watt RV solar setup with alternator charging?
The DCC50 has a maximum solar panel voltage of 25 volts, so any panel array must have a maximum VOC less than this. Wills panels are conected to a controller allowing higher voltages.
With the DC 50 select panels with a suitable VOC and connect in parallel, ( use so called 12v panels).

Is there a suitable way to reduce to volts of a solar panel output so that it would work with the Renogy DC to DC charger? Knowing that the DCC50 has a maximum solar panel voltage of 25 volts. Let's assume the solar panel is a single panel so cannot be wired in parrallel, and has an output voltage of 37v.

Potentially a buck converter such as:

or connecting a cheap mppt initially:

Any consequences of using these methods to adjust the voltage to lower using either of these methods?
It may be possible to rewire the panel itself? I am not familiar with 400 watt panels. A lot of panels have three series strings of cells but if yours has four that come to the junction box you could parallel half and reduce the VOC by 50%.