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diy solar

Fields of unused EVs in China

While slightly interesting, none of this is any kind of bad mark on EV's anymore than its a bad mark on bicycles.

Its a result of the Chinese market and how they (sometimes foolishly) do things over there...

What I want to know is: Where are all these batteries going to end up?
While slightly interesting, none of this is any kind of bad mark on EV's anymore than its a bad mark on bicycles.

Its a result of the Chinese market and how they (sometimes foolishly) do things over there...

What I want to know is: Where are all these batteries going to end up?
Its a bad mark on anyone sourcing anything from China thinking theyre saving the planet, ya dumb son of a bitch.
Please keep the discussion civil. I have really enjoyed the helpful discussions on this forum, but the personal attacks takes all the fun out of it.
Why not say something to MurphyGuy too? Always just one sided.…in a protected status for Murphyguy. He certainly knows how to play ppl like you. Normally takes 2 ppl to fight. Not just you that does it…for taking sides… but You have been here long enough to see how MurphyGuy post in other post. Say it is not so….ever seen murphyguy be rude, crude, = crap posting? Ever tell him to be civil? I bet you have seen his crap and might even approve of it since you did not object.

What I do know is, MurphyGuy appreciates when he gets cover….from ppl like you after he has started crap in another post and followed the person here. There are names for those actions. I will witness that He followed battevette over here from another post. Posted directly under him…. do you think he did it out of innocences. Hahaha ?

btw your exact post topic is a repeat that is also here:
Post in thread 'Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?'

Murphy also knows these are “Communist owned share vehicles“ if you read his post…. so they are stuck in limbo most likely forever. Why all those bicycles are piled up… too….communist at work….these items are definite time frame casualties of the communist covid lock downs. So….. Again what you are doing by only addressing battevette is exactly what Murphy was looking for …. Are you 2 friends? It is okay if you are but it should just be stated. Again You’ve been here long enough to see MurphyGuy’s abrasive nature too. Murphy was just partially motivated - posting in this thread directly under battvette to get a rise and bleed over from another thread. That is the 411 INFORMATION.

Just My point of view. Is it civil?. We are suppose to self moderate here so I see you are doing as see fit for your response within YOUR thread…... would it be fair if you some how got battvette banned while murphyguy got away with his under the radar actions ….? Look at the date and time stamps for the post….maybe you can figure out the instigator. Maybe not.
Please keep the discussion civil. I have really enjoyed the helpful discussions on this forum, but the personal attacks takes all the fun out of it.
Normally speaking I would concurr with your desire for keeping the focus on progressive discourse and away from needless ad hominem abuse. However two points to make on that.
First, it was established long ago by Will, in writing, that the chit chat forum was not subject to the rules the rest of the site was. Off topic posts, vulgarity, personal attacks and the like were not going to be moderated, and they have not been.
Secondly as the above user pointed out, Im not responding to random posters the way I do to Murphyguy. He has shown repeatedly a willingness to resort to personal abuse whenever he doesnt like the way a discussion is headed.
Look at his thread here:

See who is first to resort to ridiculous references about the oppositions ignorance.

As I explained at the end of the thread, just speaking his language. I suppose I should also become fluent in lying that the other user is posting false statements.

As I also said, maybe its not obvious but Im posting with a smile at this end. Thats all you can do when speaking to assholes doing reprehensible things like defending the conduct of China as he is here.

So point taken, but remember Im not responding to you in the same tone.

BTW envy your location, I spent the first decade of life in Santa Clara, went to Hamen elementary and lived next to Wilson jr high. Vasona reservoir was my favorite picnic place in the summer. I understand a guy in los gatos bought up a bunch of equipment from Frontier Village and built a mini park in his back yard.
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I didn't buy the message in the OP. But anyone can make a youtube video, doesn't make it true. This guy says it is crap....

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I didn't buy the one in the OP. But anyone can make a youtube video, doesn't make it true. This guy says it is crap....

At some point it begins to be what you want it to be to arrive at your view point.
This dark age video version is an example. It is a version.

If I went there, seen it for bicycles - ev cars, and came back to discuss it with you then I might still be subjected to your version ….. or you body of evidence vs my own experiences or body of evidence. Right?

I have had that happen more often then not. It is often funny to me. Ppl get a set image in their mind and it can be on a huge mass scale for their beliefs and projections - where and how it often becomes difficult to have a discussion. At that point we are known as believers and anyone else is a “denier” regardless.

I lived in Israel and other parts of countries surrounding them. It never ceases to amaze me at the ppl that often tell me all about Israel when they have never been anywhere near it or never done anything…like leave their home town. ???

To discuss things we are often no better then agreed upon source references. Right? ??

Svetz at around 2:30 mark he admits cars are sitting there…. Then the spin zones goes typical fact checker deflecting saying source we are not seeing what we see. Offers no proof except his own words. Refer back to 2:30 time of your video he admits “it is truth and ev cars are sitting in fields.” Again after that enter his version of spin cycle.
What both videos say is “there are fields of ev cars”. Common denominator “there are fields of ev cars named in both videos for truth”
You guy passed right over the part where china is polluting with waste.

In your video: At 6:00 mark or so he claims they are all gas powered vs ev without one shown as proof other then talk talk talk word bs. All he had do was show up at that exact field pop the hoods and show the engines. Didn’t happen. Then he says “maybe - yes there are ev.” Then says “batteries were saved.” He is an ass hat. It is obvious and am pissed that I watched that retard in his video - wasted my damn time. He didn’t debunk shit in that video. Nothing! Neither one of their words means shit to me…. I don’t know either one of them. I don’t know anyone on this forum either.
So your video guy says his only motive is “TRUTH.’” So he must be truth which means everyone else are liars. Again he uses words vs showing up at this exact junk yard… listen to 6:30 mark in your video

Svetz tell me you didn’t swallow his video bs hook line and sinker?
of course you can believe what you want and obviously will but when some one says there are also fields of gas cars to debunk the fields of ev cars then no shit. Really? We have tons of old gas vehicles here - pointed out vw diesel recalls in your thread. How these ppl make either video is beyond me….without boots on the ground. It is like watching a politician give a televised speech but then a tv news reporter turns off the audio where news reporter puts in their own words as if what the politician said needs to be intercepted-interpreted from that politician Which is exactly what the reporter did does in this described. Damn ppl are stupid. Watch the news and see that for yourself. They did it to trump all the time. Things like that set off red flags. I want to hear the words from the politician…..not the reporter.

Tucker Automobile made 50 cars so they could walk away and not be jailed or whatever. Lot of the Tucker safety devices are on modern cars. Original Tucker car is worth fortune. Btw lot of if not most safety devices on cars came from aviation space developments. Car makers do crazy stuff. If a train derails a few rail cars everything is sometimes scrapped on that train. I have seen rail car carriers with brand new ford trucks destroyed because they were in train consist. No damage. None. But they weee marked as in an accident so insurance and such required destruction …. Who knows about either of those videos. They are just time slices.

I focused on the bicycles for a reason vs the cars. Can you figure it out? ??? China is in fact polluting like a mf’er. If you think not then get your food from walmart where it was marked product of china…..especially fish…. Eat up. ??? You best not or will get sick. ??
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Btw Electric viking is doing it for just more then the “truth.“ This is just his youtube. It is easy to fool ppl when they are willing.

This is just youtube ….. he is on all the other money grabbing websites too. Like patreon. So he might bull shit you about just being in it for “truth”. You can still believe him and most likely will. Hahaha ?????


other guy…. That reports to reside in china.


Naomi is dressing for success in this video…. Awful big rack on an asian woman so do you think they are implants. Does it matter? Might want to watch video more then boobs…. And short shorts ????

get to watch him eat chinese rat… he speaks chinese in the video…. So
Btw Electric viking is doing it for just more then the “truth.“ This is just his youtube. It is easy to fool ppl when they are willing.

This is just youtube ….. he is on all the other money grabbing websites too. Like patreon. So he might bull shit you about just being in it for “truth”. You can still believe him and most likely will. Hahaha ?????

View attachment 154415

other guy…. That reports to reside in china.

View attachment 154416

Naomi is dressing for success in this video…. Awful big rack on an asian woman so do you think they are implants. Does it matter? Might want to watch video more then boobs…. And short shorts ????

get to watch him eat chinese rat… he speaks chinese in the video…. So
Implants? Do ya think? A size too big for me.
Note another one of his videos he is pretty critical of their government surveillance. China is an interesting country with a lot of contradictions.
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Implants? Do ya think? A size too big for me.
Note another one of his videos he is pretty critical of their government surveillance. China is an interesting country with a lot of contradictions.
He is very critical of South Africa his home country too. Everything he says about it is what America is headed towards. There is a reason Elon Musk left there as have many other ppl. If America becomes like that then where will ppl run?


diy solar

diy solar