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diy solar

6 Jan 2021 videos coming out


Solar Wizard
Jan 5, 2023
wow 4 years in prison

now chuckle Schumer is crying. Reportedly so is Mitch crying and so is Romney. They want the video linked above pulled and censored….pulled.

Listen to Schumer cry and whine about the above video and know he out right states “wants it pulled”

The whole thing was scam from the very beginning.
When any kind of organic movement forms (where people are genuinely discontent with idiotic policies enacted by the elites through govt puppets), they (elites, through govt puppets) go out FULL FORCE to sabotage this movement, because if there is one thing that they truly fear is organized, angry populace, even a very small percent of it.
This is why they go absolutely FULL FORCE trying to hijack and discredit the movement (via provocateurs, patsies and sometimes full brutal faceboot (Canadian Trucker protest).
They really do fear we the people, why do you think they go at such great lenght to keep populace stupid, ignorant and well enterntained?
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The whole thing was scam from the very beginning.
When any kind of organic movement forms (where people are genuinely discontent with idiotic policies enacted by the elites through govt puppets), they (elites, through govt puppets) go out FULL FORCE to sabotage this movement, because if there is one thing that they truly fear is organized, angry populace, even a very small percent of it.
This is why they go absolutely FULL FORCE trying to hijack and discredit the movement (via provocateurs, patsies and sometimes full brutal faceboot (Canadian Trucker protest).
They really do fear we the people, why do you think they go at such great lenght to keep populace stupid, ignorant and well enterntained?
Exactly right we as in our military pull this same crap in other countries

Go look at venezuela take over way back machine if you can find it…. Was not the usa but….

when they say right is baseless they mean you have been deplatformed
They are trying to scare everyone on the right .... get out of line and we will censor you or put you in prison or audit you. Going after people complaining at their school board meetings for objecting to crazy stuff they are trying to push on kids.

They know their policies are going to tick people off on the right so they are using the FBI, DOJ, IRS and FTC to try to keep people in line .... third world stuff. Did you see where they are trying to threaten Elon Musk with the FCC? He stopped censorship on Twitter and called a few of them out ... suddenly he is a dangerous extremist.
They are trying to figure out how to get Rupert Murdoch also.
I saw one comment on twitter where someone asked if it was possible to revoke his citizenship .... it gets more crazy by the day as people start working to stop their agenda.
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They are trying to scare everyone on the right .... get out of line and we will censor you or put you in prison or audit you. Going after people complaining at their school board meetings for objecting to crazy stuff they are trying to push on kids.

They know their policies are going to tick people off on the right so they are using the FBI, DOJ, IRS and FCC to try to keep people in line .... third world stuff. Did you see where they are trying to threaten Elon Musk with the FCC? He stopped censorship on Twitter and called a few of them out ... suddenly he is a dangerous extremist.
They are trying to figure out how to get Rupert Murdoch also.
I saw one comment on twitter where someone asked if it was possible to revoke his citizenship .... it gets more crazy by the day as people start working to stop their agenda.
Obama sic’ed the IRS on the tea party and destroyed them. The tea party members wrong sued the irs under Trump and won their cases. The irs was slashed now biden wants to build back the irs even stronger
Making it that much worse is that while we cannot prove voter fraud, there is plenty of evidence the election was rigged.
Zuckerbucks, FBI and Twitter, among others.

Oh BTW Schumer is lying. Again. Tucker never said it wasnt a violent act.
Making it that much worse is that while we cannot prove voter fraud, there is plenty of evidence the election was rigged.
Zuckerbucks, FBI and Twitter, among others.

Oh BTW Schumer is lying. Again. Tucker never said it wasnt a violent act.
Not to mention 2000 mules ..... anyone who hasn't watched that one should .... if for no reason other than to get a dose of reality.

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