diy solar

diy solar

Does anyone have a EG4 inverters setup running without any problems?


New Member
Oct 31, 2022
I was thinking about installing two EG4 6500ex inverters for 120V/240V output to a critical loads panel for my home. However, after reading about all of these problems that people are having with no resolution, I'm thinking that there might be design flaws to these inverters and they can't be explained away by incorrect user installation.

That leads me to the question.... Is there anyone out there that has EG4 inverters installed and they are running your loads without any problems or errors? If so, what's your setup? Thanks.
Unfortunately, not yet. I have been trying to commission my 6 EG4 inverter for two weeks with one failed inverter. The manual and support help are terrible. Technicians are not well trained. I have seen some successes, but few to none with glitch free experiences. My last system was flip it on and forget about it, not this one by EG4 or Signature Solar. My failed unit, I bought a replacement to expedite as their warranty is taking to long and need to get operational.
I was thinking about installing two EG4 6500ex inverters for 120V/240V output to a critical loads panel for my home. However, after reading about all of these problems that people are having with no resolution, I'm thinking that there might be design flaws to these inverters and they can't be explained away by incorrect user installation.

That leads me to the question.... Is there anyone out there that has EG4 inverters installed and they are running your loads without any problems or errors? If so, what's your setup? Thanks.
Nice setup, mine is similar, what size wire did you use to connect the A/C input from the power grid?


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My system is currently working after the two inverters were replaced by Signature Solar. New inverters switch to grid power without flashing or temp outages. So far so good. Have 6 EG4 batteries. View attachment 125190
Hello vanblokland
I am new to the forum and to Solar, what batteries are you using and how many,
I was thinking about installing two EG4 6500ex inverters for 120V/240V output to a critical loads panel for my home. However, after reading about all of these problems that people are having with no resolution, I'm thinking that there might be design flaws to these inverters and they can't be explained away by incorrect user installation.

That leads me to the question.... Is there anyone out there that has EG4 inverters installed and they are running your loads without any problems or errors? If so, what's your setup? Thanks.
I have two EG4 6500EX and so far they have been fairly bullet proof. I am still learning the ins and outs. I started with three(3) EG4 Lifepower 48v 5kW batteries and after a month of little to no sun I have upgraded to six(6) EG4 Lifepower 48v 5kW batteries. My next upgrade will be additional panels to increase my solar from 7kW to 14kW for those cloudy days - but I haven't figured out the best configuration yet for the panels.
I'm running two EG6500's with DIY 48v 280a JK bms 16s batteries. I had an over temp in a hot garage in the summer in the hottest state in the US. I leave the lower covers off in the summer and a fan pushes the exited hot air away so it doesn't make it's way into the inlet. No problems since. I did run a string of panels at 320v. It produced less than the other strings so I doubled the amps and cut the volts in half. Should have been ok according to the PV input limit but... Still no regrets and would buy again.
Yesterday worked with Sig Solar to update firmware on both inverters to 79.60 and 61.06. This was to address pulsing lights as well as settings being dropped. My attempt to update firmware had issues as needed update to COMM drivers. Would not have been able to do without Sig Solar help. Had previously changed 03 settings to UPS and 05 from EG4 to USE and made appropriate changes to 12, 13. 26, 27 and 29 but after upgrade changed 03 back to APL per Sig Solar and 05 on 2P1 back to EG4 and verified previous settings were now SOC instead of voltages.

Other than the pulsing lights, which this upgrade should fix, I had ran 5 days on solar and batteries and never switched to grid power. Had good sun during that time. I have 32 400W panels with potential of 12,800-watts solar power. Although at times, I felt like a Beta site for these inverters, hopefully now settling into a stable environment.
Thanks for the responses guys. Gives me the confidence that it can be done. I already received shipment of the EG4 inverters so it would be an expensive change if I were to go a different route at this point.
Yesterday worked with Sig Solar to update firmware on both inverters to 79.60 and 61.06. This was to address pulsing lights as well as settings being dropped. My attempt to update firmware had issues as needed update to COMM drivers. Would not have been able to do without Sig Solar help. Had previously changed 03 settings to UPS and 05 from EG4 to USE and made appropriate changes to 12, 13. 26, 27 and 29 but after upgrade changed 03 back to APL per Sig Solar and 05 on 2P1 back to EG4 and verified previous settings were now SOC instead of voltages.

Other than the pulsing lights, which this upgrade should fix, I had ran 5 days on solar and batteries and never switched to grid power. Had good sun during that time. I have 32 400W panels with potential of 12,800-watts solar power. Although at times, I felt like a Beta site for these inverters, hopefully now settling into a stable environment.
Are the pulsing lights still a problem? Is the fix just a firmware upgrade or did it you also need to change out LED bulbs with high quality non-dimmable LEDs?
Are the pulsing lights still a problem? Is the fix just a firmware upgrade or did it you also need to change out LED bulbs with high quality non-dimmable LEDs?
I'm having pulsating light problems.....comes and goes. I think it is mainly when I have lots of PV input coming in. Haven't figured it out yet.
I have 4 that have been running for 3 days and its doing very well, zero flickering/pulsing and no firmware updates. Pushed them to 75% of the capacity and performed perfectly.
I have never had the pulsing light problem.

I've never updated my firmware. I'm not even sure what version I have. I ordered my units in July. They arrived in Sept. I got them turned on in October, in service in November.

I have yet to experience any shutdowns, errors or power issues. I have used solar, battery and grid bypass/charging modes. My loading has varied from about 600w to 5kW.

I'm convinced many of the problems seen here are either 1) self-inflicted with poor systems, mis-wiring, bad settings, etc OR 2) a software/firmware issue with battery comms.

If I had EG4 batteries, I'd never use the EG4 setting. I'd put them on USE and keep it there forever.
Yesterday worked with Sig Solar to update firmware on both inverters to 79.60 and 61.06. This was to address pulsing lights as well as settings being dropped. My attempt to update firmware had issues as needed update to COMM drivers. Would not have been able to do without Sig Solar help. Had previously changed 03 settings to UPS and 05 from EG4 to USE and made appropriate changes to 12, 13. 26, 27 and 29 but after upgrade changed 03 back to APL per Sig Solar and 05 on 2P1 back to EG4 and verified previous settings were now SOC instead of voltages.

Other than the pulsing lights, which this upgrade should fix, I had ran 5 days on solar and batteries and never switched to grid power. Had good sun during that time. I have 32 400W panels with potential of 12,800-watts solar power. Although at times, I felt like a Beta site for these inverters, hopefully now settling into a stable environment.
How were you able to resolve the comm drivers issue? I can't install the drivers on two different computers.
How were you able to resolve the comm drivers issue? I can't install the drivers on two different computers.
Signature Solar logged onto my laptop using Team Viewer. They did all the comm port driver updates to finally get it to work. Sorry, do not know what driver they ended up using. did change primary inverter from EG4 back to USE on setting 5. Still had momentary power loss when switching to grid on EG4. With USE setting everything is seamless.
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diy solar