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diy solar

Anyone have experience with RJ-Lithium cells


Unofficial Forum Librarian & Perpetual Newbie
Staff member
Dec 10, 2019
West of the rockies
They were recommended by someone on this forum, but this being the internet (and they being an unfamiliar Chinese company), it seems prudent to try to to corroborate the recommendation. Has anyone bought from them before, or know anything about the reputation of the company? Unlike most of the cells sold through Aliexpress RJ-Lithium claims to provide a 5 year warranty "upgradeable to 10 years." They don't list prices on their website but the person who recommended them says he it cost $646 For a 12.8 200aH LiFePO4 battery (this includes bus bars, shipping, and paypal fee).

I'm curious to find out more about them.

Gonna bump this thread back up, and hope to get some replies. I've been in contact with Carl over at RJ lithium and they seem to have pretty competitive prices. Not the cheapest, but far from the most expensive. Would love to here other peoples experience or impressions with RJ lithium
Hi Mate,

I have messaged Carl a few times over the past 12 months but havent purchased from them. He certainly seems to know what he is talking about.

Ghostwriter has dealt with them before.

Check out their threads for a few references.

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Yes I just purchased from RJ technology Limited on December 27th as far as I can tell they have a really good battery with more cycle life of 5,000 compared to the other ones at 3,000. I ordered their 3.2 volt 200-amp lithium iron phosphate cell for $95 a piece and negotiated free bus bars. Shipping with $795 to Montana for 48 batteries. Plus Carl asked what size packs I was going to use so they could be matched at the factory that was a plus. haven't received them yet
Yes I just purchased from RJ technology Limited ...
Lurking here to hear how they turn out. I've just gotten a quote from Carl for two 12v 150Ah at $US455each plus shipping of $US165 for the two of them to northern Idaho. In their photos, it looks like they're made from aluminum-cased prismatic cells.
Yes I just purchased 2 amp hour batteries from them they are on the level they certainly know what they're talking about and they have PayPal there are some companies that don't have that they just want your credit card so far so good they have the same weight as the battle bomb batteries but a lot less money I have four hundred amp hours it ran me $1,400 that was with shipping just got them in I'll let you know how I make out so far so good they are Bluetooth ready total amp hours for hundred amp hours
Yes I just purchased 2 amp hour batteries from them they are on the level they certainly know what they're talking about and they have PayPal there are some companies that don't have that they just want your credit card so far so good they have the same weight as the battle bomb batteries but a lot less money I have four hundred amp hours it ran me $1,400 that was with shipping just got them in I'll let you know how I make out so far so good they are Bluetooth ready total amp hours for hundred amp hours

Appreciate the feedback. What exactly do you mean by "Bluetooth ready"?

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