diy solar

diy solar

Is there a solar panel database that you can search based on Watts, VOC, and Amps?


New Member
Dec 20, 2022
Southern California
Hello All,

I want to buy a portable generator for someone as a gift which has specific solar input requirements, but I don't want to buy the overpriced panels sold by the solar generator vendor.

So the method that works now is going to a used panel site, or Amazon and drilling into the details to see if a panel fits the requirements. Whereas, if there was a solar panel database, then a simple query filter would give me the results I want very quickly, and help me find an optimal panel for a good price.

So does such a service exist? Or maybe an API is available that can be used?

I know of no database like you ask. If it did exist, I’d still need to double check the specs On the manufacturer’s sheet.

I also have found that new models of the same panel do not always have the same specs. For me, it was a newer model of the same 100 watt panel had higher volts and lower amps than my panel.

The only reliable measurement I use in looking for panels is output should be around 180 watts per meter squared. Much over that the manufacturer is for some reason overstating the panels output. Some 30 watt panels have “accidentally” had an extra 0 go in the advertisement to read 300 watts.

I wish there was a database like you want. I spent hours searching, decided on three finals, and cut those out with cardboard and put them on my roof.
There is a kinda database using Sol-Ark's calculator.

It has like maybe 80 -> 100 different panels from various manufacturers and I believe it's a curated list by Sol-Ark based on their understanding and estimation of the reputation and reliability of solar panel manufacturers that they would consider recommending you add to their high-end products.

diy solar

diy solar