diy solar

diy solar

Schneider connection encompasses -
Mathematically/technically it does indeed, but won't be a good solution. The class C private IP address range is only 192.168.x.x, comprising 256 subnets of 255 devices each. Addresses outside that range (e.g. 192.169.x.x.) are publically routable address, not a private address.
the only thing I did do, was to turn every thing off inc the batteries

How can I reset this dame thing
Can you google what the default password for that device was? Am guessing it has reset to factory default.
Only if you want to disobey IANA guidance, which may then in turn cause incompatibility between devices.

Any address starting 192.168.x.x is a Class C address and should have a /24 netmask, you can have 256 subnets, each of which have 255 devices.
If you want up to 65536 devices (i.e. with a netmask of or /16) you should use a 172.16.x.x to 172.31.x.x class B private address range.

Was he? That's why it was confusing as the 100 related to the 3rd, not 4th part of the IP address. The variable part of the subnet was defaulting to 1, not 100.
Sure IANA provides that but since it’s private and gets NAT when it leave your network you can use whatever you want.
Lots of companies do it to save registered IP space.
Sure IANA provides that but since it’s private and gets NAT when it leave your network you can use whatever you want.
Lots of companies do it to save registered IP space.
The whole of isn’t registered.
Sure... but why would a company choose to use, when they could use the private class A address range for internal usage?
Do you have the correct user selected (admin, user, or guest)?
Have you tried typing your password into a word doc (so you can see it all as you type it) then copying and pasting into the password field to log in?

If all else fails, there's a small reset button on the back near all the connections.
I have tried Admin and user and guest

have tried the re set button

I was hoping to find a factory reset but I am thinking the password is some where on my windows passwords and not saved in the hardware

its so frustrating as it was all working fine the other day and I have not changed anything that I am aware off
Did you try the simple stuff like caps lock?

As far as the reset button, it is detailed in the manual...

Hi 400bird

it must look like I am a Compleat idiot lol lol

but I was logging on quite happily the other day,

I have tried the factory reset,

But My point is, my pc has to remember a password, no ????

the insight home and my pc must be out of sink??

If I reset the insight home, wont the password saved on my pc be my old password, but the insight home is now at factory reset and looking for a new password, if I type in a completely new password the PC wont match it

or have I gone mad.

or is the admin password I originally set, held at Schneider ??
But My point is, my pc has to remember a password, no ????
Did you tell it to save the PW? Also it's the browser specifically that saves the PWs not the computer.
Chrome on my computer won't save this PW, not for the Insight.

Plus, that's not a good security strategy. Passwords as there to protect what's behind them. Make it easier to remember if you don't care what's behind it. If you computer dies, you'd loose access to the Insight and have to do a hard reset again and wipe all your settings.
TBH I am not sure where the password gets saved.

I was watching David Powal on you tube and following what he did,
It worked for me
once I had typed the web page number 192.100.1 or whatever it was, schneider page came up, it showed admin and asked for a password,
the default was Admin123 and once that worked, schneider page asked you to change the password.
it showed admin (you could not change that part) and all you could do was type in your own personal password which I did.

The insight home then opened.
I had logged out and in at least once.

I had other things to do, powered down my conext inverter and turned off the batteries

when I tried it earlier, I forgot to use my Wi-Fi to search for the modem and simply opened up the 192.100.1 page, it obviously would not open as My PC was not connected to my insight now.

I realised what I had forgotten to do, so I searched my wi fi, found my insight home, typed page 192.100.1 and then this password problem has plagued me.
God I hate all things technical, give me a manual lathe or milling machine and I am your man

CAN ANY ONE plz help me with a New problem

The password I was using and logging on with wont work

I wrote it down so I know it was working.
I have not written it down wrong as I logged in with it a few times

the only thing I did do, was to turn every thing off inc the batteries

How can I reset this dame thing

There are two different logins with Insight Home. There is a the local login which has a default user of "Admin" and whatever password you gave it. There is also the Insight Cloud login assuming you created an account and connected your Insight Home to the cloud.

I log into Insight Cloud and I can see all the info and devices. Insight Cloud will prompt you for the local login if you try to save any configuration changes. You can also connect directly to the Home Insight's SSID Wifi broadcast. In fact you may have to do that the first time to get it to connect to the Cloud if you can't get into to it using it's default IP address.
Its all sorted now.

I ended up finally getting through to schneider tec.

I gave them all my serial numbers etc, and would you believe it, the reset actually worked!!!!!

strange how it would NOT work previously, before sending in my serial numbers.

I re-set the unit. I followed the same procedure as I did the first time, BUT THIS TIME I used a 10-digit password instead of the 8 digit I used the first time, and it's all working as it should.