diy solar

diy solar

Going back and doing it right.


Solar Wizard
Jul 15, 2022
The time eventually comes that all those temporary and make do methods you used to test out this solar power stuff needs to be redone and prettied up some. The solar panels propped up on concrete blocks in the yard, with whatever wire you could find hooked to it by rather dubious connection methods, needs upgrade. The SCC/AIO really ought to not be hanging on the back wall wrapped in a plastic bag for protection from the rain. Your batteries should not be tucked under the bed for safekeeping and the inverter's output should not be connected to the house's main panel with a couple of wire nuts (or Wagos if you had money for them) via a back fed breaker. Various rats nest of wires should be sorted through and some labeling could be done.

Time to go back and make your setup look like it was designed and not evolved from from the primordial ooze. You know it works but is it something you would want your friends and neighbors to see?
The time eventually comes that all those temporary and make do methods you used to test out this solar power stuff needs to be redone and prettied up some. The solar panels propped up on concrete blocks in the yard, with whatever wire you could find hooked to it by rather dubious connection methods, needs upgrade. The SCC/AIO really ought to not be hanging on the back wall wrapped in a plastic bag for protection from the rain. Your batteries should not be tucked under the bed for safekeeping and the inverter's output should not be connected to the house's main panel with a couple of wire nuts (or Wagos if you had money for them) via a back fed breaker. Various rats nest of wires should be sorted through and some labeling could be done.

Have you been looking in my shipping container?

Time to go back and make your setup look like it was designed and not evolved from from the primordial ooze. You know it works but is it something you would want your friends and neighbors to see?

Friends and neighbors? Sure! No problem. People on this forum? Shit no.
The time eventually comes that all those temporary and make do methods you used to test out this solar power stuff needs to be redone and prettied up some. The solar panels propped up on concrete blocks in the yard, with whatever wire you could find hooked to it by rather dubious connection methods, needs upgrade. The SCC/AIO really ought to not be hanging on the back wall wrapped in a plastic bag for protection from the rain. Your batteries should not be tucked under the bed for safekeeping and the inverter's output should not be connected to the house's main panel with a couple of wire nuts (or Wagos if you had money for them) via a back fed breaker. Various rats nest of wires should be sorted through and some labeling could be done.

Time to go back and make your setup look like it was designed and not evolved from from the primordial ooze. You know it works but is it something you would want your friends and neighbors to see?
In all honesty - I have to look at my final solution. Graduating from the test bench here.
I'm partial to good enuff for guvmnt work...

I got to say that to <big military contractor> when I was the government. They got a laugh out of it.

"Close enough for government work."

Another time I delivered a different one-liner, but no one laughed:

"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."

I was the biggest pain in the @$$ they ever met. (Because I understood some technical details.)

Here's my 3-phase Sunny Island/TriPower system.
(Actually a bit cleaned up since, with enclosed UL transformer plugged into 3-phase outlet on breaker panel.)

TriPower and SI IMG_2418.JPG 3-phase step-up IMG_2420.jpg
Thanks for the reminder I need to get my PV wires hanging in open air from the EMT to combiner box covered up. I'll finish that up after I add the ground mount array in a couple months.
I'll also probably try to tidy up the BMS wires better when I add the next battery pack.
Since we're sharing, here's my shame. I slapped this together years ago, days before a surgery to remove a tumor from my neck. Haven't really been back into it since - it just works. BMS and 12v heater not shown.


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diy solar

diy solar