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Megarevo 8k Split Phase - Stuck in Standby Mode

Aug 1, 2020
Mansfield, TX
Just put my Megarevo on the wall. And I've posed this question to my reseller at Lovesun but it's the weekend over there already. Anyone have pointers on what I might be doing wrong? I took a video showing the status of the inverter.

These two arrays were already operational on a grid tie string inverter. 5x 400w Jinko's on both strings (250voc).
Battery is a 16s LiFePo4 at 56V. Doesn't have a fancy BMS right now so no communication the the inverter at this time.
Do have a connection to grid up and running, as before this connection was being used for the previous grid tie inverter.

I see voltage for PV1 and PV2 as I should.
Set to self consumption but also tried battery priority.
CT's don't reach my electrical panel but I stuck them on another grid tie inverter in a way that I got negative numbers, indicating pulling power from the grid currently.
Battery is set to lead acid with charge voltage of 57.

I should have went through all of the settings in a video as well. I can do that tomorrow. It's one of those things where there aren't many settings so I'm banging my head against a wall not understanding why the inverter isn't turning on. There are no alerts/errors!

Video Link:
Update! I had apparently hit the RSD button. When it’s hit the unit goes into standby. Now I’m just working through the other buggy menus to see if I can self consume appropriately.
I did the exact same thing when I powered on my unit! I double checked all my connections, settings, battery, etc. And yeap, RSD button wasn't pressed. I wish they made it more clear in the manual that "pushed" is ON. Every safety switch we use is push to stop, twist/pull to reset. I think its even a code standard down to the color (red w/yellow ring). Anyway, glad you got it figured out.
I did the exact same thing when I powered on my unit! I double checked all my connections, settings, battery, etc. And yeap, RSD button wasn't pressed. I wish they made it more clear in the manual that "pushed" is ON. Every safety switch we use is push to stop, twist/pull to reset. I think its even a code standard down to the color (red w/yellow ring). Anyway, glad you got it figured out.
Good to know I'm not alone! I mean an alert/alarm inside the unit would be handy. But we can't have cheap and good I guess!
I also purchased from luvson. My brand is suvpr but it’s exactly the same as megarevo R8KLNA. I have two inverters and four 10kwh LifePO4 batteries with an 18.7kw panel array. And everything on the stats looks good but I can’t seem to get power to the breaker box. And both inverters just show standby mode. I’ve tried out different work modes (not peak shift). And I’ve tried using lead acid for battery mode, but the inverter won’t let me update charge voltage to 58.4 v and it keeps it at 55 v. I thought the problem could be react mode in the run settings but i just don’t which to choose. I need some more trouble shooting ideas. My system is off grid by the way so no grid settings have been set up.F5754619-2018-49E4-959E-F483A15534DB.jpeg
Which position is your RSD switch?
The rsd switch is off(button not pushed). I was trouble shooting other things I’ve read in this forum. But I was able to talk to my luvson supplier and suggested that I check the ac wiring. And when I checked with my multi meter I got nothing so there must be something wrong with it that I need to fix. I’ll check back in here with an update for anyone curious.
What is your charge protect voltage set to? Make sure you increase the charge protection voltage higher than your desired charge voltage for Lead-Acid if NOT using communication. In lead-acid this is either 59.5v or 60.0v max depending on firmware. If you are using communication from your (4) batteries, then you will select the Lithium option and the charge voltage is from the BMS.
What is your charge protect voltage set to? Make sure you increase the charge protection voltage higher than your desired charge voltage for Lead-Acid if NOT using communication. In lead-acid this is either 59.5v or 60.0v max depending on firmware. If you are using communication from your (4) batteries, then you will select the Lithium option and the charge voltage is from the BMS.
Okay pushing in the rsd did work. Wow that is counterintuitive but thank you. We are using lithium setting with a can connection. I was getting bms comm fail error a few weeks ago, but My supplier told me to remove pins 7 and 8 for the connectors and now the lithium bms works perfectly.

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