diy solar

diy solar

EG4 Chargeverter

What I told them is they need to send out a email to EVERY SINGLE person that ordered the charger to tell them.
BEAUTIFULLY written, I wish they'd have followed your guidance, it would have saved a lot of egg on face and unhappy customers. Thank you for taking the time to share Will.

SHIP IN MAY!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me!!!!!! I'm so glad I cancelled my order. That makes the screen shot I put in above showing them yesterday available to order even more disgusting. Thanks for sharing...

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Can you please be careful with your language. I don't mind it but multiple people are reporting you and it's not about being "offensive", it's just nice to be civil here. We are all here to help each other, theres no need to cuss and be aggressive. There are some awesome people on this forum and that type of language just doesn't help anyone. If multiple members keep reporting you, I will have to issue a ban. Please try to aim to make people happy here. It makes things better for everyone.

Absolutely I can, the minute you tell me what part of this sentence you consider a cuss word and offensive considering I was replying in a light hearted way to a person accusing me of having mental health problems. I could have just as easily been offensive back. I think his unwarranted attack is where your suggestion belong, not with me, the party who tried to de-escalate the situation but thanks for sharing your comment.

The whole reason this forum exists is to disagree with me and others about this solar companies. I built it so we can criticize products in the solar world without issue.

One big issue with signature solar is they are massive, in my opinion. They have products that no one else has. They're one of the few that actually innovate by bringing out new products. And people are buying their stuff like crazy. Their volume is massive compared to the competition. So I'm sure we're going to have more complaints about them. If I didn't have the YouTube channel I would probably buy from them as well. I do like the high input voltage. And budget server rack batteries. And the prices are really good. I would understand the risk.
And you can NOT beat the price on that charger, it's a SCREAMING good deal, perhaps that's why people are being so vocal. I'm vocal cus I have a high bar for business ethics (I'll cut off my nose to spite my face, or throw away my career because of it, as my case v. Boeing mentioned shows) and sadly the days of companies relying on their ethics are being replaced by our need for cheap gear and our willingness to put up with anything to get it..... but it's a smoking deal for sure and I'll probably end up getting one once I know they're shipping.... and while I don't usually admit to listening to influencers, I had no plans to buy it from Poz's video and then saw a post you made saying you wanted one, then your video so I was overcome with "new toy" "new toy" euphoria. LOL
And you can NOT beat the price on that charger, it's a SCREAMING good deal, perhaps that's why people are being so vocal. I'm vocal cus I have a high bar for business ethics (I'll cut off my nose to spite my face, or throw away my career because of it, as my case v. Boeing mentioned shows) and sadly the days of companies relying on their ethics are being replaced by our need for cheap gear and our willingness to put up with anything to get it..... but it's a smoking deal for sure and I'll probably end up getting one once I know they're shipping.... and while I don't usually admit to listening to influencers, I had no plans to buy it from Poz's video and then saw a post you made saying you wanted one, then your video so I was overcome with "new toy" "new toy" euphoria. LOL
It's a really cool charger. And yeah, for the price it's insane. Signature solar pisses me off sometime but they are they only ones getting the products we actually want. It drives me nuts. I do like the charger so far, I'm using it to top balance my pack which I haven't done lately due to winter. It really cranks out a lot of amps all day long. Really trying to find a reason to dislike it.
It's a really cool charger. And yeah, for the price it's insane. Signature solar pisses me off sometime but they are they only ones getting the products we actually want. It drives me nuts. I do like the charger so far, I'm using it to top balance my pack which I haven't done lately due to winter. It really cranks out a lot of amps all day long. Really trying to find a reason to dislike it.
Well when you find one (a reason), let me know so I can buy it from you, I don't want all this Victron Blue spray paint I purchased to go to waste. :)
It's a really cool charger. And yeah, for the price it's insane. Signature solar pisses me off sometime but they are they only ones getting the products we actually want. It drives me nuts. I do like the charger so far, I'm using it to top balance my pack which I haven't done lately due to winter. It really cranks out a lot of amps all day long. Really trying to find a reason to dislike it.
I will thank SS for one thing, the willingness to take the risk to put that charger out there, there are no others with those features, and ability, never mind the price. What they've done is shown other manufacturers that there is a need for something like that and I bet you we see more come to market.. are you listening Victron?
Can you please be careful with your language. I don't mind it but multiple people are reporting you and it's not about being "offensive", it's just nice to be civil here. We are all here to help each other, theres no need to cuss and be aggressive. There are some awesome people on this forum and that type of language just doesn't help anyone. If multiple members keep reporting you, I will have to issue a ban. Please try to aim to make people happy here. It makes things better for everyone.

Not sure if being nice is cheaper than thorazine though. It's reeeeaaally cheap... or so I heard ?
You consider 5 months the lifetime of any off gridder do you, interesting considering some of us (me included) have been 100% off grid for a lot longer than that.
ya we've been off the grid for 15 years , but we don't run the generator 24/7 , in the winter a lot more than in summer. but Id say on average 10 hours a week, rough guess. so 7800 hours over 15 years = that 325 days ? no stop( well we stop but if you add it all up ) There test 24/7 for 5 months = 4704 hours or 196 days ? did I get that right
I think it's a matter of TBF:

5mon * 30day/mon * 24h/day = 3600 hours.

That's like running it an hour a day for 10 years - probably far more than a typical user with a solar system. My neighbor has been off-grid for 25 years, and he hasn't accumulated 3600 hours on his generator.
i use my generator 10 hours a week for the past 15 years, we on # 5 generator now. but we use it for pumping water , house is on solar and battery but need to pump up the 1500 gallon sistern water tank one or twice a week
Well, this went in an interesting direction. I think the next year will be crucial for SS. As far as communication and customer service that is. The growth of the company vs customer satisfaction is really going to be the thing to keep an eye on.

Also I do agree, they are the ones with the guts to keep innovating and coming out with products people will want. So nobody wants to write them off completely. In fact, I’d say most everyone here probably wants them to succeed. Just as much as they want them to be better communicators.
I've decided to add one to my system.
It will be fed from a transfer switch on the outside of my house. The transfer switch will select between a 120v and a 240v inlet receptacle. This way I can just plug in whichever one I want and charge.
And a second one for the permanent backup generator. My generator is 3-phase, and this will be a good use for the 3rd phase. The other two phases backup my two systems.
Might add two more chargeverters, and just super charge for backup. This would be the most efficient use of the generator.
I've decided to add one to my system.
It will be fed from a transfer switch on the outside of my house. The transfer switch will select between a 120v and a 240v inlet receptacle. This way I can just plug in whichever one I want and charge.
And a second one for the permanent backup generator. My generator is 3-phase, and this will be a good use for the 3rd phase. The other two phases backup my two systems.
Might add two more chargeverters, and just super charge for backup. This would be the most efficient use of the generator.

Looking forward to pics and your thoughts ?
Yes, I agree, so far good company I have bought a few things from them. and testing this charger 24/7 for the last 5 months is still a good test. If they are really doing this I would agree if it were junk it probably would have failed by now , so still a good test. Although lately, I have been having an issue getting a response from tech support for other products I bought. I had one of my inverters make a really Loud POP like a big fuse blowing or a capacitor blowing up inside. It was very loud but it still works and no smoke or smell etc. I contacted them a week and a half ago and haven't heard back on what I should do, I wanted to pull the front cover on the inverter ( 8kw growatt ) to take a picture and just see if I can see any damage but there is warranty sticker on it and before I tear it off I wanted permission from SS so my warranty would not be void by opening. but they haven't answered me ( 2 emails and 1 ticket submitted )
Yes, I agree, so far good company I have bought a few things from them. and testing this charger 24/7 for the last 5 months is still a good test. If they are really doing this I would agree if it were junk it probably would have failed by now , so still a good test. Although lately, I have been having an issue getting a response from tech support for other products I bought. I had one of my inverters make a really Loud POP like a big fuse blowing or a capacitor blowing up inside. It was very loud but it still works and no smoke or smell etc. I contacted them a week and a half ago and haven't heard back on what I should do, I wanted to pull the front cover on the inverter ( 8kw growatt ) to take a picture and just see if I can see any damage but there is warranty sticker on it and before I tear it off I wanted permission from SS so my warranty would not be void by opening. but they haven't answered me ( 2 emails and 1 ticket submitted )

“Although lately I’ve been having some problems”….“other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the opera?”

…… and yet you say “good company”…..

I can only refer to my earlier posts about people being far too tolerable to and accepting of actions that by any non “I’m desperate for tech so will let them treat me like garbage” mindset considers this unacceptable, a call like yours that could be a safety/fire hazard requires an immediate response. You bought THOUSANDS of dollars worth of gear from them and are being ignored now that they have cashed your check! Are you forgetting the fact that part of what you paid for was warranty and after sales support? Sure they come out with cool stuff, even I commented / gave them credit on it above, but that excuse reminds me of my mom who stayed with my 2nd stepdad far too long and when asked why even though he beat her, stated “well at least he hasn’t put me in the hospital like the 1st one did”. ?

Until you all stop letting companies victimize you and treat you like trash once they have your money, companies will keep doing it, and it will keep affecting ALL of us, Signature Solar is a screaming example of that… wow.. “good company”? 1.67 stars out of 5 on BBB… What would they have to do, how bad would they have to treat you for you to consider them not good, murder your pets? If that loud pop was a cap blowing and the other caps blew tonight while you were sleeping and the resulting house fire killed your family, would they still be a “good company”? Extreme examples I know, but we’re not dealing with stuff we buy to polish the car and wax the boat, these are life saving (where I live people rely on their systems to keep breathing devices going at night) and life taking (fire risk) purchases,

Stop lowering the bar on what we expect in exchange for our hard earned money, you’re hurting all of us by continuing to adopt the Stockholm Syndrome mindset.

PS: This is not bashing you or your decision, I bought from them as well, so I’m no better than anyone else. The difference is, I no longer feel the same way about them as you, and wouldn’t publicly promote them like you did with that statement, and that’s ok…. Just have some self respect people, if not for you, for the cash you give these companies, especially now with $5.00 per gallon gas and equally expensive milk.

Long posts (this and others previous) written cus I care, it would be a lot easier for me to simply ignore (like so many do) especially in light of the fact they’ve been written using my phone ?. If it gets me a ban, ban away, I’ve been banned before and at times can be considered a badge of honor ?…..
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“Although lately I’ve been having some problems”….“other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the opera?”

…… and yet you say “good company”…..

I can only refer to my earlier posts about people being far too tolerable to and accepting of actions that by any non “I’m desperate for tech so will let them treat me like garbage” mindset considers this unacceptable, a call like yours that could be a safety/fire hazard requires an immediate response. You bought THOUSANDS of dollars worth of gear from them and are being ignored now that they have cashed your check! Are you forgetting the fact that part of what you paid for was warranty and after sales support? Sure they come out with cool stuff, even I commented / gave them credit on it above, but that excuse reminds me of my mom who stayed with my 2nd stepdad far too long and when asked why even though he beat her, stated “well at least he hasn’t put me in the hospital like the 1st one did”. ?

Until you all stop letting companies victimize you and treat you like trash once they have your money, companies will keep doing it, and it will keep affecting ALL of us, Signature Solar is a screaming example of that… wow.. “good company”? 1.67 stars out of 5 on BBB… What would they have to do, how bad would they have to treat you for you to consider them not good, murder your pets? If that loud pop was a cap blowing and the other caps blew tonight while you were sleeping and the resulting house fire killed your family, would they still be a “good company”? Extreme examples I know, but we’re not dealing with stuff we buy to polish the car and wax the boat, these are life saving (where I live people rely on their systems to keep breathing devices going at night) and life taking (fire risk) purchases,

Stop lowering the bar on what we expect in exchange for our hard earned money, you’re hurting all of us by continuing to adopt the Stockholm Syndrome mindset.

PS: This is not bashing you or your decision, I bought from them as well, so I’m no better than anyone else. The difference is, I no longer feel the same way about them as you, and wouldn’t publicly promote them like you did with that statement, and that’s ok…. Just have some self respect people, if not for you, for the cash you give these companies, especially now with $5.00 per gallon gas and equally expensive milk.

Long posts (this and others previous) written cus I care, it would be a lot easier for me to simply ignore (like so many do) especially in light of the fact they’ve been written using my phone ?. If it gets me a ban, ban away, I’ve been banned before and at times can be considered a badge of honor ?…..

“Although lately I’ve been having some problems”….“other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the opera?”

…… and yet you say “good company”…..

I can only refer to my earlier posts about people being far too tolerable to and accepting of actions that by any non “I’m desperate for tech so will let them treat me like garbage” mindset considers this unacceptable, a call like yours that could be a safety/fire hazard requires an immediate response. You bought THOUSANDS of dollars worth of gear from them and are being ignored now that they have cashed your check! Are you forgetting the fact that part of what you paid for was warranty and after sales support? Sure they come out with cool stuff, even I commented / gave them credit on it above, but that excuse reminds me of my mom who stayed with my 2nd stepdad far too long and when asked why even though he beat her, stated “well at least he hasn’t put me in the hospital like the 1st one did”. ?

Until you all stop letting companies victimize you and treat you like trash once they have your money, companies will keep doing it, and it will keep affecting ALL of us, Signature Solar is a screaming example of that… wow.. “good company”? 1.67 stars out of 5 on BBB… What would they have to do, how bad would they have to treat you for you to consider them not good, murder your pets? If that loud pop was a cap blowing and the other caps blew tonight while you were sleeping and the resulting house fire killed your family, would they still be a “good company”? Extreme examples I know, but we’re not dealing with stuff we buy to polish the car and wax the boat, these are life saving (where I live people rely on their systems to keep breathing devices going at night) and life taking (fire risk) purchases,

Stop lowering the bar on what we expect in exchange for our hard earned money, you’re hurting all of us by continuing to adopt the Stockholm Syndrome mindset.

PS: This is not bashing you or your decision, I bought from them as well, so I’m no better than anyone else. The difference is, I no longer feel the same way about them as you, and wouldn’t publicly promote them like you did with that statement, and that’s ok…. Just have some self respect people, if not for you, for the cash you give these companies, especially now with $5.00 per gallon gas and equally expensive milk.

Long posts (this and others previous) written cus I care, it would be a lot easier for me to simply ignore (like so many do) especially in light of the fact they’ve been written using my phone ?. If it gets me a ban, ban away, I’ve been banned before and at times can be considered a badge of honor ?…..
HUH ? Someone has their panties in a bunch... I said there where a good company which they have been in my experience but lately their tech support has not been responsive. that doesn't at this point make them a bad company in my option so YA they can still be a good company that may or may not be slipping just something to watch out for. The fact that you wrote a book to a simple response shows you are a very sensitive person that may cry a little from time to time sorry if I hurt you I won't do it again
I am waiting for mine. As well, really need it.. but back ordered. wasnt when i ordered it.. its nice the you tubers get theirs.. 1st
no grid for back in my world..
I am waiting for mine. As well, really need it.. but back ordered. wasnt when i ordered it.. its nice the you tubers get theirs.. 1st
no grid for back in my world..
Ya I let them know I wasn't really happy with the order process. Same as you show in stock, you buy it, pay for it then it shows backorder. From my experience normally doesn't take them too long to get more ( I had the same happen with an inverter, then it shipped the next week ) . But they should show back-ordered before you pay, not afterward.... To my point they may be slipping haven't made my mind up on this yet in case Jennifer is reading
To my point they may be slipping haven't made my mind up on this yet in case Jennifer is reading
I swore to myself that would be my last post on the topic (a bit tired of the recommendations for mental health meds, it’s immature) however you said my name (so this one will be)… so here are my thoughts, ORDER IT!! You’re not going to find a better deal with those features and trust me, I’ve been looking… closest I found was 2 50 amp units and twice the price… you have the ecosystem already, why wait, it’s a kick a*s product at a smoking hot price!
Ya I let them know I wasn't really happy with the order process. Same as you show in stock, you buy it, pay for it then it shows backorder. From my experience normally doesn't take them too long to get more ( I had the same happen with an inverter, then it shipped the next week ) . But they should show back-ordered before you pay, not afterward.... To my point they may be slipping haven't made my mind up on this yet in case Jennifer is reading
the backorder issue has happened to me the last 2 orders. I like the SS products. batteries, chargers. And when you do, get them on the phone, they are nice to talk to to and helpful. ( forum responses i will not comment on) I am glad i did not get their inverters. I do IT.. and have problems with firmware updates and being a public beta tester. My LV 6548 have been solid and Ian at Watts is easy to talk to as well as his support team. i just like not having to sit on hold.

I am excited to get the charge verter, my mep 802a killed voltage regulator in sub zero weather, And i have a week of snow. my back up generator is not clean like the MEP 802a.
I swore to myself that would be my last post on the topic (a bit tired of the recommendations for mental health meds, it’s immature) however you said my name (so this one will be)… so here are my thoughts, ORDER IT!! You’re not going to find a better deal with those features and trust me, I’ve been looking… closest I found was 2 50 amp units and twice the price… you have the ecosystem already, why wait, it’s a kick a*s product at a smoking hot price!
Dude if you read my post I did order it LOL that was my point on the whole back order after you buy it statement
the backorder issue has happened to me the last 2 orders. I like the SS products. batteries, chargers. And when you do, get them on the phone, they are nice to talk to to and helpful. ( forum responses i will not comment on) I am glad i did not get their inverters. I do IT.. and have problems with firmware updates and being a public beta tester. My LV 6548 have been solid and Ian at Watts is easy to talk to as well as his support team. i just like not having to sit on hold.

I am excited to get the charge verter, my mep 802a killed voltage regulator in sub zero weather, And i have a week of snow. my back up generator is not clean like the MEP 802a.
Ya my growatt 8kw inverter made a LOUD pop the other day but it was warmer that day maybe 25 to 30 degs .
Ya my growatt 8kw inverter made a LOUD pop the other day but it was warmer that day maybe 25 to 30 degs .
someone thought twisting the freq knob was the shut off, I didnt catch it so it ran out of phase for a while. thankfully i had a fail save installed, but, i think the voltage regulator just got wonky after sitting for years. And boom, i get it, put 3000 hours on it. so there have some parts that i have needed to replace.
Question about charging while using.

Let's say that I am charging at 57v (16 cells) and 4,000 watts (70 amps). What happens when my inverter draws 6,000 watts to provide for loads? The inverter will draw down voltage to 52v in order for the batteries to start supplying power.

I assume the chargeverter will continue supplying 4,000 watts, and the batteries will supply the other 2,000 watts.

Or, will the chargeverter drop to battery voltage (52v) at 70 amps, or 3,640 watts?

Not a huge issue. I just want to make sure that I don't have to worry about load when I am charging.

diy solar

diy solar