diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

The last person I remember dying from radiation was in the
Fukushima disaster in 2011.

But weather fatalities happen all the time and climate change
does impact some of them. You can see from the chart
to the right that 2021 fatalities were higher than the 10 or 30
year averages and that the 10-year average is higher than the
30-year average. Let's see, what's changed? Oh yeah, the
average global temperature.

Might want to look up Radon Gas.-lung cancer for one. Where does radon gas - source come from?

There are two ways to look at, what country is the worse per capita, and which are producing the most. The good news is the largest producers are countries pledged to go net-zero. Except for a few (e.g., Libia), nearly all countries have committed to being net neutral this century.

The worst 3 countries Per Capita are, in order: Austrailia (23.2), Canada (20.4), the U.S. (17.6).

The top 5 emitters in 2021 were: China 29%, United States: 14%, European Union: 10%, India: 7%, Russia: 5%, Japan: 4%.

But it's wrong to use other countries as an excuse to not do our part. First, a lot of those countries look to the U.S. for leadership and take queues from us. More importantly, it's the right thing to do based on what we know. The USA is ~5% of World population. 5% can’t fix the other ~95% The Europeans are probably the best or maybe Japanese at maintaining pollution standards. Carl Sagan has already stated we can’t row this boat ashore without everyone. Not going to happen. All we have done by moving manufacturing to china is give up wealth. They are polluting more now Trusting China is like trusting fox in hen house. Pearl Harbor coming up.

It's also not hopeless. But it will take even more willpower and united action if China decided to not play ball. If all nations stopped buying from China, they'd have nothing to manufacture and it would lessen their emissions. It would also make jobs available everywhere else and rebuild manufacturing in other countries. Countries can also build CDR to compensate for China, and pay for it with import taxes on Chinese goods. But that's only one solution, there are probably much better and more practical ones out there.

Plus we, and other nations, can measure emissions. We know who's doing their part, and can enact sanctions against those violating the treaty.

Making China eat their own cheap products won’t work if we don’t do our own manufacturing. You were shown how much those cargo ships pollute in earlier post. Only way to fix this is USA start most own manufacturing. Spend money at home Damn Global economy. Buying stuff from China so they can afford to do their part does not help us in the long run. The Oil Companies were mostly American We then gave OPEC great power and control. Here we are doing the same for China with manufacturing. Spreading pollution around the Globe doesn’t clean it up it just spreads it to more lax countries…. In walmart food products sit on the shelves if from China so to counter that our govt voted remove labels for country ….. reported on tv and media over and over. Nobody in their right mind wants to eat the shit from there - in particular fish. Americans were once called the food basket of the World why has that changed? Why do we import food from China? Are we exporting our food if so to where.

It's as the republican senator said in Leo's first video, all his instincts tell him that change doesn't happen. Yet when he looks at the evidence he knows intellectually that it is happening.
We are not denying anything except your solution won’t work. Leo and ppl like him enjoy saying we have never seen true communism and we both agree dictators always fill in and take control. Same will happen with Climate Change power control dictators and it always involves TAKING THINGS FROM PPL WHILE CLAIMING FOR THE GREATER GOOD.

10 Trillion sounds like a big number, but when divided by the 5 billion adults around the globe and spread over 27 years it's just not that much. As a comparison, the world bank estimates that $2.6 Trillion is lost to corruption each year.
Good Luck with that the Govt-Military steals and hides money all the time. Day before 9-11 = on 9-10 Rumsfeld declares Military lost over 2.3 trillion dollars. Next day 9-11 happens. Hahahaha ppl were pissed until 9-11 then patriot act, dept home land security, tsa, FEMA bolstered, and all kinds of stuff were put in place protect govt from citizens. It is never ending and if you live long enough will see it too. You will also if live long enough have young ppl trying to make a very complex problem simple as if you are stupid. Same as our own Govt. They get paid lot more then Govt Salaries or would not spend millions - billions to get elected. We wasted ~$5 trillion dollars over Covid. There went part of your budget. It is easy to embezzle from huge pay outs - steal the money. Most ppl can’t visualize 1 Trillion Dollars. That is how and why so easy to steal. They get pissed over a million dollars being stolen now. MOST PEOPLE ARE RETARDS AND PRIME TO BE SCREWED. Why we still have ppl calling to sell extended car warranties - someone is buying that worthless shit. That is why they - Elite do it for shearing the sheep. Look at Enron and or Bernie Madeoff schemes.

If you don't doubt the science, what is it that's troubling you? If you do doubt the science, is there a particular aspect that needs explaining?
Eliminating rice/beef/chickens/farming is not in the current plans.
We do need to curb methane, but as was shown before in a prior post, it can be done with carbon offsets if nothing else for 40-50¢ per lb. Where do you plan to collect and most important spend this money?

Ranching may be in Danger

Ranchers have been in trouble for a while now. As their costs skyrocketed, it drove the cost of meat prices up. Higher prices mean a lower volume of sales, which means less money overall for ranchers. It's also bad for the average human as we need a certain amount of protein in our diets and meat is a familiar way to get it.
The govt and food industry drives food prices up and control it. The Govt and Big Industry dump food all the time to control values and prices. I have to many friends from Military that are were on huge Commercial Farms. Milk is dumped all the time. Our govt use to pay farmers not to grow certain crops Biden and Harris playing politics is bs too. Most sane ppl know the USA was shut down in 2020 so claiming 40% increase is bs.

The high prices made an opportunity for new technology in the form of synthetic meats. Currently, the prices are roughly on par as there isn't much demand for synthetics. But, as it catches on as a tasty and healthy lower-cost replacement, prices will go down making it more viable. Environmentally, it's only a fraction of the GHGs as animal-derived products. The more that's sold, the better it will get and costs will decrease.
So quite possibly in the next few hundred years, animal meats may be phased out of our diets.

That's rude. Why so passionate and venomous? Seems like something personal must be at risk for that level of animosity.
Are you not aware the Elite want massive population reduction? Why do you think Carl Sagan talked about “nuclear winter?”
They - Elite have been preaching population reduction since time began and why Wars were drummed up. Thin the herds. Bill Gates is a prime population reduction preacher = exactly why us older folks don’t like him. We - I am not jealous of his money. He made substandard software that requires nothing but great deal of patience and time to operate. Do you think we are getting smarter or dumber as a whole. China use to sterilize ppl with less the 100 IQ. China now trains roughly 100 Engineers to our 1. China also trains roughly 100 Special Forces to our 1. China is building up a huge Navy with aircraft carriers. China is spending money we are giving them on their Military while we are not because we don’t have it. Do you see where am going with this…. You are about to get a Pearl Harbor.
World IQ level as determined by online source. China sterilizing ppl with IQ less then 100 apparently paid off. They have our population plus 1 billion more ppl. You - we are in trouble. Watching ppl in USA talk about Climate change and what America needs to do is like watching old crazy Christians playing with rattle snakes at outdoor church - tent revivals. I use to go watch them. It was entertaining. Their views as Religious snake handlers were if snake bit them and died then God had ordained it.
No thanks. You are playing with china like a religious snake handler. No thanks.
FYI - your post got hosed up... so I'll just respond to the easy to read bits...
Might want to look up Radon Gas.-lung cancer for one.
OH duh! Great point.... I was thinking only nuclear reactors, but you're right about cancer from radon, skin cancer from the sun, and other forms of radiation.

World IQ level as determined by online source.
I wouldn't read too much into that, the problem with that is it's based on the IQ test...which is biased on a standard curriculum. All the chart above is really telling you is where education follows a strict regime in accordance with the test. That guy in Africa may not be able to tell you how long a doubling progression takes, but they can probably tell you which termites are safe to eat and where to find them you won't be mauled by lions, or how long it's been since an animal passed based on their scat, wind direction, and what they saw last week. There is a "culturally fair test", but even that depends on concepts like rotation and motion that are somewhat classical.
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FYI - your post got hosed up... so I'll just respond to the easy to read bits...

OH duh! Great point.... I was thinking only nuclear reactors, but you're right about cancer from radon, skin cancer from the sun, and other forms of radiation.

I wouldn't read too much into that, the problem with that is it's based on the IQ test...which is biased on a standard curriculum. All the chart above is really telling you is where education follows a strict regime in accordance with the test. That guy in Africa may not be able to tell you how long a doubling progression takes, but they can probably tell you which termites are safe to eat and where to find them you won't be mauled by lions, or how long it's been since an animal passed based on their scat, wind direction, and what they saw last week. There is a "culturally fair test", but even that depends on concepts like rotation and motion that are somewhat classical.
I’ve been to Africa seen more of it then wanted to. No wakanda

China is moving into Africa….
So according to Carl in 1985, if China, Russia, India, and other countries do not play along, there is nothing we can do.
Also, some regions may benefit from global warming, and others will not.
38 years ago, when the US was the major manufacturer, and we are all still here.

Like I said, we will die from nuclear radiation before the climate can kill us, and the current climate concern is mostly for those ultra rich Malibu or Miami beach houses. I dont see the value of spending trillions to solve a theoretical global warming, especially since there is not a freaking thing we can do about it without every country getting on board.
The anti humans are already going after the food supply like Rice, Beef, Chickens, and farming in general. That will only kill more of us faster, but I guess thats what they want. The best cure is for everone who considers it a problem, to hold their breath for about 15 min.

Most here will die from old age before the climate will kill us because we have the means to addapt or migrate if needed.
Most here will die from old age before the climate will kill us because we have the means to addapt or migrate if needed.
From moment we were born it is just matter of time until we die. Doom and gloom sells and causes fear. Ppl on the Left replaced religion with it. ‘’Leftist say if we don’t get $100 trillion dollars to lower temp 1 degree we-will explode”
”Christian leader Roberts said if you don’t send $1 million dollars God will call me home”

Atheist are so retarded but hey if you are going to grift then go big or stay home. Oral Roberts got his money. Reach your hand in just your pocket like christians did for Roberts. I have never seen the Left do something that did not have - involve a scheme to do something that did not also involve spending other ppl’s money. They want everyone to pay for their schemes now. Would you get mad if your money had been taken and given to Roberts. Oh
The Supreme Court ruled to allowed lawsuits brought by municipalities seeking to hold energy companies accountable for climate change to move forward in a loss for business interests. ref
Not sure if this guys info is legit, but I like his take on the issue.
"The scientific community wants you to believe your all going to die from climate change." ROFL... That's what the hysterics tell you the scientists are saying. It's no different than deniers telling you scientists are lying because they can't see the changes or do and are trying to wish it away.

What the Science Says
No one seems to want to actually listen to scientists. The science says global warming is real, and that causes climate change which is the disruption of long stable weather patterns. That affects humans because we built up and live areas that had favorable weather patterns. The science says what the earth looked like before at different temperatures (e.g., crocodiles above the arctic circle at +4°C). The science says that by controlling the GHG levels in the atmosphere we can manipulate the average temperature. The science says we can succeed. It doesn't say we're all going to die. The science does warn of extreme catastrophe if the temperature gets too high or to low (e.g., the past has multiple mass extinction events), but we're a long long long way from that and I suspect we could halt extremes if it came to it.

$10 Trillion over 30 Years
People are worried about the $10 trillion cost spread out over decades ... per person over time it's not that much.

~$6 Trillion back per Year
Globally, the oil subsidies cost $5.9 trillion per year (ref). After we electrify, we can save that much per year. Yes, two years of savings pays for 30 years of spending. And that's money we'll never need to spend again.

You were spending most of the $10 Trillion Anyway
That's not even "extra" cash. Much of it is a replacement for old things that need to be replaced (e.g., 50-year coal-fired power plants that are ready to be retired, your car) or repaired (e.g., the grid).

Despite their worry, it isn't a priority for them. Like putting off a trip to the dentist to take care of a cavity, they want to mess around and deal with the day-to-day pain (e.g., paying more to clean up after weather disasters, higher food prices, migration) until they need a root canal. Delaying enables their worst fears, that it will be harder and more expensive to resolve.
"The scientific community wants you to believe your all going to die from climate change." ROFL... That's what the hysterics tell you the scientists are saying. It's no different than deniers telling you scientists are lying because they can't see the changes or do and are trying to wish it away.

What the Science Says
No one seems to want to actually listen to scientists. The science says global warming is real, and that causes climate change which is the disruption of long stable weather patterns. That affects humans because we built up and live areas that had favorable weather patterns. The science says what the earth looked like before at different temperatures (e.g., crocodiles above the arctic circle at +4°C). The science says that by controlling the GHG levels in the atmosphere we can manipulate the average temperature. The science says we can succeed. It doesn't say we're all going to die. The science does warn of extreme catastrophe if the temperature gets too high or to low (e.g., the past has multiple mass extinction events), but we're a long long long way from that and I suspect we could halt extremes if it came to it.

And rightfully so, as they have been caught lying again and again and again and again. Science has been completely captured by the powers that be and is being used almost like a religion. Scientism is the best description. Any real scientists who dissent are being silenced.
its the same exact science that told you that masks, plexiglass and six feet rule are effective fighting a virus, and made you take "safe and effective" clot shots that were speedrushed in a few months, and every dissenting scientist and doctor completely silensed into absolution (with truth just starting to come into mainstream now). Same exact thing with climate BS.

$10 Trillion over 30 Years
People are worried about the $10 trillion cost spread out over decades ... per person over time it's not that much.

Where is the money going to come from? Does it grow on trees?

Luckily, more and more people are realizing the BS that manmade climate change is.

The whole thing is, and always was about CONTROL over you!

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"The scientific community wants you to believe your all going to die from climate change." ROFL... That's what the hysterics tell you the scientists are saying. It's no different than deniers telling you scientists are lying because they can't see the changes or do and are trying to wish it away.

What the Science Says
No one seems to want to actually listen to scientists. The science says global warming is real, and that causes climate change which is the disruption of long stable weather patterns. That affects humans because we built up and live areas that had favorable weather patterns. The science says what the earth looked like before at different temperatures (e.g., crocodiles above the arctic circle at +4°C). The science says that by controlling the GHG levels in the atmosphere we can manipulate the average temperature. The science says we can succeed. It doesn't say we're all going to die. The science does warn of extreme catastrophe if the temperature gets too high or to low (e.g., the past has multiple mass extinction events), but we're a long long long way from that and I suspect we could halt extremes if it came to it.

$10 Trillion over 30 Years
People are worried about the $10 trillion cost spread out over decades ... per person over time it's not that much.

~$6 Trillion back per Year
Globally, the oil subsidies cost $5.9 trillion per year (ref). After we electrify, we can save that much per year. Yes, two years of savings pays for 30 years of spending. And that's money we'll never need to spend again.

You were spending most of the $10 Trillion Anyway
That's not even "extra" cash. Much of it is a replacement for old things that need to be replaced (e.g., 50-year coal-fired power plants that are ready to be retired, your car) or repaired (e.g., the grid).

Despite their worry, it isn't a priority for them. Like putting off a trip to the dentist to take care of a cavity, they want to mess around and deal with the day-to-day pain (e.g., paying more to clean up after weather disasters, higher food prices, migration) until they need a root canal. Delaying enables their worst fears, that it will be harder and more expensive to resolve.
Funny how different groups have different data. Thats a major problem. Here is a brookings institute reference on global fossil fuel subsidies that contradicts your numbers.
Funny how different groups have different data....

It is! You have to dig in to understand what you're reading. that's for sure. From the reference Bookings provided, their number only includes direct payments from G20 countries:

...G20 governments provided $584 billion annually (2017–2019 average) via direct budgetary transfers...

Also funny how they rounded $584 down to $500.

So, the Bookings number only accounts for a handful of countries and doesn't include non-cash subsidies such as free land usage or tax breaks. The reference I used tried to analyze the value of all subsidies/freebies. Sure, take it with a grain of salt, as trying to get all the bits and bobs probably has a higher margin of error. But obviously, the total amount is going to be far higher than the Bookings number.

The point in the prior post is still valid too. It's the equivalent of a one-time $10 investment to get back $0.58 forevermore with the Bookings number. Best of all, you were going to spend that $10 on the similar stuff's just the other investment was costing you an extra $0.58 forevermore. There is an argument that the subsidies won't really go away, they'll just shift to renewables, so no real actual savings. But, renewables won't need exploration, pipelines, emission controls, and probably lot's of other things that fossil fuel currently needs.
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This is the kind of stuff that "the science" does... they make up alarmist BS, and then they quietly ignore facts that no longer follow their narrative...

This is the kind of stuff that "the science" does... they make up alarmist BS, and then they quietly ignore facts that no longer follow their narrative...

Dude, you are so full of $hit it's not even funny. Seriously.. What the Actual F*^k is wrong with you?

Long-Term Monitoring Program
Annual Summary Report of Coral Reef Condition 2021/22​

Continued coral recovery leads to 36-year highs across
two-thirds of the Great Barrier Reef​

Stop doing whatever drugs you are on.
It is! You have to dig in to understand what you're reading. that's for sure. From the reference Bookings provided, their number only includes direct payments from G20 countries:

Also funny how they rounded $584 down to $500.

So, the Bookings number only accounts for a handful of countries and doesn't include non-cash subsidies such as free land usage or tax breaks. The reference I used tried to analyze the value of all subsidies/freebies. Sure, take it with a grain of salt, as trying to get all the bits and bobs probably has a higher margin of error. But obviously, the total amount is going to be far higher than the Bookings number.

The point in the prior post is still valid too. It's the equivalent of a one-time $10 investment to get back $0.58 forevermore with the Bookings number. Best of all, you were going to spend that $10 on the similar stuff's just the other investment was costing you an extra $0.58 forevermore. There is an argument that the subsidies won't really go away, they'll just shift to renewables, so no real actual savings. But, renewables won't need exploration, pipelines, emission controls, and probably lot's of other things that fossil fuel currently needs.
Yeah, but if the governments got out of the way, and just let the private sector do its thing, capitalism will balance out the winners and losers based on risk/reward/value. There would be no need for subsidies.
I find it interesting that even with lots of government subsidies for solar, the cost of good solar panels has gone way higer over the past two years, which I attribute to US inflation as the dollar is devalued.
USD to CHF was 98 cents in 2020, its now 88 cents, and still dropping.
1000 Large Rifle Primers cost me less than $50 shipped in 2017. The same box is going for $158 today.
So maybe your 10 trillion is actually 11 trillion in todays dollars, but to what end? A degree of celcius?

Nah, I will take the bad weather and cope. But to come up with funds, I would have no problem with eliminating ALL the government waste, shrink the government by 80%, get rid of most of the government handouts, make the tax rate 10% across the board, instill term limits, enforce same day in person voting with mandatory ID, pull back all the overseas troops, kill the current US budget process of spend it or lose it, and deport all the socialists who dont like the US as founded or capitalism. An stop millions of illegal border crossings by using the military to protect OUR border, not Ukraines.
... but to what end? A degree of celcius?
We're already over a degree and it's rising. That's the problem with not stopping, it just keeps going up and the problems become more expensive. So, if we have to stop anyway, why not stop early so there are fewer problems overall and it costs us the least amount?


What might have a lower LCOE than solar and wind, is 100% reliable, needs no ESS, isn't affected by the weather, and can be turned up/down as fast as a gas turbine? And possibly might emit more CO2 than a gas turbine?

It depends on who's LCOE you use, Lazard has it on par with solar and wind.

Two views... optimistic and realistic...

They sure are! Just not the way you're imagining...
That also kinda highlights the deep chasm and thought patterns between those who think BLM and Antifa are nice folks, and those who think they are Marxist terror groups.
Also those who think Biden is doing a good job, and those who think he is a disaster.
It amazes me how divided the media and government has divided the people of this country, where we obviously have a LOT in common. We are all mostly a very caring people, but politics and cia type psyops have destroyed the e pluribus unum that was the hallmark of this once God fearing country.
That also kinda highlights the deep chasm and thought patterns between those who think BLM and Antifa are nice folks, and those who think they are Marxist terror groups.
Also those who think Biden is doing a good job, and those who think he is a disaster.
It amazes me how divided the media and government has divided the people of this country, where we obviously have a LOT in common. We are all mostly a very caring people, but politics and cia type psyops have destroyed the e pluribus unum that was the hallmark of this once God fearing country.

its by design. They want us to fight each other while they rob us dry, both financially and libertywise.
But anyone capable of critical thought can now see that with every manufactured crisis (terrorism (patriot act), covid, climate change) they are just going after us giving more control mechanisms to themselves while taking away your liberty and independence piece by piece. The whole agenda is complete monopolization of Earth's resources by a small group of people (call them oligarchs, globalists, banksters, the name does not matter, what matters is that a very small but very influential group (via money)). They want to own it all, while you are the forever renter, always dependent on them for everything, and thus forced to obey their psychopathic desires.

Hmmm, tough call as to which is baloney ... let's see... a poll by the Pew research center or one from IPSOS (a French marketing company).
Typical libby progressive responce! You are hilarious.
"all your dissenting sources are bad, and my "fact checkers" are the only good ones.
Safe and effective, i tell you. I actually thought you are capable of some critical thought for a bit.

"Perhaps the most surprising statistic from the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC) survey is that 70% of Americans are unwilling to spend more than $2.50 a week to combat climate change. Nearly four in 10 Americans said they were unwilling to pay a couple of dimes. Despite decades of relentless green doomsday agitprop designed to corral populations into living under a collectivist Net Zero-ordered society, it appears that the vast majority of Americans are unwilling to pay even the chump change in their back pockets to stop the climate changing.

Surveys such as EPIC and IPSOS speak to the fundamental flaw in the ‘settled’ science surrounding the suggestion that humans burning fossil fuel are causing the climate to breakdown. The hypothesis is unproven – not a single science paper provides conclusive proof. Natural causes and the proposition that carbon dioxide becomes ‘saturated’ beyond certain atmospheric levels are more convincing explanations for scientific observations. Fears that mainstream climate science is heavily corrupted by faulty data, pseudoscientific modelling and outright political cherry-picking are becoming more widespread."
..."all your dissenting sources are bad, and my "fact checkers" are the only good ones...
I didn't state that, although I can see why you might have assumed it since you probably know that PEW is a nonpartisan American think tank and might know more about Americans than a paid-for marketing firm in France.

"Perhaps the most surprising statistic from the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC) survey is that 70% of Americans are unwilling to spend more than $2.50 a week to combat climate change.
I wonder what's up with that? It would be interesting to dig into it if I can find some time.

diy solar

diy solar